Cracking Computing!

Date: 28th Nov 2020 @ 3:09pm

Each week our Year 1 children cannot wait for Thursday to come around! They know that Thursday afternoon means it's computing time!

We began our first session of computing by discussing the devices and technology we use both in school, and at home. We discussed how we use each device, and how they can be important in day to day life. We then discussed what we need to remember when accessing online devices, and introduced SMART. We discussed the importance of staying safe, not meeting up, accepting files, reliability and telling someone.

We have then been practising our essential skills. We have learnt how to turn the Chromebook on and off, click and scroll on the mousepad and type with the keyboard. When using the keyboard to type in our personal log in details, we have also had to get used to the fact that some letters look slightly different to the ones we are used to seeing, but we have all been trying really hard to do this independently.

We have also explored the program Paintz App. We spent some time exploring the different tools available, and we found out we could do things like change the background colour, add 2D shapes, and even add text! During our Reading into Writing sessions we have been exploring the book 'Aliens Love Smelly Jelly,' creating invites to an alien tea party from an alien. We then linked this to our computing session, and we designed the alien using the Paintz App!

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust