Physical Education: Blog items
Date: 27th Mar 2025 @ 3:06pm
This week we have been reading the story "Poo in the Zoo". The chidlren came to school to discover a big lump of elephant poo in the tuff tray! "Ewww! What's that?" they said. We discussed what it looked like and how it might of got there. We remembered that Miss Walsh had been to the zoo on Tuesday and maybe she had trodden in it or an elephant did a poo in her bag! The children explored the poo (wearing safety googles of course) and pulled bits out using tweezers. They found bits of food and a few stones! It was a great discussion point and encouraged lots of conversation.
(Disclaimer - it wasn't real elephant poo!)
Date: 27th Mar 2025 @ 2:57pm
This week Mrs Welch was treated to a delicious Shepherd's Pie made in the mud kitchen. One child led the play and started off cutting the carrots to go in the pie. He then added mud and sand and another child said "I will go and get you some water". They came back with a jug of water which they added to the pie. This was then mixed together. The children showed the pie to Mrs Welch but she was firmly told "Don't eat it yet! It's hot!". When it had cooled down, the pie was given to Mrs Welch to enjoy. She ate every last bit and said it was the best Shepherd's Pie she had ever tasted.
Year 4 - Egyptian dance sequence
Date: 27th Mar 2025 @ 8:50am
This week, we used all our learning so far to start to put together a dance sequence. We thought about gods/goddesses, hieroglyphics, making the pyramids and what all those things mean. We created a mind map of ideas on the board, then started putting our sequences together.
Date: 13th Mar 2025 @ 9:12am
This half term, Year 4 have been focusing on dance in PE. We have explored and created characters and narratives in response to a range of stimuli. We have used body movements to represent Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, composed short sequences with partners and used unison and mirror techniques.
The children have been interested to further develop their knowledge of the Egyptians in PE incorporating two of their favourite subjects!
Date: 13th Mar 2025 @ 7:39am
We were all very excited for our new trim trail to open! This week we have been practising how to use each section of the trim trail, ensuring we keep ourselves and others safe. We showed lots of determination to try and get as far round the sections as we could!
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 4:41pm
Nursery had a brilliant time on the Balance Bikes. They learnt all about taking care of the bikes and how to check the tyres. They then crusied their way aroind the hall balancing perfectly on the bikes!
Date: 10th Feb 2025 @ 11:26am
Today we enjoyed celebrating our 100th day at school! We began our day with learning about our theme for the day, before completing lots of different 100 related activities. We practised subtracting with jelly beans, did 100 warm up activities in PE, created 100 monsters and counted different objects up to 100!
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 2:39pm
Acorns have had a fantastic time exploring the art of riding balance bikes. We listened to an adult talk about wearing a helmet and all tried one on before heading outside. We all had a try holding a balance bike and as our confidence developed, tried riding one. Some of us found it a little challenging but loved exploring the large outdoor space, running and balancing on stepping stones. We all explored essential skills like balance, coordination and confidence while having lots of fun.
Year 3- Developing our health and fitness!
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 1:01pm
In Pe, the children have been learning about exercise, health and fitness. The children have been looking at developing their muscle strength and working on developing our growth mindset and resilience. This week the children enjoyed completing a circuit that included star jumps, step ups, cone weaving, high knees, long jump and wall squats.
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 10:51am
The children in Reception have had a fantastic time mastering the art of riding balance bikes. They have learnt the importance of wearing a helmet to keep safe, listening to instructions aswell as devloping essential skills like balance, co-ordination and confidence.
Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 3:40pm
This half term, Year Two have completed the Yoga unit 'I am super'. We have thought about how our body feels during certain movements and how to feel strong and powerful. We concentrated on improving our balance during the different poses and being as still as possible whilst breathing steadily.
Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 2:59pm
The children cooked up a real treat in the mud kithen this week! If apples, carrots, flowers and a dash of mud are your cup of tea then head over to the Nursery Mud Kitchen! The children worked hard chopping and mixing. It was wonderful to see them working together and sharing cutlery. There was a great discussion about the inside of an apple as they discovered a star shape where the pips had been and how we can grow apple trees from the pips.
Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 2:47pm
The children had a bit of a shock this week when what they thought was playdough turned out to be cloud dough! Cloud dough has a differernt texture and consistancy to playdough but is still great for developing those fine motor muslces and is a great discussion point. Through exploring the dough, the children discovered that it is very crumbly but when you squeeze it tightly in to a ball it will all stick together. They also discovered how messy it is as there was flour all over them and the the floor!
Year 6 - Jumping in Gymnastics
Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 9:21am
Year 6 had a great gymnastics session this week practising leaps and jumps. We focused on pencil and tuck jumps and how to take off and land safely. We then used various pieces of equipment to continue our practice.
Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 4:50pm
Acorns have enjoyed learning the story of Goldilocks and the theee bears this week. We have engaged for short periods of time listening to the story and taking turns with the puppets. We loved the voices of the bears and it made us giggle when Miss Richardson said " who's been sitting in my chair". We enjoyed learning the Goldilocks song and signs and dancing along to it.
In maths we have been exploring the number 3 and big and small, linking with our story.
We have been busy creating bear during arts and crafts and developing ball skills during PE.
Reception- PE with Blackpool Football Club
Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 10:57am
This half term, the children in Reception have been enjoying a PE session with Gaz from Blackpool Football Club.
Each week they learn a different fundamental skill linked to their physical and communication and language development.
They have to listen to and follow the instructions given, take turns, negotiate space and obststacles within that space and then coordinate their bodies so they can move in different ways and throw, catch and dribble a ball.
Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 4:31pm
Nursery have been learnig all about Winter and as part of our topic the chidlren made 3D snowmen. They had to manipulate the dough to create balls, then attach them together and then add some special features to to make the snowmen their own!
Date: 15th Jan 2025 @ 4:19pm
This half-term we are developing our resilience through Yoga to support and healthy lifestyle. Today, we worked through 3 poses; Eagle Pose, Dancer Pose and Warrior Pose. We talked about how to do these poses even if we struggled to balance and how to flow between them. As always, each session finishes with our gratitudes, showing out thanks for ourselves, our friends and for the world around us.
Date: 15th Jan 2025 @ 2:33pm
Today we started our Gymnastics unit. We began by recapping the basic shapes we have been taught throughout the years. We then began exploring different balances using points and patches (hands, elbows, knees and feet). Once we had explored a variety of ways to balance using different parts of our body, we went into partners and began creating a sequence of balances linked together with turns and jumps.
Date: 14th Jan 2025 @ 10:50am
This half term in our PE sessions we are learning about different types of movement and linking these to dance. We began todays lesson by listening to a piece of winter music and thinking about all the changes that occur in winter and how these make us feel. We then began to think about movements that could be linked to these changes/feelings.
Nursery and the Hot Chocolate Station
Date: 18th Dec 2024 @ 1:11pm
Nursery had a wonderful time making Hot Chocolate at the tuff tray. They had to share and take turns, carefully scoop the ingreidents in to cups and talk to each other about what they were doing.
We then had a special treat of a real Hot Chocolate with cream and marshmallows!
Year 1 PE with Blackpool Football Club
Date: 18th Dec 2024 @ 10:04am
We have been very lucky to work with Gaz from Blackpool Football Club this half term. He has helped us to develop our fundamental skills through lots of activities and games. We have had lots of fun!
Date: 12th Dec 2024 @ 9:05am
As part of our Christmas activities and fundraising events, the whole school took part in an Elf Run. Taking place on the Key Stage 1 playground, classes used the Boundary Mile to get fit, run quick and have fun (elfing around you might say!) and all on our annual Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper day!
Year 6 - A very Christmassy kind of day!
Date: 11th Dec 2024 @ 4:01pm
Today was the start of our Christmas celebrations! With our Christmas jumpers on show, we took part in the 'Elf Run' to raise money for Brian House. In the afternoon we were treated to our Christmas dinner.
Year 2- Christmas Jumpers, Elf Run and festive lunch
Date: 9th Dec 2024 @ 9:48pm
Today, Year Two celebrated all things Christmas. We wore our Christmas jumpers for our annual Christmas lunch and completed the Elf Run to raise some money for charity. We enjoyed the festive activities and loved our delicious lunch!