Year 1: Blog items

Year 1 Instructions

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 7:13pm

This week we began our instructions journey in Reading into Writing. We have focussed on identifying the features of instructions and reading lots of different texts to develop our confidence with this. 

Year 1 World Book Day

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 6:36pm

We have all been looking forward to celebrating World Book Day!

Alongside our special assembly with Shane Hegarty, we also made reading crowns displaying our favourite books, completed traditional tale word searches, designed reading bookmarks and shared our favourite stories!

We all enjoyed coming to school as our favourite book character and celebrating our love of reading.

Shane Hegarty Author visits Boundary

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 11:48am

The children and staff at Boundary were treated to a visit and story telling assembly from the children's author Shane Hegarty - Author who has also kindly signed and donated copies of his new book 'The Shop of Impossible Ice Creams'! Such a brilliant way to begin our World Book Day celebrations!

Art - Young Seasiders

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 11:37am

This year, Boundary took part in the annual Young Seasiders Art competition. We submitted nearly 30 entries, from across the school, and we are very proud to announce that Maja (Year 3) and Alice (Year 1) have been chosen as our school’s winners! All the entries will be displayed at the exhibition located at Blackpool School of Arts and can be viewed by the public from 27th February until 31st March. For more information, please see the flyer below.

Year 1 Fact families

Date: 27th Feb 2023 @ 1:02pm

Today we learnt about fact families and related facts. After our previous learning exploring addition and subtraction separately, today we looked at how they relate to each other. We used both concrete resources and pictures to find the links between addition and subtraction operations. We reinforced the fact that addition can be done in any order, whereas subtraction cannot. We then explored fact families independently, using the given pictures to create our two parts and work out the whole number.

Year 1 We Are All Different

Date: 26th Feb 2023 @ 5:48pm

This half term we have enjoyed our three RSE lessons. Our first lesson included reading the story 'It's Okay to Be Different' by Todd Parrs. We all took part in a circle time session to discuss the story and its key themes. This story helped us understand an important message of acceptance and understanding through a fun story with some silly scenes! We celebrated our individuality through acceptance of others and self-confidence. Through our circle time we then explored how we are all different! We drew and wrote about an imaginary friend who is different to us. Some of us drew friends with different skin colours, different hair colours, friends who were a different size to us or friends who moved differently to us. 

Year 1 Christopher Columbus

Date: 25th Feb 2023 @ 8:43pm

Today we began our History journey by being ‘History Detectives!’ We were given 8 visual clues that revealed details and ideas as to why Columbus is famous, even though he died 500 years ago. We worked in groups to look at these historical sources, writing key words or phrases that came to mind around the outside of the photos. We then combined all our ideas on our class mind map.

Year 1 Instructions

Date: 25th Feb 2023 @ 8:38pm

Our first Reading into Writing journey this half term is instructions. We began this journey by reading the story 'The Disgusting Sandwich.' Today we practised following instructions to make paper plate fish and a friendship bracelet. We recapped on the features of instructions, before decoding and reading through each example and finding the features together. It was then our turn to follow the instructions to make our end product. Some of us found out what happened when we don’t read and follow instructions carefully!

Year 1 How To Keep Safe

Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 6:53pm

This week in PSHE we have been learning about how to keep safe in and around our home. We learnt and discussed what medicines are, when they should be taken and how they should be kept. We also talked about other substances that can be dangerous and poisonous in and around the home,


Year 1 Fruit Salads!

Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 6:47pm

This week we enjoyed our DT day! We began by tasting lots of different fruits, talking about how we knew if certain foods are fruits or vegetables. We then moved on to designing our own fruit salad. We wanted it to be colourful, have at least four fruits in and to be cut up into bite sized pieces! 

After creating our design, we then practised our cutting skills using play dough. We learnt how to use the bridge grip and the claw grip and once we had mastered the skills we moved onto making our fruit salad. We used the two cuts we had learnt to safely and sensibly prepare and make our individual fruit salad. We all enjoyed tasting them! Finally we completed our evaluation to identify what we liked about our design and what we might change if we were to make another fruit salad.

Year 1 Animals

Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 7:51am

Today we learnt that animals come in all shapes and sizes and that we can describe them by looking at their body parts. We discovered that some body parts are common to all animals whereas some body parts are only found on particular animals. We began the lesson by listening to a number of clues and using our prior knowledge about animals to try and guess the animal.

‘I have six legs, I can fly, I am red with black spots…What am I?

We then looked at a number of different animals from each animal classification and identified their key features. We asked and answered questions about why certain animals need these parts, where they live, what animals we could think of that were similar and how many different types of each animal we could name. We then used this knowledge to investigate a range of animals and match the correct labels to each.

We also drew and labeled the key features of our favourite animal.

'My favourite animal is a frog - it has long hind legs so it can jump!'

'My favourite animal is a shark - it has fins and gills to help it swim and breathe under the water'

Year 1 Flora and Fauna

Date: 10th Jan 2023 @ 6:28pm

This week we have begun our art journey 'Flora and Fauna.' 

We have looked at artists who use drawing as a way to capture the way plants and insects look, and artists who use their imagination to create their own versions of flora and fauna.

We have spent time engaging in observational drawing to build our drawing skils, alongside experimenting with new materials. We have also practised our cutting and collage skills to explore shape and colour to build images.

Finally we used these skills to create our own individual mini beast collages. 

Year 1 The Girl With Two Dads

Date: 10th Jan 2023 @ 6:01pm

This week we have begun to read 'The Girl With Two Dads' by Mel Elliott. After discussing the key features of the book we then read and discussed the story. 

'The two friends get to know each other and learn about each others lives'

'Pearl is surprised to find out her new friend has two dads, she doesn't know anyone else with two dads'

'Both girls learn that all families are different'

We sequenced the key events from the story and worked on retelling the story with a partner. 

Year 1 Working Within 20

Date: 9th Jan 2023 @ 7:22pm

This half term in Maths we have begun by exploring numbers within 20. We have been talking about what we already know about these numbers and learning how to represent these numbers with Base 10. We have then recapped on prior learning to find one more and one less, numbers that are greater then/less than a given number and whether numbers are odd or even.

'Fourteen is 1 ten and 4 ones'

'Twenty is two tens'

'I know 11 is odd because it ends in a number 1. 1 cannot be shared equally between 2'

'15 is less than 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20'

Year 1 Roles

Date: 9th Jan 2023 @ 7:19pm

Today we began to learn about Hinduism by thinking about our roles and the roles of others. We talked about people in the community – nurses, doctors, teachers, police, fire service, care workers, rubbish collectors, postmen/women etc, discussing how they are special and what would happen if we did not have these people. We learnt these people make a difference! They each play an important roe and do extraordinary things for people around them. We then looked more in-depth at police officers, discussing why this role includes special clothing and visual ways of showing people what this person’s role is.


‘Police officers wear a uniform so that people respect them’

‘’Their uniform helps people to know who they are and that they can trust them’

‘’Police people wear a uniform so that people can recognise them in a busy place’



Year 1 Christmas Jumper Day

Date: 13th Dec 2022 @ 7:09pm

Year 1 have been enjoying all the Christmas activities around school over the past few weeks! We had lots of fun on Christmas jumper day where we also enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch!

Year 1 Now Press Play

Date: 13th Dec 2022 @ 7:03pm

Today we took part in the Now Press Play Christmas story. We played lots of different central figures including: the Angel Gabriel, Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, the innkeepers, shepherds and wise men. The experience took us through the main events of the story and the main places to understand that Jesus’ birth was – and is – important to many people.

‘The Angel Gabriel delivered very important news to Mary’

‘The wise men brought presents to Jesus to show respect and love’

‘Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem. It was a very long journey and they were tired. The donkey was tired too!’

Year 1 RE Christmas Art

Date: 13th Dec 2022 @ 6:59pm

Today we completed some RE art to show an important event in the story – when the three wise men travelled to see baby Jesus. We created silhouettes of the three wise men on their journey and used collage to create a colourful design for the wise men’s clothing. We ripped, scrunched, cut and twisted crepe paper to create our design. Some of us also created and used patterns within our design.

Year 1 Seasonal Changes

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 7:13pm

This week Year 1 have been very interested in the seasonal changes taking place. As the weather has got much colder we have enjoyed spending some time outside observing what is happening to the trees, making patterns in the frost and exploring ice!

Year 1 3D shapes

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 6:34pm

Today we worked collaboratively to build and assemble a range of 3D shapes. We firstly looked for examples of 3D shapes within the classroom and identified the number of faces, edges and vertices of each shape. We then used this knowledge to create a range of 3D shapes out of different materials.

‘A cube has 6 faces’ ‘It has 12 edges and 8 vertices’

‘A cuboid has 6 faces – four rectangles and 2 squares’ ‘It has 8 vertices and 12 edges’

‘A pyramid has 5 faces – 4 triangles and 1 square’ ‘It has 5 vertices and 8 edges’

Reading into Writing so far this half-term...

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 12:14pm

Reading into Writing so far this half-term...
In Year 1 we read the story 'The Jolly Christmas Postman.' We began by sequencing the key events, discussing the characters and the meaning of key words. We then moved onto reading letters from different characters, matching the correct letter to the correct address and piecing together a mixed up letter. On 1st December our class elves arrived and brought a letter with them for us to read, but some bits were missing! We then used what we had learnt about letters to fill in the missing features. We will be writing our own letters this week.
In Year 2, we are in the process of writing our own Christmas story inspired by the 2019 John Lewis advert featuring Edgar the dragon. Throughout the journey, we have read a range of Christmas stories and watched a selection of different Christmas adverts to explore how they tell a story through videos. We have now planned out our story and are looking forward to writing them up.
In Year Three we have been exploring shape poems surrounding the theme of Christmas. We have focused on using alliteration, similes and metaphors to create an imaginative description.
In Year 4, we have been working on our play script journey. To begin with, we read a variety of play scripts to identify their features. We then went on to do some drama and act out some of the scenes that we read. We are going to be basing our final pieces on the Boudicca Revolt which is what we learnt about last half term.
In Year 5 we have been learning about stories from other cultures. We read and analysed stories from the Aboriginal Dreamtime, and then created a list of features particular to that type of story. 'The Dreamtime' is the Aboriginal people's creation stories, they usually explain how the world came to be, and how animals were created. We planned, drafted and edited our own Dreamtime story, before publishing our final piece of writing. After writing our final version, we peer-assessed our texts by discussing what we had written with a partner.
In Year 6 we have spent time exploring, planning and writing crime stories. We looked at several full stories at the start of the journey and began pulling out features of crime stories. Then we worked together to generate as much vocabulary as possible relating to the genre so that we would have a bank of high quality words to choose from when we wrote our own stories. We had fun writing our stories and typing them up at the end as a finished piece.

Year 1 Trip to St Mark's

Date: 5th Dec 2022 @ 7:04pm

This week we were lucky enough to visit St Mark’s Church. We met Reverend Matthew and told him everything that we have leant about Christianity so far. Reverend Matthew then read the nativity story to us and we all joined in with different parts. He taught us about the key messages in the story and the roles of different characters. We then learnt about the advent wreath and the symbolism of the different candles. Finally we looked around the church and asked and answered lots of questions about features of the church.

‘The pink candle on the wreath is for Mary’

‘The white candle is for Jesus and it is lit on Christmas Day’

‘The font is where Christians baptise a baby to welcome them into the Church family’

‘Matthew, Mark, Luke and Josh are the four gospels’

‘Christmas is about Jesus being born, not just presents!’

Year 1 Musical Listening and Composing

Date: 30th Nov 2022 @ 4:06pm

In Year 1 we have been doing lots of listening to different types of music. We used our new Musical Listening Mats to think about the tempo, pitch and how the music made us feel. We also started composing using Chrome Music Lab and understood that different patterns and marks represent different notes and sounds. We made our own ostinato patterns which repeat. We have been playing percussion instruments in time to the music and learning the names of other common instruments.  

Year 1 Waterproof or Absorbent

Date: 25th Nov 2022 @ 7:27pm

Today we helped Ted solve an emergency! Firstly, we learnt two new key words, waterproof and absorbent.

‘Waterproof means it keeps out water’

‘Absorbent means it can soak up liquid’

We also discussed and found out about Charles Macintosh, who was best known for his invention of a method for making waterproof clothing.

‘He put the rubber and chemicals on fabric to make it waterproof’

We then used what we know about materials, their properties and our new vocabulary to solve Ted’s emergency. We discussed how we were going to make it a fair test, by using the same amount of water and the same amount of time. We then worked in small groups to complete our experiment. In these groups we made our predictions, before following our method. 

Year 1 The Jolly Christmas Postman!

Date: 25th Nov 2022 @ 7:18pm

After reading our new text we received a letter from ‘The Jolly Postman!’

We used our phonics knowledge to decode the letter and to find out what he had to say! We also identified the address, the date, who the letter is to and who the letter is from. Over the next few days we will be reading a range of different letters, highlighting the key features and further developing our understanding of the purpose of letters. 

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust