Year 1: Blog items

Year 5 Takeover Day

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 7:13pm

Today, as part of our Year 5 Takeover Day, we read and discussed another Julia Donaldson story...Superworm! Our Year 5 teachers read the story and we all recapped the key events and characters. We asked and answered lots of questions about the story to ensure we thoroughly understood the story line and main events. We then wrote descrptive sentences about the main character. We tried hard to use ‘because’ and ‘and’ to link ideas and to show our best work to our Year 5 teachers!

Year 1 Human and Physical Features

Date: 28th Mar 2022 @ 6:51pm

Today we worked collaboratively to explore the definition of physical and human features, famous features around the world and the continent they are located in. We worked together to answer the question, what are the main features of each continent? We were split into seven groups and each group had a pack of images from one continent. We had to sort the images into human and physical features. We then moved around the room until we had sorted the images for each continent. We quickly found that we needed to work effectively as a group, to share reading and knowledge, to help us to sort the features. 

Year 1 Counting in 2s

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 7:38pm

Today we learnt to count in multiples of 2. We completed this practically by using physical resources, including base 10 and Numicon to practise counting on. We also did our daily maths workout song – but today we were counting in 2s!

Year 1 Seaside Silhouettes

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 7:25pm

Today we enjoyed Art Day alongside the rest of the school. In Year 1 our theme was to use collage to create a seaside scene. We began the day by going on a virtual tour of Blackpool and creating a mind map of key words and attractions that we saw. We then used photos of Blackpool features to create a page in our Art books. Using the photo stimulus we drew, wrote and designed images/words that we wanted to show on our page. We then practised our tearing skills to tear silhouettes out of black paper. We created starfish, trams, Blackpool Tower, seagulls and even ice creams! in the afternoon we then put all our learning together to create our final piece - a Blackpool scene! 

Year 1 The voyage of Columbus

Date: 19th Mar 2022 @ 9:12pm

As part of our History journey about Christopher Columbus, today we answered two key questions; Did everyone think Columbus was a hero and why should we remember Columbus? We looked at a range of ways in which Columbus is celebrated and ranked reasons as to why Columbus might deserve to be famous. We then selected the reasons we each thought were the most important and wrote a word plaque for a statue of Columbus.

Year 1 Christopher Columbus

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 8:09pm

Today in Year 1 we enjoyed our History Day! The first question we explored was, why do you think we remember Christopher Columbus? We became History detectives to explore the answer to this question! Clues were placed around our room, as if in an art gallery. We worked in pairs to write simple words that came to mind whilst looking at each clue. We then came back together to collect all our ideas from the clues and images we had seen!

Year 1 Locating continents and oceans!

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 8:01pm

Today we recapped the 7 continents and 5 oceans, using our songs to help with naming each. We then had a cut up version of the jigsaw map. We had to use our locational knowledge to rebuild the map and label the continents and the oceans. Whilst working with a partner to rebuild our jigsaw map we answered the questions, where will I place each continent and ocean on my map? Where on my map should this information go? And how can I use my map to plan a journey across the world? 

Year 1 Counting in 10s

Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 7:30pm

Today we practised counting in 10s. Alongside our written work we used physical resources, including base 10 and Numicon, to practise counting on. We also did our daily maths workout song – but today we were counting in 10s!

Year 1 We are all unique!

Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 7:20pm

This week in PSHE we explored our similarities, differences, likes and dislikes. We talked about what 'special' and 'unique' mean and understood that we are all one of a kind! We then looked at pictures of lots of different children and with our talk partners we explored what was the same about them and what was different about them. We saw that some children had different skin colours, some had different hair colours, some were girls, some were boys but they were all special! We then read the story 'Eat your Peas' and talked about our own likes and dislikes. We understood this was our opinion and there was no right or wrong answer!

Year 1 World Book Day

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 7:33pm

As part of our World Book Day celebrations we came to school dressed as our favourite book character. We were all very excited as we had all kept our costumes a surprise until today! Our classroom was full of lots of book characters, including The Gingerbread Man, The Three Little Pigs, Mary Poppins, Willy Wonka, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger! Lots of effort was made and everyone looked brilliant. Throughout the day we took part in a special quiz and drew and wrote about our World Book Day costume. 

Year 1 Continents of the World

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 7:29pm

This week in Geography we began to name and locate the seven continents of the world. We recapped on where we are in the world before beginning to explore a world map. We found which country we live in on the map, before learning that there are 195 countries in the world! We then learnt that we can put the countries into groups and these large areas of land are called continents. We watched our continent song and we were able to name all 7 continents. We then located and labelled each continent and explored the shape of the continents to complete a matching activity. 

100th Day in Year 1!

Date: 22nd Feb 2022 @ 7:02pm

Today was our 100th day in Year 1 and wow, what a 100 days it has been! We completed lots of different activities to explore the number 100 using lots of different representations and practical resources. We began the day with our whole school ‘100’ quiz, discussed parts of the book ‘If the world were 100 people' and moved, danced and counted our way to 100. We also used our number bond knowledge to 10 to practise our number bonds to 100, played 100 Bingo and tried to piece together a mixed up 100 square! Alongside all that we also used Numicon, Base 10 and counting resources to try and make 100! What a busy day!

Year 1 Investigating Animal Poo!

Date: 21st Feb 2022 @ 6:41pm

As part of our WOW lesson today we examined and dissected animal poo! Using our prior knowledge about carnivores, omnivores and herbivores we identified which animal had left which poo behind. We also had a poo fact sheet to help us. We labeled which poo which animal had come from and whether each animal was a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore. Don't worry, it wasn't real poo!

Year 1 Growing Together

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 8:00pm

As part of children's mental health week we read the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and discussed the changes the characters went through. We then thought about changes we ourselves have been through and what we would like to be able to do when we are older. We thought about whether we might need help at first to do these things, and who might help us. We then decorated butterfly outlines with pictures or words depicting things we have learnt to do, e.g. write our names, count to 20 and read our common exception words. 

Year 1 Safer Internet Day

Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 7:40pm

As part of 'Safer Internet Day' we read the story 'Digiduck and the Magic Castle.' We listened and participated throughout the story, answering key questions such as 'how can you make a password strong, and hard to guess?' and 'who are the adults that you could talk to if anything online worries or upsets you?' We then completed two tasks. One was to give examples of our trusted adults and how they can help and the other was an online or offline sort. Through this we identified what information should be kept private and offline and what information is safe to share online. 

Year 1 Making Murtis!

Date: 2nd Feb 2022 @ 8:06pm

 In RE this week we looked further into Hindu shrines and how Murtis help Hindus to think of God when they worship. We looked at lots of different examples of Murtis, including both Gods and Goddesses, and looked at why Hindus may worship them. For example, we learnt that Ganesh is the God of wealth and is believed to bring good luck. Hindus may worship him before anything new is started. We then chose a Murti to represent using salt dough, thinking about why Hindus may choose this Murti to worship. We used the skills of pulling, squeezing, and rolling to manipulate our salt dough into the form of our Murti. 

Year 1 Making 10

Date: 1st Feb 2022 @ 8:04pm

This week we have conquered adding by making 10! We firstly recapped and practised our number bonds to 10 by singing our number bonds song and improving our quick recall. We then moved onto looking at adding onto the number 10. We worked through practical examples together and discussed each step. We then went off to explore a number of different sums practically. We wrote the original sum before moving counters to make 10 and writing our new sum. We showed lots of persererance and determination with our new learning!

Year 1 Dragon Sparkles!

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 7:01pm

Today we enjoyed our first Forest School session of this half term. We loved being back in the Forest School area and this week we explored the fire triangle and the elements needed to keep a fire going. We then split into two groups - one group practised making 'dragon sparkles' with the fire lighters before toasting and eating marshmallows, whilst the other group got creative with sticks and various materials! 

Year 1 Exploring Shape & Line

Date: 26th Jan 2022 @ 7:41pm

This week in Computing we have been creating media using digital painting. Over the past few weeks we have been using the Paintz program during our Computing lessons and getting to grips with all the tools we can use. Today we looked at a piece of abstract art and discussed some key questions. We talked about the shapes we could see, the colours we could see and how we thought the art was made. We then had a go at recreating a similar piece of art work. We had 3 steps to follow to succeed and by the end of the lesson we had all followed these steps to create our own art work!

Year 1 Creating Collage

Date: 26th Jan 2022 @ 7:31pm

Through our Art journey this week we have explored collage. We began by looking at examples of collage and discussing what collage is. We looked at examples of work created by two artists Henri Matisse and Kurt Schwitters. We talked about the colour, shape and texture created in each piece. We then explored different techniques, ripping paper, cutting patterns and manipulating paper before creating our final collage. Our final collage was an animal of our choice where we displayed all the techniques we had learnt through our journey.

Year 1 Ordering Objects

Date: 18th Jan 2022 @ 6:36pm

Today during no pen day we worked practically to order groups of objects. After looking at lots of examples together we worked independently to order groups of objects. We began with 1 set of objects that showed different amounts, e.g. 3 plates of cakes, one with 13, one with 9 and one with 11. We then had to order these objects from smallest to greatest. After completing some of these examples, we worked with varying representations of numbers and ordered them from greatest to smallest.

Year 1 'It's The Boy!'

Date: 18th Jan 2022 @ 4:40pm

Today in Year 1 we had a visit from the character in the story ‘Lost and Found.’ It was the boy! We were all very excited to talk to him and ask him lots of questions. The boy talked to the children about his journey to the South Pole. He explained what he saw, what he heard and how he felt. He then showed us the route he took across the Atlantic and Southern Ocean on our big world map. We gathered lots of information from talking to the boy that will help us to write our recounts!

Year 1 Microhabitats!

Date: 17th Jan 2022 @ 6:38pm

Today we took our Science lesson outdoors! In our lesson today we were introduced to microhabitats and the animals that live in these small habitats. We looked at some examples of different microhabitats that we might find in the local environment and learnt that microhabitats can be as small as a fallen branch or even the space under a stone! We then recapped on what a minibeast is and looked at some examples of the kinds of microhabitats these creatures might live in. It was then time to go outside into our outdoor areas and forest school space to find some examples of minibeasts and their microhabitats! We also collected our own natural resources to enable us to make our own microhabitats!

Year 1 The Trimurti

Date: 12th Jan 2022 @ 7:30pm

Today in RE we spent some time looking at the similarities and differences between the Trimurti. As a class we recapped the names of the three Hindu gods in the Trimurti and their roles. We remembered that Brahma is the creator of the universe, Shiva is the god of death and destruction and Vishnu is the god that preserves the universe and people. We then worked with a partner to identify similarities and differences between these three gods. We made notes on post its and then fed back our ideas to the rest of the class. 

Year 1 Local & World Habitats

Date: 10th Jan 2022 @ 6:34pm

Todays Science lesson was a jam-packed one! We explored both local and world habitats and identified animals that live in each. We learnt that a habitat is a place where animals and plants live and we explored both local and world habitats within todays lesson. We started by looking at local habitats – urban, woodland, pond and coastal. We discussed and compared each habitat, before looking specifically at a coastal habitat and what animals/plants we might see there. We then explored world habitats – desert, artic, tropical rainforest and ocean. We then completed a world habitats animal sort, discussing how we thought each animal was adapted to its habitat and what it is like in each place.

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust