British Values: Blog items

Year 6 Creative Movement & Performance Festival

Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 9:22am

On Thursday morning 10 pupils from Year 6 took part in a Creative Movement & Performance Festival at Blackpool Sixth Form. They were taken through a series of workshops, looking at acting, singing and dancing all based around the production "The Greatest Showman". This was held by Active Blackpool, using Sixth Form Leaders who taught the children lots of different performing arts skills.

The children worked hard putting on their best performances of clowns, strongmen and acrobats in their acting workshop. They then learned the lyrics to This Is Me in the singing workshop showing fantastic confidence, before moving onto a dance to the same song at the end. 

The event was rounded off with a fantastic show from the Sports Leaders with a compilation from The Greatest Showman which the children thoroughly enjoyed.


Year 5 Blackpool Zoo Orienteering

Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 9:20am

Active Blackpool run a number of physical activity programmes aiming to improve the physical wellbeing of all children across Blackpool. We were invited to take part in two fun festivals within Blackpool Zoo where each school will be given a map of the park to help them to solve the clues to find the right animals. The intention for the event is to get the children out walking in the fresh air whilst having a look at the animals along the way.

The children, chosen from Year 5, had a great morning with Mrs. Millar and Mr. Parsons supported by Leaders from Blackpool Sixth Form. Efficient map reading and a keen sense of time meant that we returned to the finish before the other schools – having even had time to visit some of the animals not on our list (and the dinosaurs too!).


Year 2 Zoo Orienteering

Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 9:17am

Today, nine children from Year two represent Boundary for an orienteering activity at Blackpool Zoo in conjunction with Active Blackpool and the School Games.

The children had an amazing time, finding out information about animals to answer the clues on the activity sheet. They used their reading skills and previously taught knowledge to identify the key information around the Zoo to answer the questions in regards to each animal and used the map and signage around the zoo to locate the animals. We all learnt so many new facts; who knew a giraffe’s neck is 2.4 metres long!

All participants demonstrated persistence, teamwork, and resourcefulness.


Year 6 Now Press Play

Date: 18th Oct 2022 @ 7:47am

Today we had our first Now Press Play session and we chose to listen to a Maya story. It involved the tale of a young Maya child, who is forced to leave their village when drought hits. On route, their mother is kidnapped by warriors from Tikal. Along with their friend - Ixcel - and your pet jaguar - Soft Paws - they make their way to Tikal to get their mum back. We enjoyed the session as it allowed us to imagine what life was like in a Maya village.

Year 2- Rosa Parks

Date: 17th Oct 2022 @ 2:57pm

This month, as part of our School celebration of Black History Month we have been completing our writing journey about Rosa Parks. As part of our GPS lessons we looked at information about Rosa Parks and the influence she had on Black rights by refusing to give up her seat and wrote statements about her life and questions we would have liked to have asked her if she was still alive. We will use our knowledge to write a letter to Rosa thanking her for her hard work and determination. 

Year 6 Rugby in the Sunshine

Date: 16th Oct 2022 @ 8:11pm

We had a glorious day for our rugby session this week. The children had a chance to put into practise all of the skills they had learned in previous sessions to play a game. There was some excellent teamwork on show and all of the children demonstrated excellent sportsmanship. 

Reception- World Mental Health Day

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 11:26am

After a whole school assembly, Reception went back to their classrooms to discuss how they can recognise their different feelings.

They learnt how to use the 'Feelings Board' in their classrooms to show how they are feeling.

"I'm feeling happy because I'm at school" Dolly-Anne.

"I'm feeling tired because I couldn't sleep because I had a dream" Lennox.

Year 4 Online Safety

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 8:50am

This week, we looked at keeping safe online. The children haven't done any online safety lessons since before summer, so we started with a Flashback to what they can remember about online safety. They were brilliant! This week, we looked at our identity online and how we know if someone is who they say they are.

Year 5 The Naughtyometer

Date: 12th Oct 2022 @ 7:38pm

As part of our RE topic on Christianity, today we began to reflect on where we search for guidance in how to live our lives. Christians use the Bible, the ten commandments and the Lord's Prayer. We talked about our own sources of guidance including other Gods and religious books, teachers, family and friends.

We then began to develop our debating skills by having respectful conversations about what we thought was the 'WORST' thing to do and ordered some scenarios to the 'LEAST WORST'. This proved to be a challenge with lots of conflicting opinions about what was the most 'Naughty!' We used all of our speaking and listening skills to debate and give reasons about what we thought. 

Y6 Church Army

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 9:49am

Matthew and Jeni came to speak to Year 6 about sin, resurrection and salvation.

Matthew used the example of a 'Do not touch' sign as sin and that if Christians ignore the instructions from God and sin, this can become a habit and we can 'stick' with sinning - and Matthew got 'stuck' to the chair.

We discussed that Christians believe that, through talking with God, they can repent and ask for forgiveness and seek salvation from our wrong choices.

There was an opportunity at the end of the session to ask questions about the key words used during the session and Year 6 discussed the types of questions they wanted to ask, recorded them and then took part in a thoughtful question and answer time.

Year 6 Harvest Assembly

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 7:41pm

Today, Year 6 led the whole school in our Harvest assembly. We were joined by Matt and Jenny from the Church Army, who discussed the difference between giving and getting and how giving is more rewarding than always receiving and getting things from others. We thanked everyone for their kind food donations, which will be shared with the local charity 'Vincent House' next week.

KS2 Cross Country Race 1

Date: 5th Oct 2022 @ 9:16am

On Tuesday morning, 13 of our students travelled to Stanley Park to partake in a Cross Country event organised by Blackpool Council. This was the first of 6 races across the year in which schools compete to earn points depending on their finishing positions. The races were split into Y3/4 Girls and Boys, proceeded by Y5/6 Girls and Boys.

Our runners put in a fantastic shift, placing a minimum top half of finishers in all races across the board, showing great determination and skill to perform 1 or 2 laps of the Stanley Park grass track! Well done to all involved for your efforts, we look forward to seeing the progression across the year!

Reception Outdoor Learning

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 4:13pm

Learning outside of the classroom is extremely important for the children in Reception. Collaboration, sharing, taking turns and resilience are many of the vaues learnt from their time together outdoors. Physical activities to help both gross and fine motor skills are also developed in a fun and friendly way.

Take a look at some of the things we've been up to outside this week!


Year 3 School Council Elections

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 10:32am

Year 3 voted for their school council representatives. We discussed democracy and why it is important to our school and communitiy. The children presented their manifestos and we then voted. Congratulations to Jake and Alexander who were chosen to represent Year 3. 

Year 6 school council elections

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 8:54am

Today was our school council elections. We began the day by listening to the potential candidates reading out their manifestos - a speech that explains why people should vote for a particular candidate. Later on in the day, each child cast their vote for who they wanted to be the school council representative for Oak and Elder. This helped children to understand the British Value of Democracy.

The School Council Elections 2022

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 10:01pm

Following a whole school assembly, the School Council Elections 2022 officially began. Any child who wanted to run for School Councillor had the opportunity to write their manifesto, explain why they would make a good school councillor and then present it to their class.


After this process, which took determination, perseverance and a lot of bravery to stand up in front of their class, the school took to the polls. The votes were counted and verified and the results announced during a results assembly.


We are very proud of all our children who worked hard to write their manifesto, to listen patiently to their peers as they presented their ideas and then take part in a democratic and fair election process.


Congratulations to our new School Councillors!




Year 1 School Council Elections

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 7:29pm

This week in Year 1 we have taken part in our whole school councillor elections. We spent time thinking about what would make a good school councillor and the school characteristics a good councillor would show. Lots of children then delivered a manifesto in front of their peers and did a brilliant job! Throughout the week, we discussed the importance of Democracy and that we vote to ensure a fair result.

Year 1 are proud to announce their School Councillors for 2022/23 are:

Beech - Charlie

Hazel - Isaac

Well done everyone!

Year 4 School Council Elections

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 3:46pm

Today we voted for our school council representatives. We voted for one representative in Maple and one from Laurel. The children listened well to the candidates manifestos yesterday and were respectful when voting in the school hall today. Well done to the winners!

Year 2 School Council Elections

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 3:34pm

This week was Democracy week at Boundary and in Year Two lots of children stood infront of their peers and delivered a manifesto about why they would be a good school councillor thinking about our Always promises and charactertistics. The children all showed great respect, pride and bravery to deliver their manifesto and Miss Hooson and Miss Duckworth are incredibly proud of them all. Throughout the week, we discussed the importance of Democracy and appreciate that we vote to ensure a fair result.

Year Two are proud to announce their School Councillors for 2022/23 are:

Birch- Reggie

Elm- Emily

Well done everyone!

Year 5 Student Council Voting

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 3:02pm

This has been a great week for Democracy at Boundary! We have voted in the hall after reading out our Manifestos in class. Our new Student Councillors are Harris for Hawthorn and Jethro for Rowan. 


Year 5 Writing biographies

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 2:58pm

This half-term, children in year 5 have been learning how to write a biography. We have read biographies of several famous people including, Roald Dahl, Stormzy and Wayne Rooney, and identified the language and structural features that make them different to other text types. Follwing the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, pupils carried out research, planned, drafted and edited a biography of her life, before presenting a final, polished piece of writing.

Year 4 Queen Elizabeth II tribute

Date: 21st Sep 2022 @ 1:09pm

On Friday, we learned more about Queen Elizabeth II's love for corgis and horses. Over her lifetime, the Queen had over 60 dogs and numerous horses - her favourite being Burmese a Canadian horse. The children used numerous images showing this love for animals to create collages. We think they look fantastic!

Year 1 Christian Baptism

Date: 20th Sep 2022 @ 6:22pm

Today we learnt about the Christian belief that the Church community is like a family and considered why it might be important to welcome new people into the Church family. We listened to the story ‘All Are Welcome’ and discussed the different ways the characters were made welcome and how we make new children feel welcome in our classroom.

We learnt that parents ask for the child to be baptised so that it can belong to this family and develop a relationship with God. We discussed the importance of Christians making new members of the church family welcome. We then completed a task in groups to recognise and name basic artifacts and practices of a Christian baptism.

Year 2- Exploring the Commonwealth

Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 3:02pm

As part of our remembrance of the Queen, Year 2 explored the commonwealth. We looked at the 56 countries that are part of the commonwealth and identified some of these places on a world map as well as exploring each of the nations different flags. Also, we discussed the role the Queen had in the commonwealth and looked at a variety of pictures of her visiting the different members. We found it interesting looking at pictures of the Queen from the time across her reign and created a collage using pictures, flags and facts to display our learning. 

Reception's First Week of School Dinners!

Date: 12th Sep 2022 @ 9:45pm

This week the children have stayed for lunch for the first time. Choosing their meal, learning to hold their tray and having good table manners were just a few of the things the children had to contemplate at lunchtime. However they all handled it superbly!

Take a look at some of our photos!

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust