Reading: Blog items
Date: 1st Dec 2021 @ 10:42am
Today we read our new story ‘The Jolly Postman.’ Throughout the story we discussed the meaning of key words, identified rhyming words and began to identify the features of a letter. After reading the story we received a letter from the Jolly Postman asking for our help! The letter explained that all the Jolly Postman’s post had blown out of his bag and got muddled up! The Jolly Postman didn’t know which were letters and which were not, so our task was to help him!
Date: 30th Nov 2021 @ 8:02pm
This week Reception Christmas has arrived. We have been busy writing letters to Santa, designing and building toys in Santa's workshop and learning about the story of the first Christmas. We have been reading the story 'The Gingerbread Man'. We have been making story maps and asding labels and simple sentences using our phonic knowledge. We have also been busy ordering gingerbread numbers 1-10, subtising using a dice by playing roll the gingerbred man, retelling the story at the storytelling table, painting gingerbread men and collaging them at the creative table. What a busy week.
It All Got A Little Bit Messy!
Date: 28th Nov 2021 @ 12:38pm
The children love sensory experiences in nursery and they provide so many learning opportunites. They are great for physical development as they require the use of both fine and gross motor skills. The are also a great way for children to build relationships with each other as they share and take turns and talk about what they experiencing. As well as all of this, they also support the children's communitcation and language development as the describe, question and explain what they are experiencing. Oh, and of course they have a lot of fun!
Date: 25th Nov 2021 @ 9:31pm
Today Year 6 were joined by local author Dan Worsley. Dan led writing workshops with both classes, which involved describing a villain in a scene. The children were given lots of tips and ideas for making their writing exciting for the reader and Dan was really impressed with the work that was produced. We may just have budding authors in our school!
Walking the plank with Dan Worsley!
Date: 25th Nov 2021 @ 3:43pm
Year Three were lucky enough to have a visit and workshop from author Dan Worsley ! They enjoyed listening to his fantastic story telling and working with him to create a feirce pirate character.
Date: 8th Nov 2021 @ 7:30pm
Today we were introduced to our new story ‘Room on the Broom’ by Julia Donaldson. We read the story together, joining in with the rhyming words and familiar parts of the story. We talked about the meaning of any unfamiliar words and made inferences from the text. At various points in the story we predicted what we thought might happen next and what clues we could see/read to support this. We then worked in pairs to retell the key events in the story, using the book for support where needed.
Date: 8th Nov 2021 @ 9:10am
We have been focusing on Black History Month and we looked at the life and accomplishments of Mary Seacole. We were amaxed by the resilience and determination that she showed despite facing discrimination. We moved on to writing a diary from Mary Seacole's point of view. We looked at the features of diaries and unpicked them ready to write our own!
Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 3:48pm
October was Black History month, and in Year 5 we enjoyed finding out about promenent Black muscians from the past. This linked with our learning in Music, where we were listening to, and making observations about Motown music from the 1960s and 1970s. In our writing journey, we researched the singer and musician, Stevie Wonder, and wrote a historical narrative about his amazing life. As part of our guided reading sessions, we read about other famous Black people who have had an impact on the world; Sislin Fay Allen, Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela.
Date: 3rd Nov 2021 @ 8:28pm
There have been some spooky goings on in Nursery over the last few days as we explored Halloween! We read the story "What's In The Witches Kitchen" By Nick Sharratt which the children loved! They really enjoyed looking at the book together and were great at retelling the story. The witch even left us a bowl of jelly, but it had spiders and bats in it! The chidlren worked really hard to get them out using tweezers! We pratcised our counting by adding 8 legs to scary spiders and worked our fine motor skills by tapping witches fingers in to pumpkins! It really has been quiet a frightful week!
Date: 22nd Oct 2021 @ 12:50pm
While black history is celebrated year round, Black History Month is marked annually. It recognises and values the inspirational individuals and events that have shaped the black generation. During Black History Month, we remember and celebrate the important people from the past and also those who contribute to and help our society today.
Alongside shared class books highlighting the work and impact of Black people, the month of October began with an assembly to introduce the themes of Black History Month and its importance for us all. Classes have woven some significant figures from Black History into a range of lessons including Reading into Writing:
EYFS and Year 1 – People around the world
Year 2 – Rosa Parks
Year 3 – Mary Seacole
Year 4 – Sporting achievements
Year 5 – Influential musicians
The children's work will be displayed on specially designed black and gold post boxes that will feature, as in previous years, in prominent positions throughout school as we share our learning with other classes and visitors to Boundary.
Date: 22nd Oct 2021 @ 10:22am
In Reading into Writing this half term we have linked our writing to Black History Month. We were given the slave trade and Harriet Tubman to look at. We decided our piece of writing was going to be an autobiography written by Harriet Tubman. We researched all about her life and made lots of notes. We then drafted our autobiography and made edits based on teacher feedback. To finish the journey we completed a hot write - a final best version without all the mistakes.
Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 10:32am
In Reading into Writing we were being immersed into a variety of diaries and we were on a mission to find features! We were all given a label and we were the chief finder of our feature. We did a great job and we are looking forward to writing our own diaries soon, inspired by Mary Seacole.
Date: 13th Oct 2021 @ 9:18am
During Black History Month we will be reading the story ‘Handa’s Surprise.’ Today we were introduced to the story and we discussed the characters, new vocabulary and where the story was set. We learnt that the story is set in Kenya and we looked at the illustrations to support our understanding with this. We all enjoyed the story and we spent lots of time discussing the key events and the order the cheeky animals took Handa’s fruit! We then worked in small groups to reorder key events in the story. We talked through the story again in our groups and retold it using the picture prompts.
Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 7:57am
This week we took part in the whole school 'No Pen Day!' and boy did we have fun! Our lessons were 100% practical and discussion based. We used physical 2D and 3D shapes to learn about their properties and their names by sorting, describing and playing games. We also found the features of information texts using blue tack and string to label a WAGGOL. In the afternoon we were lucky enough to find out about the importance of recycling using Now Press Play.
Date: 6th Oct 2021 @ 8:24am
On Tuesday 5th October, alongside the rest of School, Year 2 put all pens and pencils away for the day. This allowed us to concentrate on our listening and communication skills and we all enjoyed lots of valuable discussion. In Reading into Writing, we sorted different letters by their features and tried to help the postman by putting the correct letters back together and in Maths we continued practicing counting in 2's, 5's and 10's by creating number lines. We also re-capped all the things we have learnt so far about Christianity in RE focusing on creation and how the world is changed. Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were impressed with the discussions that took place across the day- well done Year 2!
Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 6:44pm
Rosie the hen is going for a walk- but she'd better watch out as there is a sneaky fox hot on her tail feathers! Rosie then leads the fox into a series of accidents, completely unaware that she is being followed!
Reception listened to the story and laughed out loud at the fox's mishaps! Through this engaging story, the children learned how to retell the story, sequencing the events using the correct prepositions (across, around, over, under). They drew story maps, collaged a paper plate fox, painted Rosie and even made an obstacle course outside!
Here are some of our photos!
Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 4:25pm
That's right! Today at Boundary was no pen day, and what a day we've had in Year 4. Lots of great discussion and debates going on in Reading into Writing about the differences between facts and opinions. In maths we were learning about adding 1, 10, 100 and 1000 to a 4-digit number with a fantastic activity to finish off the lesson! The this afternoon is Science we learned all about conductors and insulators of electricity and a good sessions trying and testing those using the circuits. Finally, to finish off the day we showed off our super search engine skills to find out information about a famous person! Unfortunately... Mr McCormack completely forgot at one point today and picked up his pen! He was subsequently told off my the childfren in Maple Class and even by Mr Bamber.
There's A Dragon In Your Book!
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 12:17pm
This Week we have been reading the brilliant story "There's A Dragon In Your Book" By Tom Fletcher. This is a great book to share with chilldren as it's really interactive and we had so much fun reading it. The children have had so many experiences linked to the book from putting out the dragons fire to making him some delicious ice cream. They also used their fine motor skills to make dragons with moving parts!
Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
Date: 29th Sep 2021 @ 8:36pm
In Year 6 we have completed our first Reading into Writing journey: News Articles. Our journey involved reading through lots of examples of news articles so that we could identify the features. We also did lots of GPS work based on direct and reported speech so that we could learn how to use quotes accurately in our writing. We also took part in teacher model and shared write sessions to help us understand exactly how to organise our writing. Finally, we used our trip to PGL to write an article about the experience.
Date: 29th Sep 2021 @ 6:51am
Singing Nursery Rhymes and songs is a very important part of our nursery day. It helps the children to become familar with patterns in langauage, rhyming words and it helps the children develop an ear for our language. Both rhythm anf rhyme help the children to hear the sounds and syllabuls in words, which helps them learn to read! The children love using our special "Sing It" bag as it's full of nursery rhyme props. We pull a prop from the bag and then sing the matching rhyme!
Date: 28th Sep 2021 @ 8:36pm
This week in maths we have been focusing on learning new mathematical language and exploring its meaning through the use of different stories. We have been thinking about the words more and less and discussing what they mean. To help use understand this in more depth we role played stories using different props.
We read the story 'A Squash and a squeeze' and talked about how more animlas came into the old ladies house which made it feel very squahed. We talked about why the lady felt squashed and that is was because the amount of people was getting bigger. When the old lady took at the animals out we discussed the quantiy was getting smaller because there was less animals. We also read the story 'A Duck in a Truck". We made props to help use retell the story and used the language of more as each animal came to help the duck get out of the mud.
Date: 28th Sep 2021 @ 7:50am
Year 1 have had a brilliant start to the new school year. We have enjoyed exploring our new classrooms and completing independent tasks in continuous provision, alongside our daily lessons. We have been accurately counting forwards and backwards in maths, writing labels and sentences about 'The Colour Monster' in Reading into Writing and exploring the human body and our five senses in Science. We have also enjoyed our Forest School sessions and exploring our local area
Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 5:09pm
No-Bot the Robot is a story about Bernard the robot who lost his bottom on a swing at the park. Everytime he thinks he has found it- it disappears again! Fortunatley, Bernard has lots of friends who kindly help him search for his bottom until it is found. It is a story of resillience and friendship.
The children in Reception enjoyed listening to the story with their teacher, looking at the illustrations in the Book Nook, building and creating their own robots with blocks, playdough and art resources. They also talked about the characteristic 'Katy Kindness' and what being a good friend means.
Here's some of the activities we did this week...
Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 2:05pm
We have really enjoyed reading "The Colour Monster" by Anna Llenas. It's a story about a monster whose feelings are all mixed up but his friend helps him to sort them all out. We explored each of the feelings happy, sad, angry, scared, calm and love and listened to different music that made us feel each of those emotions. Can you spot our happy, angry and sad faces in the photos?
Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 4:40pm
Today we have begun to write the first draft of our non-chronological reports about rivers. The pupils are using their plans, which are in note form, to write paragraphs about the different river features found along the river's journey. In the following lessons pupils will edit and improve their drafts, before publishing their final non-chronological report.