Year 4: Blog items

Year 4 - Acting from a filmscript

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 10:15am

In Reading into Writing we have been looking at playscripts and filmscripts. Today we had a go at acting out part of the filmscript from Arthur Christmas.

Year 4 - Most effective toothpaste

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 8:50am

This week we tested which the most effective toothpaste is. We observe how damaged egg shells (representing our teeth enamel) were after leaving them in white vinegar for 24 hours. We had one control egg, one egg covered in children's toothpaste, one egg covered in a toothpaste which cost £1 and one egg covered in a toothpaste which cost £5. Which do you think was the most effective? Ask a Year 4 child for the answer!

Year 4 - Starting a sequence

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 8:46am

After learning new rolls and jumps (pike, straddle and forward straddle), we have started to look at how we can put them into a sequence ready to perform to the rest of the class.

Year 4 - Retouching

Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 2:12pm

Today we recapped what the internet is. Then we used our previously learnt image editing skills such as cropping and cloning to retouch images.

Year 4 - Digestive System

Date: 20th Nov 2023 @ 8:31pm

Last week, we were introduced to the digestive system. Using our new knowledge, today we made our own digestive system to represent what it's like inside our bodies.

Year 4 - Eid Al-Fitr research

Date: 20th Nov 2023 @ 1:44pm

In RE we are learning about Islam. Today, we researched more about Eid Al-Fitr. We found out lots of information about Eid from around the classroom and then we used all the information we gathered as a table to make a Google Slide. This gave us chance to practise our digital literacy skills too.

Year 4 - Storytelling through drawing

Date: 14th Nov 2023 @ 3:01pm

Today we practised the medium of charcoal. We did some mark making first, then we set scenes to draw.

Year 4 - More Reading Champions!

Date: 14th Nov 2023 @ 2:57pm

We have three more Reading Champions in Maple class this week ! Well done you three.

Year 4 - Anti Bullying Week

Date: 13th Nov 2023 @ 8:52pm

Our focus this Anti-Bullying Week was : To know how bullying takes place within a group and the different roles people play.

In the morning, we took part in the BBC's Live Lesson.

Then, in the afternoon, we used resources from the Anti-Bullying Alliance's website to look at and discuss the roles that are involved in bullying. We looked at different scenarios and discussed who was playing which role and how the scenarios could be handled.

To finish the day, in our odd socks, we listened to a Now, Press, Play experience based on Anti-Bullying Week where numerous scenarios played out and we got to hear and feel how the characters were thinking and feeling.

Year 4- Keeping Teeth Healthy

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 4:42pm

This half-term, Year 4 our topic in science is Animals including Humans. Over the past couple of weeks, we have been looking at the functions of each one of our teeth. After this, we modelled our own teeth using playdough. We have also looked at why it is important that we brush our teeth twice a day. To test why we need to do this, we put 6 eggs into a range of different liquids and observed what happened to their shells. We found that the driinks with the most sugar caused the egg shells to decay and discolour. This showed us that too many sugary drinks can damage our teeth. 

Year 4 - Remembrance poppies

Date: 9th Nov 2023 @ 9:05am

In preparation for Remembrance Day over the weekend, we have been busy doing an art activitiy to make poppy art. We have spoken about why we celebrate Remembrance Day and practise a new medium using clay in art. Year 3 created the background of our clay art using charcoal. We have also been looking at some famous Remembrance poems and some children have used their best handwriting to rewrite them.

Year 4 - Visual Notes

Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 2:12pm

Today we started our Storytelling through Drawing pathway. We research by ourselves using our digital literacy skills on the laptops about two illustrators called Laura Carlin and Shaun Tan. We then used all the research we found to make visual notes about one of the artists in our sketchbook.

Year 4 - Gymnastics

Date: 30th Oct 2023 @ 8:40pm

This half term, we are doing Gymnastics during our in school PE lesson with Miss Crystal and Miss Bates. During our first lesson, after a stretching warm up, we focused on how to safely complete a jump and we recapped previous jumps we have learned such as a star jump. Today, we looked at a straddle jump, pike jump and half turn.

Year 4- Laurel's Reading Champions

Date: 30th Oct 2023 @ 7:54pm

Well done to the first Reading Champions in Laurel Class! They have been reading at home at least 3 times a week and accessed Reading Plus for at least 30 minutes. We are excited to see who our next Reading Champions will be. 

Year 4 - Final Products

Date: 30th Oct 2023 @ 10:19am

We finished our Christmas cards for The Card Factory! We designed them on laptops and made them move using a lever mechanism.

Year 4- Core Vocabulary and Phonetics

Date: 18th Oct 2023 @ 4:25pm

This half-term, Year 4 have been recapping core vocabulary from Year 3 such as numbers to 20, colours, days of the week, days of the month and months of the year. We have also learnt the essential French sounds and vowels. We have recapped and practised these sounds and words through a range of methods. For example, we used a song to recap the days of the week. We are looking forward to becoming more confident with our French speaking next half-term!

Year 4 - Another Reading Champion!!

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 10:56am

Well done to another Reading Champion in Maple class! 


We have lots of children reading their reading books at least 3 times a week, but you MUST be going on Reading Plus for at least 30 minutes!

Year 4 - What did the Romans do for us?

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 10:23am

During No Pen Morning, we investigated what legacies the Romans left behind. We were tasked with finding two red herrings in our investigating too. We couldn't believe how much the Romans brought to Britain during their time here and what we still use today!

Year 4 - The Water Cycle

Date: 16th Oct 2023 @ 9:54pm

Over the last few weeks, we have been putting all of our States of Matter knowledge together to learn about The Water Cycle. We created a model of the cycle in class then we used our knowledge to write a story about 'Robbie the rainddrop' and his journey around The Water Cycle.

Year 4- Black History Month

Date: 16th Oct 2023 @ 9:35pm

Over the last couple of weeks, Year 4 have been celebrating Black History Month in our PSHE and Reading into Writing lessons. This year, the main theme of Black History Month is 'Celebrating our Sisters.' Furthermore, our year group focus was sporting achievements. Therefore, in PSHE, we researched a range of Black British Women athletes who have made a significant impact on the sporting industry. We then used this to create our own artwork. This allowed us to discuss key words, such as diversity and culture, and emphasise the importance of appreciating similarities and differences between everyone. 

In Reading into Writing, we have been working towards writing a non-chronological report about Lauren James. Firstly, we looked at some existing non-chonological reports about Lauren James before researching interesting facts about her early life and football career, including her biggest achievements. After this, we collated these facts into our own non-chronological reports. 

We have found it very interesting to learn about all of the incredible Black British athletes and their amazing achivements and impact they have had on our history.

Year 4 - Maple's Reading Champions

Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 9:16am

We are so proud of our first Reading Champions in Maple Class! They have read every day and accessed Reading Plus for at least 30 minutes a week. Between them, they have ready over 10 books since we came back to school in September.

Year 4 RE- What does love your neighbour really mean?

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 8:01pm

This half-term, we have been investigating the key question 'What does love your neighbour really mean?' 

We have been discussing how important messages and guidance are passed on through stories and parables. We have also looked at the morals of these parables and how these teachings help to guide Christians in their daily lives.

In one of our lessons, we discussed how Christian charities show a selfless love of others and have researched the work that they do to help people in need.

We have also talked about how Christians show a love for their neighbour and how this message can pass onto future generations through messages and quotes from the Bible. 

Year 4- Spelling Bee

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 7:25pm

This week, we have held our first Spelling Bee of the year. Four children from each year group were selected to represent their house. They were each given three words to spell from our 3/4 statutory spelling words.

We are extremel proud of the children in Year 4 who represented our year group and their houses. They got all of their spellings correct which shows hard work and dedication to learning their spellings. Well done!

Spelling Bee

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 11:49am

We have held our first Spelling Bee of the year and what a wonderful event it was! 4 children in each year group represented their house and were given three words to spell from over a list of 30 possible words. Every child showed courage and determination when it came to spelling their words. It was a very close contest, with Chepstow winning overall with 15 out of 15. We are very proud of all the children who represented their house and are looking forward to the next one.

Year 4 - Aspire Trip

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 10:36am

WOW! What a great trip to Aspire this morning. We learned how to be safe when using bunsen burners to heat up water and produce steam. We changed a liquid to a gas.

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