Maths: Blog items

Year 2 Capacity

Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 11:57am

Today, we continued our measures unit by exploring the capacity of a variety of containers. Before we began, we predicted how many cups we thought each container would need to reach full capacity. Then, we tested how many cups it took to fill each container to full capacity. We learnt that container F (the jug) had the largest capacity as it took 17 cups to fill but container E had the smallest capacity because it only took half a cup to fill.

Nursery Learn about Shapes

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 4:35pm

This week we have been learning all about shapes in nursery. We have been identifying a square, rectangle, triangle and circle and have started to learn the properties of each shape. The children have explored shape through printing, buildling, sorting and by finding shapes in everyday objects. We have also been looking at how we can arrange shapes to make pictures and have created a rocket and a house using shapes. 

Year 6 - Tinkercad

Date: 22nd Mar 2023 @ 2:28pm

Today in computing we have used all that we have learned so far to create name plaques and pencil pots. To do this we had to learn how to resize objects as well as creating holes in objects to allow items to be placed inside. We are really enjoying this unit of work and are looking forward to creating more in the next couple of weeks.

Year 2 Mastering Marking Out

Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 4:43pm

Today, we continued our wheels and axles unit by practicing our marking our skills ensuring we measured our lines accurately to ensure it would fit on our vehicle. Also, we practiced accurately and neatly cutting out our markings ready to be stuck on our vehicle. We are looking forward to beginning building our moving vehicles next week!

Year 5 - Investigating Area

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 3:32pm

Over the last few weeks, children in year 5 have been learning how to find the perimeter and area of rectangles and compound shapes. In this lesson, pupils had to use what they have learned to estimate the area of irregular shapes, and find the difference between their areas.

Year 6 - French (school subjects)

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 3:04pm

This half term we have been learning about school subjects in our French lessons. We started by learning the French names of the subjects and the correct definite article for each. Then we moved on to express opinions and used connectives to explain the reason for our opinions. Today we have learned how to tell time to the nearest hour so we are able to discuss the school day. 

Nursery Find Some Poo in the Zoo

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 11:37am

It's not everyday you go to school and are allowed to talk about poo but that's exactly what happened this week in nursery! We read the story "Poo in the Zoo" all about a zoo keeper who is always cleaning up the animals poop. That is until one day when an Iguana eats some fireflies and ends up doing an amazing glowing poo! The zoo keeper sells the magical poo to Hector Gloop who collects poo (yuk!) and buys himself a Robot Pooper Scooper with the money! The children really enjoyed the story and made their own magical poos, counted poos, and painted some tiger stripes. We talked about herbivores and carniviores and added leafs to the playdough to create herbivore poo. For health and safety puproses, no real poo was used the process! 

Nursery Explore Space

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 11:24am

Nursery took part in science day by exploring space through art, maths and music. They created a wonderful piece of collaborative art work showing a super outer space scene. They then created their own space pictures. Using shapes, the children then made some 3D rockets. They thought carefully about the shapes they would need and where to put them. To end the day, the children enjoyed a space themed music session. They sang "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom" and sent planets soaring in to the air using the parachute! 

Year 2 Measuring Metres

Date: 15th Mar 2023 @ 12:01pm

Today, we continued our measuring journey by practicing measuring in metres. We discussed appropriate things to measure using a metre ruler before going outside and using our ruler to mark 1m, move the ruler along and measure another metre for longer objects.

Year 6 - Tinkercad

Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 3:00pm

In today's lesson we had our second lesson on Tinkercad. This involved placing shapes onto a plane and change the heights and widths of each shape. We then experimented with adding shapes on top of others and group them to create one shape. We are becoming much more proficient at using Tinkercad.

Nursery - Dear Zoo

Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 9:26am

We have been readig the story "Dear Zoo" and have enjoyed exploring all the animals from the story. The children have investigated farm animals and zoo animals and sorted them in to two groups and they have made up stories about zoo animals using the zoo small world. The children have painted some wonderful pictures of zoo animals and made some swirly snakes. Outside they built cages for animals using magnetic shapes, made playdough zoo animals and created some food for the animals. 

Year 1 Tens and Ones

Date: 6th Mar 2023 @ 6:32pm

Today we consolidated our understanding of tens and ones. We worked together to practise counting the number of groups of ten and then the ones to find the total. We then chose a number card and used a range of resources, including Numicon, Base ten, place value counters and counters to represent the number.

We verbalised the STEM sentence ‘there are __ groups of 10 and __ more, there are __ objects in total.

‘I have made 41 all these different ways. There are 4 groups of ten and 1 more, there are 41 in total’

‘There are 2 groups of ten and 9 more, there are 29 in total’

Year 1 Fact families

Date: 27th Feb 2023 @ 1:02pm

Today we learnt about fact families and related facts. After our previous learning exploring addition and subtraction separately, today we looked at how they relate to each other. We used both concrete resources and pictures to find the links between addition and subtraction operations. We reinforced the fact that addition can be done in any order, whereas subtraction cannot. We then explored fact families independently, using the given pictures to create our two parts and work out the whole number.

Maths - 100th Day

Date: 22nd Feb 2023 @ 8:44pm

On Tuesday 21st February 2023 we celebrated our 100th Day of this academic year.  We began by joining together as a whole school and sharing the book, 365 Penguins by Jean-Luc Fromental.  We then took part in maths activities based around the book. 

In Year 1, pupils measured penguins using non-standard units.  Year 2 consolidated their multiplication learning by finding how many different arrays could be made from 24 penguins.  Year 3 focused on investigating how to group the penguins in different ways.

Year 4 calculated the cost of feeding the penguins for each month of the year and Year 5 investigated triangular numbers and their link to square numbers.

Overall, a great day of Penguin problem solving was had!

Year 2 100th Day in School

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 4:56pm

Today, we celebrated our 100th day in School. We begun the day with an assembly by Miss Hooson who asked us 'What is the number 100?' and we had to come up with lots of different ways to make the number. She then read us the story '365 penguins' and we did lots of maths throughout adding up how many penguins we had as each day another one turned up. We continued our celebrations in Maths by making arrays using penguins linking to our multiplication unit by practising our skills of making arrays, writing repeated addition as well as writing multiplication sentences.

Year 5 - 100th Day in School

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 4:12pm

After reading the book '365 Penguins' by Jean-Luc Fromental, pupils in Year 5 completed activities which required maths skills to organise the penguins. The first task involved arranging the penguins into equalateral triangles. By counting the penguins in the shapes, we discovered 'triangular numbers'. Pupils then discussed the patterns in the triangular number sequence and how we might be able to find others without drawing them. In the story, Dad arranges 144 penguins into a square. We then investigated which other number of penguins could be arranged in a square pattern. Again, pupils shared what they had found and discussed pattterns in the number sequence.  We were amazed to find that the sum of two adjacent triangular numbers made a square number!

Year 4 - 100th day in school

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 11:05am

Today is the 100th day in school. Our Maths lesson was based around the story “365 penguins”. We were told that penguins eat around 2kg of fish a day and that amount of fish costs £29.25. First, we worked out how many days are in each month of the year and in a week. Then we had to work out how much it would cost to feed ONE penguin for a week, each month of the year and for the whole year. Mr Bamber and Miss Crystal then challenged us to work out how much it would cost to feed the penguin on our birthday! Year 4 showed super perseverance and growth mindset.

Nursery Try and Stop the Naughty Bus

Date: 20th Feb 2023 @ 10:08am

We have been reading a super story called "The Naughty Bus" all about a little red bus who gets himself in to all sorts of trouble! The chilldren have enjoyed making their own buses using chairs, painting pictures of buses and playing a bus counting game. We decided that the bus needed stopping so we made stop signs. The children worked hard writing the letter "s" and loved holding up their stop sighs for the naughty bus! 

Nursery Builders

Date: 20th Feb 2023 @ 9:49am

The nursery children have shown a real interest in building over the last few weeks. They have worked together to build some amazing constructions and have worked as a team to build tall towers, ramps for cars and houses. The children were so good at solving problems that they only needed a little help from the adults - super work! 

Year 3- No Pen Day!

Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 2:42pm

Year 3 enjoyed a No Pen Morning and used their Reading into Writing lessons to put down their pens and use their voices! In Reading into Writing, we focused on stereotypes (in theme with our playscripts) and we debated the issues that were put forward. This has helped us in creating conversations for our play scripts. We thought about how we can develop conversations but asking questions and developed our listenign skills. 

In Maths, we worked in pairs to practically do flexible partitioning. We used our grouping skills to divide numbers. We had to discuss how we were solving the questons and worked on justifying our answers. 

Nursery Bake Gingerbread

Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 10:58am

The children really enjoyed reading The Gingerbread Man this week and have used story props to retell the story and designed their own gingerbread man. To finish the week off we made our own gingerbread biscuits (luckily they didn't run away!). The children had to take turn with the mixing, help to measure out the ingredients and make sure they put the right number of buttons on the biscuits. The chidlren were excellent bakers and the biscuits tasted delicious! 

Year 2 No Pen Morning

Date: 17th Jan 2023 @ 4:59pm

Today, Year Two participated in the whole School's 'No Pen Morning' ensuring we focus on our language skills and complete tasks in a creative way. In Reading into Writing, we are in the process of planning our own animal adventure story based on the book 'And Tango makes three' so today, we explored different famous landmarks in New York which is where our story will be set. In Maths, we continued our money journey by comparing different amounts of money having to practice our coin counting skills as well as our knowledge of the comparisons symbols. The children loved completing tasks in a different way and loved that they didn't have to touch a pen all morning!

Year 6 - No Pen Morning

Date: 17th Jan 2023 @ 12:40pm

Year 6 have had a great morning - without pens or pencils! We took the opportunity to discuss, debate and challenge each other through a variety of activities. We started with some philosophy and considered a number of questions before feeding back our opinions to the rest of the class. In Reading into Writing, we learned about LGBTQ+ issues and the Pride movement before discussing discrimination and why being an ally is important. Finally, in our maths lesson we worked in groups to solve practical problems involving decimals. 

Year 6 - A living graph in history

Date: 16th Jan 2023 @ 3:54pm

In today's history lesson we considered the question: How did the Vikings try to take over the country and how close did they get? We looked at key points during the Viking period and created a living graph that showed when the Vikings were more or less threat to conquering England. 

Year 4 - Multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100

Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 2:57pm

This week, we learned how to multiply by 10 and 100 and divide by 10 and 100. The children really worked hard to understand the concept and answer some tricky questions. Here's some videos to help you at home if you want to practise:


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