PSHE & RSE: Blog items
Year 3 and 4 Multi-skills Festival 2021
Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 3:00pm
Our Year 3 and 4 children took part in the Blackpool Schools Games Multi Skills Festival at Stanley park. They had great fun whilst performing their traveling, sending and receiving skills in a variety of different games.
Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 4:45pm
As part of Black History Month, Year Two have been finding out about the amazing Rosa Parks. We found out about her life and how she was treated as a black person living in Alabama in the 1950's. We learned about how Rosa's actions sparked the 'Bus Boycott', which in turn helped to bring about a change in equality laws. We made links between her actions and our character curriculum and we discussed how she was brave, resilient, courageous, self-controlled and a great leader.
Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 4:17pm
Over this half term Year two have been learning about ways to keep ourselves healthy. We have been learning about how sleep, excercise, a balanced diet and looking after our mental wellbeing are all important parts of staying healthy. This week our focus was on hygiene. We took part in a little experiment where we covered our hands in glitter to represent how bacteria can spread so easily if we do not wash our hands properly. We also practsied a good hand-washing regime.
Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 10:32am
In Reading into Writing we were being immersed into a variety of diaries and we were on a mission to find features! We were all given a label and we were the chief finder of our feature. We did a great job and we are looking forward to writing our own diaries soon, inspired by Mary Seacole.
Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 10:26am
In PSHE we have been looking at a variety of feelings, reasons for our feelings and way to manage them. We then went on to looking at how our actions can affect others and make their feelings change.
First School Council Meeting 12th October
Date: 13th Oct 2021 @ 8:33pm
The school councillors met on Tuesday for the very first time since being elected. After introducing themselves, they began to eagerly discuss ideas they had about their first task. Each councillor had the task of determining what charities the school would support over the next year. A meeting to discuss these results will be held next week.
Date: 13th Oct 2021 @ 9:26am
Today in Science we made our very own sensory bottles using a range of colourful and textured objects. We recapped the five senses and how our senses help us explore the world and keep us safe. We linked our learning to World Mental Health Day and identified objects we wanted to add to create a sensory bottle to convey a certain emotion. Children classified the items into sensory groups and thought about how different items and colours might make people feel.
Boundary's Football Team - Back in Action
Date: 13th Oct 2021 @ 9:13am
As part of the EFL Kids Club / Blackpool FC Community Trust Partnership, our school team played in their first tournament with other local schools (for what seems like years...and it has been!) this week. They were able to reach the semi finals after topping the group with 5 wins and 1 draw. Unfortunately we were beaten in the semi finals but it was great to be back in action.
Well done to all who took part, we are very proud of you all!
Date: 11th Oct 2021 @ 7:17am
This week we took part in No Pen Day! This included doing our normal lessons but in a slightly different way... with no pens! Some people might think this is hard, but in Year 5, we rose to the challenge!
During Reading into Writing, we annotate a historical narrative using typed features and gluing them down and in Maths, we completed another tri-jigsaw (to do with addition and subtraction, our current topic). During PSHE we took paert in an activity where we tested how far sneezes and coughs go by using a water sprayer, and finally in Geography we had a research lesson about rivers. The research lesson allowed children to find out what they wanted about rivers, and some children even found rivers from their home countries that they didn't know about.
A great day was had by all in Year 5.
Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 7:01pm
After reading the story 'Little Red Hen', Reception decided to bake their own bread but, unlike the story, they all helped each other to do it. Once it had baked in the oven, they all sat down and enjoyed eating their bread together.
They talked about the different ingredients in bread and why they were using a recipe. They discussed how the wheat grew and was then cut and ground at the mill where it turned into flour. All children mixed and kneaded the dough and, after sharing the bread to eat, many of them wanted another piece!
'It tastes warm" Mercedes.
"It is the best bread ever- so crunchy and then soft!" Charlie
'It's yummy!" Amelia
Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 3:55pm
Today we put the pens down and used our communication and listening skills to get through the day! In Maths, we used cereal to practise our Key Instant Recall Facts and found different ways to make numbers up to 20. We also completed some speaking and listening games and tested out our memory.
To finish off the day we found ourselves being secret agents in Paris. We learnt basic French greetings and destroyed the bad guy!
A day with no pens.....but plenty of discussion!
Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 3:38pm
Tuesday 5th October was No Pen Day. Pens and pencils were removed from tables and we had a whole day of discussion, problem solving and debate. The aim of the day was to improve our communication skills. We started by working in groups to solve mental maths problems, before moving on to talk about the slave trade as part of Black History month. We considered various dilemmas, talked about how to control infection in PSHE and debated the importance of various foods in our History lesson on the Mayan civilisation.
Date: 4th Oct 2021 @ 2:33pm
On Thursday 30th September, it was our school council election day. Candidates from Year 6 presented their maifestos to the rest of the class, outlining the characteristics that made them a suitable candidate and how they would help to improve the school. We discussed democracy and how it is one of the British values, before voting in a secret ballot in the hall. Congractulations to Tilly and Emily, who were been elected as school councillors for Elder and Oak classes.
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 4:44pm
On Thursday, alongside the rest of School, Year 2 participated in Election Day. Throughout the week, children from both classes presented a manifesto to their peers before an anonymous vote was made in the hall. We also had a special Election Day dinner and discussed democracy and it's importance.
Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were proud of all the children for participating and congratulating their winners who are:
Elm - Miya
Birch - Elsie
Well done girls!
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 4:25pm
This week we have been electing our school councillors! We have had a great week in Year 4 prepping our manifestos and perfecting our speeches. We learned all about democracy and what makes up a good manifesto. Lots of our little politicians across Year 4 entered the running for school councillor, wrote fantastic manifesto's and presented them in front of the class! We then got our ballot papers, and took them into the hall where our very own voting station had been set up! Well done to Layla and Lucas on your new appointments!
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 10:24am
School Council Elections!
Yesterday was a very exciting day- it was Election Day for the School Councillors!
Candidates started the day by presenting their manifesto to their class and then every child completed a ballot paper to vote for their chosen representative. The voting booths had been set up in the hall and children placed their ballot paper in the ballot box. After the votes had been counted, an assembly was held to reveal the results.
The children learnt about the key British Value, democracy, what it means and if it is a good thing.
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 10:21am
Today the whole school have been voting for who they want as their school councillor to represent their class. In Cedar, we had three pupils who put themselves forward so these three pupils pitched to the class on why we should vote for them to represent us. We then went to the school hall to cast our votes before having a special school lunch to celebrate the day. We found out who had been voted in for each year group in a virtual whole school assembly this afternoon.
A big congratulations to our Cedar School Councillor.
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 8:09am
Election day was upon us and the Year 3 children had a bug decision to make. Who would be their class councillor? The children did such a great job creating a manifesto and sharing that with their peers and then a secret poll was held. We discussed the importance of having a democracy and how this had an impact on our lives.
We are extemely proud to announce this year's winners were:
Bracken- Lacey
Fern- Jasmine
Well done! We can't wait to watch you rule the school!
Date: 28th Sep 2021 @ 7:54pm
This week in Reception the children were introduced to our first Characteristic Monster 'Katie Kindness'. We read lots of stories in class about being kind and talked about the importance of being kind to others. Katie Kindness taught us that you can be kind in lots of different ways including; taking turns, sharing our toys, playing nicely with one another, helping eachother if we have and problem and using kind words. Mrs Clark and Mrs Farley havebeen keeping an eye out looking for lots of acts of kindness and even managed to catch some on camera.
Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 6:30pm
This afternoon in Year 4 we swapped our French lesson as yesterday was the European Day of Languages! To celebrate we changed our French lesson and learned all about the different langauges in Europe, which there are 24 of! In Year 4 the langauge that we focussed on was Portugese. We learned about where Portugal is, we learned a bit about Portugese culture and a few words along the way. Here are some of our Year 4's doing an absolutely excellent job at our English to Portugese phrases/numbers match up activity. Tenha um bom dia!
Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 6:24pm
Today, alongside the rest of our school, we celebrated European Day of Languages. We began by learning a little bit about the day, who can participate and why it is good to learn more than one language.
We then focussed more on our chosen language which was Spanish! We learnt how to say hello, good morning, yes, no, thank you, please and goodbye! We all enjoyed learning how to pronounce these phrases and we tried to use them throughout the day.
Finally we watched 'Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas and Pies,' which is heads, shoulders, knees and toes! We had lots of fun joining in with the song and we then used our knowledge and word mats to label different parts of the body, which links to our learning in Science this half term.
Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 3:02pm
This week has been the launch of the School Council Elections!
European Day of Languages 2021
Date: 27th Sep 2021 @ 2:00pm
Today we celebrated the European Day of Languages. We began by taking broadly about the continent of Europe and some of the countries that make up Europe. From that we began discussing the different European languages we knew. After that, Oak and Elder classes were given a specific country to focus on: Poland and Latvia. We then used Google Translate to find out what some key words/phrases are in Polish and Latvian. We also found out some other key facts about the countries, such as populaiton, countires that they border with and traditional dishes. We enjoyed finding out about other countries.
Date: 25th Sep 2021 @ 9:39am
This half term, Year Two have began learning about healthy lifestyles and thinking about all the things we do to keep ourselves healthy. The children all drew pictures of the things they do to keep themselves healthy and wrote some sentences to accompany it. Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were impressed with the answers the children came up with and we discussed how the amount of sleep we get, eating a balanced diet, speaking about our feelings as well as making sure we challenge ourselves is all included in keeping ourselves healthy.
Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 5:09pm
No-Bot the Robot is a story about Bernard the robot who lost his bottom on a swing at the park. Everytime he thinks he has found it- it disappears again! Fortunatley, Bernard has lots of friends who kindly help him search for his bottom until it is found. It is a story of resillience and friendship.
The children in Reception enjoyed listening to the story with their teacher, looking at the illustrations in the Book Nook, building and creating their own robots with blocks, playdough and art resources. They also talked about the characteristic 'Katy Kindness' and what being a good friend means.
Here's some of the activities we did this week...