British Values: Blog items
Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 2:40pm
Today we had a visit from Matthew and Matthew, who are both part of various churches in and around the area. We had some great conversations about temptation and sacrifice. Matthew told us about the old testament and stories of Hebrews wanting to follow God way back in Ancient Egyptian times and God's followers writing to one of the first churches in Romans times asking about living sacrifice. The children asked some brilliant questions and we had a great afternoon.
Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 11:49am
Our pupil's make us proud everyday and as a school, we are proud of our community.
Two of our pupil's have been taking part in BBC Radio Lancashire's Community Connections. Groups from The Boathouse Youth and Blackpool Coastal Housing are making friends and memories together.
You can hear more about the work being done by listening here or visiting the Boat House Youth Facebook page
Date: 29th Mar 2023 @ 11:56am
In RE our Question for the Year is 'Who should we follow?' and today we learned about who Sikhs follow, from Mrs. Kaur, a Sikh at our school. She told us about how Sikhs celebrate this festival of the new year called Vaisakhi and remember the Panj Pyare becoming Baptised into the Khalsa. We explained the 5 K's and how they were symbol and important to showing committment to faith. We talked about the special clothes that Sikhs wear for celebrations. We discussed the values that Sikhs live by and commitments that they show to other people and how everyone is equal. We recapped how the 11th Guru is the Guru Granth Sahib, which is a special book, that explains the teachings that Sikhs should live by.
Date: 29th Mar 2023 @ 8:11am
As part of their learning about Christianity in RE, Year 6 have visited St. Marks Church to understand more about the events of Holy Week in the run up to Easter.
We have been learning about how Holy Communion represents the blood and body of Christ in some denominations of Christianity, and how it becomes Jesus' body through transubstantiation in the Catholic Communion.
We met with Father Matt and Alison who lead us through the events of Holy week and we asked questions to further understand why Christians believe that Good Friday is a Good day.
Boundary Budding Stars round-up!
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 1:07pm
After running so many amazing clubs this year, we hosted our first Boundary Budding Star's Showcase evening where pupils from across school performed.
Talented pupils from Reception to Year 6 showed us their skills in drama, dance and song with Ballet Club, Bollywood, Schools Alive, Samba and Choir all performing brilliantly. Year 5 showed us their Tempest performance from the Grand Theatre and Key stage 1 music Club sang too.
Thank you to all our wonderful children for taking part and for the support and encouragement of their parents and carers!
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 11:22am
On Thursday all the children fully embraced a whole school art day. From Nursery to Year 6 you could hear the sound of paper being ripped and cut as the children created collages of different things you can find in their home town of Blackpool. From transport in Year 3 to famous landmarks in Year 5, from trees and flowers in Year 1 to collaged signs in Year 6. The children have created some superb pieces of artwork and these are all going to be displayed together to create a whole school mural.
Key Stage 2 Boccia Team - Regional Finals!
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 9:02am
Congratulations to our Key Stage 2 Boccia Team who yesterday travelled to Greenbank Sports Academy in Liverpool to compete in the KS2 Boccia Regional Finals!

Key Stage Choir perform at Choir of the Year!
Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 7:55am
Date: 20th Mar 2023 @ 5:24pm
Year 5 - RSC: Sandgrown Shakespeare
Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 9:42am
We are very proud of the Year 5 children who performed in the Sandgrown Shakespeare show at The Grand Theatre on Tuesday night- Eviee's artwork even took pride of place on the front cover of the program!
Well done to all who took part - please see the Year 5 blog for more pictures!
Date: 7th Mar 2023 @ 6:43pm
This week in PSHE we continued to practise our oracy skills. Miss Crystal and Mr Bamber read out statements, such as 'School uniforms should be banned' and we had to decide whether or not we agreed, disagreed or weren't sure. Before we started we came up with a class list of sentence starters to help us when we answer why we have the opinion we did. We are beginning to understand the importance of listening when developing our oracy skills too.
Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 3:47pm
Today, we continued our Judaism learning journey by exploring the story of Moses. We looked at his background and then learnt that God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on two scriptures. We looked at what each of the Ten Commandments meant and how to say them in everyday language. Then, we discussed with our groups which of the Ten Commandments we felt was the most important and ordered them most to least important. Finally, as a class we discussed the order that we put them in and gave reasons for our ideas appreciating the fact we all have different beliefs and value different things more highly than others.
Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 3:45pm
Reception have been reading a story about Smartie the Penguin. Smartie is a little penguin who is very excited that he got a new tablet for his birthday. However, throughout the story Smartie faces several problems relating to keeping himself safe. The children had to help Smartie make the right descisions to make sure he was safe and happy playing on his new device.
"If someone is mean to you online you can block them" Logan
"Always tell you mummy if your don't know what to do" Kit
"Keep you private information safe" Alfie
The children then discussed some different scernios and talked about how and why it is important to keep safe!
Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 11:37am
Shane Hegarty author visits Boundary!
Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 11:32am
Date: 28th Feb 2023 @ 3:58pm
Today was the first day of our new art journey. This unit focuses on activisim and looks at how to use words and images to create strong messages. Today we discussed what activism is and words associated with it. We then created a double-page spread linked to what we had been discussing.
Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 4:41pm
As part of our learning in Design and Technology, we were asked to design and create a food item with cultural significance. We decided to make a sweet treat to celebrate the Hindu festival of Holi. After a discussion about food safety and taste-testing some products already on the market, we worked in small groups to prepare and bake vanilla flavoured biscuits , which we decorated with icing in bright colours.
School Council -Fundraising for the NSPCC
Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 3:48pm
The School Council have been selling cup cakes to raise money for the NSPCC, a national charity they have chosen to support.
They were baked by our school cook and were absolutely delicious!
School Council- Our New School Library
Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 1:54pm
The School Council have been eagerly discussing their favourite story books with their classes so they can be incorporated into the new school library stairs.
Each class chose their favourite story books and the School Council made a list of these books and sent it to Mrs Jones- Boast School Business Manager .
Reception- PE Throwing and Catching!
Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 11:05am
The children in Reception have been learning how to throw and catch a ball using their hand eye coordination skills.
They worked together to throw the ball into a hoop, then they practised bouncing and catching it on their own and finally they had to throw a ball to each other .
Take a look at how we did!
Reception- A Winter Wonderland!
Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 10:01am
What a surprise! We woke up Tuesday morning to find everywhere had turned white- it had been snowing!
The children could not wait to go outside and explore the garden, mark making in the snow and making snow angels.
" It looks different- it's all white- snow is white!" Halliegh.
"Snow is cold... slippy..wet!" Kian.
"The sun is coming out ...the snow will melt and be water again because it is hot" William.
Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 2:54pm
This week, year 5 pupils have drafted, edited and presented informal letters in the role of a character from a story. We discussed how the character of Sam, from 'My Brother is called Jessica' by John Boyle, would be feeling about the changes that are going on in his family, and how his behaviour would impact on his brother and his parents. Pupils were challenged to include all the features of a letter, whilst using a tone, grammar and sentence structure that suited a letter written to a close relative.
Nursery Welcome Some New Friends
Date: 15th Jan 2023 @ 1:43pm
We have had some new children join us in nursery and we have had lots of fun getting to know them. They have been exploring the environment and learning all about the nursery routines. We have been so proud of how well they have settled in and can't wait for lots of adventures!
KS2 Anti Bullying Amasadors attend training with the Diana Award
Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 11:44am
KS2 - Blackpool Schools Football Tournament
Date: 9th Jan 2023 @ 2:08pm
This morning our KS2 boys football team took part in the Blackpool Schools Football Tournament, which they qualified for before Christmas. The rescheduled event saw all schools from Blackpool take part in a couple of fixtures to determine who would go on to represent Blackpool at the finals on Friday.
As always, our Boundary boys put on a great show of character, determination and although they didn't qualify for the final, they came away smiling after a spirited performance.
Well done to all KS2 boys involved in today's event, you've done your school proud!