British Values: Blog items

Year 4 Fit to Go visit Bloomfield Road

Date: 20th May 2022 @ 7:50am

On Wednesday , Year 4 took part in the Fit 2 Go Festival. They spent the morning completing a variety of team based games. The children got the chance to complete  a fitness circuit at the side of the pitch at Bloomfield Road. Year 4 were also very lucky as they got the chance to got behind the scene at Blackpool Football Club and sit in the home teams dressing room.

Year 1 Plants & Trees

Date: 19th May 2022 @ 7:56pm

Today we worked collaboratively to sort and compare a range of wild, garden, fruit and vegetable plants as well as evergreen and deciduous trees. We recapped on the key features of each category and what we mean by comparing, e.g. what is similar about them and what is different about them? We asked and answered questions about the parts of the plants including, the leaves, the flowers and the fruit. We used all our prior knowledge about plants to sort and compare the plants in small groups, discussing and justifying our answers to others in our group.

Nursery, Reception and Year 1: The Farm came to Boundary

Date: 18th May 2022 @ 4:33pm

The Children from Nursery, Reception and Year 1 had a great time today with a visit from Fishers Mobile Farm. We really enjoyed meeting Bert, Nugget, Tikka and all the farm animals - it was very exciting as we met them all in the Key Stage 2 PLAYGROUND!
The children got up close to a calf, a mother sheep and her lambs, two very cute baby goats, chickens, ducklings, rabbits and one very sleepy pig! We found out what the animals like to eat and what the baby animals were called - we found out that a baby rabbit is called a kitten! "I had the best day at the farm" said one of the nursery children!

Year 2 Visitor from St. Marks

Date: 17th May 2022 @ 5:51pm

Today, we had two visitors from our local church. Jenny and Matt are both leaders in the church. We identified Christian symbols, talked about shared beliefs and values as well as discussing worship. We carried out a fun activity to explain that the Church is one community and all works together! We enjoyed meeting Jenny and Matt and loved the learning we did together. 

Year 4 Now Press Play

Date: 11th May 2022 @ 4:01pm

This week in our RE lesson we used Now Press Play. This was focussed on the 5 Pillars of Islam and the children followed an amazing journey. This is the Now Press Play description: You are an alien agent from outer space, on a mission to find out about the 5 Pillars of Islam. When your spaceship crashes, you meet Maany, a ninety-year-old Muslim man. Together you travel to Mecca and he teaches you about Islam. The children had a great time on this experience and we discussed what we had done/learned about on the journey afterwards.

Year 5 Bikeability

Date: 11th May 2022 @ 8:24am

Some of our Year 5 children  have worked very hard over the last two days to achieve their level 2 award. They have demonstrated many of our Boundary Characteristics while completing all of their assessments. They learnt about bike maintenance and road safety

Year 2 Mesmerized by Mary

Date: 10th May 2022 @ 5:01pm

This half term, Year Two are learning all about Mary Seacole. We started the journey by being History detectives and used photos of evidence to try and figure out who Mary Seacole was and the reasons why she was famous. We all had very different ideas about why she was famous and eventually figured out that she helped British soldiers in the Crimean war. We followed this on by exploring the key events in Mary's life and sequenced them and this week we have focused on what Mary's role was in the Crimean war. We were amazed at the acts of kindness Mary displayed towards British and Russian soldiers and how important she was in helping soldiers in the Crimean war.

Nursery Mini Me's

Date: 10th May 2022 @ 4:55pm

Our pre-school children are busy preparing for their transistion in to Reception in September. We have started to put pictures of the children at different activites in continuous provision and they must complete their Mini Me challenge by the end of the session! This will be something the children will do when they are in Reception, so it is good practise! They have done really well so far and have all had a really good try at completing their challenge! 

Year 1 We're Going on a Plant Hunt!

Date: 8th May 2022 @ 10:33am

Today we were learning to identify and name some common garden and wild plants. We discussed the question, where do plants grow? We worked as a class to think of as many places as we could. We then learnt that garden plants are usually planted and looked after by people and wild plants grow wherever their seeds fall. We looked at lots of different examples of wild plants and garden plants. We answered questions like, how would you describe these plants? How are these plants similar? How are they different? And where might you see these plants growing? We then went on a plant hunt around our school outdoor areas. We worked together to create a tally chart of plants we found and drew some observational drawings. 

Year 2 Invasion Games

Date: 5th May 2022 @ 4:06pm

This half term Year Two are practicing skills needed to play invasion games. This week we explored chest passes, under arm throwing and over arm throwing to accurately throw a ball and have our partner catch it. We worked on throwing different distances as we got more confident and adjusting which pass we used to ensure it had enough power to reach our partner. To the end the session, we played a game of Ghostbusters where people in bibs were trying to intercept the ball of the children who were 'ghosts' and throwing the balls to their partners. We really had to think hard about the passes used and the distance we were throwing to make sure the alien didn't intercept our ball. 

Year 2 Fun Fractions

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 7:45pm

During the last couple of weeks, Year 2 have been learning all about fractions. We have learnt fractions are equal parts of a whole discussing the importance of the groups being equal. To put it into a real life context we thought lots about sharing pizza and sweets equally making sure we all received the same amount. Then we put our theory into practice and used concrete resources to show halves, quarters, thirds and three quarters. During our learning we noticed two quarters is equivalent to a half. We have enjoyed our fractions unit and realised we use them lots in our everyday life!

Year 4 The 5 Pillars of Islam

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 4:56pm

In our RE journey this half term we are focussing on Islam. Last week we began by researching the 5 Pillars of Islam and what each of them meant. We then went on an 'information hunt' to find as much information as we could and share it with the rest of the class. Some fantastic teamwork and collaborative learning form our Year 4's!


Date: 4th May 2022 @ 4:48pm

This half term in Year 4 in our PE lessons we are focussing on Cricket. We started off with a really good warm up, working on our hand-eye coordination, teamwork and communication skills. We then moved on to a bit of throwing and catching practice in our pairs and finished off with some batting and bowling practice. A fantastic introduction to cricket and our Year 4s loved it!

Reception: Boundary Promises

Date: 30th Apr 2022 @ 10:53am

This week, the whole school have been remembering our School Promises and why they wear an Always Badge.

Reception have been demonstrating these throughout the week.

"Always be honest- dont' tell lies" Indy

"Be respectful- have good manners" Charlie

"Always use kind words- not swear words or horrible words that make you cry" Marleigh

"You have to be kind and not hurt people" Alicya

"I try my best in everything I do" Mercedes.

"Be ready for phonics- be in the right place with the right things." Ariella

"You wear an Always Badge becuase you follow the Boundary Promises" Harrison


School Council Meeting 25th April

Date: 25th Apr 2022 @ 9:15pm

Today, the school councillors met to discuss a charity fundraiser for the children of Ukraine.

They considered various ideas, such as collecting loose coins, a school disco and a bring and buy sale, amongst others.

The school councillors will go back to their classes for more ideas which will be discussed at the next meeting on Tuesday 3rd May at 1.30pm.



Year 4 Science Day

Date: 25th Apr 2022 @ 5:14pm

It was Science Day last Thursday at Boundary and what a day we had! We focussed on the importance of looking after and reusing our clothes. We carried out an experiment to see which washing detergent would best clean a stained piece of fabric. We stained a t-shirt with black coffee and then tried and tested three different detergents to see which would be the most effective. We discussed how much carbon dioxide is produced throughout the fashion industry and what happens to the clothes and the microplastics they contain when they are thrown away and sent to landfill.

Reception Today Is The Queen's Actual Birthday !

Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 9:28pm

Today, the children in Reception decided to make birthday cards for The Queen's actual birthday. They excitedly drew pictures of The Queen and balloons and flowers and wrote messages inside, sending her their best wishes on her 96th birthday.



Year 2 Science Day Slime

Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 9:27pm

Year 2 participated in the whole School celebration of Science today. We begun the day by drawing a Scientist before exploring the stereotypes within the subject looking at a Research Engineer called Charlotte Grinyer who had to overcome her mental health alongside her gender to get to the position she is in today. Shortly after, we got to virtually meet 3 people who have a career in a Scientific field; we asked lots of questions to try and guess there job and learnt you can use Science in lots of different jobs. 

Then it was our turn to get Scientific as we made our own slime to use in the experiment we had planned to test the stretchiness of the slime. We decided to see how the temperature of slime may effect it's stretchiness so placed one in the sun, one in the classroom, one in the fridge and one in the freezer. In the afternoon, we tested how far each slime would stretch. We had a super day celebrating Science!

Year 1 All About Spring

Date: 10th Apr 2022 @ 7:18pm

Today we took part in our Science Seasons lesson. We learnt all about the signs of Spring, collaboratively disucssing and sharing our ideas as a class. We compared Spring to the others seasons and shared our ideas on how Spring is different to Autumn, Summer and Winter. We then completed a Seasons sort and looked at the effects of Spring on trees. During the afternoon we also completed some observational drawings and paintings of daffodils. 

Year 1 Measurement - Takeover Day

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 7:18pm

This week we have began to explore measure and the vocabulary associated with height and length. Today, we continued with measurement as part of our Year 5 Takeover Day. Our Year 5 teachers introduced non-standard units of measurement through our input. We recapped on our key vocabulary and the meaning of length and height, before learning how to measure objects using non-standard units. Our independent task was then to measure objects accurately and compare them using language associated with measurement.

Year 5 Takeover Day

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 7:13pm

Today, as part of our Year 5 Takeover Day, we read and discussed another Julia Donaldson story...Superworm! Our Year 5 teachers read the story and we all recapped the key events and characters. We asked and answered lots of questions about the story to ensure we thoroughly understood the story line and main events. We then wrote descrptive sentences about the main character. We tried hard to use ‘because’ and ‘and’ to link ideas and to show our best work to our Year 5 teachers!

Year 5 Take Over

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 5:44pm

Today saw Year 5 take over various roles across School from Class Teachers to Site Supervisors. Year 2 were delighted to have been taught by Miss Norman, Miss McCrae Miss Gabby, Mr Ali and Miss Courtney for the morning. The children were taught about the four different sentence types (Statement, Command, Question and Exclamation) during Reading into Writing and participated in a sorting activity. In Maths, the children practised their 2's, 5's and 10's  times tables and completed various questions which revealed a plant at the end if answered correctly. We finished our fun morning with a game of Bingo ran by the new Teachers. The children all did a wonderful job and should be incredibly proud of themselves!

Takeover Day - 7th April 2022

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 5:30pm

Thursday 7th April 2022 - Takeover Day

Dear Diary, 

Today has been Year 5's Takeover Day! We have had so much fun doing the roles of the adults! We have had a go at being Class Teachers, Site Managers, Office Administrators and even the Head and Deputy Head Teachers. We have learned so much about the world of work and it has inspired us to want to become adults who work with young children. This has been a brilliant opportunity to gain an insight into what the adults around us do as their jobs, and we have had so much fun as well. 

Take a look at some of the pictures to see what we have been getting up to. These pictures were taken by our fabulous reporters and photographers who spent their day capturing memories we will remember forever. 


Children of Year 5 

The Year 5's Have Taken Over!

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 4:46pm

Today saw the Year 5's take over the school! (supervised of course...). The children who took over Year 4 did an absolutely amazing job! They explained their lessons/activities well and engaged both classes really well! Everyone in Year 4 (staff and children) said that they had had an amazing morning thanks to Year 5. Looks like Mr McCormack and Mr Bamber might be out of a job soon!

Year 4 Our Diverse Community!

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 4:17pm

Last week we had an amazing PSHE lesson which got us up and out of our seats to enjoy the amazing weather we had! Our lesson was all about how diverse we are as a community and all the amazing qualities and attributes that people can bring. Both classes mixed outside and had to find the answers to questions such as 'Find someone who can speak another language', 'Find someone who's parents were born in another country' and 'Find someone who has a different hobby to you'. We learned a lot about each other and our Year 4's worked really well together! 

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust