Design and Technology: Blog items
Date: 30th Oct 2023 @ 10:19am
We finished our Christmas cards for The Card Factory! We designed them on laptops and made them move using a lever mechanism.
Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 2:03pm
Over the last few days, Year 2 have been incredibly busy creating their final products. The children demonstrated patience and resilience when threading a needle, tying a knot and sewing all the way around the outside of their puppet to successfully join the two pieces of material together. Then, they followed their designs, using different materials to cut out and create their animal. They have loved creating their puppets and cannot wait to take them home and play with them!
Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 4:51pm
Today, alongside the whole School we participated in our termly no pen morning. We began the morning by consolidating our knowledge of telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes where we played a board game with a partner having to tell the time on the square we landed; this was also brilliant for our communication and turn taking skills as well as being able to support one another. Then, we continued our fantastic morning by beginning to sew our puppets together ready to be decorated; we carefully threaded the needle and tried to do a running stitch- we had to demonstrate good perseverence and resillience but we are excited to make our final product. Check back over the coming days to see our final puppets!
Reception- Holly Class Bake Bread
Date: 8th Oct 2023 @ 10:16pm
After reading the story, Little Red Hen, Reception decided to bake bread. They all worked together, helping each other to weigh the ingredients, mix the ingredients and knead the dough before placing it in a bowl to allow it to rise. Then it was baked in the oven and eaten.
Unlike the story, where Little Red Hen had to do everything herself, all the children worked togther showing kidness and respect.
"It feels sticky" Loui- Tony
"We all helped to make the bread" Lucy.
"Mmm it tastes delicious!" Meriya.
"Little Red Hen's friends didn't help her" Kierah.
Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 12:18pm
Every Friday is Fun Friday in Nursery! We try to do an exciting activity each week to celebrate another super week in school. The activities often invlove working as a team and sharing a taking turns which is great for developing the children's social and emotional skills. This week is was baking! We made some delicious star biscuits.
Reception- Willow class make bread
Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 11:12am
This week the children in Reception have been reading the traditional tale 'Little Red Hen' After role playing the story and writing about the characters the children went up to your school kitchen Redcliffs to make bread. The followed a recipe and used the correct ingredients flour, water, salt, yeast and oil. The children kneaded the dough just like the Little Red Hen. We then put it in the oven and waited for it to bake. In the afternoon the children enjoyed tasting the bread.
"The flour is very soft" Oliver
"You need to knead the dough" Esmai
""The yeast makes it get bigger" Elisha
It is very tasty" Summer
Year 4- Creating Christmas Cards
Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 8:13pm
This half term in DT, Year 4 have been working towards designing, making and evaluating their own Christmas card using linkage and lever systems. Therefore, we have been mastering the practical skills needed to create our first moving mechanism. Using cards and split pins, we were able to create a waving hand! We will use these new practical skills when we start making our cards later in the half term.
Year 2 - DT - Developing sewing skills
Date: 26th Sep 2023 @ 3:49pm
This week in DT, Year 2 have been mastering the practical skillls that they will need to create a puppet. We used pipe cleaners to practise tying knots as we will need a knot in the end of our thread when we begin to sew. We completed threading activities to practise the movement needed to make a running stitch and finally, we used a needle and thread to create a running stitch that joined two pieces of fabric.
Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 3:06pm
In DT, we have been learning about the practical skill of sewing. We thought about how to thread a needle and thread. In the lesson we mastered running stitch and back stitch.
Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 9:44pm
This week the children listened to the story 'No-Bot The Robot' - a robot who lost his bottom! It is a hilarious adventure about resilience and friendship.
Take a look at the different ways we explored the story through art and design.
"I made a robot with a square body" Mathew.
"My robot has a square head" Esme.
"His friends helped him find his bottom" Summer.
"Hel left it on the swing" George.
Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 4:04pm
Today we started our DT journey. This half term we will be designing, making and evaluating our own pillows. We started the journey by taking inspiration from others. We looked at a variety of pillows and evaluated them based on their purpose, fabric, design and decorations.
Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 1:57pm
This half term in Year 2 we will be creating our own puppets. To begin our learning journey, we explored a range of different puppets including: glove puppets, finger puppets, marionette puppets and shadow puppets. We thought about the materials that each puppet has been made out of, who might use the puppet as well as the different techniques that were used to join the matierals together. Most of us thought the glove puppets were the best and look forward to making our own in the future.
Date: 14th Jul 2023 @ 12:04pm
This week the pupils in year 5 have been busy creating a steady hand game. Pupils had to make a circuit by connecting wires, a 9v battery and a buzzer, then add this to a wire maze and wand. All of the groups successfully made a working game. We then evalutated and discussed how we could improve our products if we made them again.
Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 2:46pm
We have spent the day exploring patterns, colours and shapes to create moodboards in our sketch books. Our end product for our art this half term was to create mini-world light boxes, where we used our imagination to design a showbox with pictures and sculptures. We also used a range of paper, paint and colours to add detail to our boxes. We then added different colours of cellophane to the lid and shone a torch into each one, giving a small immersive feel to our work.
Year 6 - Tasting and Evaluating in DT
Date: 15th Jun 2023 @ 3:37pm
Today, we continued our Design and Technology food journey by tasting and and evaluating savoury cheese products. The next step will be to make our own savoury scone to a recipe of the children's choice.
Boundary Coronation Celebrations
Date: 5th May 2023 @ 12:34pm
Boundary Coronation Celebrations
Our day began with a whole school assembly looking at what happens during a Coronation and where it will take place. During the day, all children will take part in a variety of 'Royal Games' including 4 Kingly Corners, Tin Can Alley and Croquet! Lessons will have a distinctly royal theme! Each child will be making and decorating their own crown to wear to their 'Royal Banquet' where they will toast the King before tucking into a meal fit for a monarch!
Take a look at our blogs for more pictures and to see more of the learning that has been taking place this week!
Year 2's Final Forest School Fun!
Date: 4th May 2023 @ 5:20pm
Today was our final session of Forest School in Year 2 and what fun we had! We used lots of the resources we could find including leaves, flowers and string to create our own stick creations, some of us got creative enough and began to build a den. Other children helped chop up fruits so we could enjoy fruit kebabs by the fire and dip them in some melted chocolate or caramel. We loved our final session in Year 2 and cannot wait until it's our turn next year.
Year 2 Forest School Fun Part 2
Date: 4th May 2023 @ 7:58am
Last week in Forest School, we learnt all about the Elder tree. We begun the lesson by creating a shelter using a parachute to protect us from the wind and after we came out we went on a hunt to find the only Elder tree in our Forest School area. We then used parts of Elder to use a hack saw to make a small piece and pushed the middle out so we could thread some string through to create necklaces or bracelets. We had so much fun and enjoyed getting creative with the Elder. Those that decided they didn't want to make something had plenty of fun den building and planting some seeds.
Year 1 Making Our Playground Structure
Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 2:55pm
Today we made our piece of playground equipment according to our design. We looked through our design, describing how we were going to make our playground equipment to each other. We then followed our design to create our playground equipment, thinking carefully about the components, materials and attachment techniques. We then discussed two key questions, ‘what we will do if we come across a problem while we are making our playground equipment?’ and ‘how can we make sure our piece of playground equipment turns out how we want it to?’ Finally, we considered how we were going to stay safe whilst we were working, before beginning to make our final design!
Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 10:33am
Today we completed our final lesson on Tinkercad. We used everything we have previously learned to design and make our own 3D structure. We think our final products are brilliant and use lots of appealing features.
Date: 19th Apr 2023 @ 6:08pm
After exploring existing products, it was then time to explore different ways of joining and strengthening materials to create pieces of playground equipment. We learnt that when we design a product we need to make sure it is suitable for the purpose we are designing it for. We then began to experiment with different materials to see how to make pieces of playground equipment. We were given a variety of materials and we worked through making a number of different attachments techniques including the flange, slot, l brace and tabs. We had to make sure that each join was sturdy and strong and that it moved as it is supposed to. We then moved onto using the paper stores to make a range of 2D shapes that will support us when making the frames for our structures.
Date: 5th Apr 2023 @ 4:58pm
This week, Year Two have been making their moving vehicles based upon their initial designs. First, the children built their axles, wheels and chassis using construction kits before chosing a box of an appropriate size to use as the body of their vehicle. Next, we painted the boxes the colour we stated in our design and today we thought about the features of a moving vehicle and added them to our final masterpiece. We used a variety of materials to create windows, doors, registration plates, handles, aerials and windscreen wipers. The children have loved making their cars and cannot wait to share their learning with you.
Date: 2nd Apr 2023 @ 3:28pm
It's wonderful when a certain activity really engages children and you can see their skills developing. One of our nursery superstars has really enjoyed exploring the constructuion area recently and has been working really hard to develop his skills. He has gone from building simple towers, to adding features to his towers and is now able to build with a purpose in mind - this week he has made a train! Amazing work!
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 11:22am
On Thursday all the children fully embraced a whole school art day. From Nursery to Year 6 you could hear the sound of paper being ripped and cut as the children created collages of different things you can find in their home town of Blackpool. From transport in Year 3 to famous landmarks in Year 5, from trees and flowers in Year 1 to collaged signs in Year 6. The children have created some superb pieces of artwork and these are all going to be displayed together to create a whole school mural.
Date: 22nd Mar 2023 @ 2:28pm
Today in computing we have used all that we have learned so far to create name plaques and pencil pots. To do this we had to learn how to resize objects as well as creating holes in objects to allow items to be placed inside. We are really enjoying this unit of work and are looking forward to creating more in the next couple of weeks.