Design and Technology: Blog items

Year 5 - Bug Hotels

Date: 12th Mar 2025 @ 8:35am

Having completed construction of their bug hotels, pupils in year 5 have place them around the school grounds to provide shelter for insects and other wildlife. They have been made from eco-friendly materials that will decompose naturally over time. 

Year 3- Mastering key skills!

Date: 11th Mar 2025 @ 1:22pm

In Design Technology, Year Three have been learning all about Shell Structures. This week we used CAD software to practice making nets more appealing for our user. The children looked at changing the colour and adding images and drawings. We also looked at adding in text and changing the colour and the font. The children will use these skills when making their final product.

Reception- Pancake Day!

Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 10:43am


This week the children in Reception have been making pancakes.  We talked about the tradition of pancake day how some people decide to give something up, during the Christain period of Lent.  The children then enjoyed following a recipe to make and then eat their own pancakes.  When we returned to the classroom we sequenced the pictures correctly and wrote our own insgtructions.

"You have to mix the eggs, milk and flour with a whisk" Harley

"Cook it in a frying pan" Dina

"The pancakes were yummy.  I liked the chocolate the best" Kevin.

Nursery Make Pancakes

Date: 4th Mar 2025 @ 5:18pm

Nursery celebrated Pancake day with a stack of delicious pancakes! We read the story "Mr Wolf's Pancakes" and talked about the ingredients you need to make the pancake batter. We talked a little bit about why we celebrate Shrove Tuesday before the children helped to mix the pancake batter. They children watched patiently as Mrs Welch cooked the pancakes and even managed to successfully toss a few! It was all worth the wait as the chidlren thought the pancakes were delicious!

Year 3- Developing our key skills

Date: 3rd Mar 2025 @ 4:44pm

As part of our DT learning, the children have been looking at how the 3-D shell structures can be deconstructed into nets. Today we looked at developing our key skills of understanding and exploring nets. The children looked at making a range of different nets and also thought about which 3-D shape matched to which net.

Year 5 - Frame Structures BLT

Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 9:12am

In DT we have been looking at frame structures and as a class we have designed, built and evaluated bug habitats and bird feeders. Addison took this idea and made her own bird feeder at home and has donated it to Year 5 so that we can keep an eye out for any winged visitors! Well Done and Thank You Addison!

Year 2- Exploring Moving Vehicles

Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 8:10am

This week we started our new Design Technology unit of Moving Vehicles. To begin any unit we explore products that are already out there so we looked at different moving vehicles and explored how they move. We learnt they have wheels and axles to allow them to move and will use this knowledge in future lessons to help us when making our own.

Year 6 - Cooking Pizza

Date: 14th Feb 2025 @ 2:01pm

Year 6 have had a great week in the kitchen! During our DT cooking journey we researched, designed and made our own pizzas. Part of the journey was to learn new skills and we focused on safely cutting and chopping ingredients using the claw and bridge grips. Linking to our careers curriclum, we talked about how the skills we learned during this journey could link to future careers. We watched a video about a sous chef who talked about his career path and the skills needed to do his job.

The children's finished pizza's looked and tasted amazing. We have some future chefs in the making!

Year 5 - Mastering Practical DT Skills

Date: 10th Feb 2025 @ 5:13pm

Today, pupils in year 5 have begun construction of their DT products. They are making eco-friendly 'bug hotels' which are constructed from a frame structure. In this lesson, pupils practised the skills of measuring, sawing and sanding to make the pieces of their frame structures from wood. Next we will start to contruct the frame, before adding sides and some shelter for the insects. Come back for more updates over the next week.

Reception Making Dragons

Date: 28th Jan 2025 @ 12:03pm

As part of our learning around 'Chinese New Year' the children have been making their own dragon puppets.  They have been using lots of different skills that they have learnt since September to help them fix, join and assemble their puppet.  The children worked independently and produced some fantastic work.  

Year 1 Moving Pictures

Date: 27th Jan 2025 @ 6:54pm

This week we created moving pictures to bring a bit of a story to life! We have been reading the story  'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers and chose different key parts of this story to inspire our creations. We began by looking at existing products, before learning how to make a lever and a slider mechanism. We then created our design and made a prototype, before creating our final product! 

Nursery and the Snowmen

Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 4:31pm

Nursery have been learnig all about Winter and as part of our topic the chidlren made 3D snowmen. They had to manipulate the dough to create balls, then attach them together and then add some special features to to make the snowmen their own!

Year 2- Amazing Architects!

Date: 17th Dec 2024 @ 1:02pm

This half term we have been looking at architecture. We began our Art journey by exploring what architecture is and we looked at the work of Hunderwasser. We learnt that he liked bright, colourful buildings and would often use topsy turvy designs. We then designedour own buildings and chose a colour palette for our building. Over the last couple of days, we have been building, painting and decorating our houses ready to evaluate. 

Acorns - The Gingerbread Man

Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 11:22am

This week Acorns have been reading the Gingerbread Man.

We have had lots of fun using the characters from the story to tell the story. 
Omer - "Swim, swim"

We have enjoyed making our own collage gingerbread man and baked our own gingerbread cookies. 

Nursery Create some Rockets

Date: 7th Nov 2024 @ 2:58pm

The children loved using some open ended resources to create their own rocks, They had to select the pieces they wanted and decide how they would attach them together. They also had to chat to their friends about the resources and share and take turns. 

Year 4 -DT - Creating a lever and linkage

Date: 7th Nov 2024 @ 10:08am

In DT, we received a letter asking us to design and create a card. The specification was precise – we need to ensure it is a Christmas card, it is designed for primary school children and it has a linkage and lever system. We then looked at card designs and evaluated them. 

Next, we learned about linkages and levers and created a basic one which we will adapt and use when we create our Christmas cards!

Year 3 - Pencil Cases

Date: 17th Oct 2024 @ 9:13pm

We have worked hard on following our final designs to create our pencil cases.  We had to put all the skills we had practised into action including tying knots, threading needles and completing a running stitch.  Some of us even used zips and buttons so we had to apply our skills to something new!  We did a great job in following our designs and showed resilience, creativity and persistence in abundance whilst creating our final pieces.  Well done Year 3!

Acorns - Making bread

Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 4:06pm

Acorns have been exploring and celebrating Harvest. Today we have been making bread.

We had lots of fun mixing the ingredients and trying to knead the dough.

Our bread rolls turned out great. Have a look. 

Nursery and the Bear Hunt

Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 2:29pm

Nursery have thoroughly enjoyed reading "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" by Michael Rosen. They can all join in beautifully with the story and loved using musical instuements to make the sound of swishy swashy grass and squelchy squerchy mud. They created some fabulous bear puppets, counted and sorted bears by colour and even baked some delicious bear paw print biscuits. 

Reception- Holly Class Bake Bread

Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 4:39pm

After reading the story, Little Red Hen, Reception decided to bake bread. They all worked together, helping each other to weigh the ingredients, mix the ingredients and knead the dough before placing it in a bowl to allow it to rise. Then it was baked in the oven and eaten. 

Unlike the story, where Little Red Hen had to do everything herself, all the children worked togther showing kidness and respect.

"It feels sticky" Harry

"We all helped to make the bread" Dina.

"Mmm it tastes delicious!" Riley.

"Little Red Hen's friends didn't help her" Hazel. 

Reception Willow Class make bread

Date: 1st Oct 2024 @ 9:14pm

This week the children in Willow class have been reading the traditional tale 'Little Red Hen'.  After reading the story we talked about the different ingredients we would need to make bread.  We found out that we needed flour, yeast, water, salt and olive oil.  We all went up to the kitchen to make some bread, just like the Little Red Hen.  We measure followed the recipe and measure the correct amount of flour and water.  We added some yeast,  salt and olive oil and mixed it together to make dough.  It was very important tha we kneaded the dough to make sure that the bread would rise in the oven.  Once the dough was silky smooth we put it in a bowl and waited for it to rise.  We then baked it in the own for 45 minutes.  The children enjoyed tasty the bread when we took it out of the oven.

"It is delicious" Kevin

"It's hard kneading the dough" Lilah

"We need flour, salt, water and oil" Kamiyah

Year 2- Sewing Sensations!

Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 9:17am

This week we started to master the skills of sewing. We learnt how to thread, how to do a running stitch and we practised cutting precisely. It is a very difficult skill to master and we will be continuing to practise this in the upcoming weeks. Eventually, we will put this into practise to make our very own puppets! Watch this space!

Year 3 - DT - Investigating existing products and Market Research

Date: 9th Sep 2024 @ 9:05pm

To begin our DT journey, we looked at a range of existing pencil cases.  We thought about what material they had been made from, how they had been joined, who the user was and how they opened and closed.  We  found most of the pencil cases were made from fabric and stitched together.  Some pencil cases were made from wood or leather but these were less common.  We also conducted some market research.  We created a google form to gather data on what users would want from a pencil case.  We thought about what we would need to put in a pencil case, the shape, the design, the material and how the case would close.

We then analysed the data to see what it told us.   Our results showed that a character design is most popular. Those surveyed also wanted a soft pencil case that they could carry in their bags. We also found out that most children wanted lots of different things in their pencil case, so when we design our cases we need to make sure we have enough room and potentially a pocket for organising. 

Year 2- Exploring Puppets

Date: 5th Sep 2024 @ 7:40am

Yesterday, we explored different types of puppets so we can take inspiration from them when we make our own puppets. We thought about what materials were used and how the parts were joined together to gain a better understanding of how they work and how these things make it appropriate for their user.

Year 6 - Pulleys and Gears

Date: 17th Jun 2024 @ 4:06pm

We continued our 'Mechanical Systems' unit by finding our more about pulleys and gears. We learned how pulleys an gears can be used in mechanical systems before experimenting making different gear chains. We also made pulleys from wooden dowel and cotton reels. 

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