Music: Blog items

Key Stage Choir perform at Choir of the Year!

Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 7:55am

Wow! What an experience!
We are very proud of our choir who performed at the Blackpool Tower Ballroom. A big thank you to Mrs. Casey and Mrs. Pope for all of their time and effort given to the children, and to all of the other staff who attended tonight.

Musical Success!

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 4:22pm

Today we celebrated the achievements of Lola and Callum, some of our KS2 Drummers. They achieved Blackpool Music school Medals in Gold and Silver for their committment and learning in drumming. They attend weekly Peri lessons in school and we are very proud of them! Well done!

Year 2 I am the Music man

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 3:01pm

Today in Music, Year Two continued to explore the key question 'How does Music make the world a better place?' by exploring different instruments and songs. We practised singing the songs I am the music man and hands, feet, heart as well as comparing different music from around the world. Lastly, we listened carefully to different instruments playing and had to identify the instrument it came from.

Nursery Explore Space

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 11:24am

Nursery took part in science day by exploring space through art, maths and music. They created a wonderful piece of collaborative art work showing a super outer space scene. They then created their own space pictures. Using shapes, the children then made some 3D rockets. They thought carefully about the shapes they would need and where to put them. To end the day, the children enjoyed a space themed music session. They sang "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom" and sent planets soaring in to the air using the parachute! 

Year 4 - Music 'Old Joe Clark' improvising

Date: 14th Mar 2023 @ 6:49pm

We started the lesson with a recap of Old Joe Clark and musical vocabulary such as beat, staccato, legato, crotchet, quaver, minim, semibreve, dotted minim, tone (major and minor) and ostinato. Then we finished our own compositions on our manuscript paper. We composed using all of the notes on the stave, trying to keep 4 beats in a bar, made up of crotchets. We labelled the stave to know which notes to play and practiced our piece with the backing track Old Joe Clark. We then listened to individual performances.

Year 2 Science Day

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 4:20pm

Today, alongside the whole school we celebrated Science Day with our theme of Space and year two were tasked with learning about the sun. We begun the day by watching videos about the sun and learnt lots of facts including: it would take 20 years to fly to the sun from Earth, the sun is the centre of the solar system, Earth orbits the sun and completes 1 full orbit every year and the sun is actually a star made up of gases. We recorded our information on strips of card and stuck them down as sun rays beaming out of our big sun in the middle. Next, we used our new knowledge of obitting to model how the Earth orbits the sun and the moon orbits the Earth and learnt it takes 28 days for the moon to orbit the Earth- our models also helped us imagine the size difference between the sun, moon and Earth. The excitement continued as we visited the space wonder dome exploring stars, the sun, the moon and all the other planets which we named. We also were fully immersed and amazed by exploring what it would look like and feel like in space. During the afternoon, we got more creative listening to two pieces of space themed music- the final countdown as well as Holst Venus and appraised them. We also thought about the similarities and differences between the two pieces of music. Lastly, we ended our exciting day by creating our own sun art using different techniques including pointilism to complete our paintings. 

Soaring into Space!

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 3:37pm

What a day! Today we celebrated Science day with a focus on space. We were lucky enough to have the brilliant Wonderdome visit our school for an amazing space experience. The children absolutely loved it. Throughout the day each year had their own focus from astronauts to constellations. Not only did we learn many scientific facts, we also created beautiful art, pieces of writing and listened to space themed music. 

Reception Music

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 12:53pm

Today in music we were listening to some songs about animals ready for our trip to the Zoo. We played the glockenspiel to the Big Bear Funk which was lots of fun and started to think about how to play the notes nicely. We sang the song Lets go to the Zoo and did the actions. 

Year 6 - Science Day

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 11:25am

Our focus for this year's science day was space. We recapped on everything we knew about planets from our lessons in Year 5, before moving on to learn about constellations. We listened to space themed music including the Planets by Holst and Space Odessy by David Bowie. Finally, we created constellation art work. A great day!

Year 4 - Science Day Music

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 10:21am

Science day ! First we listened to Gustav Holst- The Planets, Full Suite. We thought about how the song was structure and what ‘personality’ it gave us of the planets. Then we listened to Muse- Starlight.

Year 3- Improvising

Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 3:01pm

In Music, we have been improving to the song 'You're a Shining Star' using the notes GABCD. We worked in beats of 5 and performed to the rest of the class. We worked hard to stay in time with the music. 

Reception Music

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 8:05pm

Earlier in the term we did some music around Chinese New Year, we selected the instruments from the percussion trolley to represent the animals and played them loudly and softly.

We have been doing lots of singing of a variety of nursery rhymes including Hey Diddle Diddle, Pop goes the Weasel, Have you ever seen a Penguin come to tea and Baa Baa Black sheep. We have been learning the names of the percussion instruments and learning the vocabulary of beat, tempo (fast and slow) and dynamics (loud and soft). 

Year 6 - Chrome Music Lab

Date: 20th Feb 2023 @ 7:01pm

In Music this week we have focussed on using Chrome Music Lab to create our own piece of music. We had to create something that fits in with the theme of disco as this is what we have been listening to.

Year 5 - No Pen Morning

Date: 17th Jan 2023 @ 1:30pm

We had a great morning learning without pens or writing! We talked about how the music made us feel for the song 'Freedom is Coming', using the vocabulary for the listening mats. We played the glockenspiels and percussion instruments, and performed the accompaniment to the song. 

In French we sang and recapped the months of the Year. We cut/stuck the months of the year in order. We spoke in french and started to put together the phrase, 'Mon Anniversaire est...' using the days and months. 

Year 6 Disco Fever

Date: 13th Jan 2023 @ 3:50pm

Today we started our new music topic. We began by revisiting the elements of music, including tempo, dymnamics, texture, pulse etc. Then we listened to the song 'Disco Fever' and discussed it together. We broke down the song into how it was arranged (structure) and which instruments were used to create the song. At the end of sesison we began to sing the song - we will continue with learning it next week.

Nursery Christmas Sing-along

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 10:23am

Nursery put on a super performance at out annual Christmas Sing-along. The children worked so hard to learn a selection of Christmas songs, learnt how to sign along to "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" and used a variety of instruments to accompany the songs. It was lovely to see so many parents and grandparents at the sing-along and they even enjoyed a tasty mince pie at the end of the performance. 

Year 5 Musical Learning

Date: 2nd Dec 2022 @ 1:33pm

During Music in Year 5 we have been learning lots about the musical vocabulary and how to use it to describe the pieces of music we listen to. We have been composing on Charanga as well as on the musical score using crotchets, minims and quavers. We did a Menti quiz to see what we had learned and began to practise playing Deck the Halls for Christmas on the Glockenspiels. 

Year 3 Listening and performing in Music

Date: 30th Nov 2022 @ 4:24pm

In Year 3 we have been doing lots of listening and describing with our new Musical Vocabulary mats. We have discussed the key vocabulary and thought about how we can use it to describe the pieces of music that we have listened to. We have improved our use of sentence starters because we now have examples. We have started to think about our Christmas songs and have begun to learn about the musical score, treble clef and time signature. We started to play the glockenspeil to Jingle Bells!

Year 1 Musical Listening and Composing

Date: 30th Nov 2022 @ 4:06pm

In Year 1 we have been doing lots of listening to different types of music. We used our new Musical Listening Mats to think about the tempo, pitch and how the music made us feel. We also started composing using Chrome Music Lab and understood that different patterns and marks represent different notes and sounds. We made our own ostinato patterns which repeat. We have been playing percussion instruments in time to the music and learning the names of other common instruments.  

Layton Light Switch On

Date: 29th Nov 2022 @ 9:40am

Well done to our choir for performing at the Layton Christmas light switch on event.
It was fantastic to see so many parents and carers supporting the event and a big thank you to Mrs. Casey, Mrs. Pope and the Boundary staff for all of their hard work and commitment ???

Year 6 - Using Music Notepad to Compose

Date: 24th Nov 2022 @ 7:11pm

We had a great music lesson today. We listened and appraised 'Fanfare for the Common Man' using the vocabulary on our new Music Listening Mats to describe the piece. We then went on to begin composing using the song 'Do What You Want To' as inspiration. We used the Music Notepad on Charanga to drag notes onto the stave. We listened to each other's compositions and provided feedback. We are looking forward to improving our compositions in the next lesson. 

Year 2 Composing

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 4:04pm

Today in Music, Year 2 focused on their listening and composing skills. We began the lesson by listening to what different instruments sounded like and listened to a variety of songs to try and identify the instruments we could hear, songs included We Will Rock You and Count on Me. Then, we began to compose, playing around with notes to create a sequence to play on the glokenspiels. 

Year 6 Playing 'Do What You Want To'

Date: 10th Nov 2022 @ 5:57pm

In this week's music lesson we moved on to playing the glockenspeils. After a quick recap of musical notation, we completed an understanding music warm up, which involved listening to and then copying back riffs. We then went on to learn how to play 'Do What You Want To', which is a song we have previously listened to, appraised and learned how to sing. The piece of music was quite fast so we slowed down the tempo to allow us to accurately play the first part of the song. 

Year 5 Musical Improvisations

Date: 3rd Nov 2022 @ 2:03pm

Today we have listened again to the Ghost Parade track and kept time to the beat by moving our bodies. We then used the percussion and xylophones to play a short melody before we began improvising our own patterns using CGE. We also began to learn some of the vocabulary for musical transcription, including sharpes, flats, stave, treble clef and time signature. Next week we will continue to develop our compositions!

Year 4 Art for Remembrance

Date: 3rd Nov 2022 @ 1:54pm

Today we have studied poppies and use our observational drawing skills to draw poppies, shading them with pencil crayons carefully. The aim is that we make a repeating pattern that can be used as part of our Remembrance display Soldier. We have taken great care and concentrated, whilst listening to music that would typically be played and performed at the cenotaph, including Abide with me and Elgar's Nimrod played by the orchestra. This allowed us to reflect on the soldiers who have fought or died for our country. 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust