Computing: Blog items

Year 4 - Online Safety

Date: 23rd Feb 2023 @ 10:23am

Today we did an online safety quiz. This brought out lots of great conversations between the children and we were able to develop and use the oracy skills we have learned and continue to learn.

Year 3- Photoshop Frenzy!

Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 2:37pm

During our PSHE lesson we looked at the different types of media and how messages are spread to large amount of people. As part of our lesson, we looked at a variety of images that had been edited or used filters. We discussed whether we thought this was okay, the implications it could have and when the appropriate time to use these tools would be. We also looked at fake news and we discussed that not everything we read is always true. 

Year 4 Emile Timestable World Cup Update!

Date: 5th Jan 2023 @ 11:37am

We are so proud to share that 10 Boundary children came in the top 100 out of over 250,000 children from across the country who took part in the Emile Timestable World Cup with one child coming in the TOP 50!

Year 4 have been working hard on their times tables, improving their knowledge, recall and application skills and their hard work is really beginning to show in the classroom and in competitions like this! Well done Year 4!

Year 4 Online Safety

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 11:53am

We looked at the following 'I can...' statements:

I can explain the difference between a ‘belief’, an ‘opinion’ and a ‘fact and can give examples of how and where they might be shared online, 

I can explain that not all opinions shared may be accepted as true or fair by others

I can describe and demonstrate how we can get help from a trusted adult if we see content that makes us feel sad, uncomfortable, worried or frightened.


We even practised using our oracy skills using our ABC statements!

Year 4 Timestables Success!

Date: 5th Dec 2022 @ 3:37pm

Amazing news coming out of Year 4 - we have won our Fylde Coast and Lancashire League for the mile Timestable World Cup and we are now through to the National finals!
The Nationals will commence over the coming days, so please support your Year 4 child in practising as much as they can to get Boundary to the top once again!

Year 5 - Coding Capers

Date: 24th Nov 2022 @ 8:24pm

In our computing lessons this term, we are learning how to code a quiz game. We have found out how to use the 'selection' coding block to select a 'condition' and choose 'outcomes' that occur if the condition is true or if it is false. Pupils have experimented with different outcomes, and will now begin to plan and code their own quiz. 

Year 6 Calculating with Spreadsheets

Date: 16th Oct 2022 @ 8:08pm

This week we continued with our spreadsheet unit in Computing. We learned how to use formulae to calculate totals and averages before going on to order the data and find a percentage. 

Year 4 Online Safety

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 8:50am

This week, we looked at keeping safe online. The children haven't done any online safety lessons since before summer, so we started with a Flashback to what they can remember about online safety. They were brilliant! This week, we looked at our identity online and how we know if someone is who they say they are.

Year 1 Beebots

Date: 10th Oct 2022 @ 7:23pm

This week we have enjoyed learning how to use Beebots! We began the day by learning some important new key words and their meaning. We then learnt about codes and instructions. We found out the importance of following instructions carefully and giving instructions in the correct order. Then it was our turn to create a code for our friends by ordering a set of instruction cards. We tried very hard to be robots and only follow the given instructions! In the afternoon, we we're then ready to put this learning into place to complete a number of Beebot activities. We explored the Beebot app, gave Beebots instructions to follow a maze and worked pracitcally to debug instructions.

Year Three- Amazing algorithms

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 4:04pm

In computing we looked at using Scratch to create an algorithm to make our sprite move. We had to carefully think about how many degrees we wanted our sprite to turn and how many steps it needed to move to make a pattern. We looked at changing the colour of the pen and even the size.

Year 4 Stop Motion continued

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 2:56pm

Today, we continued with our stop motions. Firstly, we evaluated our stop motions frames from last week, then we went back and edited them to improve them. We are getting super good at it now!

Year 5 Writing biographies

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 2:58pm

This half-term, children in year 5 have been learning how to write a biography. We have read biographies of several famous people including, Roald Dahl, Stormzy and Wayne Rooney, and identified the language and structural features that make them different to other text types. Follwing the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, pupils carried out research, planned, drafted and edited a biography of her life, before presenting a final, polished piece of writing.

Year 5 Exploring mountains of the UK through Maps

Date: 27th Sep 2022 @ 7:29pm

We have been looking at the atlases to find the Mountain ranges of the UK and the highest peaks in the 4 countries. We practised a loop card game and continued to learn through the use of Kahoots quiz!

Year 4 Stop Motion Wizards

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 5:00pm

We started our Computing journey today and the children impressed Miss Crystal and Mr Bamber immensely! They listened extremely carefully and followed instructions so well. The children learned how to use Google Slides to make a Stop Motion Animation. They used one slide per frame of animation to create an animation of the sun rising and moon. 

Year 6 Spreadsheets

Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 8:47pm

Today we began the first lesson of our spreadsheet unit in Computing. We explored how to input data into cells and how to change the size, font and colour of the text. We also learned how to add borders around cells and how to centre data. We were then intorduced to using the function button to program the spreadsheet to carry out calculations.

Year 2- Phenomenal Pointillism

Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 2:53pm

This half term, Year 2's Computing unit is to create multimedia art using the online tool Paintz. This week, we focused on Pointillism and after we had learnt that pointillism is a picture made up of lots of dots, we created our own masterpieces. Some of us decided to create rainbows and fireworks whilst others challenged themselves to create animals. We really enjoyed the session and demonstrated some excellent patience. Next week we shall be influenced by Mondrian.

Year 4 - Using and Applying in Computing

Date: 26th Jun 2022 @ 6:53pm

This half term our computing topic is 'Using and Applying'. This week we focussed on using a range of useful tools and shortcuts in Google Docs to create a table that will help us store information. We learned how to create a table with the correct amount of cells, changed the font and size for the subheadings, inputted our data and changed the orientation of the page. Some great computing skills shown by our Year 4's!

Year 2 Dazzling Digital Art

Date: 16th Jun 2022 @ 6:57pm

This week, Year Two began their new Computing multimedia unit which involves us using a variety of art styles to create digital art. We begun the unit by exploring pointilism, learning that this is creating a painting using lots of little dots that build up to create the overall picture. The children created their picture using Paintz and explored how to change brush size as well as learning to change the colour shades to create a piece they were proud of. The children loved the lesson and they all demonstrated patience and perseverance and created some lovely flower pictures using pointilism. 

Year 1 Position and Direction

Date: 23rd May 2022 @ 7:10pm

This week we have began our Computing unit 'programming and algorithms.' We began our journey by learning what these words mean and how they are used. Our first task was to then sequence a set of instructions correctly and identify the mistakes. We then moved onto describing position and direction using the key words, left, right, forwards and backwards. We used a treasure maze to help us explore direction pracitcally by both following instructions to reach a piece of treasure and giving our own instructions to reach an end goal.

Year 6 Computing - Programming and Algorithms

Date: 17th May 2022 @ 4:52pm

Today we began our new Coputing topic of animations as part of Programming and Algorithms. This involved using Scratch and coding different sprites to move across the screen. The children used different coding blocks to make the sprites move, make sounds and change costumes. Once the children were feeling more confident with using the coding blocks they were challenged to add other sprites and experiment with how to make the character grow, move, change colour etc.

Year 5 Amphibians and Insects

Date: 11th May 2022 @ 4:16pm

In preparation for our Year 5 visit to the zoo, we have been learning about different amphibians and insects. 

We first put a range of different animals into groups and discussed why we put them into those groups. Some children put the animals into blood types, land and sea animals or animals with a back bone (vertebrates). We will then go back at the end of the unit and re-classify them. 

For our lesson, we became young David Attenborough's! We used SafeSearch to research the animals and used our online knowledge of Google Slides to create an interesting slide show. 


Year 5 Web Wonders!

Date: 22nd Mar 2022 @ 3:37pm

Today we have continued building our own websites using Google Sites.  We have built the pages, and add text and pictures in previous lessons, and today was all about hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are buttons or text on websites that send you to another website when you click it. We discussed what types of webpages should be linked to our own and found good sources of information which were relevant to our websites. We added several hyperlinks to our science-based websites, to given more information to visitors.

Year 2 And I Present to you...

Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 5:28pm

This half term, Year 2 are creating a Presentation based around our learning in Design Technology on Wheels and Axles. To make our presentation, we decided to use Google Slides as it saves the work as we go along. So far the children have learnt the basic skills to turn the Chromebooks on and sign in to their school Google account before moving on to some trickier skills. This week we focused on adding images to our slides to make it more interesting. The children are showing great perseverance and are becoming quite fast at this now! We cannot wait to see the finished presentation. 

Year 1 Safer Internet Day

Date: 9th Feb 2022 @ 7:40pm

As part of 'Safer Internet Day' we read the story 'Digiduck and the Magic Castle.' We listened and participated throughout the story, answering key questions such as 'how can you make a password strong, and hard to guess?' and 'who are the adults that you could talk to if anything online worries or upsets you?' We then completed two tasks. One was to give examples of our trusted adults and how they can help and the other was an online or offline sort. Through this we identified what information should be kept private and offline and what information is safe to share online. 

Year 6 Making Mobile Phone Cases

Date: 8th Feb 2022 @ 5:06pm

Today, we have had a full day of DT. Our project was to make a mobile phone case and today we have managed to create these. To do this we have followed a journey in order to make sure we have fully researched the product and had a chance to plan it. Today we have researched existing felt mobile phone cases, looked at developing a success criteria, planned and designed our product, made a prototype and then created our final product. To finish, we now need to evaluate our case against our success criteria.

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Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust