Geography: Blog items

Rain and Rivers!

Date: 10th Dec 2019 @ 6:02pm

It was a wet and windy day, but that didn't stop us from enjoying our trip. We followed the course of the River Wyre stopping at various points along the way. The children were able to identify features they had learned about during our geography lessons in school including meanders, erosion, deposition and flood plains. Our last stop was Fleetwood where we observed the mouth of the River Wyre, flowing into the Irish Sea.

Rocking Rivers!

Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 7:47pm

As part of our topic 'Rocking Rivers' we looked at the course of the River Wyre using Digimaps, an online mapping tool. The children identified the features of rivers we have already learned about, including meanders, tributaries and the river mouth. We then used the online maps to look at other rivers around the country and find out which towns and cities they flow through. 

Which type of rock is it?

Date: 11th Nov 2019 @ 5:29pm

Does anyone know what we call people who study rocks? Petrologists! So today, children in year three became a petrologist! (Petrologists study rocks while Geologists study the science of the Earth and its rocks). Children were put into groups to experiment. They had an acid test, (with vinegar) to see whether or not the rock ‘fizzed’.  A water test to decide if the rocks were permeable (allowed water in) and a hardness test to see if they let off sediments (small particles). The results helped us decide as to whether the rocks were igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic. Ask your children how rocks are made!   

The One With the Volcanoes!

Date: 28th Oct 2019 @ 3:36pm

To link in with our unit on 'Volcanoes and Mountains', today we had to build and 'erupt' our own volcanoes. We were split up into groups where we had to use the resources (cardboard, plastic bottles, PVA glue, paint and strips of newspaper) to shape a volcano made from paper mache. Once we had built our volcanoes, we then headed outside where we used white vinegar, bicarbonate soda and red food colouring to 'erupt' them. We had a great morning during our WOW session and we can't wait to learn more about volcanoes and mountains.  

Earth to Year Three

Date: 22nd Sep 2019 @ 7:50pm

Children have been leaning about our world, the continents and the North and the South poles. What better way to engage the children than to make a globe of our own out of plasticine. Children had to create the sphere in blue for the water. They then had to use a flattened map of the continents and mould the green plasticine into the correct shapes and add to the correct place on their sphere. Finally, we added a thinner white sheet on the top for the Artic and a thicker section at the bottom, for the Antarctic.

Polar Animals!

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 2:09pm

We have been looking at animals that live in the polar regions- the Arctic and the Antarctic. 

These are very cold places and only certain animals live there so we decided to learn about penguins and polar bears. We listened to information about where they lived, what they looked like and why they looked like they did. We then drew a picture, labelled it and for a challenge some of us wrote a caption. 

Then we listened to the story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers and drew a picture and wrote a description of a missing penguin. 

Take a look at our work!

Music and Geography home Learning

Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 8:11am

We have been doing lots of home learning this last few weeks so this week we shine the light on some great Musical composing using crotchets and minims; we have been using digital technology to create drones too. In Geography we have been learning about Europe and the UK too. Well done to all the children at home and in school who are trying their best. 

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01253 287250:

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