Year 2 World Music Day!

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 7:58am

Yesterday, we celebrated World Music Day 2023. Each year group had been allocated a different continent to explore music from and ours was Oceania. We read the story about Tiddalick the frog to introduce the unit and found Australia on the map; then we practised singing the song about Tiddalick and him drinking all the water thinking about the rhythm and pitch of the notes. We then were introduced to a traditional Australian instrument- the didgeridoo and watched a video explaining how to play it before we had a go at making a sound ourselves. It was hard work as we had to try and blow really hard and create the correct shape with our mouths. We also used some other instruments to play alongside our singing. We enjoyed celebrating World Music Day and thinking about how other people across the world enjoy Music. 

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