Reading: Blog items

Year 1 Spring Poems

Date: 8th May 2022 @ 10:42am

In Year 1, our current Reading into Writing journey is poetry. This week we have been immersing ourselves in lots of different examples! We have looked at a range of poems, including acrostic poetry. We have worked with a partner to read and find the features of each poem. We have been looking for: capital letters, adjectives, rhyming words, alliteration and similies. We will then be writing our own Spring acrostic poems using all the features we have found to help us!

Year 3 Creating a balanced argument

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 4:50pm

In Year Three we have started looking at discussion texts and began to locate for and against arguments in the text and what language gives us a clue on which viewpoint we were looking at. We looked at cut up texts and discussed how for and against points build up to make a balanced viewpoint to build the final discussion text. 

Year 5 And..... action!

Date: 23rd Mar 2022 @ 10:54am

We are proud to publish the official photographs from Year 5's performance of 'Much Ado About Nothing' at Blackpool's famous Grand Theatre, which was held on Tuesday 15th March 2022. 

The children who performed did an outstanding job at performing one of William Shakespeare's most famous plays, and at representing our school! 

Don't they look like they should be on a film set in Hollywood?! 



Year 5 Web Wonders!

Date: 22nd Mar 2022 @ 3:37pm

Today we have continued building our own websites using Google Sites.  We have built the pages, and add text and pictures in previous lessons, and today was all about hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are buttons or text on websites that send you to another website when you click it. We discussed what types of webpages should be linked to our own and found good sources of information which were relevant to our websites. We added several hyperlinks to our science-based websites, to given more information to visitors.

Reception Whose that trip trapping over my bridge?

Date: 21st Mar 2022 @ 8:04pm

This week Reception have been reading the traditional tale 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'.  The children have enjoyed retelling the story both indoors and in the garden.  Inside the children used the puppets and props to retell the story in thie own words.  The created their own story maps and drew pictures from the story adding labels.  Outside the children worked together using the large wooden bricks to build their own bridge.  They then took it in turns to play the different characters.

Year 5 Much Ado About Nothing?

Date: 21st Mar 2022 @ 7:38am

A huge congratulations to all the Year 5 children who took part in the RSC's performance of William Shakespeare's, 'Much Ado About Nothing'.  We were joined by 9 other Blackpool schools as part of the RSC's Associate Schools Programme, which has been created to support pupils in building confidence, resiliance and speaking and listening skills. After several weeks of practising, learning lines and dress-rehersals, the performance was perfectly delivered infront of a packed Grand Theatre in Blackpool. We are all so proud of the children who took part - what a great experience!

Year 1 The voyage of Columbus

Date: 19th Mar 2022 @ 9:12pm

As part of our History journey about Christopher Columbus, today we answered two key questions; Did everyone think Columbus was a hero and why should we remember Columbus? We looked at a range of ways in which Columbus is celebrated and ranked reasons as to why Columbus might deserve to be famous. We then selected the reasons we each thought were the most important and wrote a word plaque for a statue of Columbus.

Year 1 Christopher Columbus

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 8:09pm

Today in Year 1 we enjoyed our History Day! The first question we explored was, why do you think we remember Christopher Columbus? We became History detectives to explore the answer to this question! Clues were placed around our room, as if in an art gallery. We worked in pairs to write simple words that came to mind whilst looking at each clue. We then came back together to collect all our ideas from the clues and images we had seen!

Nursery Poo In The Zoo!

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 5:32pm

We read a very funny story this week called "Poo In The Zoo". At Iguana eats some fire flies and then is poo begins to glow! We then talked about what a herbivore is and how they eat plants, leaves and vegetables and then created some herbivore poo at the play dough table! Don't worry - any poo involved in this weeks learning was definitely fake! 

Year 2 George's Marvelous Dancing

Date: 15th Mar 2022 @ 2:35pm

This half term in PE, Year 2 are focusing on Dance. We begun the half term by linking our dance to our Science topic Electricity and did lots of work moving our bodies as if it was full of Electricity. Now we have developed the confidence to move our bodies creatively we have begun to create a dance based on our class novel 'George's Marvellous Medicine.' First we created a bank of adjectives to describe George and Granny before acting these out and adding movement to it; then we got out some different resources and using their magical powers controlling us before we added them to our potions. We are impressed with the children's determination and team work skills and cannot wait to see the final performance.

Nursery Whose Been Eating My Porridge?

Date: 11th Mar 2022 @ 2:03pm

We have been exploring the traditional tale "Goldllocks and The Three Bear" this week. We have used puppets to retell the story, painted the three bears by selecting the appropriate tools and retold the story using puppets and small world figures. The children also explored mark making by making wanted posters for Goldilocks and making a story map. 

Year 4 World Book Day 2022!

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 5:16pm

This week we celebrated World Book Day 2022! We had a fantastic day in Year 4 as this was also our Forest School day! We had some great activites in class for World Book Day. We used our new bookmarks (which have a QR Code and log in details to access a whole online library on Oxford Owl) to do some book surfing and choose an online book to read. We talked about the characters that we had come dressed up as and what book they were from. We also played a fantastic quiz, thanks to Mrs Hamilton to nicely round off the day.

Year 6 World Book Day

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 8:12pm

Today we celebrated World Book. The children looked absolutely brilliant in their costumes and really put a lot of effort into becoming their characters. We had characters such as:

The convicts from Holes

Elizabeth Banks from Mary Poppins

Little Red Riding Hood

Anne Frank

Katniss Everdeen

The staff also enjoyed dressing up as some of their favourite characters. We also took park in a live event, which involved authors discussing their books and finished the day with a fun 50 question book quiz! We hope everyone enjoyed the day.



Year 1 World Book Day

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 7:33pm

As part of our World Book Day celebrations we came to school dressed as our favourite book character. We were all very excited as we had all kept our costumes a surprise until today! Our classroom was full of lots of book characters, including The Gingerbread Man, The Three Little Pigs, Mary Poppins, Willy Wonka, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger! Lots of effort was made and everyone looked brilliant. Throughout the day we took part in a special quiz and drew and wrote about our World Book Day costume. 

Reception World Book Day

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 12:55pm

The children have enjoyed dressing up as their favourite book characte.  We had some fantastic costumes including Harry Potter, Willy Wonka, Little Red Riding Hood, The Cat in Hat and Goldilocks.  The children enjoyed listening and retelling their favourite stories. drawing, painting and writing about their favourite characters and making their own special bookmarks.  The children are looking forward to spending their book tokens and getting a brand new book.

Year 5 Introduction to 'Older Literature'

Date: 24th Feb 2022 @ 7:48pm

During the first week of Spring 2, we have been introduced to the fascinating work of William Shakespeare! 

By completing a scavenger hunt, we have learnt lots of new things about the life and works of one of the world's most influential people... did you know we still use words and phrases coined (made up) by Shakespeare? Over 1700 words in the English language are believed to have been invented by him, or introduced to his audience because of him. Gossip, fashionabble and nervy are just some! 

Nursery There's A Pea On The Loose!

Date: 24th Feb 2022 @ 5:48pm

There has been an evil pea on the loose in Nursery this week! Thank goodness Supertato was on hand to save the day! The children have loved reading the story "Supertato" By Sue Hendra and have been busy making their own evil peas, making traps to catch him and creating Wanted posters. They have also been thinking about the sound "s" and creating a Super "S". 

Nursery The Naughty Bus

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 8:50pm

The children loved this weeks story "The Naughty Bus". They used the story telling basket to retell the story, created their own buses and used their painting skills to paint pictures of buses.  We also looked at the "s" sound and created "Stop" signs for the bus because we throught it was becoming out of control! 

Reception The Sound of Music

Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 4:57pm

The classrooms in Reception are alive with the sound of music!

Each week the children enjoy singing along to their favourite songs and playing a range of instruments-. This week they sang a a phase 3 letter sound song, played a congo drum to keep a steady beat and used polar animals to make a pattern song.

Take a look at what they have been doing.

Nursery "P" for Penguin

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 10:04pm

We have been busy practising our mark making and phonics skills this week! The children enjoy mark making on a variety of different materials and our perspex easle is great for writing on with pens and can also be used to paint on. The children enjoyed using it to practise writing their names and did a super job. We also looked at things beginning with "p" this week and made some perfect "p" penguins! 

Year 1 Lost and Found

Date: 9th Jan 2022 @ 10:50am

This week we were introduced to our new text, ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers. As a class we read the story, focusing on our understanding of key vocabulary and the order of key events. Through the story we learnt about the unlikely friendship and relationship between the boy and the penguin as well as the characteristics of kindness and compassion. We also used our skills of prediction to work out what might happen next from what we had read so far. We then worked with a partner to order key events independently and retell the story ourselves.

The Jolly Postman

Date: 1st Dec 2021 @ 10:42am

Today we read our new story ‘The Jolly Postman.’ Throughout the story we discussed the meaning of key words, identified rhyming words and began to identify the features of a letter. After reading the story we received a letter from the Jolly Postman asking for our help! The letter explained that all the Jolly Postman’s post had blown out of his bag and got muddled up! The Jolly Postman didn’t know which were letters and which were not, so our task was to help him! 

Christmas is here!

Date: 30th Nov 2021 @ 8:02pm

This week Reception Christmas has arrived.  We have been busy writing letters to Santa, designing and building toys in Santa's workshop and learning about the story of the first Christmas.  We have been reading the story 'The Gingerbread Man'.  We have been making story maps and asding labels and simple sentences using our phonic knowledge.  We have also been busy ordering gingerbread numbers 1-10, subtising using a dice by playing roll the gingerbred man, retelling the story at the storytelling table, painting gingerbread men and collaging them at the creative table.  What a busy week.

It All Got A Little Bit Messy!

Date: 28th Nov 2021 @ 12:38pm

The children love sensory experiences in nursery and they provide so many learning opportunites. They are great for physical development as they require the use of both fine and gross motor skills. The are also a great way for children to build relationships with each other as they share and take turns and talk about what they experiencing. As well as all of this, they also support the children's communitcation and language development as the describe, question and explain what they are experiencing. Oh, and of course they have a lot of fun! 

Budding authors in Year 6

Date: 25th Nov 2021 @ 9:31pm

Today Year 6 were joined by local author Dan Worsley. Dan led writing workshops with both classes, which involved describing a villain in a scene. The children were given lots of tips and ideas for making their writing exciting for the reader and Dan was really impressed with the work that was produced. We may just have budding authors in our school!

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