Year 1: Blog items

Year 1 Adverbs

Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 12:22pm

In todays lesson we explored adverbs to tell us how something is done. We learnt that an adverb gives extra information about the verb. As a class, we looked at how adverbs are formed and that most are made by adding the suffix ‘ly’ onto the end of the word, e.g. kind + ly = kindly. We explored adverbs that describe how an action is happening and chose adverbs to orally use in a sentence. As our independent task, we then matched a range of verbs to the correct picture, before choosing an adverb to describe the action. We then put some of these into our own sentences on whiteboards. Finally, we completed a quiz to identify and recognise adverbs in written sentences.

Year 1 Habitat Dioramas

Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 11:26am

Today we continued to explore the key question ‘what is the best habitat for an animal?’ We recapped on the key habitats we have learnt about this half term and the four things each habitat provides for an animal; food, water, shelter and space. We looked at a number of different habitats and discussed which animals belonged there and which animals had been placed in the wrong habitat and why. We then worked independently to create our own habitat diorama for a chosen animal. We used drawing to create our chosen habitat, orally explaining why our animal lives in this habitat and what it provides for them. 

‘I created an ocean habitat for the clownfish – ocean habitats are very wet and very big! The ocean habitat is the biggest habitat’

‘Camels live in the dry desert habitat. They store fat in their humps so they can survive without lots of food. They have flat feet so they don’t sink in the sand.’

Year 1 World Book Day

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 11:23am

We have all been looking forward to celebrating World Book Day! Alongside our assembly with Mrs Hamilton, we also completed word searches, designed reading bookmarks and shared our favourite stories/characters. We all enjoyed coming to school as our favourite book character and celebrating our love of reading.

Year 1 Imperative Verbs

Date: 5th Mar 2024 @ 7:17pm

This half term our Reading into Writing journey is all about instructions. Today, alongside reading and identifying imperative verbs to turn sentences into a command or instruction, we played an imperative verb game to follow imperative verbs. We worked collaboratively to practise being bossy and giving bossy commands and instructions to our partner. We were all able to identify the imperative verbs and create bossy sentences both orally and written down.

Year 1 Woodland Habitats

Date: 5th Mar 2024 @ 7:11pm

To explore our question for this lesson, ‘what is the best habitat for an animal?’ we visited our forest school area. We recalled what we already learnt about woodland habitats…

'They are covered by trees’ 

‘It is shady on the ground’

 ‘Lots of plants and animals live there’ 

We also recapped the names of animals and where in the woodland they might be found. Finally we looked specifically at animals that we might find on the woodland floor before going out into the forest school area to make observations to answer our key question.

We found lots of different mini beasts such as slugs, snails, wood lice, beetles and spiders. We orally discussed why this is the best habitat for each animal using the STEM sentence ‘I think it is the best habitat because …’

Year 1 Finding The Difference

Date: 26th Feb 2024 @ 5:29pm

Today we learnt about finding the difference and exploring this as a form of subtraction. We worked to make comparisons between two amounts, asking questions such as who has more? How do you know? How many more does _ have? We used our skills of counting back and counting on to help us to find the difference. Some of us made both amounts to visually see how many more or less a number is.

Year 1 Yoga

Date: 26th Feb 2024 @ 5:08pm

This half term we are exploring yoga in our PE lessons. This week we practised the basic principle of yoga and mindfulness. We learnt what it meant to put our bodies into a yoga pose and how this felt for us. Throughout the lesson we began to learn a number of simple positions through fun games and activities.

Year 1 Our 100th Day in School!

Date: 19th Feb 2024 @ 6:19pm

Today we celebrated our 100th day in Year 1! We began the day with a special assembly with Miss Hooson, who introduced us to a very interesting Maths story! We enjoyed reading the story ‘One is a snail, ten is a crab’ and tried our very best to work out some of the questions in the story! When we went back to class we read and discussed the story again, to deepen our understanding of some of the calculations used in the text. We then used the animals in the story to find ways of making 10 or 20. Some of us began to think about working systematically to find all the possible options. We then chose a number between 2 and 20 and found how many legs could add together to make this number.

Year 1 Growing and Changing

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 3:44pm

For our second RSE lesson we explored how we grow and change. We recapped on our ground rules before our lesson and practised our feeling faces. We all remembered how to listen respecfully to one another and use our talking object on our turn. Today we read another story and discussed key questions about the events. Our story enabled us to discuss how and why babies need more help and care than older children. We tallked about lots of things we can now do that we couldn't do when we were babies. Finally, we created a lifecycle for a human being. We ordered the cards from youngest to eldest and labelled each picture. 

In our third lesson we explored trust, who our trusted adults are and who to talk to if something happens that we don't like. We each identified at least three adults we can each trust in school and at home.

Year 1 We Are All Different

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 3:03pm

This week we have enjoyed our three RSE lessons. Our first lesson included reading the story 'It's Okay to Be Different' by Todd Parrs. We all took part in a circle time session to discuss the story and its key themes. This story helped us understand an important message of acceptance and understanding through a fun story with some silly scenes! We celebrated our individuality through acceptance of others and self-confidence. Through our circle time we then explored how we are all different! We drew and wrote about an imaginary friend who is different to us. Some of us drew friends with different skin colours, different hair colours, friends who were a different size to us or friends who moved differently to us. 

Year 1 Animal Diets

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 5:15pm

Today we learnt how to group animals based on what they eat. We learnt that all animals need to eat so that they can stay alive. We understood that this is because food is the main source of energy for all animals! We learnt that different animals eat different types of food and we discussed the scientific vocabulary to explain how to sort these animals into groups. We went through lots of examples together, naming the animal, discussing their diet and then identifying the diet group they belong to. Working with a partner, we then sorted a number of common animals into groups based on what they eat. We used the correct scientific vocabulary when discussing our choices and explaining our reasoning.

Year 1 Fruit Salads!

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 5:09pm

Today we explored fruit options to use in our healthy fruit salad. We began by talking about different fruits, our favourite fruits, fruits we don’t like and fruits we haven’t tried yet. We also discussed which of our five senses we will be using to find out more about each fruit. We decided we could use four out of five senses to investigate the fruits. We needed to smell it, touch it, look at it and finally taste it! We discussed the different words that we can use to describe taste and smell before trying each of the different fruits. We enjoyed taste testing!

Year 1 Moving Pictures

Date: 25th Jan 2024 @ 6:07pm

Today we created our final product to bring our designs to life! We followed our design to safely cut out the pieces we needed to create our mechanisms and put them together to make our final picture. We all showed lots of perseverance and determination to create our moving pictures.

Year 1 Levers and Sliders

Date: 24th Jan 2024 @ 6:56pm

Today we began our DT journey and learnt about different mechanisms.

The first mechanism we created was a slider. We created a slider based around a scene from ‘The Gingerbread Man’, which enabled a character to move forwards and backwards to chase the main character. We learnt how we were going to make the mechanism safely, read through the instructions and took great care to carry out each step.

The next mechanism to master was a lever. For this mechanism we linked our learning to the story Jack and the Beanstalk. Again, we talked through the instructions as a class, following the prototype Miss Kay made and spotting her mistakes! We then had a turn at making the lever mechanism ourselves. We followed each instruction carefully and all successfully made a lever to show Jack and his beanstalk! We accurately measured specific lengths and cut all the parts correctly. We recapped on the importance of safety whilst using scissors and putting split pins through pieces of paper and card. We then discussed the key parts of the mechanism such as the arm and pivot.


Year 1 Travelling by Tuba

Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 7:58am

Today, we had a very exciting from Travelling by Tuba. Alongside the rest of our school, we began the day with an assembly, where we were introduced to lots of different instruments from around the world. In the afternoon we then took part in a workshop with Chris and Stewart who helped us create a Mexican Samba. We learnt how to play each instrument before working in groups to play the correct rhythm in time we the music. We then put all our learning together to create our final performance!

Year 1 No Pen Morning

Date: 17th Jan 2024 @ 7:41am

This morning we had lots of fun learning without the aid of a pen/pencil. We started off the day with our music lesson. We used the glockenspiels to learn how to play the backing track to ‘We All Sing A Song’.  This song had three notes, ‘F, G. A’ which we had to listen to and then repeat back. This was is the style of the Waltz.

After, during our PHSE lesson, we learnt about all the hazards that you would find around the home. We worked in small groups, using our oracy skills, to explain why each picture may or may not be a hazard. We all had the opportunity to give a reason for their picture while the other children listened to their answers.

In our PE session we explored different ways of moving to begin to create a winter dance.

Year 1 The Crying Camel

Date: 17th Jan 2024 @ 7:39am

We began todays lesson by recapping on the key features of our religion for this half term, using accurate vocabulary. We then watched two videos, which told us two Islamic stories, ‘The Prophet and the Ants’ and ‘The Crying Camel’ We discussed each story together, thinking about why Muslims might think that is it important to teach children to care for all living things. We learnt that Muslims believe in one God who created the world with the view that all living things should be cared for.

Year 1 Understanding 10

Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 6:00pm

Today we focussed on understanding 10. We recapped counting to 20 from different starting points, both forwards and backwards before looking in-depth at the number 10. We used a range of resources such as, base 10, counters, cubes, tens frames and Numicon to investigate 10. We made 10 using either 2 or 3 parts and wrote the corresponding addition sum. Some of us then moved on to investigating 10 further with our number mats. We wrote the number in words, identified the tens and ones, displayed 10 on a part part whole, found one more and one less and identified if the number 10 is odd or even.

Year 1 Natural World

Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 2:55pm

Today we began to discuss our key question in RE, ‘How might beliefs about creation affect the way people treat the world?’ We began by learning the name of the religion we will be learning about and that Muslims believe there is only one God – Allah. Todays lesson involved learning about how we should treat the environment, why it is important and whose responsibility it is. We did this through looking at images and real life nature examples. We went on a nature walk to collect lots of natural resources and we then used these natural resources to create transient nature pictures. After this, we looked at a number of images and decided which are examples of looking after the environment and which are not. We sorted them together, verbally discussing and justifying each example. 

Year 1 RE Christmas Art

Date: 21st Dec 2023 @ 10:37am

Today we completed a piece of Art to show an important aspect of the Christmas Nativity story. We recapped on the key events in the story, the order they happen and the important characters. We then chose which scene we wanted to use to inspire our own artwork and completed our own version of this.

Year 1 Christmas Party

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 2:36pm

Today Year 1 enjoyed our Christmas party. We played games, ate party food and even had a visit from Santa!! 

Year 1 Trip to St Marks

Date: 15th Dec 2023 @ 1:42pm

This week we were lucky enough to visit St Mark’s Church in Layton. We met Reverend Matthew and told him everything that we have learnt about Christianity so far. Reverend Matthew then read the nativity story to us and we all joined in with different parts. He taught us about the key messages in the story and the roles of different characters. We then learnt about the advent wreath and the symbolism of the different candles. Finally we looked around the church and asked and answered lots of questions about features of the church.

Year 1 Map Symbols

Date: 14th Dec 2023 @ 6:23pm

Today we learnt to recognise the symbols used on an Ordnance Survey map. We learnt that these maps are used to help people find places of interest in an area. We looked at different map symbols together and worked out what each meant. 

We then worked collaboratively to make a map of our local area. Together, we discussed the important features we should expect to see on our maps and then worked in pairs/small groups to create our own map of the local area. Some of us created our ‘messy map’ using loose parts and some of us made our maps by creating our own symbols on paper and placing them onto the correct part of Grange Park.

Year 1 Christmas Jumper Day!

Date: 11th Dec 2023 @ 4:58pm

Year 1 are all looking forward to enjoying the Christmas activities around school over the next couple of weeks! Today, we had lots of fun on Christmas jumper day and enjoyed our delicious Christmas lunch!

Year 1 Disco

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 2:52pm

Lots of our Year 1 children attended our Christmas Disco and we all had a brilliant time! We enjoyed playing pass the parcel, dancing and eating our picnic tea! We are all looking forward to our Christmas party!

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust