Year 1: Blog items

Why is family important?

Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 8:38pm

 Today in RE we began by discussing the question ‘Why is family important?’ We talked about what we get from our families, thinking about both emotional and physical needs. We then talked about why babies are so special and listened to the story ‘Bella’s New Baby.’ We explored the fact that babies and both physically and emotionally vulnerable. We recapped on the emotions and roles that family member play/have whilst emphasising that babies are special because they bring love to a family. Finally we discussed what we think would be the greatest gift in the world and discussed the difference of financial value and gifts such as love, family and caring.

Room on the Broom!

Date: 8th Nov 2021 @ 7:30pm

Today we were introduced to our new story ‘Room on the Broom’ by Julia Donaldson. We read the story together, joining in with the rhyming words and familiar parts of the story. We talked about the meaning of any unfamiliar words and made inferences from the text. At various points in the story we predicted what we thought might happen next and what clues we could see/read to support this. We then worked in pairs to retell the key events in the story, using the book for support where needed.

Poppy Art

Date: 6th Nov 2021 @ 7:40pm

Today we created our own brilliant poppy art. We experimented and explored marks using a variety of tools, including thick brushes, thin brushes and small sponges. We also were introduced to the primary colours and how they can be mixed to make secondary colours. In year 1, we enjoy every oppourtunity to use paints and be creative and today was no different! We all took great care to produce our final piece and we were all very proud of our efforts! 

Dancing Fireworks!

Date: 1st Nov 2021 @ 7:28pm

Today we enjoyed our first PE lesson through dance! We linked our session to something very exciting that is happening on Friday 5th November...Bonfire Night! We began by making different movements using different shapes and patterns with our hands. We tried to use our whole body to make big and small shapes before using the pom poms and ribbons. We then practised making the shapes using the equipment, before putting our patterns to music. We then learnt and practised a short bit of dance, using our own indiidually thought through movements and some we were shown!

Computing WOW!

Date: 1st Nov 2021 @ 7:19pm

As an introduction to our first computing unit Year 1 spent some time today using the Chromebooks. Using our own individual user names and passwords, we each logged onto the laptops and practised showing some of our essential skills. We then had some time to get used to the tools on 'Paintz.' We used the drawing, line and shape tools and began to try typing a short sentence on the keyboards. We all displayed our characteristic of the week, growth mindset, to keep trying our best even when we didn't necessarily find it easy! We can't wait for our next computing lesson!

What's Under Your Feet?

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 8:16pm

Today we took part in the 'What's Under Your Feet? experiment.' We chose a patch to investigate in a section of grass near to our KS1 playground. Using a spade, we dug the top layer of soil and grass and tipped it onto a tray. We then sorted and identified the minibeasts we found in the soil, before very carefully putting them back and replacing the grass. 

Travelling By Tuba!

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 7:48pm

Today Year 1 experienced the musical delights of Travelling By Tuba! During the morning show we watched Stewart and Chris perform different musical intruments and pieces from around the world. It was a very entertaining tour around the world, which we all very much enjoyed! We then took part in a workshop where we had the oppourtunity to play some of the musical instruments. Our workshop involved creating a piece of music to a Brazillian Samba! Our day ended in a musical performance where we shared our learning with our audience! 

Now Press Play!

Date: 19th Oct 2021 @ 7:25pm

Today we enjoyed our first Now Press Play session in Year 1! Our experience today was all about the United Kingdom. We put on our headphones and we we're on a school trip to Buckingham Palace, where we met the Queen! However, something very strange was going on and the Queen was behaving very strangely! When we discovered the real Queen in the basement we went on a mission across the UK to foil her imposter and save the Queen!

Around Our School

Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 6:50pm

Today we continued to learn about the area around our school. Firstly we discussed the features of our area using Google Earth. We worked collaboratively to create a map of our school using an appropriate key. We recapped on all our previous learning and discussed human and physical features, maps and what a good key will look like. We then worked in smaller groups to add key features onto an aerial map of our school. Alongside this, we worked independently to draw and label pictures of the human and physical features we see on our way to school.

Greater Than, Less Than

Date: 13th Oct 2021 @ 4:08pm

Today we worked practically to compare two amounts. We worked with lots of different resources from our maths area to make two amounts and then talk through our learning. We each made statements about the two amounts, ‘three is less than four,’ ‘four is greater than three.’ We also discussed the meaning of ‘equal’ and how we can visually show this with practical resources. We used the vocabulary of more than, less than, greater than, fewer than and equal to. 

Super Sensory Bottles

Date: 13th Oct 2021 @ 9:26am

Today in Science we made our very own sensory bottles using a range of colourful and textured objects. We recapped the five senses and how our senses help us explore the world and keep us safe. We linked our learning to World Mental Health Day and identified objects we wanted to add to create a sensory bottle to convey a certain emotion. Children classified the items into sensory groups and thought about how different items and colours might make people feel.

Handa's Surprise!

Date: 13th Oct 2021 @ 9:18am

During Black History Month we will be reading the story ‘Handa’s Surprise.’ Today we were introduced to the story and we discussed the characters, new vocabulary and where the story was set. We learnt that the story is set in Kenya and we looked at the illustrations to support our understanding with this. We all enjoyed the story and we spent lots of time discussing the key events and the order the cheeky animals took Handa’s fruit! We then worked in small groups to reorder key events in the story. We talked through the story again in our groups and retold it using the picture prompts.

Messy Maps!

Date: 28th Sep 2021 @ 6:33pm

Today we created maps of our classroom environments using loose parts! We firstly talked about what a bird’s eye view meant, and how these photographs and recordings are made. We then looked at our classroom in more detail, discussing what shape various things were, and how we could represent these on our map. We pointed out specific points in the classroom that we would need to include. After we created our maps we then described our work to other groups in the class, explaining our reasons for the choice of equipment we had used.

The year so far in Year 1!

Date: 28th Sep 2021 @ 7:50am

Year 1 have had a brilliant start to the new school year. We have enjoyed exploring our new classrooms and completing independent tasks in continuous provision, alongside our daily lessons. We have been accurately counting forwards and backwards in maths, writing labels and sentences about 'The Colour Monster' in Reading into Writing and exploring the human body and our five senses in Science. We have also enjoyed our Forest School sessions and exploring our local area

European Day of Languages

Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 6:24pm

Today, alongside the rest of our school, we celebrated European Day of Languages. We began by learning a little bit about the day, who can participate and why it is good to learn more than one language.

We then focussed more on our chosen language which was Spanish! We learnt how to say hello, good morning, yes, no, thank you, please and goodbye! We all enjoyed learning how to pronounce these phrases and we tried to use them throughout the day.

Finally we watched 'Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas and Pies,' which is heads, shoulders, knees and toes! We had lots of fun joining in with the song and we then used our knowledge and word mats to label different parts of the body, which links to our learning in Science this half term.

Human and Physical Features

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 7:02pm

This week in Geography we began to learn about physical and human features. We learnt that human and physical features are things we can see all around us. We discussed how physical features are natural and would be here even if there were no people around. We identified physical features such as seas, grass, mountains and rivers. We also talked about how human features are man made and built by people. It was then time to visit the outdoor areas around school and the Forest School area to identify as many human and physical features as possible. Have a look at what we found!

Christianity - Baptism

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 6:59pm

This week in RE we learnt about baptism and what it means to Christians. We talked about how a baby being born is a very happy time and some of us shared how we have celebrated this time with our families.  We learnt that baptism is when a baby is welcomed into the Christian faith and the parents and godparents make promises to help the baby. We learnt all about the different parts of the baptism and practiced using lots of new key vocabulary. We then used our new learning to label a picture of a baby being baptized, discussing the symbolism of each feature.

Our Local Area

Date: 18th Sep 2021 @ 8:10am

Today we began our Geography lesson by recapping the four countries in the United Kingdom and their capital cities. We again looked at a UK map and located each country. We then began to identify features of three different locations, Blackpool, Grange Park and London. We looked at a number of photos from each of these places and discussed the similarities and differences. The children understood that Blackpool is on the coast and near to the beach. They were also able to identify that London is a city with tall buildings, a long river and old buildings such as Big Ben.

Counting to 10!

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 8:11pm

This week in Maths we have been focussing on counting within 10. We have recapped counting accurately using 1-1 correpondance and forming numerals correctly to record our answers. We have also introduced using tens frames to help us represent different amounts. In continous provison we have also completed lots of activities to support number formation and accurate counting.

Forest School Fun!

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 7:42pm

This week we enjoyed our first Forest School session on a lovely sunny day! In the Forest School area lots of fruits are growing on the trees and during our session this week we learnt about which are safe to eat and which aren't. We also held lots of different minibeasts we found in the area, making sure to treat them with care and put them back where we had found them! We all enjoyed spending some time in the area and are already looking forward to our next session!

Grouping and Sorting!

Date: 11th Sep 2021 @ 8:08am

During our first week in year one we have been grouping and sorting! We have used a number of different objects and talked about what is the same and what is different. We have learnt we can sort by colour, by shape, by type and by size. We have learnt how to log into our own Seesaw account and post pictures of our learning! We have also been exploring our new classroom environment and completing lots of maths challenges in continuous provision.

Welcome to Year 1!

Date: 8th Sep 2021 @ 6:47pm

As part of our first day back Science WOW we began to explore our five senses. We talked about which part of our bodies we use to listen, touch, see, feel and smell. We then focused on our sense of touch to complete a feely bag activity in groups, using lots of new vocabulary to describe the texture of objects. 

“The cotton wool was soft and squishy”

“The pine cone was bumpy and rough”

“The tin foil was smooth and bendy”

We then used some large paper to draw round the outline of our body and worked in groups to label as many body parts as we could!

Whatever the Weather!

Date: 14th Jul 2021 @ 8:46pm

This week we have been making the most of the lovely weather! We have been taking some time to read independently whilst making the most of our last few days in year one and our outdoor area. 

We have all enjoyed taking some time each afternoon to enjoy a range of different books, reading independently or with a friend and then sharing what we had found out.

Whilst reading, we have continued to use the skills we have learnt throughout the year to segment and blend unfamilar words and use picture clues to support our understanding.

Kandinsky and Brown

Date: 14th Jul 2021 @ 8:15pm

This week we have explored two artists, Wassily Kandinsky and Steven Brown. We explored the techniques of both artists, linking our learning with four of the seven elements of art, colour, shape, texture and form. We worked on the key skills of mark making using a variety of tools, think and thin brushes and using primary colours to make secondary colours. We learnt that primary colours cannot be mixed from other colours and that secondary colours are mixed using two primary colours. We then practised the painting techniques of both artists, before using these to complete our final pieces. 

Our final product

Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 8:06pm

Today in DT we created our final playground structure. 

We looked back to the design we had created the previous week to recap on what piece of equipment we were going to make, what we needed our equipment to be and the materials and tools we needed to create and decorate our finished product.

We had lots of resources available to create our playground structure and we tried to use them effectively to build a strong and sturdy structure. We we're all very proud of our finished product!

After we had finished we then evaulated our design. We thought about what had gone well with our design, if it was fit for purpose and what we might change if we were to make our design again.

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