Year 6: Blog items

Year 6 - Statistics

Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 2:48pm

This week we started our statistics unit. After a recap on all statistics covered in Years 3 - 5, we moved on to look at solving problems using line graphs. Today we have been looking at infiormation displayed on dual bar charts.

Year 6 - World Book Day

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 11:45am

What a World Book Day this has been! Year 6 have really gone above and beyond this year with their character costumes. From Harry Potter to Dr. Frankenstein, the variety has been really impressive. We have also taken part in a book and football quiz with schools around the country as well as a Book Banter session, where we discussed fun facts we have learned from non-fiction books.


Take a look at some of our costumes!

Year 6 SATs

Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 8:24am

Year 6 SATS 
Year 6 children MUST be in school during this week - please do not arrange any appointments or book a holiday during this time (holidays should not be taken in term time anyway). 
Our Year 6 children are working really hard to prepare for the SATs and we know they are going to do really well. 
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Year 6 - LGBTQ+

Date: 26th Feb 2024 @ 5:00pm

As part of our work for LGBTQ+ history month, Year 6 look at the Stonewall Riots in New York and the impact they had on the LGBTQ+ community. This included learning about key figures, such as Marsha. P. Johnson and Brenda Howard. We also learned about the history of 'Pride' and how different countries celebrate this. It has been a very interesting unit of work and we have enjoyed looking at and celebrating our differences.

Year 6 - DT: making pizzas

Date: 22nd Feb 2024 @ 8:43pm

What a great day we had in Year 6 today! Over the last couple of days we have been researching pizzas and looking at recipes in order to design our own pizza. Today we worked in groups and pairs to make from scratch the pizza dough and the sauce. We then split the dough into equal parts and rolled/stretched it out to create a thin base. Once this was done, we added the sauce and then picked a range of different toppings to add. We were very impressed with the results and they tasted amazing!! We are going to evaluate our pizzas tomorrow and say what we liked about our prodct and what we would add/change. 

Year 6 - Book Banter

Date: 20th Feb 2024 @ 7:38am

Today Oak class had their first 'Book Banter' session. The purpose of these weekly sessions is to allow children to discuss books with the class and promote their love of reading. We will also talk about authors, characters and themes across books. We are looking forward to sharing our love of reading with each other.

Year 6 - Reading written French

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 2:59pm

Year 6 ended their French unit, Les Vikings, by writing a description of a Viking using everthing they have learned over the last few weeks. They then practiced reading them out loud using their French phonic knowledge to perfect their pronunciation. 

Year 6 - Magistrates Visit

Date: 6th Feb 2024 @ 3:45pm

Today we were visited by local magistrates who told us all about their jobs and how they play integral roles in the court system. We then took part in a mock trial, which centred around a case of online bullying. Children were given roles to play and words to read out, these included prosecution, defence, judge, victim, court usher and witnesses. The children really got a feel for what goes on in a courtroom and some of us are even considering future careers!

Year 6 - RE

Date: 6th Feb 2024 @ 3:36pm

In RE today we finished out unit on Christianity by considering the questions 'How have we changed so far in our lives? How might we change in the future?' We also discussed where we can look for help and guidance as we grow up.

Year 6 - Working Scientifically

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 3:05pm

In Science this week we have planned and set up an investigation into mould growth on bread. We chose to wipe hands on different slices of bread with different cleaning products on the hands. We had to have a control slice of bread where nothing at all was put on it. This is so that we can compare all the slices of bread to it at the end of the investigation. The other 4 slices of bread were:

Dirty hands

Hands cleaned with soap and water

Hands cleaned with hand sanitiser

Hands cleaned with an alcohol wipe

We will observe any changes to the bread over a 2-week period. Come back to see the conclusion to our fair test...

Year 6 - Gymnastics

Date: 30th Jan 2024 @ 2:43pm

In Gymnastics this week we began by recapping on the basic body shapes the children have practised over the years. We then discussed the terms counter-tension and counter balance. Our lesson involved creating different balances on a variety of points and patches. We developed a sequence of balances and linked each balance with a travel or transition.

Year 6 - Describing hair in French

Date: 25th Jan 2024 @ 6:14pm

In our French lesson this week we have been learning how to describe hair by colour, length and style. After learning the correct vocabulary, we played a game of French 'Guess Who'. We then described our own hair to each other. The children worked really hard and used their knowledge of French phonics to perfect their pronunciation. 

Year 6 - Primary Futures event

Date: 23rd Jan 2024 @ 1:32pm

On Friday, Year 6 were involved in a Primary Futures event based around guessing 4 people's jobs. We were tasked with picking a set of 5 questions to ask the people about their jobs and had to guess what they did for a living at the end. Our 5 questions were:

Can you do your job from home?
Did you need to go to university for your job?
Do you ever get to travel at your job?
Is there a lot of writing involved in your job?
Do you work with children?
With extra clues given, we worked out that the first jobs were:
Working on the trams
Working for BBC Sport
Working in marketing
Working in a digital role in the NHS
It was a thoroughly enjoyable session in which we were exposed to a range of different jobs we could have when we are older.

Year 6 - Viking artefacts

Date: 22nd Jan 2024 @ 7:31pm

In History today we explored how recent excavations can help us to change the way we viewed the Vikings. We learned that they were skilled craftsmen, who were able to make items such as weapons, clothes and jewellery. We also learned about the excavaiton in \york in 1978 that led to the discovery of a whole Viking settlement right under the streets of the city. We were then given the opportunity to look at a range of replica artefacts and discuss what they told us about the Vikings.

Year 6 SATs meeting 18.1.2024

Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 3:33pm

Please read the slides below for key information about the 2024 Year 6 SATs.

Year 6 - Digital Literacy No Pen Morning

Date: 16th Jan 2024 @ 1:26pm

Our No Pen Morning focused on digital literacy. We began by completing a skills session. We recapped on how to change the font, size of font, colour and background before learning how to add pictures and change the transition of slides. We then moved on to typing skills. We talked about why it is important to be able to type accurately and quickly. The children enjoyed our typing completion. We finished by completing a PSHE lesson about images we see on line and how it may affect how we feel about ourselves. 

Year 6 - Fire Service Road Safety Visit

Date: 16th Jan 2024 @ 8:36am

Year 6 had a visit from Blackpool Fire Service, who talked to the children about road safety. This tied in nicely with our school Road Safety Week. We discussed how to travel safely by foot, on a bike and in a car - especially important for the Year 6 children who will be starting high school in September. The Fire Service also taught the children about fire safety. Thanks to Luke and Chris for talking to the children. 

Year 6 - Les Vikings

Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 2:44pm

This half term our French unit is 'Les Vikings' and runs alongside our Viking history unit. We started by using our knowledge of familiar language and cognates to translate several passages of French into English. We used French dictionaries to look up the meaning of any words we did not know. We then completed a short listening activity where we had to insert words from the spoken passage into a written paragraph. Throughout the unit we will be learning a song 'Nous Sommes Les Vikings' (We are the Vikings).

Year 6 - The Vikings

Date: 10th Jan 2024 @ 3:46pm

Today we began our new History unit of Vikings. We began by having a whole class flashback on what the children have already covered during their time in Boundary. We ordered a range of periods of time and key dates in Blackpool history, using lots of oracy and discussion. We then had a quick introduction to who the Vikings were, where they came from and why they came to Britain.

Year 6 - Textiles (felt mobile phone cases)

Date: 21st Dec 2023 @ 3:38pm

This week we have carried out a full journey of textiles. We began with discussing what we already knew about sewing and textiles and discussed key vocabulary. We then began looking at felt products that already exist and evaluating them. We then practised a range of stitches using Binca - we practised running stitch, back stitch, over stich and blanket stitch. After that, we planned and designed our own mobile phone cases using an agreed success criteria. To ensure our plan was effective, we created a prototype and then evaulated the product so that changes could be made if needed. Finally, we made our final product.

Year 6 - Graphic Design

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 10:57am

Year 6 have produced some amazing packaging as part of their graphic design art journey. After studying graphic design and looking at existing packaging, we learned about typography and the different fonts used on products. We then created out own packaging using the original as inspiration. We used differnet techniques including collaging. 

Year 6 - Final Forest School

Date: 15th Dec 2023 @ 7:47am

Year 6 completed their final ever Forest School session at Boundary by putting all the skills they had learned over the years into practice. They built camp fires and cooked their very own pizzas. It was a lovely sessions and the weather was very kind to us. 

Year 6 - Art

Date: 14th Dec 2023 @ 12:56pm

Today we began our Art journey of graphic design. By the end of the unit we will turn 2D drawings into 3D models based on food packaging. Today we looked at what graphic design is and how companies employ graphic designers to create appealing packages to appeal to consumers. We also looked at how typography is used to make words stand out and changing the style of letters will add an extra layer to the overall design.

Year 6 - French Verbs

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 2:26pm

Year 6 have worked really hard in our French sessions this half term. They have learned the personal pronouns in French and how to conjugate a verb. We have improved our dictionary skills by finding infinitve verbs and their meanings and finished our journey by learning about the four common irregular verbs. 

Year 6 - Forest School (Indoors!)

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 2:01pm

The awful weather conditions did not stop Year 6 enjoying their Forest School sessions this week. Instead of using our Forest School area, we brought the activities inside. The children started the session by foraging for resources to make Christmas crafts and decorations. They learned skills including splitting wood and bending willow to make their own creations.

Contact Us

Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust