PSHE & RSE: Blog items

Black History Month

Date: 26th Oct 2020 @ 12:05pm

This week we have been learning about Black History Month. We started the week by reading the story 'Handa's Surprise,' talking about the characters, setting, and key points in the book, before sequencing and retelling the story.

We looked in depth at the illustrations of the setting and how this enabled us to know where the story took place. We also recapped on the use of adjectives, and how we could describe each fruit. We had ideas such as 'spiky large pineapple,' 'green, creamy avocado,' and 'yellow, bendy banana.' Later in the week we then wrote sentences to describe what was happening in a picture from the story, focussing on using capital letters, full stops, and segmenting and blending the words we wanted to use.

We also spent an afternoon creating and designing African masks. We explored a range of masks from countries we have looked at during the week, discussing the features, colours, and emotions the masks portrayed. Children cut out shapes from different coloured and textured paper to create the features of their masks. We discussed the use of symmetry and tried to make our masks as symmetrical as possible!

Throughout the week we have explored lots of similarities and differences, learning that everyone is different, but everyone is special.


Are you a bucket filler?

Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 12:15pm

In Year 1 this week we read the story 'How Full Is Your Bucket?' We discussed what it meant to be a bucket filler and a bucket dipper, and how the choices that we make can impact those around us. We also talked about how different actions make us feel, and how they can also make others feel. The children then sorted a variety of statements, deciding if they were bucket filler or bucket dipper behaviours.

Whilst learning about World Mental Health Day we recapped on being a bucker filler or dipper, and identified something we can do during our every day routine to be a bucket filler. We drew a picture and explained to an adult/wrote a sentence to explain something positive we had done that week that had filled our bucket.

Black History Month in Y4

Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 1:30pm

This week, we ended the half term and October in school by celebrating Black History Month. The children learnt all about what Black History Month is and why is it important to learn all about it. We looked at many black men and women who have had amazing achievements; including Ruby Bridges (ask your child/ren who she is and why she had such a brilliant achievement). After we learnt all about what Black History Month is, we focused on the sporting achievements of black men and women. Firstly, we looked at the achievements of American black men and women. For example, the Williams sisters and Barack Obama. Then we focused on British black men and women and their incredible sporting achievements. For example, Marcus Rashford, Jessica Ennis Hill and Dame Kelly Holmes. On Friday afternoon, we went to the Dance Studio and had a look at the black post boxes which each year group had created about their Black History Month learning. Then we went back to class and watched the videos each year group made.

Cut It, Peg It, Share It!

Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 5:02pm

We have had such a busy and fun half term! It has been a pleasure getting to know all of our new starters and we have done so much exploring and investigating. We finished off this half term talking about similarities and differences for Black History month and the children were able to talk about how they were similar to their friends. We have also been practising our cutting skills, developing our fine motor skills by pegging numbers on to a washing line and talking part in collaborative play with activities in the tuff tray.

Numbers, Dancing and Squeegees!

Date: 15th Oct 2020 @ 4:34pm

Another week has gone whizzing by! This week we have been learning all about Numberblocks 1, 2 and 3! We have done lots of counting and have been sorting groups of objects. We have also been developing our gross motor skills by using the water and squeegees outside. On Thursday, everyone in school thought about Mental Health and in Nursery we thought about ways to feel happy when you are feeling sad. We decided that dancing was a great way to cheer yourself up, so we all had a good dance!

Building Communication Skills

Date: 14th Oct 2020 @ 2:44pm

This afternoon, the children in Platform 1 and 2 came together and worked in groups for Lego Therapy.

We made a range of models including a whale, windmill and a racing car.

All the children work will together showing good teamwork and communication skills.

Owls, Dens and Friends!

Date: 27th Sep 2020 @ 10:18pm

We are having so much fun getting to know each other and the children are starting to make friendships and everyones confidence is growing daily. This week we read the story "Owl Babies" and talked about feeling sad when our own Mummy's go. We discussed how we know that we are safe in Nursery and that our Mummy's will come back! We made some play dough owls, owl puppets, practised our funky fingers by catching worms with tweezers and practised our counting by putting 3 owls on a tree.

As well as lots of owl fun, we also worked together this week to build dens. The children found some sticks and said they were going to make a camp fire. We talked about when you might use a camp fire and this opened up a lovely discussion about  camping. We gathered together lots of resources and built some lovely dens for camping!

What a busy and fun week! 

No-Bot the Robot

Date: 14th Sep 2020 @ 8:15pm

This week in Reception we have been reading the story 'No-Bot The Robot with no bottom".  We talked about what it means to be a good friend like bear, bird and monkey.  The children were able to describe how they have been a good friend.

"I help my friends when they are sad" Cleo said

"Me and my friends play together" Riley said.

The children enjoyed painted robots and making their own robots at the creative table using different materials.  The children ordered the robots at the maths table and counted out the correct amount of buttons.  A super start to the week.  Well done Reception!

Fingerprints and Footprints!

Date: 12th Mar 2020 @ 10:05am

Cadets had an interesting visit from CSI this week. The cadets learnt all about the role of the crime scene investigator, the style of the jobs they attend and how the forensic evidence is used to catch criminals and in court.

Money, money money!

Date: 27th Feb 2020 @ 8:06pm

Children have been learning about the value of money. Through role play, children have been working collaboratively through buying and selling, giving correct amounts and calculating change. It is crucial children understand the value of each coin, have the mental ability to count on from given amounts and convert between pounds and pence.

The wonderful world of work

Date: 27th Feb 2020 @ 9:25am


Our new topic, World of Work, was launched with a careers fair afternoon. Numerous volunteers from a wide variety of different professions visited us and answered our questions about their career and path into their field of work. It was a hugely successful afternoon and the children learned lots about the different careers available to them. We would like to say a huge thank you to the volunteers who gave their time to speak to the children.

Safer Internet Day #Freetobe

Date: 11th Feb 2020 @ 10:12pm

As part of our Safer Internet Day Year 2 joined the #Freetobe campaign, we discussed some very important questions such as; how we could be free to ourselves, free to play, free to be kind, free to be safe and free to talk. Children worked in groups and came up with different examples of what this would look like online. Next we looked at the positives and negatives associated with each of these questions and how we could overcome and protect ourselves from the dangers of the internet whilst also celebrating the benefits. Children were then given a secret mission to create their own super robot which would help support keeping the internet a fun and safe place to be. They programmed all the essential characteristics and then created lines of coding explaining their very important job roles. So watch out, there could be a robot on the loose online but don't worry our Year 2 children have been giving them lots of important jobs to keep everybody safe.  

School's Alive 2020

Date: 11th Feb 2020 @ 12:59pm

On a very windy Monday evening and having been rehearsing since September, Boundary joined pupils from virtually every Blackpool school at The Grand Theatre, performing hundreds of songs and dances, playing in bands and orchestras and enjoying a wonderful introduction to theatre!
Pupil's from Years 5 an 6 performed a medley of songs from Oliver and WOW, they were amazing! The hard-work, determination, perseverance and team work that each child demonstrated throughout each rehearsal and during the final performance really paid off - we could not be more proud of each and every performer!

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to watch and to the children and staff for the time and energy they put into rehearsing and the final show.

To the Rescue!

Date: 7th Feb 2020 @ 11:45am

The mini-cadets have been working with another of the emergency services this week. During the session, they learnt about the range of jobs fire fighters have to attend, explored a fire engine and even tested out the hose. They learnt how the police and fire service have to work well together in emergencies and how they support each other to keep the public safe. 

The One Where The Fire Service Visited Us

Date: 29th Jan 2020 @ 9:47am

We have had an informative afternoon, where Lancashire Fire Service came in to discuss the importance of having good 'Road Sense'. We looked at the importance of wearing a seatbelt, using a booster seat (up to 135cm in height), using helmets, being visible from dusk and crossing roads safely. We all showed a good understanding of how to be safe when walking to and from school and the importance of always using these rules, even when we go to high school.

Thank you again to Firefighter Luke and Will, who came in to see us - it was an extremely informative and relevant session.

Slow Down!!!!

Date: 22nd Jan 2020 @ 4:18pm

The mini-cadets were out and about again today. This week, they were thinking about road safety and monitoring the speed of the cars in our local area. Luckily, nobody was breaking the speed limit on their watch. 

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Date: 17th Jan 2020 @ 10:00pm

In Platform 1 we have been working really hard on our social skills. These social skills have included sharing, taking turns, helping each other and team work. We have had fun putting these skills into practise when playing team games and building jigsaws together.

Traffic Cops!

Date: 11th Dec 2019 @ 5:35pm

The mini-cadets visited the Head Quarters this week and worked with the Lancashire Constabulary TacOps team! They learnt all about the how the team keep the roads safe and running smoothly and how they deal with road traffic accidents. 

Everyone is different...but everyone is special!

Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 8:10pm

Today the children in reception celebrated odd socks day by wearing odd sock to school.  We talked about how the children are similar and different and the children made some fantastic comments.  We used mirrors to look at our faces and discussed our likes and dislikes.  Here are some of the comments that the children made.

"Ihave brown hair but Jazmine's is yellow.  It's different to mine"

"Some people have glasses to see but I don't need them"

"Mrs Farley is taller than Mrs Clark"

"Some people have brown skin but they are still my friend because they like batman like me"

"If your different it doesn't matter.  If we looked the same you wouldn't know who we was"

The children then enjoyed collaging and painting their very own odd socks!

Change Starts With Us!

Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 5:34pm

Today was national Anti-Bullying day. Our theme was 'change starts with us'. We talked about what bullying is - something that is hurtful that happens over and over again, we thought about how it might make someone feel if they were being bullied and what we could do if we saw someone being bullied. Should we be be a bystander or an upstander .... and upstander!!! Our class pledge is to be kind and helpful. 

Children in Need!

Date: 15th Nov 2019 @ 4:26pm

Danceathon, spots and Pudsey Bear! What a great day we had in Year 1 for children in need. We started our morning by doing our Children In Need danceathon. Children all over the country took part and we wanted to join in too. We enjoyed learning the dance, it was great fun, a way to support charity and good exercise for our bodies. In writing we wrote about Pudsey Bear. We had to make a fact poster and an opinion poster. What food do we think Pudsey bear would like to eat? What do we think Pudsey bear might like to do? These were all our opinions. Finally we ended the day with a whole school Children in Need assembly. Everyone looked different .... because we were all spotty! 

They Might Be Odd But They Are Socks!

Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 3:18pm

As part of Anti-Bullying Day 2019, Year 4 took part in a number of classroom activities beginning with a whole class discussion about bullying; what it is, how we can report it and how to better understand that people's differences make them unique and special. Then, we moved on to creating our own pledge as to how we could stop bullying, support those people who might feel lonely or believe they have no friends and, most importantly, how to recognise what makes us unique! #ChangeStartsWithUs #BoundaryBelieves

Even Odd Socks are Socks!

Date: 15th Nov 2019 @ 9:03am

We celebrated Anti-Bullying Day by wearing odd socks. We had a fantastic day learning about respecting others and those from different cultures and backgrounds.

Mini-Cadets first Outing!

Date: 13th Nov 2019 @ 8:07am

The Year 5 Mini-Cadets enjoyed their first trip to the West Division Police Headquarters.  They had a tour of the building watching all the busy officers at work and learning about the rank structures.  The cadets also spent some time in the different police vans; it was very exciting going for a drive and turning the sirens on!

School Council Elections

Date: 17th Oct 2019 @ 4:02pm

This half term in Year 4 we learnt about democracy and had a visit from MP Paul Maynard. He gave our applicants advice on how to write a successful manifesto. Once our applicants had written their manifestos they presented them to their class. Once all the children had read their manifestos the children in Year 4 voted for their new school councillors. We now have two successful new councillors who have already attended their first council meeting.

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust