Music: Blog items

Year 1 Travelling by Tuba

Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 7:58am

Today, we had a very exciting from Travelling by Tuba. Alongside the rest of our school, we began the day with an assembly, where we were introduced to lots of different instruments from around the world. In the afternoon we then took part in a workshop with Chris and Stewart who helped us create a Mexican Samba. We learnt how to play each instrument before working in groups to play the correct rhythm in time we the music. We then put all our learning together to create our final performance!

Year 2- Travelling by Tuba

Date: 18th Jan 2024 @ 1:42pm

Today, we had a special visit from Stuart and Chris from Travelling by Tuba. We started the day with an exciting assembly where we were introduced to lots of different instruments from across the world including: the didgeridoo, a horn, the tuba and other interesting instruments. They also showed us how they are played. Then we participated in a workshop where we created a Brazillian Samba using triangles, tambourines, bells, scrapers, shakers and maracas. We learnt all the different rhythms of each instrument and practiced them on our arms before we split into groups and practiced playing the correct rhythm on the instruments. Finally, we did a performance using our instuments all playing in unison. We had a fantastic morning and loved it! 

Year 1 No Pen Morning

Date: 17th Jan 2024 @ 7:41am

This morning we had lots of fun learning without the aid of a pen/pencil. We started off the day with our music lesson. We used the glockenspiels to learn how to play the backing track to ‘We All Sing A Song’.  This song had three notes, ‘F, G. A’ which we had to listen to and then repeat back. This was is the style of the Waltz.

After, during our PHSE lesson, we learnt about all the hazards that you would find around the home. We worked in small groups, using our oracy skills, to explain why each picture may or may not be a hazard. We all had the opportunity to give a reason for their picture while the other children listened to their answers.

In our PE session we explored different ways of moving to begin to create a winter dance.

Nursery Sing Christmas Sing Along

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 1:23pm

Nursery put on a very festive sing along in our garden this week. We invited our families and we had a lovely time singing the Christmas songs we have been busy learning. The children sang brillinatly and gave everyone some Christmas cheer! 

Walking Nativity

Date: 12th Dec 2023 @ 6:57pm

What a lovely community event we attended this evening - the Walking Nativity. The choir performed two songs and played a part in acting out the Christmas story with our friends from Christ the King 🎶

Key Stage 2 Choir Perform at Abingdon Street Market

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 10:37am

This evening our choir performed at Abingdon Street Market 🎄🎶☃️
Thank you all for coming ⭐

Year 3- Marvellous musicians!

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 2:53pm

Year 3 have been looking at a range of styles of music and this week explored the artist Grazyna Bacewicz’s who hid seecret messages in her music during the Second World War! It was A musical message of hope, with the Morse code for ‘V’, symbolising victory, (dot dot dot dash) beaten out on the timpani during the piece. The children composed their own pieces usinfg the percussion trolley using morse code. 

Acorns - Music Circle

Date: 1st Dec 2023 @ 9:12am

A few times a week, we gather in a circle for 'Music Circle Time'. Sensory activities is of great importance to our children. Just as taste, textures and colours aid a child's sensory development, so does music. The children love using the maracas and drum tambourines as we encourage them to keep the beat to a particular piece of music. The children love to explore with the maracas, and get the cause and effect of shaking it softly or vigoursly. 

Year 2 - A time to reflect

Date: 28th Nov 2023 @ 9:01pm

During our RE sessions this half term, Year Two have been studying Christianity and what Christians mean when they say that Jesus is 'the light of the world'.  We explored a Christingle and what each part represents before making our own Christingles.  We then gathered together in the hall to light our Christingles and have a collective moment of reflection.  We also sang the Christmas carols, 'Silent Night' and 'Do you hear what I hear?' whilst considering the meaning behing their lyrics.

Choir's Festive Performance

Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 7:53am

Our lovely choir performed at @thegrange's Christmas lights switch on event.  It was their first festive performance and they have lots more community events planned in December. 

Year 3- Marvellous music!

Date: 18th Oct 2023 @ 4:05pm

This week Year Three listened to the song ‘ Lets work it out together’ again and discussed creating a composition that goes along with it. We used YUMU and looked at note length and varying it throughout our pieces. 

Year 6 - Composing with Computers

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 3:50pm

For the last two lessons we have used Charanga YUMU to compose and electronically transcribe our own composition using a 5-note set treble clef stave.

We reviewed our knowledge of note values and durations and created our own compositions using a mixture of crotchets, minims, dotted minims and semibreves. Some of us were able to create an ostinato (a repeating musical phrase).

Year 5 - African Drumming

Date: 10th Oct 2023 @ 5:38pm

Today, all of the children in year 5 were given an amazing opportunity to take part in an African drumming workshop. Pupils learned about the different percussion instruments from west Africa and had a go at playing a djembe - an African drum. We learned different dances and rhythms and performed what we had learned in a whole school assembly at the end of the day. What an amazing experience!

Year 2- Music's in my soul

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 3:59pm

This half term, Year 2 have been enjoying their Music lessons as we have explored different genres and had the opportunities to play a variety of instruments. We have been focusing on learning key vocabulary including: pulse, rhythm, dynamics, tempo and ostinato. This half term, we have learnt the song 'Music is in my soul' as well as 'Hey Friends' both of which we loved the meaning of. We have also had the opportunity to play and improvise to these songs using glokenspeils as well as a range of percussion instruments. Last week, we learnt the term 'scatting' and found it funny to make up our own words and say it repetitively to a beat. 

Year 4 - Musical Hoedown

Date: 11th Sep 2023 @ 8:09pm

Today, we focused on performing. To start the lesson, we recapped the elements of music focusing on our vocabulary words.  Learn to sing the Hoedown again, recap context. Then after a little warm up of our voices we learned to sing ‘Hoedown’.

We focused on:

  • Learning to sing the song as part of an ensemble/choir
  • Following a leader/conductor
  • Understanding the meaning of the song
  • Demonstrating and maintain correct posture and breath control
  • How do we sing at our best? Standing and with air in our lungs. How can we sing in unison?

Boundary Music Concert

Date: 12th Jul 2023 @ 5:45pm

We celebrate Music at Boundary with an End of Year Assembly for Year 3 Samba and our Peripatetic musicians on guitar and drums. Everybody performed brilliantly for the school and parents! Callum was awarded 3rd place in Blackpool Musician of the Year!

Reception Music and PE

Date: 7th Jul 2023 @ 9:18am

Over the last few weeks we have been combining lots of movement into our Music Session and doing some dances to accompany the songs we have been learning. For World Music Day we learned the song Sanibonani from the Zulu Language which means 'Hello Good Day'. We talked about the African Jungle and selected jungle animals to dance in the style of to create our own dance routine. We started to sing some Seaside songs in preparation for our trip to the beach and acted like pirates! We have had lots of fun learning the lyrics and describing how the songs make us feel. 

Year 1 World Music Day

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 12:29pm

To celebrate World Music Day, we focused on listening and appraising a range of music from the United Kingdom, before creating a short dance sequence inspired by a sea shanty. 

Nursery Celebrate World Music Day

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 12:06pm

Nursery enjoyed celebrating world music day. We listened to different types of music and talked about how it made us feel and the different emotions it created. As the children listened to the music the drew different shapes and patterns to show how they felt. We also listend to some traditonal Nigerian music. The children were really good at identifing the drum beat. They then made shakers and danced to the music! 

Year 5 - World Music Day 2023

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 10:46am

To celebrate World Music Day 2023, Year 5 learned about music from mainland Europe. We located Spain, Italy and Ukraine on a world map and talked about their history and influences. We listened to and appraised music from these countries, and children discussed what they liked and disliked. Pupils then created a page in their art sketchbooks to show what they had learned and how they felt when they listened to the music.

Year 2 World Music Day!

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 7:58am

Yesterday, we celebrated World Music Day 2023. Each year group had been allocated a different continent to explore music from and ours was Oceania. We read the story about Tiddalick the frog to introduce the unit and found Australia on the map; then we practised singing the song about Tiddalick and him drinking all the water thinking about the rhythm and pitch of the notes. We then were introduced to a traditional Australian instrument- the didgeridoo and watched a video explaining how to play it before we had a go at making a sound ourselves. It was hard work as we had to try and blow really hard and create the correct shape with our mouths. We also used some other instruments to play alongside our singing. We enjoyed celebrating World Music Day and thinking about how other people across the world enjoy Music. 

Year 6 - World Music Day

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 7:30am

To mark World Music Day, Year 6 learned about music from South Africa. We located South Africa on the map and then listened to several pieces of music from the couhtry. We learned that music is very important to the South Africans and is used to pass messages and stories between generations. We finished by listening to some more modern pop music that has African influences. 

Year 4 - World Music Day 2023!

Date: 21st Jun 2023 @ 11:47am

Today, we celebrated World Music Day. To start the day we had an assembly to look at the history of the day where Mrs Pope told us that World Music Day originated in France and is now celebrated in over 120 countries on this day every year. Then, we were told our theme. South American/ Latin American music! We studied South American in Geography recently, so we were excited about learning about their genres of music. We start the morning listening to different genres of Latin music such as Samba, Salsa and Rumba. Then we listened to music by Ricky Martin and Shakira. The children used their oracy skills and musical vocabulary to describe the music. We discovered that a lot of Latin music has a fast tempo (allegro), the lyrics are Spanish and the tonality of the music is major. To show everything we learned about Latin America we made collages!

Year 5 - Crazy Compositions

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 2:59pm

Building on our learning so far this term, pupils composed a tune to play over the top of a 'K pop' backing track, called 'Look into the Night'. The track has a 4:4 time signature and pupils were asked to use a 5 note scale in C. We had a great time creating and listening to our own 'K pop' songs!

Year 3- Creating our compositions !

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 10:55am

This lesson in Music, Year Three looked at composing along to the song ‘He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands”. The children moved from using the pulse to create music to moving notes onto a stave.

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust