Reading: Blog items
Date: 14th Mar 2025 @ 10:48am
Acorns have been exploring the concept of space over the last two weeks. Our sensory story Whatever Next! follows a teddy bear who flies to the moon in a cardboard box for a picnic. We have had lots of fun trying on our space helmet and flying to the moon in our own box, developing our imaginations, engagement in group activities and taking turns with a rocket to play with.
We have been busy making space rockets and aliens during arts and crafts, counting backwards in maths as we blast into space and developing our focus and concentration with space themed 'Bucket' activities.
Date: 13th Mar 2025 @ 9:25am
This half term we have written a narrative story called 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'. We watched a short silent video based around the relationship between main characters: Rock, Paper, Scissors. We then had to write the story that went with the video. Have a read through some of our stories.
Date: 11th Mar 2025 @ 10:17pm
Nursery made a superb effort for World Book Day! We had Willy Wonka, but he forgot to bring his chocolate, Dorothy who had lost her way from the yellow brick road and Zog who was taking a break from his dragon training! We had a wonderful day sharing our favourite stoires, drawing book characters and making book marks.
Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 5:22pm
Year 4 celebrated World Book Day by talking part in a BBC Live Lesson. During the live lesson, children from around the UK were reading at the same time! The childremn discussed their favourite genres and places to read.
The class then read an information text about the benefits of reading and created an acrostic poem using the information gathered.
Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 4:32pm
We had an exciting and interesting World Book Day - we were visited by Princesses, witches and wizards, authors and many, many more. We talked about our favourite books, authors and books that had been made into films. We then took part in a fun quiz about our last class novel 'Kensuke's Kingdom' and then a special World Book Day quiz.
Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 3:34pm
This afternoon, Year 6 spent time in our library picking new books. We dicussed which books they had chosen and why? We finished the session by reading our class novel 'Pig Heart Boy'.
Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 2:28pm
As part of our World Book Day celebrations, the children were invited to come in dressed up as a book character. We had a range of creative costumes from Harry Potter to an Ancient Egyptian! The children enjoyed going up into the library and reading a book, we also completed a book review and spoke about who we were dressed up as.
Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 2:13pm
Acorns loved engaging in world book day activities. We looked fantastic in our outfits.
We enjoyed lots of mark making with crayons until they quit and we had to use different mediums including paint and chalk instead.
We all engaged in listening to the story for a short burst and loved listening to each other’s stories that we came dressed up in.
Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 1:57pm
How incredible do we all look?! What a turn out for World Book Day 2025. Today we all dressed as our favourite book characters. We used our oracy skills to talk about who we were and why we picked our character. We then solved some book themed riddles and wrote our own riddle about our character.
Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 11:01am
We were very excited to come to school today dressed as our favourite book characters. We started the day by taking part in our whole school assembly, before coming back to class to complete lots of World Book Day related activities! We drew pictures of us in our costumes, wrote sentences to explain who we were, read different stories and made World Book Day bookmarks.
Nursery Try to Capture the Evil Pea!
Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 2:42pm
We have been reading the story "Supertato" and came to school to find that the Evil Pea had captured all the veggies and then disappeared! We decided we needed to find the Evil Pea so we made some Wanted Posters. The children drew a picture of the Evil Pea and then wrote P for pea. Let's hope it helps to capture the Evil Pea!
Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 2:33pm
Nursery had a visit from Zoe who works for the library service. We were very excitied to show her our school Library and Zoe was equally excited to see it! While she was here, Zoe read us a Supertato story and then we were given a Bookstart pack to take home with some lovely stories to share at home.
Date: 3rd Feb 2025 @ 7:42pm
This week pupils in year 5 visited The Attic to select a reading book from the school's library. After finding a book and discussing it with friends, pupils spent time reading in the relaxing, comfortable space.
Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 9:47pm
In Nursery we have a focus story that we base our learning around for 1 - 2 weeks.The children become familair with the story and are able to retell it using probs and pictures. To support this, we have started to create story maps where the children place pictures in the correct order to retell the story. The chidlren are becoming familair with the vocabulary of first, next, then and finally,
Date: 29th Jan 2025 @ 12:39pm
This half term, the Book Club has been getting comfortable in The Attic and immersing themselves in the book, 'The Shop of Impossible Ice Creams - Big Berry Robbery' by our local, visiting author Shane Hegarty. In the story so far, we have met some very interesting characters including, Liam (aka Limpet, who is often dressed as a cucumber and smells of onions), the eccentric Mrs Cricket (who lives on a roundabout inhabited by fairies), the evil, rival ice cream shop owner Mr Fluffy and a chicken that walks around on a dogs lead called Curtis! Every Tuesday, we look forward to hearing the latest escapades of Limpet and his friends in their quest to discover who indeed has stolen the Miracle Berry- an essential ingredient for any ice cream parlour taking part in the Golden Sprinkle Awards!
Date: 28th Jan 2025 @ 8:15am
This week we went up to the library, we read a story as a class before we all chose a book to bring back to class and enjoy.
Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 2:47pm
This week nursery were lucky enough to listen to a story told my the author Dan Worsley. The story had a pirate theme and the chidlren were hooked! When we got back to nursery, we decdied to carry on the Pirate theme and raided our Pirate box! The chidlren made up their own stories using small world figures and then made a pirate ship out of wooden blocks.We had such a wonderful time that we decided to carry on the pirate theme next week!
Dan Worsley- Storytelling workshop!
Date: 22nd Jan 2025 @ 9:58am
Today the children had a visit from Dan Worsley, who is a fantastic local author! Firstly KS2 had a special assembly from Dan. He told us all about his writing journey and how he has to work as a team to create his book. He then told us a fantastic story called ‘Pat on the head’.
Then, Year Three has a writing workshop. Dan told us a story describing a witch, we looked at how to add detail into writing by focusing on different features. This children then described their own witch using what they have learnt.
Dan Worsley's Storytelling Assembly
Date: 21st Jan 2025 @ 8:03pm
Today the children in EYFS and Key Stage one participated in a special storytelling assembly led by one of our school's favourite author's Dan Worsley. During the assembly, Dan put on the superpowered storytelling waistcoat and used a variety of props to perform one of his weird and wacky ‘Impossible Tales’. The children were engrossed while Dan took them on an adventure meeting the 'Boss Pirate' and enjoyed thoroughly enjoyed participating at different of the story . All the children listened carefully and were an absolute credit to Boundary.
Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 5:20pm
In Year 4, we have been reading a poem about the winter season.
We have been practising our fluency as a whole class. Many children wanted to stand up and read in front of others! The children read very well as they read at the correct pace and were reading with intonation.
Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 4:38pm
This week we introduced story mapping to the nursery children. Using our focus story, the children were given four pictures and together we placed then in the correct order using the vocabulary of "first, next, then and last". Once we had practised together, the children then had a go on their own and did amazingly well!
School Council-Books and Charities
Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 5:32pm
The school council met today to discuss what type of books they would like Miss Moyes to order and what charities we will support as a school.
We then went on to discuss linking up with the Eco Warriors to do a fund raiser for the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) charity.
Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 8:23am
During the first part of this term, Year 5 read Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. We really enjoyed learning about the characters, their emotions and what it takes to write a book that we were all so engaged with - it rapidly became a year group favourite; so much so that in the final part of Autumn 2 we watched the film! We then spent some time analysing the film versus the book, discussing how much had been left out (due to time) and hwo much more vivid the details were when we didn't rely on our imagination but were instead presented with a fully animated, living, breathing world right on the screen!
Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 11:22am
This week Acorns have been reading the Gingerbread Man.
We have had lots of fun using the characters from the story to tell the story.
Omer - "Swim, swim"
We have enjoyed making our own collage gingerbread man and baked our own gingerbread cookies.
Year 1 Santa's Grotto Storytime
Date: 5th Dec 2024 @ 5:48pm
Today Year 1 visited Santas Grotto for our storytime. We were very excited to read our new story 'What the Ladybird Heard at Christmas' in the magical grotto! We loved looking at the different lights, talking about Christmas and sharing our experiences.