Natural or Man-made?

Date: 19th Sep 2020 @ 12:07pm

We have had another busy week in Year One! This week we have made the most of the lovely weather and taken lots of our learning in to our outdoors area!

We began the week by looking at using the words greater than, less than and equal to explore and explain the amounts of different groups of objects. We took part in lots of practical activities to explore what these words meant and how we could represent these words. We then moved on to learning the symbols < > and =. We worked on accurately counting groups of objects and inserting the correct symbol between each group.

We have continued to look at the local area we live in and began to look at human (man made) and physical features (natural). The children took part in a sorting activity to group features into either human or physical, and then record their learning independently on Seesaw. We are continuing to learn how to use Seesaw independently, children take photos of their practical learning, and record their thoughts and explanations. Don't forget to complete this weeks BLT on Seesaw!

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