Year 6: Blog items
Date: 19th Jul 2024 @ 10:32am
Our Year 6 Disco went down a treat with the children! A perfect way to celebrate a great year and to say goodbye to each other.
Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 2:57pm
Today we had a visit from a local farm and we had a great time. We got to see and pet a range of farm animals: goats, sheep, cows, chickens, rabbits and a pig! We were told how to safely pet/handle the animals and were allowed to groom and brush some of them.
Boundary Choral Speaking competition
Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 2:46pm
This week we held our annual Choral Speaking competition. From Reception to Year 6, year groups learned poems by heart and performed them to the rest of the school. Once again, the standard was extremely high and we are proud of all the children for taking part. This year's winners are Year 3, who will represent Boundary at the Blackpool Choral Speaking competition on Friday.
Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 7:58am
For Year 6's Heritage Day we looked at the history of LGBTQ+ in the town and how Basil Newby has played such an influential role in the growth of the town.
Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 7:43am
Today we were visited by the coastguards who gave us a talk on water safety and how to stay safe when we are at the beach. Advice included what to do if we find ourselves in trouble in the water and what to do if someone we are with finds themselves in trouble.
Date: 27th Jun 2024 @ 3:40pm
Year 6 have really enjoyed their latest Geography unit - a local area study of Blackpool. We have learned how our town and region fit into the wider world, identified key physical and human geographical features on maps and asked how our region might meet the needs of people. Finally, we used field work to answer the question: Is Blackpool still a fit place for people? The children produced some excellent work and were really inetested in finding out more about where they live.
Date: 26th Jun 2024 @ 1:27pm
Year 6 had a great afternoon of sport. The sun was shining and everyone had a super time. Events included archery, obstacle races, hockey dribbling and speed bounce. The event was well attended by parents and carers. Thank you to Mrs. Webster for organising sunch a great event.
Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 2:43pm
We had a great day learning about mark making and different shading techniques. We practised techniques in our sketch books before creating a self portrait.
Date: 18th Jun 2024 @ 2:27pm
Year 6 had a great session this morning learning how to ride a skateboard. The session covered safety, how to stand, ride in a straight line, turn and we evenb attempted a trick or two!
Date: 17th Jun 2024 @ 4:06pm
We continued our 'Mechanical Systems' unit by finding our more about pulleys and gears. We learned how pulleys an gears can be used in mechanical systems before experimenting making different gear chains. We also made pulleys from wooden dowel and cotton reels.
Year 6 Computing - Variables in Games
Date: 12th Jun 2024 @ 4:06pm
Today we began our coding unit of variable in games. We used Scratch to code different sprites to either increase or decrease in value when clicked. Some of us went further and added backdrops and sound.
Year 6 visit to Manchester Museum
Date: 12th Jun 2024 @ 8:09am
Today Year 6 visited Manchester Museum. There were lots of different areas to explore, including Ancient Egypt, Fossils, The Natural World and Ancient Asia. We were able to link our learning in Science to the fossil and dinosaur section as well as looking at how animals and plants have evolved over time. We had a great time and learned lots.
Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 8:43am
Our French topic this half term has been 'Le Weekend' (The Weekend). We learned how to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes in French before learning ten phrases for the activities we may do. After learning opinion phrases, we then constructed longer sentences and paragraphs to describe the weekend. We used French dictionaries to check unfamiliar words.
Year 6 - Barclays Life Skills Workshop
Date: 20th May 2024 @ 11:40am
We were lucky to receive a visit from Elini, who delivered a Barclays life skill work shop on the subject of safe and sensible spending. The session focussed on how to keep money safe and introduced specific terminology such as fraud and scam. We then went on to look in detail at an email and identifed things to look out for if it was fraud or a scam. Finally we moved on to look at sensible spending including budgeting and saving.
Date: 17th May 2024 @ 11:46am
Year 6 - we are SO proud of the effort, determination and resilience shown during SATs week, we could not be more proud of you!
Date: 10th May 2024 @ 11:34am
After working so hard all week revising for SATs, we had a relaxing yoga session to calm our minds before the weekend. We practised all the poses that we had learned, including the downward dog and childs pose before putting them together in a routine.
Year 6 - Mental Health Awareness Week
Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 12:50pm
This week, Boundary have been holding their own Mental Health Awareness week. One thing we have discussed is how exercise and movement can boost your mood. We all made sure we moved for the whole break time, with many of us running around the playground - including Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. Jones!!
Date: 2nd May 2024 @ 2:06pm
Today, Year 6 took part in a live webinar centred around SATs and how to deal with any stress or anxiety we are feeling around our tests. We discussed the kind of feelings we might be having and how to deal with these. We were then introduced to the website 'Kooth', which has lots of advice and guidance for helping to improve our mental health.
Date: 1st May 2024 @ 9:35am
This morning the whole school was involved in a whole school assembly that centred around the religion of Hinduism. Our visitor - Krishna - gave us lots of background information about the religion, including the story of Rama and Sita and why oil lamps are lit. We also learned about each of the gods and the role they play. It was a very interesting and informative assembly.
Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 12:06pm
This week, Oak class have begun their new class novel of Wonder by R.J. Palacio. We don't want to give too much away so read the following blurb and see if it's something you'd like to read:
'My name is August. I won't describe what I look like. Whatever you're thinking, it's probably worse.'
Auggie wants to be an ordinary ten-year-old. He does ordinary things - eating ice cream, playing on his Xbox. He feels ordinary - inside. But ordinary kids don't make other ordinary kids run away screaming in playgrounds. Ordinary kids aren't stared at wherever they go.
Born with a terrible facial abnormality, Auggie has been home-schooled by his parents his whole life. Now, for the first time, he's being sent to a real school - and he's dreading it. All he wants is to be accepted - but can he convince his new classmates that he's just like them, underneath it all?
Year 6 - Opinions about school subjects in French
Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 2:50pm
Year 6 continued their unit based on school subjects. After learning how to tell the time in French to the nearest hour, the children went on to create longer sentences which involved saying what day and time they study a particular subject. They also completed a listening activity which focused on children's opinions about school subjects. Everyone did really well.
Year 6 - Computing: 3D modelling
Date: 15th Apr 2024 @ 7:39pm
Today we started our 3D modelling unit using the website Tinkercad. Our first lesson was an opportunity to get to know how to add shapes to the workspace and how to change the size, shape, colour and position of a range ofshapes. We worked through a selectionof tutorial tasks to prepare for the next few sessions.
Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 3:39pm
Today we held out second Speling Bee of the year and it was another fantastic occasion. 4 children from each year group represented their house and were given three spellings each to spell out loud from a bank of words they have been learning since September. The competition was extremely close, with Rodwell and Elston finishing joint first as the children from these houses spelled all of their words correctly.
Well done to all of the children who took part today.
Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 3:29pm
Year 6 have had a great day today! We met Jam the T-Rex, learned about Mary Anning and what fossils can tell us about evolution and ended the day with a workshop where we learned how to create a green screen movie.
Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 2:52pm
In Reading into Writing we have begun writing narratives. We have begun with a short story based on the silent video 'Rock, Paper, Scissors.' Our task was to write the conversations that we thought would occur between the three main characters. We also added description throughout our stories to bring both characters and settings to life.