Year 1: Blog items
Date: 20th Sep 2022 @ 6:22pm
Today we learnt about the Christian belief that the Church community is like a family and considered why it might be important to welcome new people into the Church family. We listened to the story ‘All Are Welcome’ and discussed the different ways the characters were made welcome and how we make new children feel welcome in our classroom.
We learnt that parents ask for the child to be baptised so that it can belong to this family and develop a relationship with God. We discussed the importance of Christians making new members of the church family welcome. We then completed a task in groups to recognise and name basic artifacts and practices of a Christian baptism.
Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 7:41pm
Today we began to explore our five senses by naming each sense and the part of the body that is to do with each sense. We then focused specifically on our sense of touch. We recapped on the different parts of the hand, including thumb, palm, skin and wrist. As a class, we then discussed what is touch? What happens when we touch something? And is it only our hands that we touch with?
‘We touch with our skin!’
‘Your sense of touch tells you if something is hot or cold.’
We talked about what is safe and unsafe to touch, completed ‘I can feel’ sheets, labeled the properties of these objects, and completed a mystery box feely activity.
Year 1 Human & Physical Features
Date: 12th Sep 2022 @ 7:10pm
In todays lesson we worked to explore the question, ‘what are the main features of our school grounds?’ We firstly had to understand some new key vocabulary; human features, physical features and birds eye view. We learnt what these new words meant and created an initial mind map of examples of both. We then explored our school environment. We worked to identify the features of our playground, the forest school area, the Key Stage 2 playground and our classroom outdoor area. We found lots of different features we were able to identify!
Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 7:27pm
We began our learning in Geography by beginning to answer the question, 'what sort of area do I live in?' We learnt and discussed the meaning of new key words, including urban, rural, village, town and city. We then read the story 'The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse.' This story included lots of different features of urban and rural areas and we were able to discuss these together. We then worked indpendently to sort a number of photos into urban and rural areas. We talked about the similarities and differences between the two whilst working and compared these to our local area. We then evidenced our learning on Seesaw!
Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 7:18pm
This week we began learning about Christianity by exploring families and belonging. We explored the fact that all families are unique and discussed who is in our family. We thought about different relationships and about how they might be similar and different to others. We learnt that Christians believe that God is like a father who guides them and helps them. We then created our own family portrait, sharing our ideas with others to two key questions. What makes a good family? How do families look after each other and look after children?
Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 7:06pm
Our first week in Year 1 has been extremely busy! We have been exploring our new classrooms, getting used to our new rules/routines and learning inside and outside the classroom. We have used our phonics skills to read and write captions and sentences, practised ordering numbers and learnt how to evidence our own work on Seesaw!
Date: 19th Jul 2022 @ 6:49pm
This week we completed our DT journey to make a fruit salad. Firstly, we designed our fruit salad, dicussing the ingredients and tools we would need to create our end product. We then learnt two safe ways to cut our fruit, the 'bridge' cut and the 'claw' cut. We practised these using play dough until we were ready to cut our ingredients. We designed our fruit salad using six fruits and a fresh fruit juice. We then use our skills to cut our fruit into bite size pieces to create an appealing fruit salad. It was then time to eat our lovely fresh fruit salad! Finally we evaluated our fruit salad, discussing things that had gone well and any improvements we would make next time.
Date: 13th Jul 2022 @ 7:19pm
Today we learnt about the festival of Sukkot. We learnt that it is a festival which celebrates the harvest and the gathering in of the crops. We also learnt that during Sukkot Jews rememeber the years in the desert and they thank God for providing them with food and water and thank God for the harvest. To get ready for Sukkot, people start to build a sukkah. We learnt what this means and the different criteria for a sukkah. We then discussed and designed our own, before making them out of a range of different materials. We followed the criteria to ensure our sukkah had three walls, a roof made from something natural and decorations of things from the harvest. We worked successfully as a small team to plan and problem solve with our group members.
Date: 11th Jul 2022 @ 4:36pm
Today we explored different coins and their value. Through completing a number of sorting activities we were able to identify the features of different coins, including their size, shape and colour. We also completed a coin-rubbing task to match each coin to its correct value.
Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 2:27pm
We began the day by discussing what Heritage Day actually means and what we thought we might be doing as part of our History learning. We were introduced to our influential people, ‘William Cocker’ and ‘Sir John Bickerstaffe’ and discussed the key question we will be exploring today, ‘how did William Cocker and Sir John Bickerstaffe influence Blackpool tourism by building Blackpool Tower?’ We explored Blackpool in the past by creating a timeline. This displayed when Blackpool attractions opened in chronological order. We then found our time capsule! We explored the different photos and posters inside to piece together Blackpool Towers story. Throughout the morning, we then compared present Blackpool to Blackpool in the past, created a new attraction and some of us even wrote a letter/postcard to William Cocker or Sir John Bickerstaffe.
Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 7:14pm
For our second RSE lesson we explored how we grow and change. We recapped on our ground rules before our lesson and practised our feeling faces. We all remembered how to listen respecfully to one another and use our talking object on our turn. Today we read another story and discussed key questions about the events. Our story enabled us to discuss how and why babies need more help and care than older children. We tallked about lots of things we can now do that we couldn't do when we were babies. Finally, we created a lifecycle for a human being. We ordered the cards from youngest to eldest and labelled each picture.
Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 6:51pm
This week we have enjoyed our three RSE lessons. Our first lesson included reading the story 'It's Okay to Be Different' by Todd Parrs. We all took part in a circle time session to discuss the story and its key themes. This story helped us understand an important message of acceptance and understanding through a fun story with some silly scenes! We celebrated our individuality through acceptance of others and self-confidence. Through our circle time we then explored how we are all different! We drew and wrote about an imaginary friend who is different to us. Some of us drew friends with different skin colours, different hair colours, friends who were a different size to us or friends who moved differently to us.
Date: 29th Jun 2022 @ 6:55pm
Our key question for RE is 'Why might some people put their trust in God?' This half term we are learning about Judaism. Today we looked at what the word trust means and who we trust. We learnt that Jewish people believe they can have a personal relationship with God and that God continues to work in the world, affecting everything that people do. We then thought about who our trusted adults are and why we trust these people. As a class we came up with some great ideas!
'We trust people who don't lie and tell the truth even when it is not easy.' 'Trustworthy people are reliable and responsible.' 'They do what they say they are going to.'
Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 6:51pm
This week we have created our final pieces of artwork in the style of Steven Brown. We brought all of our prior learning around shape, colour, line and space together to create our own inspired piece of animal art. We enjoyed listening to Music as we painted and tried hard to create our own bright colours through mixing tints and shades.
Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 6:45pm
This week we began our Science consolidation unit. Our lesson this week began with recapping on the parts of the human body and the five senses. We were challenged to label as many part of the human body as we could on a blank human outline. We then recorded different body parts on our whole class body. We could remember lots! After that we then began to talk about animals. We recapped on the different animal classifications and the features of each. We then completed a number of different tasks, including an animal sort, writing about similarities and differences and labelling key features of animal body parts.
Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 7:46pm
This week in Maths we have recapped on how to find half of a quantity and moved on to finding a quarter of a quantity. We used resources and concrete apparatus to find a quarter of different amounts using the concept of sharing to split each quantity into four equal parts.
Year 1 - Meeting the Ducklings
Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 7:36pm
In Year 1 we have all worked very hard with our phonics screening this week, so as a little treat this afternoon we got to meet the ducklings from Reception! We we're all very excited to meet them and thought of lots of questions to ask about them. The ducklings were very energetic and cute and we loved meeting them!
Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 7:25pm
This half term, our Art journey is painting. We have explored paintings by Wassily Kandinsky and Steven Brown and created inspiration pages in our sketchbooks. Today we experimented with different colours and tools to explore mark making and line. We worked indepdently to use lines of different length, shape and thickness to create our own line drawing.
Date: 24th May 2022 @ 6:51pm
Today our Year 1 children went to Stanley Park! We have been excited about this trip for the last few weeks and we were all very happy to see the sun shining this morning! After walking to the park, we took part in lots of different activities linking to our Science learning for this half term, which has been all about plants and trees. We took part in a senses hunt, a scavenger hunt and drew observational drawings of flowers. We made our teachers proud with our fantastic behaviour and displayed lots of Boundary characteristics throughout our trip.
Date: 23rd May 2022 @ 7:10pm
This week we have began our Computing unit 'programming and algorithms.' We began our journey by learning what these words mean and how they are used. Our first task was to then sequence a set of instructions correctly and identify the mistakes. We then moved onto describing position and direction using the key words, left, right, forwards and backwards. We used a treasure maze to help us explore direction pracitcally by both following instructions to reach a piece of treasure and giving our own instructions to reach an end goal.
Date: 21st May 2022 @ 7:24am
Today we recalled knowledge from our Islam learning journey and discussed ‘How someone’s religion or beliefs may impact the way they treat the natural world.' We looked at different ways to help look after the environment and the positive effects that this would have. We then painted a picture of how we wanted the natural world to look and to show our own beliefs and values of the natural world and all living things. We discussed what was important to us and thought about ways to help care for our environment or how we could improve it.
Date: 19th May 2022 @ 7:56pm
Today we worked collaboratively to sort and compare a range of wild, garden, fruit and vegetable plants as well as evergreen and deciduous trees. We recapped on the key features of each category and what we mean by comparing, e.g. what is similar about them and what is different about them? We asked and answered questions about the parts of the plants including, the leaves, the flowers and the fruit. We used all our prior knowledge about plants to sort and compare the plants in small groups, discussing and justifying our answers to others in our group.
Nursery, Reception and Year 1: The Farm came to Boundary
Date: 18th May 2022 @ 4:33pm
Date: 10th May 2022 @ 7:30pm
In PE this half term our learning is all about object manipulation. During our first two weeks we have been practising dribbling with a football, trapping a ball with our feet and turning with a ball. We have joined in with lots of games to practise these skills, using our prior knowledge of spatial awareness and finding the spaces within an area. We have enjoyed using the footballs to travel with a ball with confidence and skill.
Date: 10th May 2022 @ 7:12pm
In today's lesson we learnt how to follow instructions to achieve an outcome. We recapped on the features of instructions and how they need to be in the chronological order to make sense. We learnt the importance of checking our instructions and ensuring they have every step included. We discovered that we need to be clear and specific when giving instructions to enable a final goal to be reached successfully. We then gave instructions to Miss Kay, telling her how to make a jam sandwich. We saw what happens when we weren’t clear and how the end goal wasn’t what we wanted! We then worked in pairs to follow the correct instructions on how to make a jam sandwich.