British Values: Blog items

Year 2 Where in the world am I?

Date: 6th Jan 2023 @ 7:34am

This half term in Year Two, we will be exploring the world by looking at the worlds continents and oceans. We began our learning journey by exploring where in the world we are focusing on key vocabulary: house, street, village, town, city, county, country, continent and hemisphere. We learnt what each of these words meant and used Google Earth to explore the places further. We began looking at the world and kept zooming in until we reached our School. We know know we are in the Northern hemisphere and we live in the county Lancashire. We are looking forwards to continuing our learning journey further in the coming weeks. 

Year 4 Emile Timestable World Cup Update!

Date: 5th Jan 2023 @ 11:37am

We are so proud to share that 10 Boundary children came in the top 100 out of over 250,000 children from across the country who took part in the Emile Timestable World Cup with one child coming in the TOP 50!

Year 4 have been working hard on their times tables, improving their knowledge, recall and application skills and their hard work is really beginning to show in the classroom and in competitions like this! Well done Year 4!

Reception- Christmas Party!

Date: 3rd Jan 2023 @ 1:49pm

Everyone had such a great time dancing, singing and playing party games!

Children took turns playing pass the parcel and were even visited by Father Christmas who gave each child a present!


School Council- Raising money for Brian House

Date: 3rd Jan 2023 @ 1:26pm

Christmas Jumper Day was a great way to raise money for one of the School Council's charities. Every child paid £1 and all the proceeds were sent to Brian House.

Watch this space for more fund raising events! 

Year 2 Primary Futures

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 7:36pm

Today, Year Two took part in a Primary Futures event called 'Who's line is it anyway?'. We met three different people who all had Christmas jobs and we had to guess what their job was from the clues they gave. We met a range of interesting people including: Pia the Christmas decorator, Sarah the theatre director and Shaun the chef at Buckingham Palace. Finally, there was a surprise mystery guest who surprised the children. 

Year 4 - Enterprise success!

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 11:01am

What a successful end to our Enterprise this half term! 

Nursery Christmas Party!

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 10:59am

Nursery had a super time at our Christmas party. We played party games including Pass the Parcel, Musical Statues and Musical Bumps. The children had to listen carefully to the rules and did so well following the instructions. In the morning we went on a Santa Hunt and found clues all across the school left by Santa. There was glitter, reindeer antlers, a Christmas Tree and even a welly! We searched everywhere, but coudn't find Santa. When we got back to Nursery, we found that Santa had been and left us a sack full of presents! In the aftetnoon we were lucky eneough to meet the man himself - it was so exciting! 

Nursery Christmas Sing-along

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 10:23am

Nursery put on a super performance at out annual Christmas Sing-along. The children worked so hard to learn a selection of Christmas songs, learnt how to sign along to "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" and used a variety of instruments to accompany the songs. It was lovely to see so many parents and grandparents at the sing-along and they even enjoyed a tasty mince pie at the end of the performance. 

R.E so far this half-term...

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 8:06am

In Reception we have been learning about special times. We have celebrated Diwali by learning lots about Hindu and Sikh traditions, including how they prepare their homes and where they go to pray. We also made and painted diya lamps, created rangoli patterns, took part in some traditional dancing and tried on some of the traditional clothing and jewellery.


In Year 1 we have been answering the key question, ‘why is Jesus special to Christians?’ We have learnt how new life is celebrated, why we should give babies love and care and why we should help others who cannot help themselves. We have also completed lots of work around the nativity story. We have sequenced and retold the story, talked about the important roles of the characters and the important message. We also went on a trip to St Marks church where we impressed Reverend Mathew with all our knowledge about Christianity so far.


Year 2 have been exploring the key question ‘why do Christians say that Jesus is the light of the world?' After discussing the Christian story and exploring different lights we began exploring Christingle. We learnt that Christingles are a symbol of advent and were taught what each part of a christingle symbolism is.


Year 3 have been looking at Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). We have looked at what a good role model is and why Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is important to Muslims. We read a range of stories surrounding the prophet and focussed on which characteristics he demonstrated and how this made him a role model. As a class we looked at the third pillar of Islam Zakat, and considered how we could be charitable in our own lives.


In Year 4, we have been learning about Hinduism and how Hindus live their lives. We learnt all about the story of Rama and Sita and how this story can help Hindus live a good life in today’s society. Through the story, we learnt that displaying positive characteristics in life will always put you on the right track.


Year 5 have been learning about where Muslims find guidance and why the Qur'an is an important part of their lives. We then looked at where we find guidance and what or who supports us.


Year 6 has been learning about Hinduism. We have explored the 4 Ashramas (stages of a Hindu's life), reincarnation and the Sacred Thread ceremony. The children have been reflecting on their own lives and have planned their own ceremony for when they leave primary school.


Reception Wriggly Nativity

Date: 14th Dec 2022 @ 12:10pm

Over the last few weeks the children have been learning about why Christians celebrate Christmas.  We have been using figures at the storytelling table to retell the the Christmas story.  The children have been working hard to perfect their performance of the Wriggly Nativity.  They sang the songs beautifully and acted out what happend with confidence.  Well done Reception, we are very proud of you!

Reception get festive

Date: 14th Dec 2022 @ 11:57am

Reception have enjoyed wearing our Christmas Jumpers to raise money for our local charity Brian House.  The children had a great day and were even lucky enjoy to enjoy a traditional Christmas Dinner with their friends.  They pulled crackers, listened to festive music and wore our party hats.  What a fabulous time they had!

Year 1 RE Christmas Art

Date: 13th Dec 2022 @ 6:59pm

Today we completed some RE art to show an important event in the story – when the three wise men travelled to see baby Jesus. We created silhouettes of the three wise men on their journey and used collage to create a colourful design for the wise men’s clothing. We ripped, scrunched, cut and twisted crepe paper to create our design. Some of us also created and used patterns within our design.

Reception- One Cold and Frosty Morning ...

Date: 12th Dec 2022 @ 10:00pm

The children in Reception were very excited to explore the outside area where they found ice in the most unusual places! 

Water left in buckets, trays, and bowls had frozen over night as the temperatures fell. They chatted together about how the ice had formed, why it was wet, slippy and turning into water.

"It is very cold and the water in the bucket turned to ice"  Clio.

"It feels wet and slippy" Phoebe.

"Look! Water...the ice is melting and turning into water" Miley.

"The sun is melting it because it is hot" Lennox.


Nursery Step in to Christmas

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 4:10pm

It's been all sparkles and magic in nursery as we begin the count down to Christmas! we've been making Christmas cards, writing letters to Santa, making snow monsters out of playdough and christmas candy canes using pipe cleaners and beads. We've even been helping Santa wrap all the presents in the Elf workshop! As well as all this, we all wore our Christmas jumpers and had a Christmas disco! All that and there's still one more week to go! 

Reading into Writing so far this half-term...

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 12:14pm

Reading into Writing so far this half-term...
In Year 1 we read the story 'The Jolly Christmas Postman.' We began by sequencing the key events, discussing the characters and the meaning of key words. We then moved onto reading letters from different characters, matching the correct letter to the correct address and piecing together a mixed up letter. On 1st December our class elves arrived and brought a letter with them for us to read, but some bits were missing! We then used what we had learnt about letters to fill in the missing features. We will be writing our own letters this week.
In Year 2, we are in the process of writing our own Christmas story inspired by the 2019 John Lewis advert featuring Edgar the dragon. Throughout the journey, we have read a range of Christmas stories and watched a selection of different Christmas adverts to explore how they tell a story through videos. We have now planned out our story and are looking forward to writing them up.
In Year Three we have been exploring shape poems surrounding the theme of Christmas. We have focused on using alliteration, similes and metaphors to create an imaginative description.
In Year 4, we have been working on our play script journey. To begin with, we read a variety of play scripts to identify their features. We then went on to do some drama and act out some of the scenes that we read. We are going to be basing our final pieces on the Boudicca Revolt which is what we learnt about last half term.
In Year 5 we have been learning about stories from other cultures. We read and analysed stories from the Aboriginal Dreamtime, and then created a list of features particular to that type of story. 'The Dreamtime' is the Aboriginal people's creation stories, they usually explain how the world came to be, and how animals were created. We planned, drafted and edited our own Dreamtime story, before publishing our final piece of writing. After writing our final version, we peer-assessed our texts by discussing what we had written with a partner.
In Year 6 we have spent time exploring, planning and writing crime stories. We looked at several full stories at the start of the journey and began pulling out features of crime stories. Then we worked together to generate as much vocabulary as possible relating to the genre so that we would have a bank of high quality words to choose from when we wrote our own stories. We had fun writing our stories and typing them up at the end as a finished piece.

Year 4 Online Safety

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 11:53am

We looked at the following 'I can...' statements:

I can explain the difference between a ‘belief’, an ‘opinion’ and a ‘fact and can give examples of how and where they might be shared online, 

I can explain that not all opinions shared may be accepted as true or fair by others

I can describe and demonstrate how we can get help from a trusted adult if we see content that makes us feel sad, uncomfortable, worried or frightened.


We even practised using our oracy skills using our ABC statements!

Year 4 Enterprise

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 11:17am

This year for our enterprise task we have been making and preparing 'Reindeer Food' for Christmas Eve and Sweet Bags for the Christmas festivities. We spoke about what enterprise means and understood that we were making things to be sold. The 'Reindeer Food' and Sweet Bags will be sold at the school Christmas Fair next Wednesday!

Year 1 Trip to St Mark's

Date: 5th Dec 2022 @ 7:04pm

This week we were lucky enough to visit St Mark’s Church. We met Reverend Matthew and told him everything that we have leant about Christianity so far. Reverend Matthew then read the nativity story to us and we all joined in with different parts. He taught us about the key messages in the story and the roles of different characters. We then learnt about the advent wreath and the symbolism of the different candles. Finally we looked around the church and asked and answered lots of questions about features of the church.

‘The pink candle on the wreath is for Mary’

‘The white candle is for Jesus and it is lit on Christmas Day’

‘The font is where Christians baptise a baby to welcome them into the Church family’

‘Matthew, Mark, Luke and Josh are the four gospels’

‘Christmas is about Jesus being born, not just presents!’

Year 5 - Aspirational Scientists

Date: 5th Dec 2022 @ 4:21pm

As part of our learning journey in science, we have learned about Sally Ride, who became the first American woman in Space when she was part of the Challenger Shuttle crew in 1983. Pupils found out about her life, before using their literacy skills to write a biography about this amazing person. As a child, Sally Ride was a star pupil and outstanding tennis player. She has degrees in physics and English, and helped design the Challenger Shuttle's 'arm' which was used in space. After working for NASA, Sally was a professor at the University of California, wrote children's books about science, and started a school program to encourage children, especially girls, to become scientists. After her death in 2012, Sally's sister revelled that she had been in a same-sex relationship with a fellow scientist, and had sadly felt that she needed to keep it a secret for 27 years to protect her career. 

Year 2 Celebrating Christmas

Date: 5th Dec 2022 @ 4:19pm

Today, Year Two began celebrating Christmas by wearing Christmas jumpers and tucking into a delicious Christmas dinner. We ate whilst listening to Christmas music and enjoyed pulling our crackers to reveal a joke and a toy. It really has begun to put everyone in the Christmas spirit and we are looking forward to the KS1 disco later this week! Well done everyone for your effort raising money for Brian's House!

Year 4 Timestables Success!

Date: 5th Dec 2022 @ 3:37pm

Amazing news coming out of Year 4 - we have won our Fylde Coast and Lancashire League for the mile Timestable World Cup and we are now through to the National finals!
The Nationals will commence over the coming days, so please support your Year 4 child in practising as much as they can to get Boundary to the top once again!

Year 2 Christingle

Date: 25th Nov 2022 @ 4:01pm

This half term in RE, Year Two have been exploring the Key Question 'Why do Christians say that Jesus is the light of the world?' and after discussing the Christian story and exploring different lights we began exploring Christingle. We learnt that Christingles is a symbol of advent and were taught what each part of a christingle symbolises. The orange represents the world and the red ribbon around the middle represents Christ's blood. There are four cocktail sticks to represent the creation of the four seasons and the sweets on the sticks represent all of God's creations. Last of all, the candle in the middle represents Jesus being the light of the world. The children loved making their Christingles to take home and really understood the meaning behind it. 

Year 4 Forest School

Date: 24th Nov 2022 @ 4:06pm

We started our first of three Forest School sessions today. As the cold has drawn in, more and more grass and mose has got in and around the pond area. The children did an amazing job clearing it out. They also made crowns and head gear with bendy branches, leaves and wool. It was very muddy today and the children simply enjoying some messy play too!

Key Stage 2 Cross Country Race 2

Date: 24th Nov 2022 @ 9:18am

On Wednesday morning, 13 of our KS2 pupils from Year 4-6 travelled to Stanley Park to take part in the second Cross Country race of this academic year.

The course was a long and wet one, with plenty of muddy trainers crossing the finish line, but our Boundary pupils showed fantastic determination to secure some fantastic finishing positions. Each place gains points for our school, and after 2 races we are currently third out of all participating Blackpool schools. Many of our pupils who took part in the first race showed improvement in their finishing positions, which is great to see.

There are 6 races in total, with 4 coming up in 2023. Keep your eyes peeled as we gain more points that will see us progress up the table!

The School Council Design The New School Library

Date: 22nd Nov 2022 @ 10:34pm

The School Council are very excited about their latest project- designing the new school library. 

They visited the old offices upstairs in school to check out the space and look at different designs and innovations. They discussed each design and put forward their ideas as to what would make a truly exciting and inspirational learning space, suitable for reading, studying and group collaboration.

This is just the beginning of a very exciting project- watch this space for further details!



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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust