Computing: Blog items

Cracking Computing!

Date: 28th Nov 2020 @ 3:09pm

Each week our Year 1 children cannot wait for Thursday to come around! They know that Thursday afternoon means it's computing time!

We began our first session of computing by discussing the devices and technology we use both in school, and at home. We discussed how we use each device, and how they can be important in day to day life. We then discussed what we need to remember when accessing online devices, and introduced SMART. We discussed the importance of staying safe, not meeting up, accepting files, reliability and telling someone.

We have then been practising our essential skills. We have learnt how to turn the Chromebook on and off, click and scroll on the mousepad and type with the keyboard. When using the keyboard to type in our personal log in details, we have also had to get used to the fact that some letters look slightly different to the ones we are used to seeing, but we have all been trying really hard to do this independently.

We have also explored the program Paintz App. We spent some time exploring the different tools available, and we found out we could do things like change the background colour, add 2D shapes, and even add text! During our Reading into Writing sessions we have been exploring the book 'Aliens Love Smelly Jelly,' creating invites to an alien tea party from an alien. We then linked this to our computing session, and we designed the alien using the Paintz App!

Year 3's busy week.

Date: 13th Sep 2020 @ 7:08pm

Welcome back to Year 3. Not only have we been busy learning about each other, but we've also been starting to learn about our new topics in Computing and Science. We looked at the vocabulary needed for Forces and Magnets and learnt how to use our new email accounts to login to the Chromebooks. We completed some self portraits in green and we talked about Year 3 expectations. We were all very smart and organised in our first week back and have lots of great things to learn and look forward to!

Researching the past!

Date: 9th Mar 2020 @ 3:04pm

In our history, we have been using Chromebooks to research about houses and lifestyles and how they have changed since 1066. The children have focussed on four periods of time, Tudors, Stuarts, Georgians and Victorians and answered questions from different areas. Children, diet, jobs, housing, clothing and they discovered a fun fact. We finally compared them as a class to see how they have changed or remained similar over time.  

The One With The Coding!

Date: 24th Feb 2020 @ 8:22pm

For our WOW this morning, we played a range of games using coding. Each game required us to do certain things, such as collect gems or make a character get from A to B. To do each of these things, we had to use lines of code and connect them to make the character move. Some of the tasks required us to debug lines of code to find the error. We will use these skills through our coding unit this half term.

The One With @SaferInternetDay #FreeToBe

Date: 12th Feb 2020 @ 3:08pm

Today is Safer Internet Day, where we look at the importance of staying safe online. We recapped what we already know on how to keep safe online:

  • Don't share personal information
  • Report cyber bulling by using the CEOP  button and telling a trusted adult
  • Ask for permission when uploading a picture or video of someone
  • Use a safe password with characters, numbers and symbols
  • Only use websites that are appropriate for your age
  • Be an upstander and do the right thing online
  • Don't trust everything you read online

In class we then looked at different messaging apps and the age you should be to use them. We also discussed what it would feel like if someone excluded you on a messaging app and how to deal with that. All of the children could explain the importance of staying safe and what they need to do in order to do this : Report (CEOP button), Record and Reach Out (speak to a trusted adult).

Safer Internet Day #Freetobe

Date: 11th Feb 2020 @ 10:12pm

As part of our Safer Internet Day Year 2 joined the #Freetobe campaign, we discussed some very important questions such as; how we could be free to ourselves, free to play, free to be kind, free to be safe and free to talk. Children worked in groups and came up with different examples of what this would look like online. Next we looked at the positives and negatives associated with each of these questions and how we could overcome and protect ourselves from the dangers of the internet whilst also celebrating the benefits. Children were then given a secret mission to create their own super robot which would help support keeping the internet a fun and safe place to be. They programmed all the essential characteristics and then created lines of coding explaining their very important job roles. So watch out, there could be a robot on the loose online but don't worry our Year 2 children have been giving them lots of important jobs to keep everybody safe.  

The One With The Spreadsheets

Date: 22nd Jan 2020 @ 3:56pm

Today we continued our work on spreadsheets in Computing. We were taught how to create a table in Google Sheets and write in spelling results for 15 children over a six week period. With all the data put into the table, we were then shown how to use the SUM function to add up the children's spelling results and to use the AVERAGE function to find an average score for each child. To challenge us further, we were then show how to order columns alphabetically or order totals in ascending/descending order.

Chromebook Computing

Date: 16th Jan 2020 @ 9:19am

Year three have began their computing journey. Children have been using Microsoft Chromebooks to learn how to use different programmes. We have been discussing key principle on how to type, log on and keep safe using the internet. Children have been learning how to hold their hands to type as well as what the different keys mean. For example- the space bar can give a space in-between words as well as stop a video, or pause a game. 

Blackpool during the war and making a video story

Date: 25th Jun 2019 @ 4:02pm

This week, we have explored how tourism in Blackpool changed during World War One. The children looked at attractions which were opened in Blackpool before and after the war. Also this week, we planned and made our own stories using Scratch Jr on the iPads. The children had to learn how to do coding and debug any issues which came up.

EXCEL-lent spreadsheets!

Date: 26th Jan 2021 @ 7:37pm

It’s not easy being without our teachers but we are doing a great job with our home learning by listening to and following video tutorials that Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Rose make for us. In Computing, we have completed 2 lessons on spreadsheets – both with a video tutorial to follow. This included learning how to add data to cells, change colour and font of text as well as the size of text and cells. We then progressed to learning how to use formulae in cells to complete calculations. In today’s lesson, we learned how to turn data into graphs and how to add a filter to sets of data so that we could order it smallest to largest and vice versa. We think we are doing well with our work!!

Online Safety Talk

Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 2:23pm

Today, Year 6 took part in a 90 minute online safety talk with Bernadette from WIRED. The session talked about how we can stay safe online and the dangers of being on social media sites. She went through ways in which APPs like Tik Tok can be dangerous/inappropriate for children and what children should be looking at if they do go on these sites.

We are also having another talk next week to go further into online safety.

Cracking Computing!

Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 10:20am

Each week our Year 1 children cannot wait for Thursday to come around! They know that Thursday afternoon means it’s computing time!

We began our first session of computing by discussing the devices and technology we use both in school, and at home. We discussed how we use each device, and how they can be important in day to day life. We then discussed what we need to remember when accessing online devices, and introduced SMART. We discussed the importance of staying safe, not meeting up, accepting files, reliability and telling someone.

We have then been practising our essential skills. We have learnt how to turn the Chromebook on and off, click and scroll on the mousepad and type with the keyboard. When using the keyboard to type in our personal log in details, we have also had to get used to the fact that some letters look slightly different to the ones we are used to seeing, but we have all been trying really hard to do this independently.

We have also explored the program Paintz App. We spent some time exploring the different tools available, and we found out we could do things like change the background colour, add 2D shapes, and even add text! During our Reading into Writing sessions we have been exploring the book ‘Aliens Love Smelly Jelly,’ creating invites to an alien tea party from an alien. We then linked this to our computing session, and we designed the alien using the Paintz App!

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust