Year 1: Blog items

Year 1 Making 10

Date: 1st Feb 2022 @ 8:04pm

This week we have conquered adding by making 10! We firstly recapped and practised our number bonds to 10 by singing our number bonds song and improving our quick recall. We then moved onto looking at adding onto the number 10. We worked through practical examples together and discussed each step. We then went off to explore a number of different sums practically. We wrote the original sum before moving counters to make 10 and writing our new sum. We showed lots of persererance and determination with our new learning!

Year 1 Dragon Sparkles!

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 7:01pm

Today we enjoyed our first Forest School session of this half term. We loved being back in the Forest School area and this week we explored the fire triangle and the elements needed to keep a fire going. We then split into two groups - one group practised making 'dragon sparkles' with the fire lighters before toasting and eating marshmallows, whilst the other group got creative with sticks and various materials! 

Year 1 Exploring Shape & Line

Date: 26th Jan 2022 @ 7:41pm

This week in Computing we have been creating media using digital painting. Over the past few weeks we have been using the Paintz program during our Computing lessons and getting to grips with all the tools we can use. Today we looked at a piece of abstract art and discussed some key questions. We talked about the shapes we could see, the colours we could see and how we thought the art was made. We then had a go at recreating a similar piece of art work. We had 3 steps to follow to succeed and by the end of the lesson we had all followed these steps to create our own art work!

Year 1 Creating Collage

Date: 26th Jan 2022 @ 7:31pm

Through our Art journey this week we have explored collage. We began by looking at examples of collage and discussing what collage is. We looked at examples of work created by two artists Henri Matisse and Kurt Schwitters. We talked about the colour, shape and texture created in each piece. We then explored different techniques, ripping paper, cutting patterns and manipulating paper before creating our final collage. Our final collage was an animal of our choice where we displayed all the techniques we had learnt through our journey.

Year 1 Ordering Objects

Date: 18th Jan 2022 @ 6:36pm

Today during no pen day we worked practically to order groups of objects. After looking at lots of examples together we worked independently to order groups of objects. We began with 1 set of objects that showed different amounts, e.g. 3 plates of cakes, one with 13, one with 9 and one with 11. We then had to order these objects from smallest to greatest. After completing some of these examples, we worked with varying representations of numbers and ordered them from greatest to smallest.

Year 1 'It's The Boy!'

Date: 18th Jan 2022 @ 4:40pm

Today in Year 1 we had a visit from the character in the story ‘Lost and Found.’ It was the boy! We were all very excited to talk to him and ask him lots of questions. The boy talked to the children about his journey to the South Pole. He explained what he saw, what he heard and how he felt. He then showed us the route he took across the Atlantic and Southern Ocean on our big world map. We gathered lots of information from talking to the boy that will help us to write our recounts!

Year 1 Microhabitats!

Date: 17th Jan 2022 @ 6:38pm

Today we took our Science lesson outdoors! In our lesson today we were introduced to microhabitats and the animals that live in these small habitats. We looked at some examples of different microhabitats that we might find in the local environment and learnt that microhabitats can be as small as a fallen branch or even the space under a stone! We then recapped on what a minibeast is and looked at some examples of the kinds of microhabitats these creatures might live in. It was then time to go outside into our outdoor areas and forest school space to find some examples of minibeasts and their microhabitats! We also collected our own natural resources to enable us to make our own microhabitats!

Year 1 The Trimurti

Date: 12th Jan 2022 @ 7:30pm

Today in RE we spent some time looking at the similarities and differences between the Trimurti. As a class we recapped the names of the three Hindu gods in the Trimurti and their roles. We remembered that Brahma is the creator of the universe, Shiva is the god of death and destruction and Vishnu is the god that preserves the universe and people. We then worked with a partner to identify similarities and differences between these three gods. We made notes on post its and then fed back our ideas to the rest of the class. 

Year 1 Local & World Habitats

Date: 10th Jan 2022 @ 6:34pm

Todays Science lesson was a jam-packed one! We explored both local and world habitats and identified animals that live in each. We learnt that a habitat is a place where animals and plants live and we explored both local and world habitats within todays lesson. We started by looking at local habitats – urban, woodland, pond and coastal. We discussed and compared each habitat, before looking specifically at a coastal habitat and what animals/plants we might see there. We then explored world habitats – desert, artic, tropical rainforest and ocean. We then completed a world habitats animal sort, discussing how we thought each animal was adapted to its habitat and what it is like in each place.

Year 1 Life Processes

Date: 9th Jan 2022 @ 11:13am

Today we began to learn about the life processes and characteristics of living things. We learnt that all living things do certain things to stay alive. We then spent some time exploring the different ways that animals, humans and plants carry out the life processes. We were then introduced to MRS GREN and explored each of the life processes to ensure we understood what they mean. Finally we sorted a number of objects into the headings never alive, living and dead. We tried hard to think about the seven life processes when sorting each object.

Year 1 Lost and Found

Date: 9th Jan 2022 @ 10:50am

This week we were introduced to our new text, ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers. As a class we read the story, focusing on our understanding of key vocabulary and the order of key events. Through the story we learnt about the unlikely friendship and relationship between the boy and the penguin as well as the characteristics of kindness and compassion. We also used our skills of prediction to work out what might happen next from what we had read so far. We then worked with a partner to order key events independently and retell the story ourselves.

Year 1 Now Press Play - Seasons

Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 7:11pm

Welcome back Year 1! This morning, after our welcome back assembly we dove straight in to our third Now Press Play experience!

We are now able to access and operate the headphones independently and in no time at all we were ready to take part in our brand new experience. Todays experience was all about the four seasons. We were transported to summer, where there was a strange clock on the wall that didn't tell the time, but instead told us what season it was. However, we were all too hot in summer, so we thought we would help by moving the hand to winter! That should sort things shouldn't it? Uh oh, Jack Frost appeared! He stole the clock and it was our job to get it back!

Throughout our experience we learnt: the names of the four seasons, how the weather changes across the seasons and how seasonal changes affect animals and nature. It was lots of fun! 

Christmas Party!

Date: 16th Dec 2021 @ 8:01pm

Today Year 1 enjoyed our Christmas Party! We danced and played lots of games including musical statues, musical bumps and pass the parcel. We wore our best part clothes and had a brilliant time! A special visitor even came to surprise us and gave us all an early Christmas present. We then enjoyed a well earned rest with some party food and a Christmas pantomime.

We Three Kings

Date: 16th Dec 2021 @ 7:41pm

Today we explored the Christmas Story through Art. In RE this half term we have learnt the Nativity story and we have also explored this throughout our school assemblies about Advent. Today we brought that learning together to retell the Christmas Story and create a picture to depict an important part of the story. We carefully cut out the individual parts and collaged the Three Kings clothing before arranging it on the paper. 

The Final Product

Date: 14th Dec 2021 @ 7:40pm

As the final part of our DT journey all about structures, today we made our final product.

Firstly we talked about different attachment techniques we may use to make our design strong and sturdy. We then learnt how we were going to bring all our previous learning together to create our playground structure design from the materials we detailed on our designs. We showed lots of perseverance and determination throughout our learning!

Online Safety

Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 7:53pm

This week in our Computing lesson we have explored online safety through the story 'The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin!' We began by thinking about how we find out information on the internet and discussing these search enginges. We learnt about SafeSearchKids and how this is a safe place for us to search for information. We were then introduced to SMART and we learnt what each letter stands for in relation to online safety. We then read our story and helped Smartie to make some safe and smart decisions when using his device. We learnt a song to help us to help Smartie...

Before you tap and click...

You need to stop and think...

And TELL someone! 

We discussed who could help us if something happens online that we are not sure about. We then completed tasks to help us further understand information we should keep safe and what we can share. 

It's Christmas Time!

Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 7:49pm

On Monday this week we enjoyed our Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day. We arrived at school very excited and festive, complete with Christmas jumpers and accessories. At lunch time we ate our lunch surrounded by Christmas songs and lots of lights! We enjoyed pulling our crackers with our friends and teachers and wearing our party hats. It was great fun! 

Freestanding Structures

Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 7:40pm

This week we have explored freestanding structures in DT, through looking at familiar playground equipment. We began by exploring existing different types of playground equipment. We talked about the different pieces of equipment we enjoy playing on at a playground and why we like them. Looking at all these different types of equipment we discussed the questions...

What is it called?

What is it used for?

How do you use it?

What is it made from?

We then drew and labelled our favourite piece of equipment.

Ted's Problem

Date: 6th Dec 2021 @ 7:53pm

Today we completed an experiment to test which materials were waterproof and which were not. We read all about Ted’s problem and thought about what we could do to help him, as he didn’t know which material would make the best umbrella. We talked about what equipment we needed, how we were going to make our experiment a fair test, and the method we needed to follow for our experiment. We learnt that a fair test means we need to do exactly the same thing every time we do the test, for example how far away from the material we drop the water, how much water we use and how long the water touches the material before we observed the result. 

The Jolly Postman

Date: 1st Dec 2021 @ 10:42am

Today we read our new story ‘The Jolly Postman.’ Throughout the story we discussed the meaning of key words, identified rhyming words and began to identify the features of a letter. After reading the story we received a letter from the Jolly Postman asking for our help! The letter explained that all the Jolly Postman’s post had blown out of his bag and got muddled up! The Jolly Postman didn’t know which were letters and which were not, so our task was to help him! 

The Christmas Story

Date: 29th Nov 2021 @ 8:09pm

In RE we have been focusing on learning all about The Christmas story and the characters within it. This week we looked at the roles of the main characters from the story. We chose two different characters and talked about their role and why they are important in the story, using key words such as hope, love, joy and peace. We then discussed who we each thought was the most important character in the Christmas story and why.

Terrific Typing

Date: 29th Nov 2021 @ 8:00pm

Throughout our computing lessons this half term we have been working hard to log on to the Chromebooks independently. This week we have been practising using a range of tools on the 'Paintz' programme. Our task was to create a winter snowman picture. Whilst creating our picture we also practised using drop and drag to create shapes of different sizes. Finally we used our typing skills to put our name and date on our work.

Children in Need

Date: 22nd Nov 2021 @ 10:38am

Today we enjoyed Children in Need. Dressed in either spots or stripes, we all joined in with the Joe Wicks live Children in Need workout this morning. However, this was a workout with a twist! We took part in 20 minutes of exercise which was also combined with answering some quite tricky general knowledge questions. We all enjoyed the challenge! We then spent Always time making some Pudsey themed crafts and practising the hand jive before our special end of the day assembly. We had lots of fun alongside discussing why we raise money for Children in Need.

Materials and Properties

Date: 16th Nov 2021 @ 7:10pm

Today we explored everyday objects and identified the materials they are made from. We learnt the new term ‘properties’ and what this means. We then sorted the objects based on their properties and completed a properties scavenger hunt. After we had worked independently on our hunt, we came together and discussed our whole class findings. Finally we had a think about why materials are chosen to make specific objects.

Kindness Chains!

Date: 15th Nov 2021 @ 6:16pm

As part of our Anti-Bullying week learning we have been exploring the theme of one kind word. This afternoon we talked about what kindness means to us and how we can show this in our daily life. We then used different coloured paper to create bright and vibrant paper chains displaying messages of kindness, kind words and acts of kindness pictures.


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