Year 1: Blog items

Year 1 Celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III

Date: 5th May 2023 @ 12:46pm

Today Year 1 enjoyed the whole school celebrations for the coronation of King Charles! We decorated our crowns, created collages of King Charles, played regal games and ate a delicious lunch! We all had a brilliant day.

Year 1 Wild and Garden Plants

Date: 3rd May 2023 @ 7:11pm

Today we learnt the difference between wild plants and garden plants. We looked at lots of different examples and named these together, talking about how these plants are similar and how they are different. We then sorted some pictures into wild plants and garden plants, using a plant identification key to help us!

Year 1 Counting in 5s

Date: 3rd May 2023 @ 6:48pm

Today we learnt how to count in steps of 5 using different representations, including tens frames, dice and 50 square. We began our lesson by reading the story ‘Starry Arms – Counting in 5s.’ As a class we then practised lots of examples together orally to practise our skills. We continued to use language associated with multiplication, for example ‘there are __ equal groups of 5, there are __ altogether. We answered key questions, including how many groups of 5 are there? What number is this? How many groups of 5 are there in __?

Year 1 Measuring Capacity

Date: 26th Apr 2023 @ 6:37pm

Today we measured and compared the capacity of different containers using non-standard units of measure. We recapped on our understanding of the word capacity and understood that this is how much of something it can hold. We then watched Miss Kay measuring the capacity of a container, making sure the units of measure remain the same and measuring the capacity accurately by filling the container to the top. We recognised that by finding the capacity of different containers, we could work out which containers have a greater capacity and how we know this. We then compared more than 2 containers, putting them in either ascending or descending order of capacity.


Year 1 Object Manipulation

Date: 25th Apr 2023 @ 5:39pm

This week we explored how to travel with a ball at our feet with confidence. We began by dribbling the balls around a given area, touching with our big toe and then touching with our little toe. We had lots of chance to practise this and then moved onto manipulating the ball in different directions. We also leant how to stop a ball with our foot and kick accurately to a partner, before playing some dribbling games. 

Year 1 How Should We Treat The Environment?

Date: 21st Apr 2023 @ 6:25pm

Today we began to discuss our key question in RE, ‘How might beliefs about creation affect the way people treat the world?’ We began by learning the name of the religion we will be learning about and that Muslims believe there is only one God – Allah. Todays lesson involved learning about how we should treat the environment, why it is important and whose responsibility it is. We did this through looking at images and real life nature examples. We went on a nature walk to collect lots of natural resources and we then used these natural resources to create transient nature pictures. 

Year 1 Making Our Playground Structure

Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 2:55pm

Today we made our piece of playground equipment according to our design. We looked through our design, describing how we were going to make our playground equipment to each other. We then followed our design to create our playground equipment, thinking carefully about the components, materials and attachment techniques. We then discussed two key questions, ‘what we will do if we come across a problem while we are making our playground equipment?’ and ‘how can we make sure our piece of playground equipment turns out how we want it to?’ Finally, we considered how we were going to stay safe whilst we were working, before beginning to make our final design!

Year 1 Playground Structures

Date: 19th Apr 2023 @ 6:08pm

After exploring existing products, it was then time to explore different ways of joining and strengthening materials to create pieces of playground equipment. We learnt that when we design a product we need to make sure it is suitable for the purpose we are designing it for. We then began to experiment with different materials to see how to make pieces of playground equipment. We were given a variety of materials and we worked through making a number of different attachments techniques including the flange, slot, l brace and tabs. We had to make sure that each join was sturdy and strong and that it moved as it is supposed to. We then moved onto using the paper stores to make a range of 2D shapes that will support us when making the frames for our structures.

Year 1 Easter Eggs!

Date: 6th Apr 2023 @ 12:23pm

We had lots of brilliant entries for our school Easter egg competition! Well done everyone!

Year 1 Weather Diaries

Date: 5th Apr 2023 @ 8:13pm

During this lesson we explored the different types of weather in the United Kingdom. First, we learnt about symbols that represent different types of weather. We then answered the following questions: what is the weather like today? What has the weather been like this week? What has the weather been like this month? We discussed that in the past month it has been cold, warm, sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy and snowy! We watched how to fill out a weather diary and how we can work out the temperature. We then had a go at filling out our own weather diaries. We will update these daily throughout this week to explore the different types of weather this week brings!

‘This morning it was rainy, windy and cloudy. This afternoon there was no wind but it was still rainy and cloudy’

‘Yesterday it was sunny and warm all day!’

‘On Monday it was 14 °C and today it is 11 °C. It was warmer on Monday than it is today.’

Year 1 Weather & Climate

Date: 5th Apr 2023 @ 6:25pm

During this lesson we focused on finding clues to describe what season we are in. We recapped on the four seasons and which clues can help us identify each. We then went outside to explore our school environment and find physical clues to identify the current season. We filled in our scavenger hunt and I spy sheets, based on what we could see outside. When we came back into the classroom, we then discussed the seasonal clues we had found.

We answered these key questions, what can we see around school that shows what season it is? and how can we use this evidence to explain which season we are in?

Year 1 Measuring in cm

Date: 3rd Apr 2023 @ 6:40pm

Today we learnt to measure in cm. We learnt that you have to line up the item you are measuring at 0 and that each mark is 1cm. We practised measuring straight lines first, before moving on to measuring objects around the classroom.

Year 1 Zoo Trip

Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 5:26pm

We have all been looking forward to our zoo trip and today was finally the day! We enjoyed exploring the zoo and seeing all the animals we had been learning about in Science this half term. We all took part in a habitat workshop, where we impressed with our habitat knowledge and explored lots of different animal parts. We used these as clues to discuss which habitat each animal was from. We then visited the sealions and watched their fantastic show before having our lunchtime break. After lunch, we visited lemur wood, wallaby walkabout and wolf ridge. Finally we spent some time in the dinosaur safari, before finally seeing the giraffes and elephants. We all had a fantastic day exploring!

Year 1 Supertato and The Evil Pea!

Date: 29th Mar 2023 @ 6:05pm

This week we have read the story Supertato as an introduction to our next Reading into Writing journey - letters. Throughout the week, letters from characters in the story have arrived in our classrooms! We have read each letter and found the features using a set criteria. One day one of the letters arrived but it was all mixed up! The Evil Pea set us a task to put the letter back in order if we wanted a chance to save Supertato. He has been causing all sorts of mischief this week!

Year 1 Roles and Communication

Date: 28th Mar 2023 @ 7:25pm

Today we began our lesson by reflecting on our journey so far and our key question ‘why do Christians say that God is a ‘Father.’ We learnt that Christians see the church as a family who support and care for each other. We then moved onto reflecting on the roles we each play within our families.

At the top of the tree, on the leaves, we identified the roles we each play. At the bottom, on the roots we identified our trusted adults and in the middle we identified how we feel when talking to someone about our feelings. We then shared our thoughts together as a class.


Whole School Art Day 2023

Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 11:21am

On Thursday all the children fully embraced a whole school art day. From Nursery to Year 6 you could hear the sound of paper being ripped and cut as the children created collages of different things you can find in their home town of Blackpool. From transport in Year 3 to famous landmarks in Year 5, from trees and flowers in Year 1 to collaged signs in Year 6. The children have created some superb pieces of artwork and these are all going to be displayed together to create a whole school mural.

Year 1 Animal Habitats

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 2:57pm

To explore our question for this lesson, ‘what is the best habitat for an animal?’ we visited our forest school area. We listened to a sound clip recorded in woodland in the UK at night time, with very blustery winds blowing, birds singing and trees creaking. We recalled what we already learnt about woodland habitats…

They are covered by trees’

‘It is shady on the ground’

‘Lots of plants and animals live there’

We also recapped the names of animals and where in the woodland they might be found. Finally we looked specifically at animals that we might find on the woodland floor before going out into the forest school area to make observations to answer our key question.


Year 1 Art Day

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 2:51pm

Today we enjoyed Art Day! First, we created our inspiration pages using a range of images of trees and flowers. We used the collage skills from our previous art journey to create seasonal trees. We focussed on the colours we would see on these trees during each season and chose one to collage.

Year 1 Columbus

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 5:59pm

Today we learnt why Columbus risked his life to journey to an unknown land. We listened to suggestions from advisers and explored how some people advised him to go on his voyage to the Indies whilst others told him to stay. We discussed the arguments, what they meant and what people were trying to tell him to do. We recognised that things may have turned out differently for Columbus and that he didn’t know the outcome when he first set out on his voyage.

Year 1 Dan Worsley

Date: 14th Mar 2023 @ 6:38pm

Today Year 1 enjoyed a fantastic story telling experience with Dan Worsley. We all used fantastic listening skills whilst Dan told us a very exciting, funny and engaging story 'Junk in the Trunk.' We could all remember lots of details from the story from the brilliant pictures Dan protrayed whilst using lots of description!

Year 1 Disgusting Sandwiches!

Date: 14th Mar 2023 @ 5:20pm

In today's lesson we learnt how to follow instructions to achieve an outcome. We recapped on the features of instructions and how they need to be in the chronological order to make sense. We learnt the importance of checking our instructions and ensuring they have every step included. We then gave instructions to Miss Kay and Mrs Webster, to tell them how to make a disgusting sandwich. Again, we worked hard to give clear and precise instructions. We saw what happens when we weren’t clear and how the end goal wasn’t quite what we wanted! We then designed our own disgusting sandwich and created them, giving us an opportunity to talk through and order instructions before writing our own instructions over the next few days. As these were disgusting sandwiches - we didn't eat them!

Year 1 Astronaut Art

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 7:21pm

As part of our Science Day, we also completed some astronaut art to show what we might see if we were to look outside the window of a spaceship. We watched a video to explore what astronauts might see from their spaceship and used that alongside photgraphs to inspire our own art. We used oil pastels and collage to create our pieces. 

Year 1 Science Day

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 6:39pm

Today, alongside the rest of our school, Year 1 had lots of fun celebrating Science day! We began the day by becoming NASA astronauts! We learnt what an astronaut is, how you become an astronaut and what characteristics you need to have. We then looked at what astronauts wear in space, how they sleep and eat and drink! We watched a short video where astronauts talked about what life is like in space. After this we thought about what we would take to space with us. Then it was time for our Wonderdome experience! We were all amazed and thoroughly enjoyed the space exploration!

Year 1 Neil Armstrong

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 6:24pm

Today, as part of Science day we learnt about a number of different astronauts including Neil Armstrong. We watched a video which explored Neil Armstrongs life and the key events that led up to what he is famous for! We learnt that Neil Armstrong was born in 1930 and his first time in a plane was when he was just 5 years old. We placed key events in his life onto a timeline, including 1969 when he became the first man to walk on the moon!

Year 1 Tens and Ones

Date: 6th Mar 2023 @ 6:32pm

Today we consolidated our understanding of tens and ones. We worked together to practise counting the number of groups of ten and then the ones to find the total. We then chose a number card and used a range of resources, including Numicon, Base ten, place value counters and counters to represent the number.

We verbalised the STEM sentence ‘there are __ groups of 10 and __ more, there are __ objects in total.

‘I have made 41 all these different ways. There are 4 groups of ten and 1 more, there are 41 in total’

‘There are 2 groups of ten and 9 more, there are 29 in total’

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust