Design and Technology: Blog items

Oak: DT Day 2

Date: 8th May 2021 @ 8:03pm

Today was the second day of our DT unit on making pizzas. We began the day by making the dough - we did this by following a simple recipe for the BBC

Design and Technology

Date: 7th May 2021 @ 5:39pm

In year four we have started to make different designs that have levers and linkages involved in order to make them move. We have started to plan and design our own moving design mechanism based Medusa from our previous journey in reading into writing, which was Myths.

Oak: DT Day 1

Date: 7th May 2021 @ 8:13am

Today we began our DT journey of making pizzas. We looked at what we already knew about pizzas, including how we make them. We began by tasting pizzas and evaluating what we liked/disliked. After that, we went into Redcliffes to make our pizza sauce. We read through the pizza sauce recipe and weighed out and measured the ingredients we needed. Then, we all had a go at chopping and peeling onions and garlic. After that, we mixed together all of the other ingredients: tinned tomatoes, tomato puree, oregano, basil, brown sugar and a bay leaf. We then heated the sauce through for 20 mins and set it cool. At the end of the day, we blitzed the sauce to make it smooth.

Turning Negatives to Positives!

Date: 5th May 2021 @ 7:14pm

We have been busy over the past few weeks thinking about Healthy lifestyles. During DT day, we learned about making a healthy tortilla pin wheel using different ingredients; we learned about eating food in moderation and having lots of fruit and vegetables for the vitamins and minerals they give our bodies! 

We also talked about having a healthy balance of work and play for our mental health, doing exercise and some mindfulness, having positive self-talk and resilience. We talked about turning the negatives into positives and how we can make sure that we appreciate and know what we are good at. For example

Healthy Snack Bars

Date: 2nd May 2021 @ 4:11pm

On Friday, year 4 took part in a DT day inspired by the Tokyo 2021 Olympics. The children had to create a healthy snack bar that would be part of a buffet at the Olympic games opening ceremony party. The children started the day by tasting existing snack bars. Later they created a design brief and then began to design their own healthy snack bar. Once the children had created their healthy snack bar they then went into Redcliffe's to make it. To finish the day the children evaluated their designs and took their creations home. The children thoroughly enjoyed their DT day.

DT Day!

Date: 29th Apr 2021 @ 7:50pm

Today was our DT day! We began the morning by recapping on what are the Olympic games, when the next Olympics are and where they are being held. We then looked at a variety of different party foods, and thought of lots of different adjectives to describe them.

Fruit Jelly

Date: 29th Apr 2021 @ 2:38pm

As part of the whole school DT week, Nursery made fruit jellies. The children tasted different types of fruit including strawberries, raspberries and blueberries and decided which fruits they would like to put in their jelly. Then, they very carefully cut up some fruits ready to put in the jelly pots. Have a look at the photos and follow the instructions to make your own delicious fruit jelly! 

Design and Technology week at Boundary!

Date: 29th Apr 2021 @ 9:53am

WOW! What an incredible week at Boundary! This week, we celebrated Design and Technology all week. 

On Monday, we had an assembly to introduce our Tokyo 2021 Olympic games and balanced diet theme. 

During the assembly, the children learned that they would all be participating in designing, making and evaluating different foods that would be part of a Tokyo 2021 Olympic games opening ceremony party buffet.

All the children, from Nursery to Year 6, participated and followed a super D&T journey. The children had the chance to taste test foods, explore existing recipes, evaluate existing products, design and make their own food, then finally evaluate their product.


Fabulous Food - Tortilla Pin Wheels

Date: 28th Apr 2021 @ 4:12pm

Today we learnt about healthy eating and having a balanced diet in moderation. We created our own Vegetarian Tortilla Pinwheels which could be used for the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony party. First we looked at lots of different images and designs to find out what the pinwheels needed to be like - their shape, colour and ingredients. Then we taste tested the ingredients to find out which we liked and disliked. We designed our pinwheels and thought about how we need a variety of foods to be healthy from a range of food groups. Then we carefully and hygienically prepared the ingredients in the kitchen before we constructed our pinwheels. Finally we evaluated them to see if they were tasty and if we had been successful! 

DT Day- Reception make fruit jelly pots!

Date: 27th Apr 2021 @ 4:59pm

Today in Reception the children have been designing and making their own fruit jelly pots ready for our whole school Olympics opening ceremony buffet.  As a class we started off by looking at a range of different fruits.  We described what they looked like, how they felt and were even lucky enough to taste them.

Super Savoury Scones

Date: 26th Apr 2021 @ 7:46pm

Today was Design Technology day in Year 5. Our focus was cooking, specifically savoury scones. We started the day by learning about nutrients, healthy eating and food safety, before moving on to research and then taste various savoury products. We created design criteria and then practiced the skills we would need including weighing, measuring and combining butter and flour by rubbing in. After baking our scones, we evaluated the final product but all the children agreed that they were delicious!

No Pen Day - Art

Date: 22nd Apr 2021 @ 8:00pm

Today as part of

Exciting Electricity!

Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 4:37pm

As the Year 2 introduction to Electricity, we completed an exciting circuit of activities! We found that we could use static electricity to make our hair stand to attention and that by just rubbing a balloon against our jumpers we could make it stick to the wall! It was quite tricky but lots of us persevered until we were successful!
We also used static electricity to make salt and pepper jump from a bowl onto a comb! We loved watching this happen. 
Finally, we used the snap circuits. We followed instructions to make weird and wonderful things. Some of us used the circuits to make alien sounds, some people made a fan fly across the room and some of us even made our circuits sing Happy Birthday! 
We had a wonderful afternoon of learning and we can't wait to find out more about electricity. 

No Pencil but lots of fun!

Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 3:07pm

Today we had no pen day at school! 

For Maths, we cut our whole piece of paper into different fractions, including

Design and Technology week!

Date: 30th Mar 2021 @ 10:55am

During the week commencing 26th April 2021, Boundary is having a Design and Technology week. Every child in school will take part in our food themed week which will be based on an opening ceremony buffet party for the Tokyo Olympics this summer. 

The children will focus not only on making their food look appealing to eat, design it, then make it themselves, but they will also be looking at the NHS's Eat Well Guide and finding ways to make their foods part of a balanced diet. 

As part of the D&T journey, the children will start their day with a food tasting task. Please can all parents/carers ensure that school has all up to date allergy information. Please make sure any information is updated by 12th April 2021.

We cannot wait to see your creations!

I'll Huff and I'll Puff!

Date: 25th Mar 2021 @ 3:10pm

This week the children have been listening to the story "The Three Little Pigs". They have got really involved in all the activiites and have been retelling the story with puppets, building houses for the pigs and testing how strong the houses are! Which house would you choose? 






Food from around the world!

Date: 9th Mar 2021 @ 5:26pm

Year 4 have had a wonderful WOW afternoon in Geography. The children tasted lots of wonderful food from around the world such as: Mango, brioche, pizza, prawn crackers, dark chocolate and other exciting foods. We discussed where the food was from and spoke about trade and the differing weather conditions which enables certain food to be grown in a specific country.

No Device Day!

Date: 2nd Mar 2021 @ 8:01pm

We've had a great day here in Blue Bubble without our devices. We have spent the day playing games, constructing shapes/towers with art straws and baking. We have made pizzas and peppermint creams and had lots of fun in the process. We are looking forward to having another day like this!!

The Year Five Bubble loved creating different structures!

Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 4:24pm

The Year Five bubble spent their Design and Technology lesson creating different types of structures. They really enjoyed seeing what would be stable enough as a structure and tried to be as creative as they possibly could!

Christmas Magic!

Date: 10th Dec 2020 @ 2:55pm

The magic of Christmas has definitely arrived at Nursery! We have been making decorations, building Santa's sleigh and counting his presents and making Christmas models out of play dough. We have had to keep a close eye on our cheeky Elf called Buzz because he keeps trying to run away! We are all getting so excited for Christmas and can't wait for our Christmas party next week!

It's been a busy week in Year 4!

Date: 4th Dec 2020 @ 10:57am

Wow what a busy week in Year 4! We had great fun at Forest School (pictures to follow next week, so keep your eyes peeled!). This week, we made our Design and Technology Toddler Nightlight prototypes. We are going to evaluate them so we can make a final design. Also this week, our Eco Warriors planted Oak tree saplings around the school grounds. We cannot wait to see them grow over the years.

The start of our toddler night light journey..

Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 1:41pm

Last week, we looked at how circuits work within toys and night lights. This week, we started our journey to making a night light for a toddler. We learned about the interests of two toddlers, so that we knew what they liked before starting to draw our designs. We also decided that we will make our own switch for the night light. This will be made from paper clips, paper fasteners and card. As a class, we made a design brief. This means that everyone knows what they must include to hit all the design criteria. We are so excited to continue the designing process, before making prototypes, then evaluating them before making the real thing! WATCH OUT FOR THE FINAL PIECES TOWARDS THE END OF THE TERM!

Building Bridges

Date: 5th Nov 2020 @ 4:11pm

Year Two had an exciting start to the new half term.  As an introduction to our new Science topic, Everyday Materials, we were set a challenge to build a bridge out of paper. We experimented with folding paper and creating different shapes to see how many counters we could support.  Our strongest bridge held over 100 counters, amazing for a single piece of paper!!

Sandwich making

Date: 3rd Nov 2020 @ 3:20pm

We had a great start to the new term this week, when we made our own healthy balanced lunch box contents. In the morning, we did a sensory taste test of lots of different types of lunch box contents (for example, tomatoes, sausage rolls, bread, cucumber). Then, we decided what crudités and sandwiches we would make in the afternoon. After looking at the EatWell Guide on the NHS website, we decided how we would make it a balanced diet. Next, we practised cutting using the bridge and claw method and practised grating with a grater. It was great fun in the afternoon making the sandwiches - but lots of children definitely need some practise spreading butter on their bread. We nearly ended up with some butter sandwiches (oops!). All in all, a lovely first day back and the children were really sensible and enjoyed themselves. 

Mud! Mud! Glorious Mud!

Date: 20th Oct 2020 @ 10:05pm

The children have been busy in the mud kitchen, using their motor skills to pour the mud, mix the mud into "soup" and chop up the left over carrots from snack time. They took care when doing this and held the knife safely and with increasing control.  

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Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust