Geography: Blog items

Year 2 Persuasive Adverts

Date: 18th Jul 2023 @ 4:24pm

Today, we used the computers to create our hot write of a persuasive advert. We thought about making it appealing by using bright colours and exciting shapes as well as using persuasive language to persuased someone to visit either Antarctica, the rainforest or the desert. We used our Geography knowledge from hot and cold places to make sure we told some facts. We had to have lots of patience but enjoyed using the chromebooks for our writing.

Year 2 Geography Day

Date: 13th Jul 2023 @ 4:04pm

Today, we participated in Geography morning alongside the rest of School exploring Antarctica. Year Two explored the key question ‘What is it like in Antarctica?’ We watched a video that recapped our knowledge about the temperature, animals, plants and shelters that are there and how nobody lives in Antarctica. We learnt it is the largest desert and is also the coldest place on earth because of its location furthest away from the equator.  We used all our knowledge to create replica models of Antarctica. 

First, we added mountains and the Southern Ocean into our model before painting a sky. Then we used cotton wool, tissue paper and other resources to add texture to our creations and bring it to life. We even had an iceberg floating in the middle of the ocean! Finally, we discussed animals we would find in Antarctica and placed them around the model in their correct habitats.

Year 4 - Geography Day

Date: 13th Jul 2023 @ 2:26pm

What a great day we've had today learning all about Antarctica. We started the day mindmapping what we already know about the fifth largest continent. Then we were given our key question: What is it like to work in Antarctica? We went on to Google Earth to look at where we are compared to Antarctica. We then watched some videos where researchers explained what their roles are at Antarctica. We learned more about the 2041 Antarctic Treaty. The researches told us about how we need to protect the planet and recycle better so that we can protect the Antarctic and they said that they are hopeful that the treaty will be signed again so that people cannot destroy it. Next, we looked at the Halley research centre which is a base for UK research in Antarctica. Our task was then to research how to get there, what we would need to live/work there and what our job role would entail.

Year 6 - World Music Day

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 7:30am

To mark World Music Day, Year 6 learned about music from South Africa. We located South Africa on the map and then listened to several pieces of music from the couhtry. We learned that music is very important to the South Africans and is used to pass messages and stories between generations. We finished by listening to some more modern pop music that has African influences. 

Year 4 - World Music Day 2023!

Date: 21st Jun 2023 @ 11:47am

Today, we celebrated World Music Day. To start the day we had an assembly to look at the history of the day where Mrs Pope told us that World Music Day originated in France and is now celebrated in over 120 countries on this day every year. Then, we were told our theme. South American/ Latin American music! We studied South American in Geography recently, so we were excited about learning about their genres of music. We start the morning listening to different genres of Latin music such as Samba, Salsa and Rumba. Then we listened to music by Ricky Martin and Shakira. The children used their oracy skills and musical vocabulary to describe the music. We discovered that a lot of Latin music has a fast tempo (allegro), the lyrics are Spanish and the tonality of the music is major. To show everything we learned about Latin America we made collages!

Year 5 - Now Press Play: Pompeii

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 4:23pm

To support the learning in our geography unit : Volcanoes and Earthquakes, the pupils in year 5 completed an immersive experience using the Now Press Play resource. The children were dropped into a story set in Roman times, where they witnessed the deverstating eruption of the volcano which burried the city of Pompeii in 79AD. This also linked to learning about the Roman Empire, which children completed in year 4.

Whole School - Fishers Farm visit

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 2:39pm

Boundary has been lucky enough to secure a visit from Fishers Mobile Farm today! This special event not only gives the opportunity for children to see animals they may not have seen before up-close but it also supports their learning journey across Science, Geography, PSHE, Maths and even Reading into Writing! Our children have been telling us about the animals that they have at home including those whose family live in other countries, like Emmanuel whose family have a goat called Coonudoo!
Visit our school website for more pictures and to learn more about the learning taking place today. #BoundaryBelieves

Year 4 - Manaus v London

Date: 16th May 2023 @ 3:37pm

This week, we continued our studies of South America, The Amazon and The Amazon Rainforest. We looked at lots of pictures and compared the two cities. We then annotated our flip chart papers using Human and Physical Geography vocabulary such as river, rainforest, city, capital city, rural and urban.

Year 4 Deforestation on Newsround

Date: 10th May 2023 @ 10:35am

Our Geography unit this half term is about the Amazon Rainforest and River. Today, during milk and snack, when we watched Newsround they reported on deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest and how it is now within the UK supply chain. It was great for the children to see something they are currrently learning on the news and it promoted some brilliant discussions.

Year 5 - Natural Disasters

Date: 25th Apr 2023 @ 4:22pm

In Year 5 last week, we began our journey learning about volcanoes and earthquakes. We have learned about the structure of the Earth, and how the movement of the tectonic plates can cause various natural disasters. Pupils used their skills from Reading into Writing lessons to match the new subject vocabulary to its correct meaning, so that they can confidently use the correct vocabulary in future lessons. This week, we have labelled a diagram of a volcano and used our map reading and investigation skills to locate 6 of the world's most famous volcanoes and find facts about them. 

Year 4 - South America

Date: 18th Apr 2023 @ 3:37pm

Today we started our unit about The Amazon River. We started by doing a flashback to define some river features and then we got the atlas' out to find South America. We located 10 of the South American countries and then looked at where The Amazon rainforest and rivers are.

Year 1 Weather Diaries

Date: 5th Apr 2023 @ 8:13pm

During this lesson we explored the different types of weather in the United Kingdom. First, we learnt about symbols that represent different types of weather. We then answered the following questions: what is the weather like today? What has the weather been like this week? What has the weather been like this month? We discussed that in the past month it has been cold, warm, sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy and snowy! We watched how to fill out a weather diary and how we can work out the temperature. We then had a go at filling out our own weather diaries. We will update these daily throughout this week to explore the different types of weather this week brings!

‘This morning it was rainy, windy and cloudy. This afternoon there was no wind but it was still rainy and cloudy’

‘Yesterday it was sunny and warm all day!’

‘On Monday it was 14 °C and today it is 11 °C. It was warmer on Monday than it is today.’

Year 1 Weather & Climate

Date: 5th Apr 2023 @ 6:25pm

During this lesson we focused on finding clues to describe what season we are in. We recapped on the four seasons and which clues can help us identify each. We then went outside to explore our school environment and find physical clues to identify the current season. We filled in our scavenger hunt and I spy sheets, based on what we could see outside. When we came back into the classroom, we then discussed the seasonal clues we had found.

We answered these key questions, what can we see around school that shows what season it is? and how can we use this evidence to explain which season we are in?

Year 1 Zoo Trip

Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 5:26pm

We have all been looking forward to our zoo trip and today was finally the day! We enjoyed exploring the zoo and seeing all the animals we had been learning about in Science this half term. We all took part in a habitat workshop, where we impressed with our habitat knowledge and explored lots of different animal parts. We used these as clues to discuss which habitat each animal was from. We then visited the sealions and watched their fantastic show before having our lunchtime break. After lunch, we visited lemur wood, wallaby walkabout and wolf ridge. Finally we spent some time in the dinosaur safari, before finally seeing the giraffes and elephants. We all had a fantastic day exploring!

Whole School Art Day 2023

Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 11:22am

On Thursday all the children fully embraced a whole school art day. From Nursery to Year 6 you could hear the sound of paper being ripped and cut as the children created collages of different things you can find in their home town of Blackpool. From transport in Year 3 to famous landmarks in Year 5, from trees and flowers in Year 1 to collaged signs in Year 6. The children have created some superb pieces of artwork and these are all going to be displayed together to create a whole school mural.

Year 4 - Finding the ancient tombs

Date: 7th Mar 2023 @ 6:55pm

This week in History we used our History, Geography and Oracy skills. We started by locating Egypt and England on a world map, then we zoomed in to Europe and North Africa so see how far away Egypt is. Next, we were given a map of just Egypt and in groups we had to discuss and decide where we think would have been best to built the Pharaoh tombs. We came up with some sentence starters to support each other in our discussions. We decided that nearest the River Nile was the best option because of the supply of water for not only building but living whilst building the tombs/pyramids. Many groups recognised mountainous areas on the map of Egypt and we discussed that this would be impractical for building. We then zoomed in on an area called Esna and Thebes - an area in The Valley of the Kings. This is where the tombs were built. To finish the lesson we did a zone of inference task with a drawing found in the richly decorated tomb of Nebamun - discovered in 1820.

Year 2 No Pen Morning

Date: 17th Jan 2023 @ 4:59pm

Today, Year Two participated in the whole School's 'No Pen Morning' ensuring we focus on our language skills and complete tasks in a creative way. In Reading into Writing, we are in the process of planning our own animal adventure story based on the book 'And Tango makes three' so today, we explored different famous landmarks in New York which is where our story will be set. In Maths, we continued our money journey by comparing different amounts of money having to practice our coin counting skills as well as our knowledge of the comparisons symbols. The children loved completing tasks in a different way and loved that they didn't have to touch a pen all morning!

Year 2 Where in the world am I?

Date: 6th Jan 2023 @ 7:34am

This half term in Year Two, we will be exploring the world by looking at the worlds continents and oceans. We began our learning journey by exploring where in the world we are focusing on key vocabulary: house, street, village, town, city, county, country, continent and hemisphere. We learnt what each of these words meant and used Google Earth to explore the places further. We began looking at the world and kept zooming in until we reached our School. We know know we are in the Northern hemisphere and we live in the county Lancashire. We are looking forwards to continuing our learning journey further in the coming weeks. 

Year 1 Seasonal Changes

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 7:13pm

This week Year 1 have been very interested in the seasonal changes taking place. As the weather has got much colder we have enjoyed spending some time outside observing what is happening to the trees, making patterns in the frost and exploring ice!

Year 6 Geography - Where do people live in the UK?

Date: 23rd Nov 2022 @ 6:40pm

Our geography lesson this week asked the key question: Where do people live in the UK? We began the lesson by recapping on what we had already learned about the UK, including countries and capital cities. We then went on to learn about where people live, focusing on the key differences between cities, towns, villages and hamlets. We used online maps to locate towns and villages on the Fylde coast, towns and cities in Lancashire and major cities in the UK. 

Year 5 Blackpool Zoo Orienteering

Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 9:20am

Active Blackpool run a number of physical activity programmes aiming to improve the physical wellbeing of all children across Blackpool. We were invited to take part in two fun festivals within Blackpool Zoo where each school will be given a map of the park to help them to solve the clues to find the right animals. The intention for the event is to get the children out walking in the fresh air whilst having a look at the animals along the way.

The children, chosen from Year 5, had a great morning with Mrs. Millar and Mr. Parsons supported by Leaders from Blackpool Sixth Form. Efficient map reading and a keen sense of time meant that we returned to the finish before the other schools – having even had time to visit some of the animals not on our list (and the dinosaurs too!).


Year 2 Zoo Orienteering

Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 9:17am

Today, nine children from Year two represent Boundary for an orienteering activity at Blackpool Zoo in conjunction with Active Blackpool and the School Games.

The children had an amazing time, finding out information about animals to answer the clues on the activity sheet. They used their reading skills and previously taught knowledge to identify the key information around the Zoo to answer the questions in regards to each animal and used the map and signage around the zoo to locate the animals. We all learnt so many new facts; who knew a giraffe’s neck is 2.4 metres long!

All participants demonstrated persistence, teamwork, and resourcefulness.


Year 1 Local Area Walk

Date: 15th Oct 2022 @ 6:58pm

This half term Year 1 have been learning all about our local area. As part of this learning we went on a local area walk around Grange Park. Prior to leaving school, we explored photos of past and present Grange Park and discussed what we thought we might see. Whilst on our walk, we observed different types of houses, spotted physical and human features and talked about the current changes taking place. We we're also lucky enough to visit @thegrange, where we we're shown around the gardens, read a book in the library and told all about what @thegrange has to offer.

Year 5 - Peaky Finders

Date: 12th Oct 2022 @ 10:13am

To support our learning about mountains, pupils have been researching one of the 7 Summits (the 7 tallest mountains on each of the 7 continents). We have found out which continent and country they are in, and this morning we have indicated their position on the whole school world map.

Year 5 Artists are Map Makers

Date: 5th Oct 2022 @ 2:52pm

We began to create our maps. Based on of knowledge from the last few weeks of using typography, powerful images and ideas from great artists, we began to form our maps. Our success criteria was to have typography  on the map and some element of 3D work. We discussed the features of a map that we could include, based on our class novel, Kensuke's Kingdom and the map included in that book. 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust