Geography: Blog items
Year 1 Polar and Desert Habitats
Date: 3rd Mar 2025 @ 7:52pm
Today we learnt about two habitats – a polar habitat and a desert habitat. We began by identifying the features of a polar habitat, watching a short video and looking at photos. We looked at the climate in a polar habitat, animals that live there and how they are suitable to their habitat. We then began to look at a desert habitat, again identifying the features by watching a short video and looking at photos. We then looked at a number of animals that live in the desert and learnt about how they are suited to that habitat. We then completed a desert and polar habitat sort with a partner, verbally discussing the reasons and explaining how we know which animals live where.
Year 3- Comparing climate zones!
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 10:28am
Over this half term, the children have been learning about 5 different climate zones. We have been looking at how they are similar and different. We also looked at temperature levels, precipitation and weather in each climate. The children did a research task using online sources to study different locations across the world. We then presented our research to the rest of the class and filled in a comparisons grid and discussed which location we would like to live in and why.
Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 10:16pm
Nursery have been having lots of fun being pirates this week and to end things off they went on a Treasure Hunt! We discovered a treasure map and the children were very good at identifying all the familair features on the map to find the treasure. They were very excited to discover a treasure chest full of gold coins, gems and most importantly - chocolate!
Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 2:43pm
Today we were lucky enough to start the day off with a fantastic performance from Travelling by Tuba. They took us on a journey around the world, showing us instruments from around the world and explaining the history of instruments and how theyhave developed into what we have today.
We then attended a workshop with Travelling by Tuba where we were all given an instrument to learn how to play. We all learnt our set rhythm and came together as an ensemble to perform our piece. We had a fantastic day linking Music, History and Geography!
Year 4 - What journeys do rivers make?
Date: 22nd Jan 2025 @ 2:38pm
This week, we looked at the journey of a river from the source to the mouth. We started the lesson by matching 20 definitions and parts of rivers and then we used the information we learned to complete a glossary game and label some features on a river diagram. We also looked at how the land around a river changes from the upper course to the middle course and lower course.
Year 3- Northern or Southern hemisphere?
Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 9:31am
In Geography, Year Three have been learning about climate zones. Last week we learnt about the different lines of latitude and how the earth is divided into the northern and southern hemisphere by the equator. This week we used the atlas to explore the location of different countries and discussed what we thought their climate would be depending on their location. We then looked at the five different climate zones and discussed the key characteristics of each one.
Year 2- Where in the world am I?
Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 9:20am
This week, we began our new Geography unit 'Continents and Oceans'. We started by recapping our learning from Year 1 focusing on the United Kingdom before looking at Google Earth at where we are in the world. We started really small with us at school and kept zooming out to explore: which town we live in, the closest city to us, the county we live in, the country we live in, the continent we are in and finally which hemisphere of the globe. We loved looking at Google Earth and learning about our place in the world.
Year 4 - What is a river and where are famous ones around the world?
Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 8:45am
We started our rivers unit by recapping the names of the UK countries, cities and seas/oceans. Then we moved around the room to look at information to find out what a river actually is. Once we discovered this we used atlas' to find famous rivers around the world.
Date: 11th Dec 2024 @ 3:00pm
In our Geography unit, we have been creating a non-chronological report. The children put together their non-chronological reports using Google Docs, meaning they needed to use their Digital Literacy skills to insert images, diagrams and the appropriate captions to enchance our written work.
Date: 20th Nov 2024 @ 6:21pm
As part of our Geography unit, The UK, this week we have explored Human Geography. This is how humans interact with their environment and how they use the Earth's resources. The children produced some wonderful double page spreads all about the different aspects of Human Geography.
Date: 12th Nov 2024 @ 1:43pm
Today, Year 1 visited @thegrange as part of our local area work. On our walk to @thegrange we looked at the different types of houses, discussed human and physical features and other aspects of our local area. In @thegrange, we were shown around the centre, explored the gardens and what was growing there and read a story in the library.
Date: 7th Nov 2024 @ 7:23am
In today's lesson, we recapped on our learning from last week including the four countries of the UK, their capitals and the seas surrounding the British Isles. We then went on to discuss where people in the UK live. We learned about cities, towns, villages and hamlets before using maps and online atlases to locate major towns and cities in our local area and the UK.
Date: 31st Oct 2024 @ 9:14am
We began our new geography unit - The UK - with a whistlestop tour of the British Isles. We we looked at maps and explored the countries that make up the United Kingdom and Great Britain. We recapped on the 8 points of the compass and looked at the regions of the UK.
Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 7:40am
This week in Geography we have used fieldwork to identify the features of our school grounds. We went out into our school environment to explore the main features we could see and identify them on a birds eye view map.
Date: 12th Sep 2024 @ 6:12pm
Today we read the story ‘The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse’ to support our learning on rural and urban areas. We talked about the different features of each and compared the differences. In small groups, we then sorted a number of pictures into the correct area, talking through our reasoning with an adult and our peers.
Date: 11th Sep 2024 @ 4:46pm
In French, we looked at France and where places are in the country. We used our atlas to locate different towns and cities in France. We also looked at famous French people, food and inventions. The children enjoyed learning about France and now we will begin to learn to speak the language!
Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 1:46pm
Today we completed some Geography fieldwork at Stanley Park! Despite the weather being wet and rainy, we enjoyed exploring how Stanley Park has changed throughout the seasons and looking at the deciduous and evergreen tree and different types of plants.
Reception- Heritage Week Blackpool
Date: 8th Jul 2024 @ 12:22pm
Thiw week Reception have had fun learning about where we live in Blackpool.
We learnt about what Blackpool was like in the past and what it is like now. We looked at some artefacts, such as a stick of Blackpool rock, a souvenir mug, a bucket and spade, a sun hat and different types of swimming costumes from now and from the past. We also discussed our favourite places we like to visit in Blackpool.
"Old swimming costumes are very long!" Isla.
"You wear a little hat to go swimming in the past." Esme.
"Old photos from the past are black and white- new ones are colour." Ellie- May
" I like to visit the ballroom in Blackpool Tower can go dancing there." Lucy
" We have a beach and I take a bucket and a spade, sun hat, swimming costume and a picninc with me when I go ." Esmai.
"I go on the trams" Luca.
"My favourite is Blackpool Tower it is like the Eiffel Tower." Mathew.
"There is a roller coaster at the Pleasure Beach- I go on the blue one with my Mummy." George.
Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 2:29pm
In Geography, we learnt all about pollution that affects the coast. We considered how it this pollution happens and what damage it causes. We then thought about how we could solve our pollution problem and decided to go on a litter pick! We were shocked at how much we found and made a promise to keep our school clean!
Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 10:22am
For this year's Heritage Day, year 5 were asked the question, 'Why did Blackpool become a popular tourist resort?'
The pupils looked at a range of old photos to see how the town has changed over the past 150 years. Together we found out how the Blackpool Tower, Pleasure Beach, Winter Gardens and piers came about. Pupils used this information to support their writing of a newspaper to comemorate the visit of Princess Louise in 1912 - which was the beginning of the famous Blackpool Illuminations.
Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 10:15am
Our key question was 'What has changed in our local area?'
We looked at maps and information online to find out about the £20,000,000 redevelopment of Grange Park. Using our geography skills, we collected information about the types of houses (131 new homes have been built) that have been built around the school, collated the data and presented our findings in a bar graph. We also did a Kahoot! quiz, with help from some parents, about the Grange Park redevelopment.
Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 7:36pm
Our key question was 'How do we get from Boundary to the beach and what will we see along the way?'
We found our route using maps in the morning and after lunch we walked the route. Along the way, using clipboards, we wrote down examples of human features and physical features we saw. We decided that there were much more human features than physical.
Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 3:47pm
Today, we participated in Geography Day thinking about the key question 'How has our local area changed?' We began by looking at our School on Google Earth and looking at what we could see on the aerial view picture, in small groups we labelled key things around our area. Then, we looked at the surrounding areas of school on Google Earth from 2022, focusing on Boundary Place and thought about what it looked like before going outside to see what we could find. We recorded findings through digital photographs and drawings. Our observations showed that the area has changed a lot and there are now lots of new houses and roads surrounding Boundary. We compared 2022 Boundary Place and current Boundary Place and thought about how this has affected the local area. We have enjoyed focusing on our local area the last couple of days and thinking about how changes can affect us.
Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 3:42pm
Today, we were joined by our parents for Together Time. We used a map of the playground to locate key areas where there was a piece of jigsaw to be found. They then used the pieces of the puzzle to build a world map. Once all the pieces were correct, we labelled the continents and oceans using an atlas to support us. Thank you to all the parents that joined us, we hope you enjoyed your morning!
Acorns - A visit from the Naughty Bus
Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 2:27pm
Acorns have been celebrating Geography day with a visit from the Naughty Bus.
We enjoyed reading the story about the naughty bus and its journey.
Acorns then went on their own journey to explore our school community. Soon the naughty bus was popping up everywhere!! We found he had been to reception class, he had visited Mrs Bunday's office, Year 1, Elmer, the reading tree and Miss Moyes office. We had great fun exploring the school and finally found the bus un the sensory room where we enjoyed spending some time.
We can't wait for the naughty bus to come and visit again to see what our next journey could be!!!