Year 1: Blog items

Year 1 Beebots

Date: 11th Jun 2024 @ 5:18pm

Today we began our 'moving a robot' work to learn early programming skills. We explored using the individual buttons and commands, identifying what each command for the Beebot does and using them to start to predict the outcome of the robot program. 

Year 1 Phonics Screening

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 12:32pm

Over the past few weeks, Year 1 have been practising especially hard for our phonics screening. We have completed lots of different activities in our provision to recap all our diagraphs and trigraphs and to continue to practise reading real words and alien words. 

Year 1 Painting Homes

Date: 21st May 2024 @ 6:28pm

Today we finally finished our homes! We put all the finishing touches onto our final products using paints and other materials. We have worked very hard throughout this half term to look at existing homes, design our own home, make our prototype, make our final design and evaluate what we have made. 

Year 1 Finding Half of a Quantity

Date: 20th May 2024 @ 5:50pm

Today we learnt to find half of a quantity. We worked through lots of examples together, seeing that to find a half we need two equal groups. We then explored practically sharing a given quantity of objects into two groups using skills developed throughout our previous lessons. We checked the amounts in each groups after sharing to ensure that there was an equal amount in each group.

Year 1 Making Homes

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 1:01pm

Today we followed our designs and prototypes to make our homes. We thought about key ideas we needed to talk about before we started to make our homes, e.g. how can we stay safe when making our homes? And how can we make sure our homes turn out the way we want them too? We then worked to follow our own designs and prototypes to each create our home. After we had created our final product we checked really carefully that there was nothing else to do to improve our finished product.

Year 1 Assembly With Dan

Date: 16th May 2024 @ 7:55am

Today Year 1 enjoyed a fantastic assembly with Dan. We were all throughly engaged with Dans story about Dave the horse, who had some very interesting powers! We all listened and participated extremely well and Dans assembly inspired lots of us to want to tell our own stories about Dave! 

Year 1 Murti

Date: 14th May 2024 @ 4:27pm

Today we looked at the use of Murti in Hindu worship. We learnt that Murtis are often colourful and bright and that Hindus give offerings to them. We then looked at lots of different examples of Murtis, including both Gods and Goddesses, and looked at why Hindus may worship them. We then chose a Murti to represent using salt dough, thinking about why Hindus may choose this Murti to worship. Again, we discussed how these are used as a way of showing respect to the different roles of God.



Year 1 Bulb or Seed?

Date: 7th May 2024 @ 6:46pm

Today we learnt the differences between bulbs and seeds. We learnt that a seed is part of a plant that a new plant grows from and they can be all different shapes and sizes! We then learnt that a bulb is also a part of some plants that can be found underground, storing food for the plant, ready for when it grows. We then completed a bulbs and seeds sort, looked at examples of bulbs and seeds and made observational drawings of bulbs and seeds.

Year 1 and Year 2 Move for Mental Health

Date: 7th May 2024 @ 8:03am

This week as part of Mental Health Awareness week Year 1 and Year 2 have been exploring how exercise keeps us healthy both physically and mentally. We have continued to complete our daily four laps of the playground and found lots of different ways to keep moving for our whole break time! During Always Time this week, we also danced outside to music and created chalk art. 

Year 1 Hindu Visitor

Date: 1st May 2024 @ 4:53pm

We had all been looking forward to meeting our visitor and learning lots about Hinduism! This morning we enjoyed a whole school assembly which taught us about respect in Hinduism, the Hindu shrine and the story of Rama and Sita. This afternoon we then took part in a pracitcal workshop to learn about the use of murti in Hindu worship through storytelling, music, dance and dressing up!

Year 1 Adding Equal Groups

Date: 30th Apr 2024 @ 6:20pm

Today we used our previous learning of recognising equal groups to now add equal groups together to find a total. We focused on counting equal groups of 2, 5 and 10 within 50, identifying and recording the number sentence to match the groups. We discussed and began to use the language of multiplication, e.g. ‘there are 5 equal groups of 2, so there are 10 in total.’

Year 1 Counting in 10s

Date: 23rd Apr 2024 @ 4:57pm

Today we built on our previous learning of counting by making groups of 10 by learning to count forwards and backwards in 10s. We began our lesson with reading the story ‘Toasty Toes’ which introduced us to counting in tens by counting the number of toes on the beach. We then used a variety of representations, including tens frames, hundred squares and bead strings to support us to understand multiples of 10. 

Year 1 Home Prototypes

Date: 23rd Apr 2024 @ 4:53pm


Today we created a prototype for the front of our home. We continued to work safely with resources to follow our design. We evaluated our designs as we were working with our partners and after we had finished our prototypes we then discussed as a class what had gone well and what we had to change before making our final product.

Year 1 Paintz

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 3:51pm

This half term we are learning how to use shapes and lines to be able to paint using computers. We began by learning how to use the different tools on 'Paintz' and spent time exploring what we could create using these tools. 

Year 1 No Pen Morning

Date: 16th Apr 2024 @ 5:56pm

Today Year 1 enjoyed No Pen Day! We began our Science lesson by identifying the different parts of a tree, including the roots, trunk, bark, branches, leaves and crown. We then labelled these parts on a tree independently, either using the text tool on Seesaw or reading the parts and matching them to the correct label.

We then learnt what the words deciduous and evergreen meant. We looked at examples of each and discussed what we noticed about the different leaves. We learnt that evergreen leaves are usually thicker, leathery and waxier than the leaves of deciduous trees. We felt some examples from different trees, including holly, laurel and hazel. We then completed an evergreen and deciduous tree sort.

Year 1 Zog

Date: 15th Apr 2024 @ 5:55pm

This half term our writing is based around the story 'Zog.' Today we wrote sentences about the main character, using adjectives to describe his main features and linking our Boundary characteristics to Zogs actions at different parts of the story. 

Year 1 Measuring in cm

Date: 10th Apr 2024 @ 3:38pm

Today we learnt how to measure in centimetres. We learnt how to line the 0 on the ruler with the edge of the object we were measuring and to read across the ruler to find the length of the object. We showed lots of determination to master accurate measing in centimetres.

Year 1 Homes

Date: 8th Apr 2024 @ 6:51pm

We began todays lesson by thinking about how many different homes we could think of and what types of homes people live in around the world. Together, we then looked at a number of different homes, talking about what kind of home it was, what shapes we could see in the home and what materials the home was made from. We then looked a number of different picture cards showing different types of homes. We read and orally answered a number of different question cards and identified which houses fit each question/description. We also went outside to observe the different types of homes we can see from our school environment, revisiting our local area knowledge from earlier in the year.

Year 1 Weather and Jobs

Date: 27th Mar 2024 @ 10:44am

Today we explored how the weather affects different jobs. We began by talking about the different jobs we know people may do and used picture prompts to explore a number of different jobs. We then thought about how the weather might affect these people’s jobs, looking at different examples and sharing our ideas. For each job, we thought about how two different types of weather would affect that persons daily tasks.

Year 1 Easter Eggs

Date: 25th Mar 2024 @ 10:25am

Some of our children in Year 1 created some fantastic Easter Eggs at home for our egg competition this week. Have a look at our brilliant creations!

Year 1 Sea Life Centre

Date: 23rd Mar 2024 @ 2:31pm

This week Year 1 children visitied the Sea Life centre. We enjoyed seeing all the different marine life, including sea turtles, jellyfish, starfish and lots more! We learnt lots about the different animals, their diets, size and where they come from in the world.

Spelling Bee

Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 3:39pm

Today we held out second Speling Bee of the year and it was another fantastic occasion. 4 children from each year group represented their house and were given three spellings each to spell out loud from a bank of words they have been learning since September. The competition was extremely close, with Rodwell and Elston finishing joint first as the children from these houses spelled all of their words correctly.


Well done to all of the children who took part today.

Year 1 Measuring

Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 1:17pm

In today’s lesson we began to measure the lengths and heights of objects, using non-standard units of measure, e.g. cubes and paper clips. We learnt that to measure something we needed to use a consistent of measure and not a range of objects. We also learnt that the unit of measure needs to be equal in size. We consolidated our learning from the previous lesion by comparing the lengths and heights of objects we measured, learning that for accurate comparisons we needed to use a consistent unit of measure.

Year 1 Science Day

Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 1:14pm

Today we enjoyed Science day! We began the day with an amazing assembly from TEACHREX! We met and learnt about Jam the dinosaur, whilst taking part in lots of fun activities! Year 1 were also lucky enough to also meet the baby dinosaurs. We met Sky, Roger and Dinky who all taught us something different about themselves! Throughout the day we also read dinosaur fact files, completed labelling activities and designed our own dinosaur puppet.

Year 1 Comic Relief

Date: 15th Mar 2024 @ 10:29am

Today Year 1 enjoyed some Comic Relief related activiites. Lots of us came into school with items of red clothing and we then enjoyed creating our own red noses, completing wordsearches and making our own Comic Reflief masks to wear!

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust