Physical Education: Blog items

Healthy Heroes

Date: 25th Sep 2021 @ 9:39am

This half term, Year Two have began learning about healthy lifestyles and thinking about all the things we do to keep ourselves healthy. The children all drew pictures of the things they do to keep themselves healthy and wrote some sentences to accompany it. Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were impressed with the answers the children came up with and we discussed how the amount of sleep we get, eating a balanced diet, speaking about our feelings as well as making sure we challenge ourselves is all included in keeping ourselves healthy.

Human and Physical Features

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 7:02pm

This week in Geography we began to learn about physical and human features. We learnt that human and physical features are things we can see all around us. We discussed how physical features are natural and would be here even if there were no people around. We identified physical features such as seas, grass, mountains and rivers. We also talked about how human features are man made and built by people. It was then time to visit the outdoor areas around school and the Forest School area to identify as many human and physical features as possible. Have a look at what we found!

Point those toes!

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 3:54pm

Year 3 were lucky enough to start their journey with The Royal Ballet School. The children loved this new experience and were mesmerised by the musician that played for us while we danced. We pointed our toes, stretched our arms and learnt lots of new positions. We are looking forward to continuing out lessons and our going to The Globe Theatre to watch the experts dance!

Boogie Beasts

Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 9:52pm

This half term, Year Two have been enjoying a dance unit focused on animals.  We have been listening to different styles of music and moving like a range of animals including lions, elephants, giraffes and monkeys.  We have shared lots of ideas about how these animals might move and we have been couting in sets of 8 to try and ensure we move in sync with our partners.  We have been working togtether to create our own motifs and Miss Hooson and Miss Duckworth have been very impressed with our creativity and enthusiasm.

Just Dance!

Date: 20th Sep 2021 @ 4:52pm

Here are some of our Year 4's bustin' some moves in our dance lessons. What a great way to exercise and keep fit whilst having some fun along the way! Our Year 4's are loving our dance classes this half term and experiencing new movement sequences whilst getting a great core workout at the same time! 

Year 5 Soccer Stars

Date: 16th Sep 2021 @ 3:50pm

This half-term we are lucky enough to have our FA coach, Mr Williams, supporting our learning in PE. We will be learning some of the key skills of 'invasion games', which include football, netball and rugby. All of the skills and tactics are transferable to a variety of different sports and games. 

This week we were looking at dribbling the football with both feet and passing the ball through a target. Children were challenged by the size of the target, by using both feet, and by using different parts of their feet to kick the ball. All the pupils enjoyed this session and were successful!

Fun at PGL!!

Date: 16th Sep 2021 @ 2:50pm

What a brilliant time the children (and staff) had on our annual residential to PGL. The children were absolutely amazing and a real credit to Boundary. They worked so well as a group and took part in a range of activities, showing resilience and determination. We hope the children had a great time - they have made memories that will last a lifetime!!

Never miss a chance to dance!

Date: 15th Sep 2021 @ 5:14pm

During P.E this week Fern class enjoyed learning a dance routine. We worked together to ensure we knew the choreography and that we were dancing in unison. This tested our team work skills as well as being a fun workout!

Teamwork makes the dream work

Date: 8th Sep 2021 @ 9:31am

This week we began our new PE topic Outdoor and Adventurous Activities. Mr Willets, our sports coach, set up a number of team work activities. But there was a twist... we had to do the activities blindfolded! This meant we had to use our speaking and listening skills and put our trust in our peers to guide us through the activities. We had a great time and learnt so much!

Welcome back Year 6!

Date: 6th Sep 2021 @ 7:48pm

What a great first day back we have all had! Our WOW this afternoon was all based around teamwork - we discussed as classes the importance this year of working together and the characteristics we need to demonstrate in order to achieve our goals. Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. Jones planned a series of orienteering courses for us to work through as teams; the aim was to show our teachers just how well we can work together and communicate. It was tricky at times but most of us managed to finish the 8 courses through good teamwork and collaboration. 

Sports Day

Date: 16th Jul 2021 @ 9:57am

The children thoroughly enjoed taking part in Sports Day.  They demonstrate excellent sportmanship by supporting the other children in their house teams.  The children tried their hardest when competing in the different races and showed resilence and determination.  We are very proud of you all.

Sports Week!

Date: 7th Jul 2021 @ 2:20pm

We had a fantastic  sports week and we were very lucky that the sun was shining for us. We made our teachers proud with vast amount of characteristics we displayed this week! We worked brilliantly in teams yet. We managed to be competitive yet supportive of each other and a good time was had all around. 

Ballet Dancing Success!

Date: 7th Jul 2021 @ 12:14pm

Lots of children have been chosen this week by the Royal Ballet Teachers and invited to participate in a club from September which will give them Dance opportunities with the Royal Ballet School. We have been practising galloping, balancing, moving to the music and coping the different stretches that the teachers have shown us. It has been a fabulous opportunity for Year 3 and we know the next Year 3 class will really enjoy taking part in September!

Sports Week!

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 7:26pm

Along with the rest of Boundary this week we have taken part in and enjoyed sports week!

We had two brilliant afternoons filled with balloon races, speed bounce, hurdles and egg and spoon races.

We all had lots of fun, showing lots of our Boundary characeristics throughout the week and supporting our friends and team mates.

We enjoyed all these activities in the lovely sunshine and contributed to our Road to Tokyo goals with each physical activity we completed. 

Sports Day Activities

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 5:01pm

This week the children have took part in various sports day activities to earn points for their house teams. A favourite of theirs was completing the speed bounce and balloon races in their teams. 

The Balloon Olympics!

Date: 1st Jul 2021 @ 3:09pm

For Sports Day this year Nursery took part in some fun balloon games. We practised skills included passing, throwing and catching and also developed our team work skills! We had so much fun and there were balloons flying everywhere! 

More Sports Day Shenanigans!

Date: 1st Jul 2021 @ 2:03pm

It was the last of our activities! Who will win? Your guess is as good as ours! We took part in more team games: over and under, side to side, elbow passing and speed bouncing. There wasn't a particular team who won all of the games so this means it must be tight between the winners! We can't wait to find out which team takes the Number 1 spot! Fingers crossed it's your team...

Super Sports Day in the Sun!

Date: 29th Jun 2021 @ 3:52pm

We had a brilliant sports afternoon in Year 3, with lots of races including the egg and spoon race, hurdles and an obstacle course. It was lots of fun, we all got very hot and we also contributed to our Road To Tokyo goals because of all the activity we did!


Year 6's Sports Day!

Date: 29th Jun 2021 @ 1:33pm

What a brilliant Sports Day Year 6 have had! We competed in lots of different events:

  • Relay race
  • Team work races
  • Shot put
  • Javelin
  • Hurdles
  • Sprint

As well as encouraging our team mates, we also cheered our entire year group on! We showed many characteristics during our afternoon: resilience, team work, tolerance, paitence, kindness, confidence, self-control, respect, fair and supportive. We worked hard in our teams (Chepstow, Bathurst, Elston and Rodwell). We wonder who'll win! Stay tuned...

Football and Netball with Alan

Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 8:11am

This week, we had a brilliant PE session with Alan Williams. We split up into 2 groups. and each group played in a football and netball match. After 30 minutes, we swapped over. We learnt many skills to succeed: working well as a team, accurate passing, on target shooting and good sportmanship. We thoroughly enjoy our PE sessions and can't wait to see what's in store for next week! 

Rhythm of the Rainforest

Date: 24th Jun 2021 @ 11:35am

We were lucy enough to experience a dance lesson with a wonderful lady from the Royal Ballet Company. We created our own dances and movements based on the rainforest and we loved it! We linked it to our Science topic and thought about the animals and plants that we would see to inspire us. 

Striking & Fielding

Date: 22nd Jun 2021 @ 6:53pm

This half term in our PE sessions we have been focussing on striking and fielding games, including cricket. We have watched lots of videos of cricketers striking balls, noting how the batsman stands in a sideways position, the position of the fielders and how the bowler bowls the ball.

We have practised striking a ball off a tee, stopping a ball with 2 hands and hitting a ball correctly. We have worked to communicate effectively and work well with others in our team and how to work safely in a defined spce.

Dazzling Dancers!

Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 4:18pm

This week, Boundary Primary School hosted a day of dance workshops. The children in Year Two and Year Five each recieved a dance lesson from Sarah Gough (from the Royal Ballet School and Blue Moose Dance Company).

Boundary hosted dance training sessions and a staff meeting attended by teachers from other local schools and staff and pupils both learnt  a lot throughout the day.

Year Five explored the topic of coasts through dance and Year Two visited the rainforest and the animals you would find there. A fantastic time was had by all!

Now Press Play - Under The Sea

Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 3:04pm

The Nursery chilldren took part in a "Now Press Play" activity. Each child had a set of headphones (which they tried so hard to turn on by themselves) and listened to a story set under the sea! They had to listen carefully and follow some instructions and we all went for a swim in the sea, rowed a boat and became a pirate, a jelly fish and a crab! 

Sporting Stars!

Date: 10th Jun 2021 @ 10:12am

Both Year Five classes spent a fun and energetic lesson doing a range of different athletic activities including: relay races, skipping, various throwing activities and sprinting. They finsihed up with an egg and spoon race which was enjoyed by all!

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust