Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC): Blog items

Reception Making Pancakes

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 10:59am

This week the children in Reception have been making pancakes.  We talked about the tradition of pancake day how some people decide to give something up, during the Christain period of Lent.  The children then enjoyed following a recipe to make and then eat their own pancakes.  When we returned to the classroom sequenced the pictures correctly and wrote our own insgtructions.

"You have to mix the eggs, milk and flour with a whisk" Alaiya

"Cook it in a frying pan" Isla

"The pancakes were yummy.  I liked the syrup best" Isabelle.

Reception- Chinese New Year.

Date: 26th Feb 2024 @ 5:56pm

Reception have been learning about the celebration- Chinese New Year- the year of the dragon. 

They made Chinese lanterns and dragons, painted Chinese dragons, talked about Chinese food and how similar it is to other celebrations, such as Christmas and birthdays.

"You clean the house ready to celebrate and eat special food" Mathew.

"You get presents and treats" Lucy.

"It is the year of the dragon" Loui-Tony.

"i like Chinese food- I eat rice and noodles and chicken" Mireya.

"You eat Chinese food with chopsticks" Myah.


Acorns - Chinese New Year Celebrations

Date: 22nd Feb 2024 @ 4:12pm

This week Acorns have been exploring Chinese New Year. We have enjoyed exploring different artificats relating to the Chinese New year through our Bucket activities and tuff trays. We have enjoyed beating the drums to chinese music and watching the dragon dance before experiencing our own dragon dance. We had lots of fun following the dragon around and running in and out of its body when it  came to class. 

Reception- Icy Surprises!

Date: 20th Feb 2024 @ 1:22pm

"What will melt the ice the quickest?"

This was the question that Reception had to answer when they carried out their very exciting science experiment.

They worked in small groups, discussing the changes that were happening as the ice began to melt. They used warm water, salt, a scrubbing brush and washing up liquid.

They eventually discovered that the warm water melted the ice the quickest and that salt was much better than a scrubbing brush or washing up liquid.


"I think it will be warm water that melts the ice the fastest because it is warm like the sun and the sun melts the ice when its frosty." Mathew.

"The brush is too hard to melt the ice- it's not working!" Niko.

"The warm water has melted it quicker than the others- look the toy is already out of it!" Kierah.

Reception- Internet Safety

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 6:17pm

This week has been Internet Safety Week . It was launched on Tuesday with a whole school assembly followed by a story in our classroom about Smartie The Penguin. Here, the children learnt, along with Smartie, how to keep themselves safe on the internet by talking to a trusted adult if things didn't seem right when playing games or doing research on the internet. 

"I watch films on Youtube" Mathew.

"I ask my mum if I can watch Peppa Pig" Luca.

"Don't talk to a stranger on the internet" Oliver.

Reception- RSE- Caring Friendships and Families

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 5:39pm

This week we have been learning about how friendships can make us feel happy and how we can welcome new friends. We also learnt about how members of our family are different and how they can help us too.

At storytime, we read about Ezza The Elephant and his friends and family. We then made crowns and drew pictures of our own families.

"Always ask someone to play with you if they have no friends to play with" Esmai.

"I sometimes feel nervous but I have my friend who can play with me" Elisha.

"My family is big- lots of brothers and sisters" Oliver.

Nursery PE

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 12:12pm

Nursery are throughly enjoying PE sessions with Mr Humble. They have been developing their ball skills by bouncing and catching balls, exploring differemt ways to move their bodies and have even taken part in some team games. PE is also a great way to develop the children's listening and attention skills as well as their PSED skills.

School Council- Fundraising and reading book ideas.

Date: 5th Feb 2024 @ 7:43pm

At our latest meeting, the School Council were joined by Miss Moyes, Miss Jones- Boast and Debbie our Cook.

We met to discuss how to calculate the cost and possible profit that could be made when we sell Elmer themed cup cakes to raise money for Brian House.

The cupcakes will be all different bright colours, just like Elmer. They will be sold at hometime on the school gates and also during the day for staff to purchase too.

Miss Moyes also needed to know what type of school reading books the children would enjoy, as she was going to be ordering some more.  The school council then went back to their classes to find out.

Another meeting will be held in the last week of this half term to discuss the results.

Reception- Story club

Date: 5th Feb 2024 @ 7:19pm

This half term, Reception have enjoyed staying for their first extra- curricular club- The Story Club!

Each week, they have chilled out on cushions, got cosy under throws and snuggled up to cuddly toys as they listened to a different Wintery story each week.

This was followed by colouring pictures from the story to take home and talk about with their families.



Eco- Environmental Review

Date: 5th Feb 2024 @ 7:05pm

The Eco Warriors met to discuss the environmental review.

We looked at the ten topics and took note of our findings and ideas- all the positives (which there were many) and the negatives (the few we will be working on this year on our action plan).

This will then be uploaded for our Eco Schools Green Flag apllication form.



Acorns - We're going on a polar bear hunt

Date: 4th Feb 2024 @ 7:35pm

Acorns have had lots of fun this week going on a polar bear hunt as part of thier winter theme.

We have enjoyed our sensory story 'going on a polar bear hunt', climbing over snow drifts, through snow storms, across rivers (water sprays), over the ice and into dark caves.

We have been talking about arctic animals and creating polar bears using sponge painting and cotton wool during our arts and crafts activities.

We are continuing to develop our focus and concentration during Bucket and have had fun watching snow splatts, fountains and bubbles.

What a busy week we have had. 

Acorns - Bailey's visits

Date: 4th Feb 2024 @ 6:08pm

Acorns have had the pleasure of Bailey the therapy dog visiting weekly. It has been lovely to see their confidence around Bailey developing each week. Most of our students are now confident enough to stroke or brush Bailey and enjoy a little game of chase around the classroom!


Year 2 - Now Press Play

Date: 2nd Feb 2024 @ 3:57pm

Today, we used our electricity knowledge and participated in a Now Press Play where our town had lost power and we needed to get the power back on to save our cousin on dialysis. We made a torch using our knowledge of circuits using wire, bulbs and batteries so we could make our way around to the power station. We even made the bulb brighter by adding another battery. 

Year 2- Fruit Smoothies

Date: 30th Jan 2024 @ 4:08pm

Today, we used our designs to make healthy fruit smoothies. First, we washed our hands to make sure we were ready to handle food before practicing the bridge method to hold and carefully chop different fruit into smaller pieces. Once the fruit was all chopped up, we put the correct fruits into a blender until they were smooth. Then we got to taste them! Most of us loved our smoothies and thought they were really tasty. 

Reception- Super Hero City!

Date: 29th Jan 2024 @ 7:46am

This week Reception have had lots of fun in PE pretending to be super heroes!

They practiced their running, jumping and hopping skills and then went on to throwing and catching. They had to listen, take turns and try not to crash into each other.

Take a look at our photos.

Acorns Bucket: Attention Autism

Date: 23rd Jan 2024 @ 4:49pm

Introducing Bucket - Attention Autism

Acorns have been enjoying 'Bucket'. Developing focus and attention skills, turn taking and aticipation through fun activities. 

Acorns have enjoyed experiening a variety of fun action objects and winter realated activities like snow, snowman splatt and snow fountains. 

Year 2- Fruit Tasting

Date: 23rd Jan 2024 @ 4:29pm

In Year Two, we have been busy trying lots of fruit to think about what we like and dislike in preparation for making our smoothies. We tried a variety of fruits including: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, peaches, mango, pineapple, melon and kiwi. We described the texture, the smell and the taste of each fruit and will use it to help us design and make our own smoothie in the coming weeks. 

Year 6 - Primary Futures event

Date: 23rd Jan 2024 @ 1:32pm

On Friday, Year 6 were involved in a Primary Futures event based around guessing 4 people's jobs. We were tasked with picking a set of 5 questions to ask the people about their jobs and had to guess what they did for a living at the end. Our 5 questions were:

Can you do your job from home?
Did you need to go to university for your job?
Do you ever get to travel at your job?
Is there a lot of writing involved in your job?
Do you work with children?
With extra clues given, we worked out that the first jobs were:
Working on the trams
Working for BBC Sport
Working in marketing
Working in a digital role in the NHS
It was a thoroughly enjoyable session in which we were exposed to a range of different jobs we could have when we are older.

Reception- Road Safety Week

Date: 22nd Jan 2024 @ 7:36am

This week Reception have been learning how to keep safe and be responsible when crossing the road.

They had a special visitor from Zoe our crossing patrol warden or, as we like to say, our lollypop lady! 

We all learnt that we have to :

1- Find a safe place to cross.

2- Stay on the curb.

3- Look both ways.

4- Listen for the traffic.

5-Then walk sensibly across the road.


"I have to hold my mummy's hand when I cross the road" Lucy.

"Zoe helps me cross the road safely when I come to school" 

Year 1 Travelling by Tuba

Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 7:58am

Today, we had a very exciting from Travelling by Tuba. Alongside the rest of our school, we began the day with an assembly, where we were introduced to lots of different instruments from around the world. In the afternoon we then took part in a workshop with Chris and Stewart who helped us create a Mexican Samba. We learnt how to play each instrument before working in groups to play the correct rhythm in time we the music. We then put all our learning together to create our final performance!

Year 2- Travelling by Tuba

Date: 18th Jan 2024 @ 1:42pm

Today, we had a special visit from Stuart and Chris from Travelling by Tuba. We started the day with an exciting assembly where we were introduced to lots of different instruments from across the world including: the didgeridoo, a horn, the tuba and other interesting instruments. They also showed us how they are played. Then we participated in a workshop where we created a Brazillian Samba using triangles, tambourines, bells, scrapers, shakers and maracas. We learnt all the different rhythms of each instrument and practiced them on our arms before we split into groups and practiced playing the correct rhythm on the instruments. Finally, we did a performance using our instuments all playing in unison. We had a fantastic morning and loved it! 

Acorns Snow day

Date: 17th Jan 2024 @ 5:58pm

Acorn class had great fun in the snow yesterday. Lots of snowballs and sledging. 

Reception One Snowy Day

Date: 16th Jan 2024 @ 10:15am

The children in Reception were very excited this morning to find our outdoor area covered in white, fluffy snow.  The children had a great time exploring the snow, making snow angels, sledging down the hill, build snowmen and even having a snowball fight.  

Year 6 - Fire Service Road Safety Visit

Date: 16th Jan 2024 @ 8:36am

Year 6 had a visit from Blackpool Fire Service, who talked to the children about road safety. This tied in nicely with our school Road Safety Week. We discussed how to travel safely by foot, on a bike and in a car - especially important for the Year 6 children who will be starting high school in September. The Fire Service also taught the children about fire safety. Thanks to Luke and Chris for talking to the children. 

Year 2 - Road Safety

Date: 10th Jan 2024 @ 9:31pm

As part of our PSHE learning this week, Year 2 have focused on Road Safety and in particular, staying safe when crossing the road.  Firstly, we looked at different images and spotted safe and unsafe behaviours.  Some of the safe behaviours were holding hands with an adult, stopping and looking both ways and using zebra crossings.  Some of the unsafe behaviours we spotted were playing with balls at the side of the road, playing on mobile phones and crossing between parked cars.  We then worked in small groups to sort images into safe or unsafe road crossing scenarios.

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust