Year 2- Geography Day

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 3:47pm

Today, we participated in Geography Day thinking about the key question 'How has our local area changed?' We began by looking at our School on Google Earth and looking at what we could see on the aerial view picture, in small groups we labelled key things around our area. Then, we looked at the surrounding areas of school on Google Earth from 2022, focusing on Boundary Place and thought about what it looked like before going outside to see what we could find. We recorded findings through digital photographs and drawings. Our observations showed that the area has changed a lot and there are now lots of new houses and roads surrounding Boundary. We compared 2022 Boundary Place and current Boundary Place and thought about how this has affected the local area. We have enjoyed focusing on our local area the last couple of days and thinking about how changes can affect us. 

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