Year 2: Blog items

Year 2 Music makes us happy

Date: 19th Jun 2022 @ 4:58pm

Last half term, our Music unit explored how Music can make us happy and want to make us dance. Throughout the unit, we listened to and appraised lots of music including: I wanna play in a band, the themetune from E.T, Music is all around, Moon and River as well as Saying sorry. Whilst appraising the music we thought about how different styles of music can make different people happy and some songs have a good, bouncy rhythm that makes us want to dance. We also learnt the lyrics to a range of these songs and enjoyed performing them vocally as well as using the glokenspiels to perform the music. The children particularly enjoyed the lyrics to Saying sorry which was our favourite to perform but we also enjoyed revisiting I wanna play in a band as we covered this in the Autumn term. 

Year 2 Measuring Meters

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 12:11pm

Today, Year 2 took their Maths learning outdoors and enjoyed practising measuring meters using meter stick rules in the sun. We measured a variety of things that are out on our playground including: the length of the patch of astroturf, the length of the pirate ship, length of the snakes and ladders as well as the lengths of each other. We found that some lengths are not just full meters and therefore we have to say the number of meters and centimeters. We really enjoyed learning this skill and will continue to apply it every day in the classroom as we continue our measuring unit. 

Year 2 Dazzling Digital Art

Date: 16th Jun 2022 @ 6:57pm

This week, Year Two began their new Computing multimedia unit which involves us using a variety of art styles to create digital art. We begun the unit by exploring pointilism, learning that this is creating a painting using lots of little dots that build up to create the overall picture. The children created their picture using Paintz and explored how to change brush size as well as learning to change the colour shades to create a piece they were proud of. The children loved the lesson and they all demonstrated patience and perseverance and created some lovely flower pictures using pointilism. 

Year 2- Here's to the Queen

Date: 26th May 2022 @ 4:25pm

Today, alongside the whole School, Year Two celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We begun the day with an assembly explaining why we celebrate and how life has changed during the Queen's time on the throne. We all enjoyed a delicious special Jubilee lunch party eating yummy sandwiches, crisps and some salad with music to celebrate in true style. During the afternoon, we looked at some jubilee themed riddles linking to our Reading into Writing journey. We all had a lovely day and the children looked lovely in their red, white and blue clothing. Here's to the Queen!

Year 2 Now Press Play

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 4:43pm

Today, Year Two used the Now Press Play equipment to consolidate their knowledge about plants. During the story, we were set a mission to find the best place to plant seeds to ensure they would grow into healthy vegetables. We planted our seeds in a dark cave, a sandy desert and a grassy forest. We found in the cave the plants grew along the floor in search of sunlight just like our cress we grew in the cupboard. The plants in the desert grew but were brown because they didn't have enough water. Finally, our plant in the forest grew into healthy vegetables which we then gave out to the villagers. 

Year 2- How to plant a Sunflower seed

Date: 23rd May 2022 @ 8:04am

This half term in Year Two we have been focusing on our instructional writing. We learnt that instructions need to be clear and precise to ensure that someone can accurately follow the steps to end up with the same result. We decided we would write a set of instructions on how to plant a sunflower seed after learning about it in Science and having planted them ourselves. After we had planned each step from our memory of planting a seed, we then drafted and eventually after a little editing wrote up our instructions in neat. We now know we need to use time conjunctions to make sure people follow the steps in the correct order. Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were very impressed with our final pieces and the children cannot wait to bring their sunflowers home.

Year 2 What time is it?

Date: 22nd May 2022 @ 12:32pm

Over the last couple of weeks Year 2 have been learning the time. We begun by learning to tell the time at 'o' clock and half past before furthering our learning to tell the time at quarter past and quarter to. On Friday, we began to recognise the time to the nearest five minutes. We completed a fun activity placing all the time words around a clock before putting our knowledge to the test in a fun game of bingo. It was great fun to begin practicing our new knowledge and we look forward to carrying on our learning on Monday. 

Year 2 Visitor from St. Marks

Date: 17th May 2022 @ 5:51pm

Today, we had two visitors from our local church. Jenny and Matt are both leaders in the church. We identified Christian symbols, talked about shared beliefs and values as well as discussing worship. We carried out a fun activity to explain that the Church is one community and all works together! We enjoyed meeting Jenny and Matt and loved the learning we did together. 

Year 2 Mesmerized by Mary

Date: 10th May 2022 @ 5:01pm

This half term, Year Two are learning all about Mary Seacole. We started the journey by being History detectives and used photos of evidence to try and figure out who Mary Seacole was and the reasons why she was famous. We all had very different ideas about why she was famous and eventually figured out that she helped British soldiers in the Crimean war. We followed this on by exploring the key events in Mary's life and sequenced them and this week we have focused on what Mary's role was in the Crimean war. We were amazed at the acts of kindness Mary displayed towards British and Russian soldiers and how important she was in helping soldiers in the Crimean war.

Year 2 Invasion Games

Date: 5th May 2022 @ 4:06pm

This half term Year Two are practicing skills needed to play invasion games. This week we explored chest passes, under arm throwing and over arm throwing to accurately throw a ball and have our partner catch it. We worked on throwing different distances as we got more confident and adjusting which pass we used to ensure it had enough power to reach our partner. To the end the session, we played a game of Ghostbusters where people in bibs were trying to intercept the ball of the children who were 'ghosts' and throwing the balls to their partners. We really had to think hard about the passes used and the distance we were throwing to make sure the alien didn't intercept our ball. 

Year 2 Continuous line drawings

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 7:56pm

After exploring our two artists- Henri Matisse and Kittie Jones this week Year Two practiced their own drawing skills. We explored what continuous drawing meant and were shocked that we would have to focus on drawing a small object for 5 minutes continuously ensuring we added lots of detail to our drawing instead of focusing on just the outline. We practiced drawing lots of natural objects such as leaves, flowers as well as our germinating beans. Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were proud of the concentration and care the children took of their drawings and the children were incredibly proud of their drawings. We look forward to designing and creating our final pieces inspired by either of our artists!

Year 2 Investigating how plants grow

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 7:50pm

This half term, Year Two are exploring plants focusing on the key questions how do they grow? What do they need to grow? To investigate over time we planted some runner beans in a plastic bag with water to watch how it germinates as well as planting our own sunflower seeds. We are pleased to report after a week, our beans have begun to germinate when they have water and the right temperature. Also, most of our sunflowers have turned into seedlings and we are going to continue monitoring how much they grow each week. We are loving checking on them each morning and it's especially exciting now we can see how they grow.

Year 2 Fun Fractions

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 7:45pm

During the last couple of weeks, Year 2 have been learning all about fractions. We have learnt fractions are equal parts of a whole discussing the importance of the groups being equal. To put it into a real life context we thought lots about sharing pizza and sweets equally making sure we all received the same amount. Then we put our theory into practice and used concrete resources to show halves, quarters, thirds and three quarters. During our learning we noticed two quarters is equivalent to a half. We have enjoyed our fractions unit and realised we use them lots in our everyday life!

Year 2 What is Drawing?

Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 9:34pm

This week we began our Art journey by asking the question 'What is Drawing?' First of all, the children all drew a picture of whatever they wanted and we noticed that everyone drew something different and for different reasons- some children drew something from their imagination whilst others drew real life objects. We then gathered our thoughts about what Drawing actually is and we decided it is making marks on other objects. Finally, we looked at a selection of drawings and discussed where you might use drawing in real life such as fashion designers, illustrators and architects as well as the different types of drawing from line drawing to doodles. We particularly enjoyed looking at the drawings that created the characters of Encanto!

Year 2 Science Day Slime

Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 9:27pm

Year 2 participated in the whole School celebration of Science today. We begun the day by drawing a Scientist before exploring the stereotypes within the subject looking at a Research Engineer called Charlotte Grinyer who had to overcome her mental health alongside her gender to get to the position she is in today. Shortly after, we got to virtually meet 3 people who have a career in a Scientific field; we asked lots of questions to try and guess there job and learnt you can use Science in lots of different jobs. 

Then it was our turn to get Scientific as we made our own slime to use in the experiment we had planned to test the stretchiness of the slime. We decided to see how the temperature of slime may effect it's stretchiness so placed one in the sun, one in the classroom, one in the fridge and one in the freezer. In the afternoon, we tested how far each slime would stretch. We had a super day celebrating Science!

Year 5 Take Over

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 5:44pm

Today saw Year 5 take over various roles across School from Class Teachers to Site Supervisors. Year 2 were delighted to have been taught by Miss Norman, Miss McCrae Miss Gabby, Mr Ali and Miss Courtney for the morning. The children were taught about the four different sentence types (Statement, Command, Question and Exclamation) during Reading into Writing and participated in a sorting activity. In Maths, the children practised their 2's, 5's and 10's  times tables and completed various questions which revealed a plant at the end if answered correctly. We finished our fun morning with a game of Bingo ran by the new Teachers. The children all did a wonderful job and should be incredibly proud of themselves!

Year 2 I am the Music Man...

Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 4:21pm

Over the last few weeks, we have thoroughly enjoyed learning to sing the song 'The Music Man'. We took it in turns to be groups A and B as to who sang the main verse and who did the Echo of 'What can you play?' After we had practised singing and performing the song, we got the glokenspiels out and played notes A, C, D, E and F. This was a difficult skill to look at the board and try to play the glokenspiels but we persevered and we were getting better with each practise.

Year 2 Making Moving Vehicles

Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 4:15pm

This week we began to make our moving vehicles. To make the bodies of our car we wrapped cardboard boxes in white paper. We then used PVA glue to stick the body of the car onto the chassis we made earlier in the journey. After we had glued the body onto the chassis we painted it to our chosen colours based upon our designs. The day after- when our paint had dried we used our marking out skills to mark out windows and used paper and cellophane to create windows and extra things that we wished to put on our car. Some of us even put headlights, brake lights and indicators onto our cars using foiled paper. Some of it was really tricky but we persevered and helped each other and everyone is proud of their finished products.

Year 2 Help... There's been a power cut!

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 4:23pm

Yesterday, we used the Now Press Play equipment to further explore our topic of Electricity. In the story there was a power cut in our town whilst our sister was in urgent need of her dialysis- usually they have this at home but due to the lack of power had to attend the hospital. The hospital was incredibly busy and was using the limited supply of generators. The children decided they had to do something to help and went on a trip to the power station to try and get the power back on to save the people in the hospital. The children used their knowledge of how to make a simple circuit using batteries, wires and bulbs to make their own torch and explored the differences between coal and wind energy. At the end we saved the day and got the towns Electricity back on and disucssed which source of energy is renewable and better for the environment. The children loved the story and it really supported the knowledge of Electricity they have learnt this half term. 

Year 2 She sells Sea Shells

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 4:14pm

Today, Year 2 participated in the whole School Art Day with the theme of Blackpool. Our task was to explore different shells and the patterns they have. We all cut out images of shells that we liked and also drew a variety of shells over a two page spread to generate a bank of ideas to inspire our own shell creation. In the afternoon, we practiced making a shell shape and pattern out of plasticine before creating our final design and then making our final product out of clay. We quickly realised it was much harder to mould and shape the clay in comparison to the plasticine as it is harder and was drying quickly in the warm classroom. Despite it being difficult the children were very resilient and showed great perseverance to finish their shells. Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were impressed with their creations!

Year 2 George's Marvelous Dancing

Date: 15th Mar 2022 @ 2:35pm

This half term in PE, Year 2 are focusing on Dance. We begun the half term by linking our dance to our Science topic Electricity and did lots of work moving our bodies as if it was full of Electricity. Now we have developed the confidence to move our bodies creatively we have begun to create a dance based on our class novel 'George's Marvellous Medicine.' First we created a bank of adjectives to describe George and Granny before acting these out and adding movement to it; then we got out some different resources and using their magical powers controlling us before we added them to our potions. We are impressed with the children's determination and team work skills and cannot wait to see the final performance.

Year 2 And I Present to you...

Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 5:28pm

This half term, Year 2 are creating a Presentation based around our learning in Design Technology on Wheels and Axles. To make our presentation, we decided to use Google Slides as it saves the work as we go along. So far the children have learnt the basic skills to turn the Chromebooks on and sign in to their school Google account before moving on to some trickier skills. This week we focused on adding images to our slides to make it more interesting. The children are showing great perseverance and are becoming quite fast at this now! We cannot wait to see the finished presentation. 

Year 2 Wheelie fun!

Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 5:22pm

Today in Year 2, we began to make our moving vehicle that will transport our Fairytale character to their event linking to our current Reading into Writing journey. We began by exploring fixed and free axels and discussed the differences before evaluating which we thought would be the best to use for our own vehicle. We chose free axles and used dowels putting them through a card template to ensure our axle was steady before choosing some wheels to attach to our axle. We then decided blu tac would allow more movement for our wheels compared to glue so secured our wheels to our axles using this. It was really fun but it wasn't always easy and the children showed great perseverance and teamwork to support one another. 

Year 2 Moving Vehicles

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 5:00pm

This week we began our Design Technology journey and looked at a selection of moving toys. We enjoyed exploring how they worked and disucssing the similarities and differences between the different toys. We discovered the reason they all have round wheels and looked at the various ways in which the wheels and axels were attached to each other. We are looking forward to the rest of the journey and creating our own moving vehicles. 

Year 2 World Book Day

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 4:02pm

As part of World Book Day, we all came to school dressed as our favourite book characters.  We had so many different characters including Oliver, Willy Wonka, Alice in Wonderland, Oompas Loopmas and Hermione Granger.  Everyone looked fantastic!  We also took part in some special WBD activities.  We imagined we worked for Mr Willy Wonka and designed our very own magical sweet to be made in his factory. We had to describe what it looked and tasted like using interesting adjectives. In Maths, we continued with the chocolate theme and used pictograms and tally charts to compare the colours of sweets in a Smarties tube.  We found out they were all very different!

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