Year 1: Blog items

Fundamental Skills

Date: 20th Mar 2021 @ 6:58pm

Today in Year 1, we made the most of the lovely weather and took our PE session outside! 

For the remainder of this half term we are going to be focussed on developing and improving our fundamental skills. This will include focussing on running, jumping, balancing, throwing, catching, agility and coordination.

Today we took part in a number of different team games which enabled us to practise lots of the above skills! These games encouraged us to work together as a small group within our bubble, as well as testing our listening and communication skills. 


A Trip to Spain!

Date: 20th Mar 2021 @ 12:33pm

Today we entered our classroom after lunch with a passport and an aeroplane ticket. Our classroom had been transformed to look like an aeroplane! We took our seats, put our hand luggage under our seats, fastened our seatbelts and watched a safety video. The plane took off and we were in the air! How would this feel is it was real? We watched a video that someone had recorded whilst on an aeroplane above the clouds to help us deepen our thinking and understanding. We enjoyed our in flight snack and relaxed on our flight!

Once we landed we walked off the plane and around the airport to collect our luggage. We then headed to our hotel in Madrid. It was much warmer in Madrid that the UK! We then thought about what we would do once we were in our hotel. We thought we might unpack, go swimming, have a nap or get something to eat! We discussed some of the activities you might do on holiday, before heading back to our hotel and finishing our role

The life of Amelia Earhart

Date: 10th Mar 2021 @ 7:34pm

Today we learnt all about Amelia Earhart. We found out she was born a long time ago in 1897, over 100 years ago! We discussed how life might have been different then and looked at some pictures to give us clues. We learnt how Amelia loved exploring and nature, and liked to collect frogs and insects! 

We talked through Amelias timeline and how she loved to fly after her very first airplane ride! We then learnt Amelia has a very important goal, to become the first solo female pilot to cross the Atlantic Ocean. She worked hard to achieve this goal and we discussed what characteristics Amelia showed through this time in her life. Finally we looked at Amelias last challenge, and what happened to her and her navigator during this flight. 

“Amelia’s first plane was called ‘The Canary,’ because it was yellow!”

“The weather was not nice! It rained and there was thunder and lightning.”

“I think Amelia vanished because her plane ran out of petrol.”

“I think they lost control of the plane.”

“She set off from Canada and landed in Ireland.”

Welcome Back Year 1!

Date: 8th Mar 2021 @ 6:43pm

Welcome back Year 1!

Today we welcomed back our Year 1 children and it was lovely to see lots of smiling faces on the playground bright and early this morning! We have had a lovely day and spent lots of time talking about our emotions and feelings about coming back to school. 

This afternoon we then built on our online learning for our Science topic this half term - plants! We firstly recapped on the learning we completed at home, comparing wild flowers and garden flowers and talking about why people plant flowers in their gardens. 

We looked at some Chrysanthemum flowers and talked about the different parts of the plant and their purpose. We then completed lots of different activities, including drawing and labelling plants in our own garden, putting mixed up flowers back together and labelling the parts of a plant, talking about the purpose of each part.

Finally we planted our sunflower seeds. We talked about what our sunflower seeds need and how we can help them to grow big and strong. We are looking forward to measuring our sunflowers when they begin to grow!

Brilliant Beans!

Date: 3rd Mar 2021 @ 2:14pm

Over half term our Year 1 children received a little surprise in the post! 

It was a lovely surprise to recieve a bean seed, a bean diary and a bean song! We had some great ideas about what we might be doing with our seeds, but we all waited patiently until our first science lesson to find out what we we're going to do with our beans! 

We talked about how we were going to help our beans grow big and strong, and what scientific questions we could ask before following the instructions to plant our bean. We then sequenced the instructions we had followed in the correct order and started our bean diary with our initial observations!

A Super Start to Home Learning!

Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 9:10am

Although this wasn't the start to the term we had planned, our Year 1 children have adapted fantastically. A lot of our children got straight onto our home learning platform Seesaw, and started completing the daily tasks.

This week we have been looking at finding and making number bonds in Maths. We have done lots of work on our number bonds in 10 previously in school, and we have now been using these number bonds to learn our number bonds to 20. We have recapped on using part part whole models to partition numbers and represented our number bonds on tens frames and bar models. We have explored our number bonds to 20, looking at if 6+4=10 then 16+4=20! 

This week we have also looked at our goals for 2020, including what we would like to get better at at school, at home and something we want to try in the new year!

We have already seen some great examples of work, and we hope this continues! Remember Miss Kay and Mrs Webster are always here for you if you need any help, and we will check in with you at home to make sure you are all doing well.


Home Learning Week 2

Date: 18th Jan 2021 @ 9:04am

Well done on another successful week of home learning Year 1! You have continued to learn lots of new things remotely, by logging onto Seesaw each day, watching Miss Kay's and Mrs Webster's videos and completing our set tasks. Our Year 1 children have adapted brilliantly, and lots of you have completed some brilliant pieces of work, keep it up!

This week we have been writing descriptive sentences about our book, 'Lost and Found.' We have thought about using the 5 senses to describe what the characters might be see, hear, feel, smell and taste using picture prompts from the story. We have also been writing questions to characters, using our question words, who, what, where, when, why and how. We have had some great examples of work from our Reading into Writing lessons, and we have really enjoyed reading your work!

In Art we have continued to look at our artist, 'Henri Matisse,' and explore his artwork and the collage technique. We have learnt lots about Matisse and how he liked to work, using lots of different shapes, lots of bright colours, and cutting shapes out of paper and laying them down on a big sheet of paper, rather than drawing shapes straight onto the paper. We have created a Matisse colour wheel, and this week we began to practise the style of collage to create a picture of our own choice!

Online Learning - Important Information for Parents and Carers

Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 11:28am

The expectation remains that all learning will take place online during this period of Lockdown which was announced by the government would begin from the 5th January 202. Online work will be set each day by your child’s class teacher.
For Nursery, Reception and Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 this work will be set on SeeSaw and your child’s login details will be found in the front of their reading diary.
For Years 5 and 6 online learning will be set on Google Classroom and again, your child’s login details will be found in the front of their reading diary.
Both SeeSaw and Google Classroom can be accessed via a smartphone, tablet, iPad or laptop.
Since returning in September, we have worked hard with every child so that they are able to login to their online learning and know how to do this - we are very proud that a lot of children are now using these daily both in class and to submit their homework!
Your child’s class teacher will be in touch soon to ensure you are able to log on and to answer any questions you may have in regards to online learning.
Please bear with us as we try to contact as many parents and carers as we can.
There are a number of other websites that your child may be asked to access to ensure they continuing their normal learning journey and these links can be found here:
For those unable to access online platforms we ask that you contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance.
Thank you for your ongoing support during this time.

BLT Spring 1 2021

Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 9:52am

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells!

Date: 13th Dec 2020 @ 8:52pm

For the past couple of weeks in our Music lessons we have been learning the familiar song 'Jingle Bells.' However, we have not been using our voices to sing, we have been learning the song with British Sign Language signing, communicating using signs, hand gestures and facial expressions.

Children have watched an online British Sign Language version of Jingle Bells, following the signs, and learnt each of the BSL signs in turn.

Children also listened to and appraised 'The 12 Days of Christmas,' by the Pentatonix, discussing how the song made them feel, the instruments/voices used and the style of music.

Festive Fun!

Date: 14th Dec 2020 @ 7:58pm

Today we enjoyed our Christmas Dinner! 

We were very excited from the minute we came into school, and couldn't wait until lunchtime. We enjoyed listening to Christmas music, pulling crackers and telling funny jokes!

We are looking forward to our Christmas party on Wednesday!

Christmas Party Fun!

Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 8:52pm

Today in Year 1 we enjoyed our Christmas parties! The weather outside was cold and rainy but we enjoyed the most of our time indoors, dancing, playing games and having fun!

We made party hats for the special occasion which we then teamed with some special Christmas glasses to get us into the Christmas spirit!

We enjoyed playing musical statues, pinning the carrot on the snowman and eating party snacks!

Year 1 - Our Learning This half-term

Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 3:10am

Year 1 – Our half term!

We have had a very busy half term! From exploring 2D and 3D shapes in Maths, to balancing and creating routines in PE, and listening and appraising reggae songs in Music! 

In Science this half term we have been learning about animals; learning lots of new vocabulary including carnivore, omnivore and herbivore and the five animal classifications.

In Computing we have been creating our own Christmas artwork using Paintz, exploring the different tools to create shape, images and text and on the 1st December our class elves arrived in Beech and Hazel with a letter - he asked us to find out everything we needed to know to write back to him! So, in Reading into Writing we explored the journey of a letter, finding features, piecing together the layout, and reading the letters from our class elf, before finally writing our own letter.

It has been a very exciting half term, filled with lots of learning and fun!


One More, One Less.

Date: 12th Dec 2020 @ 12:04pm

We have had a very busy week in Maths this week!

At the start of the week we continued our work on exploring teen numbers, showing the numeral in numbers, words and pictorial representation. We have then worked on showing numbers in different ways, for example on tens frames, part part whole models, with objects and with drawings.

As we continued through the week we then moved onto problems involving one more and one less. We recapped on when finding one more the number gets bigger, and when finding one less the number gets smaller. We learnt that there are 2 ways to describe a number, for example 17 is one more than 16, and 17 is also one less than 18.

In partners we then thought of a number and tried to describe it to each other using the language of one more and one less, and seeing if our partner could tell us the number in our head! We then explored lots of different practical activities to explore the concept of one more and one less, using numicon, objects, counters and more!



Christmas 2020 at Boundary

Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 3:00pm

Although it has looked very different from previous years, we have still celebrated the festive season at Boundary, albeit it in our bubbles and via whole school virtual assemblies.

Our carol service was a beautiful event, witnessed, shared and enjoyed (virtually!) by the whole school – a testament to the resilience, patience and determination of both our children and our staff.

During the week, bubbles have enjoyed their Christmas dinner. The hall was set out beautifully with crackers to pull, hats to wear and the odd poor joke to tell for each year group bubble to enjoy their Christmas dinner on their special day! A huge ‘Thank You’ goes to all the staff for making it run smoothly, especially Debbie and all the catering and welfare staff for all their hard work in making our delicious dinner.

Each bubble also enjoyed their party day this week, with children wearing their Christmas jumpers and their best party clothes! Each class spent the last afternoon of this term watching a special virtual pantomime ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and eating popcorn.

Although 2020 has not been the year we would have hoped for, our children, staff and parents and carers have once again united to create a supportive, nurturing environment for the children of Boundary, ensuring that each child continues to receive the best education and start in life despite the events of this year.

We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for your ongoing support during these strange and difficult times and to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful, safe and happy New Year and we look forward to welcoming you all back in January.


Religious Education - a summary of our learning so far....

Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 1:00pm

At Boundary, our curious and tolerant children have had a busy few weeks learning lots about different religions and we can’t wait to share what we have done…

Reception have been busy learning about the Christmas story and filming our nativity in their outdoor area. They loved dressing up and re-enacting the nativity play.

This half term in Year 1 for RE, the children have been learning all about Jesus and the Christmas Story.  They have learnt about the roles of a family and why babies are special. They have read the Christmas Story and then ordered the events.  This week, they worked together in groups, to sort out Christmas cards into ones with a religious meaning and ones without.

Year 2 having been exploring the question...

Why do Christians say that Jesus is the 'Light of the World'?

They children have learnt about how lights are used by Christians in celebration and to mark special events, what advent means and how they can be a light to other people!

Year 3 have been learning about Islam and who Muslims follow. They have learnt about the characteristics that the prophet Mohammed showed and how Muslims can be charitable. The children have reflected on this and how they can apply it to the role models in our lives.

In Year 4, they have been learning about Christianity and how Christians show love to everyone. The children have done this by looking at parables such as The Good Samaritan and The Unforgiving Servant. These parables have told them that it is important to 'Love thy neighbour' and treat everyone around them with care and respect.

This term in Year 5 they have been learning about Islam. They looked at Ramadan, The 5 Pillars of Islam, The Holy Qur'an and Hajj.

The Holy book of Islam is the Qur'an, Muslims clean themselves in water that has been blessed, before they hold it. - Lacey-Morgan

The pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) is one of the five pillars of Islam and Muslims must do it at least once in their life if they are physically capable of it. Ihram is the name given to the special spiritual state in which pilgrims wear two white sheets of seamless cloth during their pilgrimage. - Myles

Year 6 children have been learning about the Hindu belief in reincarnation, karma and the 4 Ashramas (stages of life). The children have reflected on the milestones they have achieved in their lives already and possible future ones.

The Journey of a Letter

Date: 3rd Dec 2020 @ 8:01pm

Today we came into school to find out our Christmas elf had returned! Not only was he back, but he had also brought something with him...a letter! We discussed why we might receive a letter, or why we might send one, and what information may be included in a letter.

We then compared the features of three different text types, beginning to discuss how we knew which ones were letters, and which weren't. We have done lots of work on invitations and lists over the past couple of weeks, and so we compared the features of these two text types to those included in a letter, beginning to discuss similarities and difference. We found out a letter is always set out in a particular way, and we write a letter when we want to send a message to someone.

We used our phonics skills to segment and blend the information in the letter, and found out we had received a letter from Goldilocks as well as our class Elf!

We then moved on to identifying the features of a letter in greater depth, highlighting the address, date, who the letter is for and who the letter is from.

We will continue to look and read lots of different types of letters and are very excited to eventually write a letter to the Elf that he can take back to Santa!

Cracking Computing!

Date: 28th Nov 2020 @ 3:09pm

Each week our Year 1 children cannot wait for Thursday to come around! They know that Thursday afternoon means it's computing time!

We began our first session of computing by discussing the devices and technology we use both in school, and at home. We discussed how we use each device, and how they can be important in day to day life. We then discussed what we need to remember when accessing online devices, and introduced SMART. We discussed the importance of staying safe, not meeting up, accepting files, reliability and telling someone.

We have then been practising our essential skills. We have learnt how to turn the Chromebook on and off, click and scroll on the mousepad and type with the keyboard. When using the keyboard to type in our personal log in details, we have also had to get used to the fact that some letters look slightly different to the ones we are used to seeing, but we have all been trying really hard to do this independently.

We have also explored the program Paintz App. We spent some time exploring the different tools available, and we found out we could do things like change the background colour, add 2D shapes, and even add text! During our Reading into Writing sessions we have been exploring the book 'Aliens Love Smelly Jelly,' creating invites to an alien tea party from an alien. We then linked this to our computing session, and we designed the alien using the Paintz App!

Balance and Spin!

Date: 17th Nov 2020 @ 8:06pm

In PE this half term we have started gymnastics, focussing on balancing and spinning on points. We have been learning how to perform controlled spins, supporting our body weight in symmetrical balances, and spinning on apparatus.

We initially discussed what is a spin and what parts of our bodies we can spin on. We practised spinning on our front, side, back, and bottom in symmetrical shapes. We really focussed on performing with control and imagination! After we perfected three spins we then added a balance in between each spin. We had to try and hold our balances for 5 seconds each!

We are going to be practising and perfecting our sequence over the next couple of weeks! We will then be working on peer assessment of each others performances, observing and giving feedback to refine our sequences and performance.

Anti Bullying Week

Date: 16th Nov 2020 @ 7:48pm

We began anti bullying week by talking about different types of bullying, and how these types of bullying may occur. We then took part in the whole school assembly, which explored this years anti bullying week theme, 'United Against Bullying.'

This afternoon we then designed our own class jigsaw pieces to show how we are going to be 'United Against Bullying.' We thought about what changes we could make to our class and our school to make it a bullying free zone. We then also designed our own odd socks, and took part in an experiment which helped us explore what bullying can do to people on the inside, even though the effects might not be shown on the outside.

Remembrance Day

Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 7:41pm

This week we have been thinking about all the brave soldiers and saying thank you. 

On Wednesday, we joined the rest of the school to take part in our Remembrance Service. We each planted a poppy in our school Remembrance Garden. Each poppy has the name of a World War One soldier. We thought of these soldiers during our whole school assembly and two minute silence.

We have also painted Poppies, learning about the significance of Poppies for Remembrance Day and why we wear them. 

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust