Computing: Blog items
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 8:18pm
Today we took part in our whole school Safer Internet Day. We began the day by listening to Mr Taylors assembly all about how to be safe and protect ourselves and others online. Back in class, we read the story 'Buddy the Dogs Internet Safety Story.' We talked through the story together, answering questions to help the character Ben make safe choices whilst using his tablet. We created some internet safety rules, including not talking to strangers online, asking a grown up if you see anything strange and don't download anything without asking an adult. We then revisted our trusted adults and shared these through drawing and writing.
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 7:24pm
Today was safer internet day at school. In Year Three we watched a live lesson by the BBC that spoke about being careful for online scams. They taught us a helpful acronym to ensure we say safe and think twice before we click any pop ups. We then looked at different websites and links and thought about if they were reliable or not and how to protect ourselves.
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 4:43pm
Today, Year Two celebrated safer internet day. After an assembly, where we learnt about what a scam is we put our knowledge to the test in class. We discussed the ways we use the internet and who is actually in charge of putting things on the internet. When we realised anyone can put anything on the internet we found it a lot less trustworthy. We focused on what information we should never share online and what to do if something make us feel uncomfortable online. Lastly, we thought about who our trusted adults are and the signs to look out for.
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 3:03pm
Pupils in year 5 all took part in a live interactive lesson from the BBC called ‘Scam Smashers’. This helped pupils to spot scams online by looking for the following: Sounds too good to be true, Content you did not expect, Asks for personal information, Money or trade request. They then completed a range of activities to reinforce the learning, vocabulary and key points. We also learned about ‘phising scams’ and the importance of having a strong password.
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 2:59pm
Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.
Today, Tuesday 11th of February is ‘Safer Internet Day’. Safer Internet Day is an annual event which is organised by the UK Safer Internet Centre and is celebrated in approximately 170 countries worldwide! The aim of the day is to raise awareness of Internet safety, promoting positive and responsible usage.
During an amazing whole-school assembly, led by Mr. Taylor, pupils discussed the importance of Safer Internet Day. Pupils also suggested different ways we can use the internet and different devices they use to access the internet at home and in school. This year’s topic is “Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online”. This I important as over one million people in the UK were tricked by online scams last year. As a school, we discussed what this means and found the meaning of key vocabulary: online, deception and scam.
Following the assembly, pupils in EYFS read Buddy the Dog’s Internet Safety Story and completed follow up activities to support their learning. Key Stage 1 pupils were challenged to complete “The Great Online Safety Quest” as a class and complete independent activities to solve puzzles and spot online scams.
Pupils in Key Stage 2 all took part in a live interactive lesson from the BBC called ‘Scam Smashers’. This helped pupils to spot scams online by looking for the following: Sounds too good to be true, Content you did not expect, Asks for personal information, Money or trade request. They then completed a range of activities to reinforce the learning, vocabulary and key points. We also learned about ‘phising scams’ and the importance of having a strong password.
A strong password should have:
- Random words
- One number
- One special symbol: E.g. ! @ %
- A mixture of capital and lowercase letters
Safer Internet Day is a great day to remind us all of the dangers on being online. Please be aware of possible scams, and stop and think, “Is this too good to be true?”
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 12:21pm
Today is Internet Safety Day and we have been learning all about online scams. We began the day with a whole school assembly, where we learned about the different way people can be scammed online, including phishing, trying to get people's personal information or trying to get money out of people. We then took part in a whole class live lesson where we were given tips and advice to identify if we are being scammed online.
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 12:18pm
Today we have been learning about how to keep ourselves safe online.
It started with a whole school assembly and then we read a story in class too. After we had discussed who our trusted adult was, we then drew pictures and wrote labels and sentences about who our trusted adults were.
"I would tell my Mum and Dad" Dina.
"Never speak to anyone you don't know if you're playing a game on your mum's phone" Harry.
"They are still strangers even if you are playing a game on the internet" Hazel.
Year 4 - Safer Internet Day 2025
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 11:48am
This year's theme: Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.
We started the day with an assembly, then back in class we watched a live lesson which had lots of tips about how to remain safe online and not be drawn in by scammers and phishers. We learned how to spot scams and how to make sure our passwords online were strong.
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 10:16am
In Computing, Year 3 have been learning about how to read and create a branching database. The children have looked at organising yes or no questions and then using these to organise information. The children are currently looking at planning and creating their final working database.
Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 10:41am
In Music our focus question is ‘How Does Music Improve Our World?’. In our third lesson we sung the Freedom is Coming song again, changing the key and the dynamics. We then used Chromebooks to composed using YUMU through charanga, composing using our own ABA structure using the notes provided recap Ternary form.
Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 8:26am
In Year 5 we have been using selection and conditions to code our own quizzes. We then had the opportunity to play each others quizzes, analysing and giving feedback to help us improve and debug.
Year 3- Creating musical instruments!
Date: 18th Dec 2024 @ 9:17am
In Computing, Year 3 have been using Scratch to create an algorithm. This algorithm created a musical instrument in which we programmed each note to play a different sound. We then played short rhythms and songs on this code.
Date: 11th Dec 2024 @ 3:00pm
In our Geography unit, we have been creating a non-chronological report. The children put together their non-chronological reports using Google Docs, meaning they needed to use their Digital Literacy skills to insert images, diagrams and the appropriate captions to enchance our written work.
Date: 25th Nov 2024 @ 10:33am
We started this week by welcoming Parents and Carers into class. This was a wonderful opportunity for Year 5 to demonstrate their coding skills. Together with a partner and their adults, the children were tasked with coding a Pong-style computer game. Children were able to code, debug and then play their completed game. Thank you to all those parents and carers who were able to join us. We look forward to seeing you again at other Together Time sessions later in the school year!
Date: 21st Nov 2024 @ 7:38am
Today we started our 3D modelling unit using the website Tinkercad. Our first lesson was an opportunity to get to know how to add shapes to the workspace and how to change the size, shape, colour and position of a range ofshapes. We worked through a selectionof tutorial tasks to prepare for the next few sessions.
Year 3- Practicing programming!
Date: 4th Nov 2024 @ 4:29pm
This week we have begun to look at programming using the online program ‘Scratch’. The children learnt how to add sprites in and change their costume. We also looked at adding in a range of backgrounds and including code to switch between different backgrounds. The children also looked at adding in movement blocks to make their characters move. Over the next few weeks we will look at creating a sequence of instructions using the coding blocks.
Year 6 Computing - Introduction to Spreadsheets
Date: 18th Sep 2024 @ 3:41pm
Today we began out Computing unit on spreadsheets. The first lesson included learning about how to input data into cells and how to format cells to change the size, colour and style of text. We also began to look at how to add a formula to specific cells in order to add together numbers.
Year 3 - DT - Investigating existing products and Market Research
Date: 9th Sep 2024 @ 9:05pm
To begin our DT journey, we looked at a range of existing pencil cases. We thought about what material they had been made from, how they had been joined, who the user was and how they opened and closed. We found most of the pencil cases were made from fabric and stitched together. Some pencil cases were made from wood or leather but these were less common. We also conducted some market research. We created a google form to gather data on what users would want from a pencil case. We thought about what we would need to put in a pencil case, the shape, the design, the material and how the case would close.
We then analysed the data to see what it told us. Our results showed that a character design is most popular. Those surveyed also wanted a soft pencil case that they could carry in their bags. We also found out that most children wanted lots of different things in their pencil case, so when we design our cases we need to make sure we have enough room and potentially a pocket for organising.
Date: 5th Sep 2024 @ 7:46am
This half term in Computing we will be exploring how to take a good photo. We began by exploring different devices that took photographs before thinking how to take a good photo. We agreed that we needed to hold the ipad steady, look through the screen and then press the button. Before we took any photos, we discussed the importance of asking for permission before taking a picture of a person. We enjoyed taking a range of photos including a selfie, buildings and objects close up.
Year 6 Computing - Variables in Games
Date: 12th Jun 2024 @ 4:06pm
Today we began our coding unit of variable in games. We used Scratch to code different sprites to either increase or decrease in value when clicked. Some of us went further and added backdrops and sound.
Date: 11th Jun 2024 @ 5:18pm
Today we began our 'moving a robot' work to learn early programming skills. We explored using the individual buttons and commands, identifying what each command for the Beebot does and using them to start to predict the outcome of the robot program.
Year 2- Position and Direction
Date: 22nd May 2024 @ 7:35am
This week, Year Two have began their position and direction Maths unit. Yesterday, we described movement in straight lines by working with a partner to follow a set of instructions to move a counter around a grid in the correct direction. We had to understand positional language including: forwards, backwards, left and right which linked to our Programming unit of Beebots. Our knowledge from the Computing unit helped us to use the vocabulary correctly and apply it in a different area of the curriculum.
Date: 21st May 2024 @ 4:05pm
This half term in computing, Year 4 have veen learning about what data is and why it is important to log it. This week, we looked at two graphs which measured temperature and light. We discussed what questions we could ask about this data and what each graph is telling us. Then, we interpreted these graphs and inputted the data that they showed on Chromebooks.
Date: 14th May 2024 @ 7:42pm
Over the past couple of weeks, Year 4 have been learning about what data logging is. We discussed that data is information that is collected to analyse something and that we use data loggers to do this. Then, we walked around the school and recorded the temperature of the school and then analysed the results. We have also discussed some of the challenges we may have when collecting data in a range of environments.
Date: 14th May 2024 @ 4:40pm
This half term, Year Two have been exploring algorithms and how to programme floor robots. So far we have looked at making predictions as to what the outcome will be of an algorithm before designing our own mats and this week creating an algorithm to get the robot from one square to another avoiding the obsticals we also placed down.