Support for LGBTQ+ Children: Blog items
Date: 28th Jan 2025 @ 11:12am
This week, Year 1 have been reading the story 'The Girl With Two Dads.' We have been talking about the main characters in the story, their families and how they are different. We have talked to each other about our own families and completed different activites in our classrooms to celebrate our similarities and differences.
Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 9:25am
This week in Reading into Writing we have been learning about the History of Pride and the Stonewall Riots. Using what we learned, we created non-chronological reports. Here are some examples of our work to look through.
Date: 26th Feb 2024 @ 5:00pm
As part of our work for LGBTQ+ history month, Year 6 look at the Stonewall Riots in New York and the impact they had on the LGBTQ+ community. This included learning about key figures, such as Marsha. P. Johnson and Brenda Howard. We also learned about the history of 'Pride' and how different countries celebrate this. It has been a very interesting unit of work and we have enjoyed looking at and celebrating our differences.
Year 4 - Planning for LGBTQ+ news report
Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 8:33pm
As a class, we did a carousel to make a group plan for a news report about Blackpool Pride.
Date: 22nd Jan 2024 @ 9:05pm
We started our LGBTQ+ research today. In Reading into Writing, our genre is News Reports. We used our digital literacy skills to research Blackpool Pride. We will use this information to write News Reports about Pride in Blackpool.
Date: 18th Oct 2023 @ 12:14pm
Date: 4th Jul 2023 @ 10:48am
Today for Heritage Day, we were given the question: How has Basil Newby influenced the LGBTQ+ community in Blackpool? To answer this, we looked at his life and how he became one of Blackpool's most successful entrepreneurs. This is due to him creating clubs and pubs that catered for the LGBTQ+ community. Basil owns and runs Funny Girls in town and we were visited by two of his employees, Alex and India. They gave us more background information about Basil and answered lots of questions that we had. We can't thank them enough for their time.
Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 5:02pm
Before half term, Year Two alongside the rest of School completed RSE week. In Year Two, we explored gender stereotypes by looking at toys and clothes and discussed whether these were for boys, girls or for everyone. Originally, we separated them all but after our discussion we decided that everyone can play with anything or dress in what they like. We then moved on to looking at how to tell the difference between a boy baby and a girl baby and learnt a midwife tells this by their private parts. We ended the week by learning the proper names for the private parts and recapped the PANTS rule.
Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 10:13am
This week we have been learning about the prigins of 'Pride' month as part of our LGBTQ+ work. During 'No Pen Day', we had lots of discussions about what Pride month is and why it was first introduced. As part of Reading into Wriitng, we used what we have learned to write a non-chronological report. Here are our drafts - we are looking forward to completing our final piece of writing.
Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 2:54pm
This week, year 5 pupils have drafted, edited and presented informal letters in the role of a character from a story. We discussed how the character of Sam, from 'My Brother is called Jessica' by John Boyle, would be feeling about the changes that are going on in his family, and how his behaviour would impact on his brother and his parents. Pupils were challenged to include all the features of a letter, whilst using a tone, grammar and sentence structure that suited a letter written to a close relative.
Date: 13th Jan 2023 @ 9:01am
This week we have treated the children to a range of new books for their class reading areas as we love to read at Boundary - we hope you enjoy the new titles.
KS2 Anti Bullying Amasadors attend training with the Diana Award
Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 11:44am
Date: 10th Jan 2023 @ 6:01pm
This week we have begun to read 'The Girl With Two Dads' by Mel Elliott. After discussing the key features of the book we then read and discussed the story.
'The two friends get to know each other and learn about each others lives'
'Pearl is surprised to find out her new friend has two dads, she doesn't know anyone else with two dads'
'Both girls learn that all families are different'
We sequenced the key events from the story and worked on retelling the story with a partner.
Year 5 - Aspirational Scientists
Date: 5th Dec 2022 @ 4:21pm
As part of our learning journey in science, we have learned about Sally Ride, who became the first American woman in Space when she was part of the Challenger Shuttle crew in 1983. Pupils found out about her life, before using their literacy skills to write a biography about this amazing person. As a child, Sally Ride was a star pupil and outstanding tennis player. She has degrees in physics and English, and helped design the Challenger Shuttle's 'arm' which was used in space. After working for NASA, Sally was a professor at the University of California, wrote children's books about science, and started a school program to encourage children, especially girls, to become scientists. After her death in 2012, Sally's sister revelled that she had been in a same-sex relationship with a fellow scientist, and had sadly felt that she needed to keep it a secret for 27 years to protect her career.
Reception Exploring Differences
Date: 21st Nov 2022 @ 7:18pm
During Anti-Bullying Week Reception have been busy exploring similarities and differencesand discussing what make everyone unique. We talked about how lots of people have similarities and differences but it is always important to be kind, respect one anothers differences and celebrate what makes them unique.
"I'm different because I have glasses" Lana-Rose
"Some people have different colour hair and skin" Kristian
"People wear different clothes. Everyone likes different things" Kazimir.
""We all go to the same school" Phoebe
"I'm small and some people are bigger than me" Emelia
We talked about how it is okay to be different and how we should always treat people equally and kindly regardless of their differences.
Then we created our own funny jigsaw faces uses different features off each other faces.
"I like Noor-Fatima's hair because she always has nice bows in" Olivia
"Alfie wears cool glasses" Albie
"Ishaanvir has black hair. That's my favourite colour: Nikodem.
Date: 16th Nov 2022 @ 7:44am
Today we watched a video from Primary Futures, about gender stereotypes. The video began by explaining that we were going to be introduced to 4 people whose jobs were:
- Tree surgeon
- Engineer
- Forest school leader
- Nurse
Before we actually saw the people, we had a good discussion as a class about what gender we thought the person who did each job would be. We realised that some of us went straight to a specific gender due to our preconceptions about the roles of men and women in society. We then agreed that we can't make assumptions on people based solely on their gender.
Date: 15th Nov 2022 @ 7:17pm
Today we watched a video about gender stereptypes from Primary Futures. The video began by explaining that we were going to be introduced to 4 people whose jobs were:
- Tree surgeon
- Engineer
- Forest school leader
- Nurse
Before we actually saw the people, we had a good discussion as a class about what gender we thought the person who did each job would be. We realised that some of us went straight to a specific gender due to our prejudices about the roles of men and women in society. We then agreed that we can't make assumptions on people based slely on their gender.
Year 6 Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination
Date: 15th Nov 2022 @ 5:38pm
As part of antibullying week, Year 6 have been focusing on stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination. We explored the meaning of each word before going on to find out how they can affect people. As part of the lesson, we completed two activities. In the first one, we looked at real news articles and discussed what prejudice had been shown and whom it was directed towards. The second activiity was based in the TV show 'The Apprentice'. We had to select an engineer for a project and 'fire' people based on information provided. We discussed prejudice and discrimination based on name, age, skin colour, disability, gender and sexuality.
Date: 15th Nov 2022 @ 2:51pm
Today we watched a video about gender stereptypes from Primary Futures. We were introduced to four people (two men and two women). All four people described their job to us and we had to guess what we thought they did. Their jobs were:
- Tree surgeon (female)
- Engineer (female)
- Forest school leader (male)
- Nurse (male)
We didn't guess all their jobs currently, but we had a discussion about jobs not being stereotyped to one gender and the children had some great discussions.
Year 6 Heritage Day - Blackpool's LGBTQ+ history
Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 12:53pm
Today is our Blackpool Heritage Day and our topic is the history of LGBTQ+ in the resort. We were extremely privileged to have a visit from Basil Newby - a prominent name with Blackpool's gay bars and nightclubs. He talked about his life, how he had influenced the LGBTQ+ community here in Blackpool and introduced us to 2 of his team from Funny Girls, Alex and Nikki. Nikki came dressed in drag and it was a great opportunity for us all to ask questions to the whole team, which they all answered and gave us lots of information about life at Funny Girls. We would like to say a big thank you to all three of them for taking time out of their busy schedules to come and talk to us today.
Year 2 Exploring Similarities and Differences
Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 7:48am
This week Year Two have looked at a range of similarities and differences through our RSE lessons. In our first lesson, we explored gender stereotypes by sorting items of clothing and objects into whether we believed they were for boys, girls or everyone. By the end, everyone agreed that everyone can wear, do or play with what they would like to as long as it makes them happy. We then looked at a range of babies and thought about how we can tell what gender they were.
In our second lesson, we explored similarities and differences between male and female animals. We learnt that a mother animal can feed their young through their teats and explored that there needs to be a male and a female animal to have a baby.
In our final lesson, we looked at the human body and learnt to correctly name parts of our body including 'our private parts.' We discussed the importance of knowing the correct terminology the same way we need to be able to label our arms, legs and skull.
The children were very responsible and grown up about the conversations. Well done Year 2, Miss Hooson and Miss Duckworth were very impressed with your maturity.
Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 6:51pm
This week we have enjoyed our three RSE lessons. Our first lesson included reading the story 'It's Okay to Be Different' by Todd Parrs. We all took part in a circle time session to discuss the story and its key themes. This story helped us understand an important message of acceptance and understanding through a fun story with some silly scenes! We celebrated our individuality through acceptance of others and self-confidence. Through our circle time we then explored how we are all different! We drew and wrote about an imaginary friend who is different to us. Some of us drew friends with different skin colours, different hair colours, friends who were a different size to us or friends who moved differently to us.
Date: 29th Jun 2022 @ 10:43am
Year 3 looked at differences today. We began by looking at how we are all unique and what makes us different. We moved onto identifying the differences between males and females. We learnt the body parts penis, testicles, vulva, vagine and uterus. We then went on to learn about unwanted touch and the rights we have for our body. We looked the the 'PANTS' poster and ensured that we understood what it meant.
P- Privates are private
A- Always remember your body belongs to you
N- No means no
T- Talk about secrets that upset you
S- Speak up, someone can help
We finally went on to look at families and how families can differ. We looked at a range of images that represented a wide range of families and we compared to our own, identifying similarities and differences.
Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 4:17pm
Last week we had an amazing PSHE lesson which got us up and out of our seats to enjoy the amazing weather we had! Our lesson was all about how diverse we are as a community and all the amazing qualities and attributes that people can bring. Both classes mixed outside and had to find the answers to questions such as 'Find someone who can speak another language', 'Find someone who's parents were born in another country' and 'Find someone who has a different hobby to you'. We learned a lot about each other and our Year 4's worked really well together!
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 2:36pm
It has been RSE week in Boundary this week. Year Two have been looking at the differences between males and females. We started off by discussing if certain clothes or toys were specifically for males or females and this lead us into a discussion about gender stereotyping.
We then looked at the differences between male and female newborn babies and animals. We also learnt the proper names for male and female body parts. We discussed why it is important that we use the correct names for these body parts and how we should talk to a trusted adult if we feel uncomfortable about any physical contact.
Year Two showed great maturity throughout our learning in this topic area.