Music: Blog items
Date: 7th Feb 2022 @ 5:37pm
This half term we have been focusisng on using our imagination to compose and perform pieces using insturments and our voice. We have enjoyed listening to a wide rang of pieces and discussing what we think about each piece and if we can find key musical elements such as pitch, pulse, tome, tempo and the dynamics.
Reception Chinese New Year Celebrations!
Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 4:31pm
This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year!
We decorated our home corner and made Chinese lanterns and dragons. The children learned the skill of folding paper into a concertina and attaching a handle and sticks to their work. Ribbon dancing, fan dancing and dragon dancing was enjoyed by everyone and we read The Chinese New Year Story (how the new year animals were chosen) and wrote about our facvourite animal from the story. This year it is The Year of the Tiger!
Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 4:57pm
The classrooms in Reception are alive with the sound of music!
Each week the children enjoy singing along to their favourite songs and playing a range of instruments-. This week they sang a a phase 3 letter sound song, played a congo drum to keep a steady beat and used polar animals to make a pattern song.
Take a look at what they have been doing.
Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 6:56pm
This week in Music, Year 6 have been using glockenspiels to improvise. After finding the pulse in the piece of music, we listened and responded to musical patterns - first by clapping and then by playing the notes on the glockenspiels. Finally, we improvided using the notes from the piece.
Date: 25th Jan 2022 @ 8:47pm
This half term, Year Two our Musical focus is exploring feelings through Music discussing how it makes us feel and how music makes the world a better place.
So far, we have studied a song called 'Rainbows' which is a song about Pride and Identity. We discussed what this meant to us as individuals and came to the conclusion it is important that we all respect each other and everyone's viewpoints. We then learnt the words to the song and practiced as a class to perform it as well as learning to play notes E, C and D in time to the song. Each week, alongside discussing the song, singing and playing the Glockenspiel we play games to find the beat and clap rhythmsOver the next few weeks, we will continue to look at more songs and further discuss how music makes the world a better place.
Boundary's in the news: Royal Ballet partnership
Date: 17th Jan 2022 @ 9:36am
Date: 14th Dec 2021 @ 4:52pm
Nursery held a very magical Christmas Sing Along in our Garden. The children practised so hard to learn all the songs and sang their hearts out and danced their socks off!
Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 7:19pm
In Music today we have been looking at reading sheet music. Over the last couple of weeks we have been studying the different note lengths and names and today we had to use that knowledge to work out the names of the notes in a piece of music. We then used the glockenspiels to play several bars of the music - we managed to keep in time to the beat and together we kept the melody going.
Date: 30th Nov 2021 @ 3:46pm
In music, we have been learning how to play E, D and C notes. We have put them together to play along with a variety of tunes. We have also looked a different musical representations such as minims and crotchets. Today, we used our knowledge to compose our own piece of music with 2 bars of 4. We trialled different improvisations and next week we will transcribe our composition and start rehearsals.
Date: 25th Nov 2021 @ 8:39am
This half-term we have been learning how to code animations and games, using a website called In this lesson we had to code part of a Minecraft game and could even add sound effects and music to make it more realistic. These skills will help the children as they move through school, as computing skills and coding have become part of our everyday lives. Pupils move from 'block-coding', to 'free coding' and eventually may be able to write their own lines of code.
There's no such thing as a Gruffalo...
Date: 23rd Nov 2021 @ 9:55pm
...or is there? Reception have certainly had lots of fun listening to the story of The Gruffalo! We then painted and collaged him and wrote a list of the food we thought he might like to eat . Also, describing the features of the Gruffalo, through the Gruffalo Song, really helped us remember what he looked like- just in case we ever came across one ourselves!
"Purple prickles down his back" Isaac
"A black tongue, orange eyes and claws" Charlie
"He had horns" Mercedes.
"Green wart at the end of his nose" Evelyn.
Date: 18th Nov 2021 @ 5:55pm
Year 6 have been learning about musical notation this week. We learned how the notes on the treble clef are dislayed and talked about some simple ways to help us to remember them. The notes in the spaces on the staff are FACE - so we remember that using 'FACE in the space'. We spent some time practising reading music using an online program on our class Chromebooks.
Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 4:15pm
This half term our music lessons are all about Hip-Hop culture, and focus on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, by Will Smith.
This week we listened to and appraised, 'Me, Myself and I' by Del A Soul - discussing the structure and style of the song and comparing it to 'The Fresh Prints of Bel-Air'. We also discussed the term 'pulse' and tried to move to the pulse in the different tracks.
We played a rhythm game, where we had to repeat the pattern created by the leader, and finally practised and performed 'The fresh Prince of Bel-Air' together as a class.
Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 3:48pm
October was Black History month, and in Year 5 we enjoyed finding out about promenent Black muscians from the past. This linked with our learning in Music, where we were listening to, and making observations about Motown music from the 1960s and 1970s. In our writing journey, we researched the singer and musician, Stevie Wonder, and wrote a historical narrative about his amazing life. As part of our guided reading sessions, we read about other famous Black people who have had an impact on the world; Sislin Fay Allen, Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela.
Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 7:48pm
Today Year 1 experienced the musical delights of Travelling By Tuba! During the morning show we watched Stewart and Chris perform different musical intruments and pieces from around the world. It was a very entertaining tour around the world, which we all very much enjoyed! We then took part in a workshop where we had the oppourtunity to play some of the musical instruments. Our workshop involved creating a piece of music to a Brazillian Samba! Our day ended in a musical performance where we shared our learning with our audience!
Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 4:53pm
Today, Year 2 experienced a musical treat. Travelling by Tuba brought their musical expertise to Boundary. First, we watched them perform a show where they played different instruments from different time periods and told us about where they came from. After the show, we enjoyed a workshop where we played different instruments. Elm created a musical masterpiece to a Spanish Tango meanwhile Birch created a Brazillian Samba. Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were impressed with all the children's participation and listening skills.
Musical Motown Masters - Dancing In The Street
Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 4:49pm
In today’s lesson we listened to our main song ‘Dancing In The Street’ to remind us of the tempo of the song. We looked at what a music stave was and the meaning of the time signature. We also learnt the notes, F A C E and E G B D F and where they are placed on the stave. We played the glockenspiels to ‘Dancing In The Street’ and finished the lesson by learning the verses and chorus to the song where we performed it.
Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 4:06pm
During Black History Month, Year 5 have been given the topic of 'Influential Musicians' to research and create work about.
Over the past week, we have looked at numerous Black musicians, including: Ray Charles, Louis Armstrong, Aretha Franklin and Martha and the Vandellas. We have had so much fun singing and dancing to their songs, but had even more fun writing about them.
We have been planning our historical narrative around Stevie Wonder so we spent a lesson researching his life.
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 4:00pm
During music this week we have been learning a song to perform as a whole class. This week we added glockenspiels to our song and focussed on the beat, pulse and tempo.
Date: 29th Sep 2021 @ 6:51am
Singing Nursery Rhymes and songs is a very important part of our nursery day. It helps the children to become familar with patterns in langauage, rhyming words and it helps the children develop an ear for our language. Both rhythm anf rhyme help the children to hear the sounds and syllabuls in words, which helps them learn to read! The children love using our special "Sing It" bag as it's full of nursery rhyme props. We pull a prop from the bag and then sing the matching rhyme!
Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 2:05pm
We have really enjoyed reading "The Colour Monster" by Anna Llenas. It's a story about a monster whose feelings are all mixed up but his friend helps him to sort them all out. We explored each of the feelings happy, sad, angry, scared, calm and love and listened to different music that made us feel each of those emotions. Can you spot our happy, angry and sad faces in the photos?
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 4:26pm
This half term our music theme is Mamma Mia! Today we listened to the song a couple of times (and maybe had a little dance) to introduce ourselves to our topic. We then broke off into our groups and had a discussion about the music. How did it make us feel? What did we think of the song? What instruments could we hear? What musical vocabulary could we think of to help describe the song? Some great discussion and teamwork from Year 4, not to mention the dancing!
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 3:52pm
In Music, we were devloping or performance skills in signing. We focussed our attention to the pulse, melody and tempo of the song. Next week we are going to be adding the glockenspiel to the song we have been singing today!
Practicing our Harvest assembly songs
Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 2:13pm
Assemblies are an important part of our school life. It is where we come together as a school community, to celebrate, to think, to share and to reflect on ourselves living in a global society. It is a special time to develop a wider respect across the whole school membership, to mark special occasions and to develop those important behaviours that are needed in society when large numbers are gathered together.
So on Thursday it was our singing assmebly, we practised singing our Harvest songs; Autumn Days, Cauliflowers Fluffy and Harvest Samba...we have included the videos here so that you can practise them at home too!
Date: 7th Jul 2021 @ 12:06pm
We have been creating our own music! Not only have we enjoyed working with Mr. Simpson to create our Samba Rhythms, but we have composed, transcribed and performed our own music using the notes DEF on the Glockenspeils. We played to each other in class, making sure we took note of the music we had composed. We used crotchets, minims and rests to put 4 beats in each bar. We also tried to draw our notes accurately on the stave!