Year 2 Exploring Similarities and Differences

Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 7:48am

This week Year Two have looked at a range of similarities and differences through our RSE lessons. In our first lesson, we explored gender stereotypes by sorting items of clothing and objects into whether we believed they were for boys, girls or everyone. By the end, everyone agreed that everyone can wear, do or play with what they would like to as long as it makes them happy. We then looked at a range of babies and thought about how we can tell what gender they were. 

In our second lesson, we explored similarities and differences between male and female animals. We learnt that a mother animal can feed their young through their teats and explored that there needs to be a male and a female animal to have a baby.

In our final lesson, we looked at the human body and learnt to correctly name parts of our body including 'our private parts.' We discussed the importance of knowing the correct terminology the same way we need to be able to label our arms, legs and skull. 

The children were very responsible and grown up about the conversations. Well done Year 2, Miss Hooson and Miss Duckworth were very impressed with your maturity. 

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