Year 6: Blog items
Date: 26th Apr 2023 @ 3:23pm
Today we began our gymnastics unit of counter tension and counter balance. We spent the session experimenting with balancing on the floor and benches using bodily points and patches. Over the unit we will develop our balancing skills to create sequences with others.
Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 10:33am
Today we completed our final lesson on Tinkercad. We used everything we have previously learned to design and make our own 3D structure. We think our final products are brilliant and use lots of appealing features.
Date: 29th Mar 2023 @ 8:11am
As part of their learning about Christianity in RE, Year 6 have visited St. Marks Church to understand more about the events of Holy Week in the run up to Easter.
We have been learning about how Holy Communion represents the blood and body of Christ in some denominations of Christianity, and how it becomes Jesus' body through transubstantiation in the Catholic Communion.
We met with Father Matt and Alison who lead us through the events of Holy week and we asked questions to further understand why Christians believe that Good Friday is a Good day.
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 1:05pm
This half term, Year 6 have been focussing on acitvism and art. We have explored the idea of activism and why people protest. We also discussed words and vocabulary linked to activism. Then, throughout our journey we have experiemented with collaging, printing, letter formation in order to create our final piece of work. We put together everything we have learned to create a placard linked to activism. I think you'll agree that our end products are amazing!
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 11:21am
On Thursday all the children fully embraced a whole school art day. From Nursery to Year 6 you could hear the sound of paper being ripped and cut as the children created collages of different things you can find in their home town of Blackpool. From transport in Year 3 to famous landmarks in Year 5, from trees and flowers in Year 1 to collaged signs in Year 6. The children have created some superb pieces of artwork and these are all going to be displayed together to create a whole school mural.
Key Stage 2 Boccia Team - Regional Finals!
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 9:02am
Congratulations to our Key Stage 2 Boccia Team who yesterday travelled to Greenbank Sports Academy in Liverpool to compete in the KS2 Boccia Regional Finals!
Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 2:47pm
Year 6 had a day filled with art and collage. We looked at different art work created using collage before experimenting in our sketchbooks with different types of collage - including ripping and cutting paper. In the afternoon, we worked collaboratively to create collage art work based on famous Blackpool landmarks. The finished pieces are brilliant!
Date: 22nd Mar 2023 @ 2:28pm
Today in computing we have used all that we have learned so far to create name plaques and pencil pots. To do this we had to learn how to resize objects as well as creating holes in objects to allow items to be placed inside. We are really enjoying this unit of work and are looking forward to creating more in the next couple of weeks.
Key Stage Choir perform at Choir of the Year!
Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 7:55am
Year 6 - Fossils and Evolution
Date: 20th Mar 2023 @ 5:54pm
In today's science lesson we considered the key question: What can fossils tell us about extinct species? We first examined several fossils and then learned how they are formed. We moved on to think about what fossils can tell us about evolution before learning about what is missing from the fossil record. All the children in Year 6 showed great participation and were able to remember lots from our previous lessons.
Date: 20th Mar 2023 @ 5:24pm
Year 6 - French (school subjects)
Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 3:04pm
Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 3:01pm
Today we were treated to an assembly from Dan Worsley. Once again, he discussed what it takes to be an author and why he enjoys writing books so much. He then read a story from one his 'Impossible Tales' books, all about a boy with magical snot! Let's just say we were all pretty grossed out by it!
Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 3:52pm
As part of Science Day, all classes had a 20 minute session in the space dome. We learned about stars and glaxaxies, along with the planets of the Milky Way and space missions to the moon. It was an incredible expereince and all children (and staff) had a brilliant time.
Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 11:25am
Our focus for this year's science day was space. We recapped on everything we knew about planets from our lessons in Year 5, before moving on to learn about constellations. We listened to space themed music including the Planets by Holst and Space Odessy by David Bowie. Finally, we created constellation art work. A great day!
Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 3:00pm
In today's lesson we had our second lesson on Tinkercad. This involved placing shapes onto a plane and change the heights and widths of each shape. We then experimented with adding shapes on top of others and group them to create one shape. We are becoming much more proficient at using Tinkercad.
Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 2:53pm
This week we have begun our new Reading into Writing journey of poetry. We will be writing poems about the sea using a range of figurative language, especially metaphor. Here is the first few lessons.
One of the Year 6 pupils has even been inspired to go home and write their own poem about rainbows.
Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 2:53pm
This week we continued our Yoga sessions in PE. We perfected the mountain pose, tree pose and warrior pose before moving on to learn the cobra pose, downward dog and butterfly pose. We put all of the poses together into a sequence. Everyone ended the session very relaxed.
Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 3:39pm
Today we celebrated World Book Day 2023. We were very impressed with the children's costumes.
Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 3:32pm
Today we began our new Computing unit, which is based on 3D design. We started the lesson by discussing how 3D design is used in the real world, including in the construction and engineering industries. We used a site called Tinkercad and learned the basic functions needed to manipulate 3D shapes. We learned how to place, rotate, resize, duplicate and align shapes. All the children completed each tutorial successfully and we had a great afternoon.
Shane Hegarty Author visits Boundary
Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 11:48am
Year 6 - DT: Evaluating existing products
Date: 28th Feb 2023 @ 4:10pm
As part of our Food Technology unit we will be making savoury scones. Today, we tested several different savoury products and evaluated them for their appearance, texture, taste and smell. By doing this, it gives us ideas about what we like and what we can use in our own product when we make them in a few weeks time.
Date: 28th Feb 2023 @ 3:58pm
Today was the first day of our new art journey. This unit focuses on activisim and looks at how to use words and images to create strong messages. Today we discussed what activism is and words associated with it. We then created a double-page spread linked to what we had been discussing.
Date: 27th Feb 2023 @ 9:23pm
As part of our Science unit 'Classification of Living Things', we learned about micro-organisms and the three types: bacteria, virus and fungus. In order to carry out an investigaiton into the growth of fungus, we set up an experiment to increase the rate of mould growth on bread. We discovered that mould grows quicker in warm and damp conditions.
Date: 27th Feb 2023 @ 9:03am
Thanks to a generous donation by a parent, each child who took part in our School's Alive performance received a medal in recognition of their hard work, determination and overall brilliant performance!
Well done to everyone who took part and thank you to our parent donor for allowing us to give each child their own medal!
#schoolsalive #BoundaryBelieves