British Values: Blog items

Nursery The Day We Got Taken Over!

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 1:44pm

We had some brand new teachers today when four of the Year 5 pupils were in charge of nursery! It was all part of the whole school Year 5 Take Over Day when the pupils in Year 5 took on jobs across the school. Our new teachers planned some fun Easter activities for us and we really enjoyed our morning with them. 

Nursery Eggs-ploring Easter

Date: 6th Apr 2022 @ 8:14pm

We have been doing lots of easter activities this week. We've made Easter cards and filled carrot cones with lots of Easter treats. We have been giving our funky fingers a work out by balancing eggs of golf tees, using tweezers to put eggs in to a nest and peeling stickers to make Easter pictures. We've also been on an egg hunt and learnt the Easter Bunny Hokey Cokey! 

Reception Learning about Easter!

Date: 6th Apr 2022 @ 12:24pm

Reception have been learning about Christain celebration of Easter.  We listened to the Easter story and talked how Jesus showed courage when he was crucified.  The children learnt that throughout his life Jesus show kindness, compassion and empathy to others.  Although Jesus was crucified on the cross on Good Friday he cross on Easter Sunday he rose from the dead to be with God in heaven.  The children made their own Easter pictures and wrote some 

"Jesus showed courage when he was scared" Harrison

"He was kind and helped lots of people" Maja

"He died on the cross and they put his body in a tomb" Isobelle

"He came back to life and went to heaven" Evelyn.

Queen's Green Canopy

Date: 5th Apr 2022 @ 8:58pm

On Monday 21st March, we were all very excited to welcome Sir Bill Beaumont CBE DL to our school.

As Deputy Lieutenant of Lancashire, Sir Bill came to lead the cremonial planting of a young oak tree as part of the Queen's Green Canopy to celebrate her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee. The whole school participated in a special assembly and then went outside to witness Sir Bill, assisted by several pupils, planting the tree to mark this momentous occasion.

Year 2 Making Moving Vehicles

Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 4:15pm

This week we began to make our moving vehicles. To make the bodies of our car we wrapped cardboard boxes in white paper. We then used PVA glue to stick the body of the car onto the chassis we made earlier in the journey. After we had glued the body onto the chassis we painted it to our chosen colours based upon our designs. The day after- when our paint had dried we used our marking out skills to mark out windows and used paper and cellophane to create windows and extra things that we wished to put on our car. Some of us even put headlights, brake lights and indicators onto our cars using foiled paper. Some of it was really tricky but we persevered and helped each other and everyone is proud of their finished products.

Year 5 Takeover Day 2022 - the interviews and the acceptance letters!

Date: 31st Mar 2022 @ 12:47pm

The preparations for our annual 'Year 5 Takeover Day' have begun! After applying and interviewing for positions across school, including those of Head Teacher, Class Teachers and Site Supervisor, the children of Year 5 found out their role when they received a letter of congratulations.
'Takeover Day' at Boundary is an opportunity for the children of Year 5 to understand more about work in the real world. They research roles in school, write a letter of application and interview for their chosen position just like they will do when they go on to make their own mark on the world in later life.
Look out for more pictures from 'Takeover Day 2022' next week!

Year 6 Visit to the Church

Date: 29th Mar 2022 @ 9:16am

Year 6 visited St Mark’s Church to learn all about Holy Communion/Eucharist. Reverend Peter and Mathew explained the service and the rituals that take place as well as the meaning behind them.

Jenny showed the children around children and they completed a little quiz to further their understanding of Christianity.

Our amazing pianist also treated us to a little performance.
Thank you for having us.

Year 4 Debate this...

Date: 28th Mar 2022 @ 7:30pm

Our Reading into Writing journey at the moment is all about discussions/debates. We decided that the 'big question' that we would focus on is 'Should Emperor Claudius Have Invaded Britain'? Look familiar? That's becuase it was also a part of our History journey this half term! We decided that it would be a great way to link some of our subjects together so here we are breaking down the 'for' and 'against' arguments to practice being able to write a discussion/debate. Some very compelling arguments being formulated here, Emperor Claudius' adivsors should watch out!

Year 2 She sells Sea Shells

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 4:14pm

Today, Year 2 participated in the whole School Art Day with the theme of Blackpool. Our task was to explore different shells and the patterns they have. We all cut out images of shells that we liked and also drew a variety of shells over a two page spread to generate a bank of ideas to inspire our own shell creation. In the afternoon, we practiced making a shell shape and pattern out of plasticine before creating our final design and then making our final product out of clay. We quickly realised it was much harder to mould and shape the clay in comparison to the plasticine as it is harder and was drying quickly in the warm classroom. Despite it being difficult the children were very resilient and showed great perseverance to finish their shells. Miss Duckworth and Miss Hooson were impressed with their creations!

Year 6 Inspired by Banksy

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 12:08pm

Year 6 had a great day learning about the street artist Banksy and created their own Banksy inspired Blackpool street art. First, we learned about Banksy and used our sketch books to explore his work and inspiration. We discussed the meaning behind some of his pieces and whether grafitti is art or vandalism. We then practised using sponges and spray bottles to create a 'spray paint' effect. Finally we used stencils to create our collaborative 'I love Blackpool' street art. 

Year 6 Police visit

Date: 23rd Mar 2022 @ 2:48pm

We have had a visit from the Police this week to talk about legal and, mainly, illegal drugs. This involved looking at how drugs are trying to be disguised as sweets, looking at the risks and 'street' names of illegal drugs and discussing peer pressure. Year 6 children were really sensible, listened carefully, participated well and asked some great question.

Year 5 And..... action!

Date: 23rd Mar 2022 @ 10:54am

We are proud to publish the official photographs from Year 5's performance of 'Much Ado About Nothing' at Blackpool's famous Grand Theatre, which was held on Tuesday 15th March 2022. 

The children who performed did an outstanding job at performing one of William Shakespeare's most famous plays, and at representing our school! 

Don't they look like they should be on a film set in Hollywood?! 



Year 3 Happy Vaisakhi!

Date: 22nd Mar 2022 @ 4:10pm

In RE, we held our very own Vaisakhi celebration! We learnt the importance and traditions of the celebrations and tried them out for ourselves. We started by discussing the worship and we had a look at a real Chaur Sahib. We then learnt some traditional dances, tried on some clothing and finally tasted some traditional foods. We had a great time celebrating and enjoyed enbracing other cultures and traditions. 

Reception Comic Relief- Super Heroes!

Date: 21st Mar 2022 @ 8:54pm

Reception had a great time dressing up as their super heroes to raise money for Comic Relief.

Marvel Super Heroes, The Justice League and the NHS were just some of the many heroes found in Reception on Friday!

Take a look!


Year 5 Much Ado About Nothing?

Date: 21st Mar 2022 @ 7:38am

A huge congratulations to all the Year 5 children who took part in the RSC's performance of William Shakespeare's, 'Much Ado About Nothing'.  We were joined by 9 other Blackpool schools as part of the RSC's Associate Schools Programme, which has been created to support pupils in building confidence, resiliance and speaking and listening skills. After several weeks of practising, learning lines and dress-rehersals, the performance was perfectly delivered infront of a packed Grand Theatre in Blackpool. We are all so proud of the children who took part - what a great experience!

Year 6 Jolly hockey sticks!

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 8:46pm

For the first time in a long time, the sun was shining today on our PE session. We are half way through our hockey unit and we are getting much better at moving and passing the ball. We have learned how to perform the Indian dribble and a jab tackle. Today we tried our hand at accurate shooting and then got involved in a competitive 1v1 game called quicksticks. The progress is clear to see and some of us almost managed to beat Mrs. Hamilton. Almost!

Year 4 Church Visit

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 9:16am

This week we visited St Mark's church as part of our RE journey this half term. We spent some fo the afternoon exploring the church and discussing how the different features are used day to day. After that, we learnt about the different parts of the Bible and how the Bible tells us a whole host of different stories. To finish the afternoon, we took some time to reflect on the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and we wrote supportive messages and pictures on popst it notes to show our support.

Getting Active!

Date: 16th Mar 2022 @ 10:20pm

In December, Mrs Webster asked the School Council if they had any ideas as to how they could help get children more active at playtimes by improving their KS1 playground. 

Each school councillor went back to their class for ideas, these were then given to Mrs Webster, and the result was- well take a look for yourselves! 

"I love playing snakes and ladders!" 

"You take turns throwing the ball to each other- it keeps you fit!" 

"Hopping and jumping and running can keep you healthy"

Year 3 Tackling Tag Rugby!

Date: 16th Mar 2022 @ 12:53pm

In P.E this half term Year Three have been learning about Tag Rugby.  We have played a variety of tag games with the tagging belts and worked on dodging skills including changing speed and direction. We have started learning about how to hold and pass the ball accurately. We have looked at how we work with others to ensure we are passing and taggign sfaely.We are now looking forward to using these skills in game situations. 

Year 2 George's Marvelous Dancing

Date: 15th Mar 2022 @ 2:35pm

This half term in PE, Year 2 are focusing on Dance. We begun the half term by linking our dance to our Science topic Electricity and did lots of work moving our bodies as if it was full of Electricity. Now we have developed the confidence to move our bodies creatively we have begun to create a dance based on our class novel 'George's Marvellous Medicine.' First we created a bank of adjectives to describe George and Granny before acting these out and adding movement to it; then we got out some different resources and using their magical powers controlling us before we added them to our potions. We are impressed with the children's determination and team work skills and cannot wait to see the final performance.

Year 4 The Lion's Den

Date: 11th Mar 2022 @ 7:24am

This week, our RE lesson was based around the story of Daniel and the Lion's Den. We watched a video explaining what happened to Daniel and we decided to have a class debate. Some of us argued that Daniel should have been sent to the Lion's Den and others argued against that. There was some fantastic collaborative learning, teamwork and well thought out arguments and counter arguments from our Year 4's this week.

Year 2 Wheelie fun!

Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 5:22pm

Today in Year 2, we began to make our moving vehicle that will transport our Fairytale character to their event linking to our current Reading into Writing journey. We began by exploring fixed and free axels and discussed the differences before evaluating which we thought would be the best to use for our own vehicle. We chose free axles and used dowels putting them through a card template to ensure our axle was steady before choosing some wheels to attach to our axle. We then decided blu tac would allow more movement for our wheels compared to glue so secured our wheels to our axles using this. It was really fun but it wasn't always easy and the children showed great perseverance and teamwork to support one another. 

Year 6 Primary Futures live event

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 12:21pm

Today we took part in a Primary Futures live event where 3 different speakers talked to us about how important literacy skills are in their jobs. The jobs were a journalist, a banker and a marketing executive and they told us how reading and writing plays suh a vital role. It was really interesting to listen to them and find out about jobs that we could choose to have when we are older.

Nursery Flip it!

Date: 2nd Mar 2022 @ 8:39pm

We had a great time celebrating pancake day. We watched Mrs Walker cook some pancakes and she did a great job of flipping them! We then chose whether we wanted chocolate sauce or lemon and sugar on our pancakes. We also had a go and flipping some playdough pancakes, played a maths game where we had to put the right number of blueberries on the pancakes and painted some giant pancakes outside!

Year 5 Handball!

Date: 2nd Mar 2022 @ 5:31pm

In PE we are currently learning how to play the brilliant game of handball. The game is very fast-paced and action packed, so the children need to have good speed, strength and stamina. We have been developing our throwing and catching skills and learning the rules of the sport. The pupils have to work as a team to breakdown defenses and create spaces in attack to score goals. 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust