Year 3: Blog items

BLT Summer 2 2021

Date: 6th Jun 2021 @ 6:38pm

Shell Structures for Design Technology

Date: 19th May 2021 @ 4:36pm

For our Design Technology day we created our own Shell Structures, after looking at the nets of many different existing product packagings. 

Our design brief was to create a lunch box suitable for a Year 3 pupil to take out to a picnic that could carry food. Although we had to create our models in card and paper, we discussed how it would be better for them to be made in plastic so they would be more durable but less eco friendly as plastic pollution is a big problem for the planet. 

We discussed how the existing products we had looked at were made from recycleable materials and we used recycled card in our final designs. We found the recycle symbols on most of our existing products. 

We completed our designs, made our prototypes and refined our ideas before creating our final product in card. We also learned how to strengthen and stiffen materials using laminating, tubes and corrugation. We had to cut and glue carefully once we had put our bold designs onto our structures. It was very fiddly and tricky but we showed resilience. 

Year Three are enjoying their lessons from the Royal Ballet School!

Date: 17th May 2021 @ 9:24pm

Although Boundary Primary School have been part of the Royal Ballet Scheme for some time, last week was the first face to face lesson for Year Three after lots of virtual lessons. The children learnt  a great deal from their teachers, 'Sarah and Rob' and are really looking forward to their next lesson. We also have a number of children in Years Four, Five and Six who are participating in the Royal Ballet scheme and they too are enjoying face to face lessons after months of lessons on Zoom.

Printing like Mondrian

Date: 17th May 2021 @ 3:28pm

Last week we learned about Piet Mondrian and Andy Warhol who are famous artists from History. We understood that they created different types of prints, so we took inspiration from this to create our own. We designed our printing blocks, and used primary and secondary colours to create simple and then repeating patterns. It was very tricky to carve our design using straight lines into the lino block, but we persevered (with help)! We loved our final designs and thought that the lines stood out really clearly!

Mental Health Awareness Week - Nature

Date: 12th May 2021 @ 8:25am

This week we got out into Nature and took notice of the world around us! We listened to the birds, smelled the grass and touched the grass whilst also noticing the wonder of nature. This was to help calm us down and give us som strategies to help improve our mental health. We also understood the 5 important things we can keep doing to help ourselves feel more resilient: Connecting with others, staying active, keeping learning, taking notice and giving of our time. 

Take 10 for Reading!

Date: 10th May 2021 @ 4:19pm

Today we enjoyed learning about Anthony Horowitz's reading experiences and then had 10 minutes in class reading our own books! It was relaxing but we also practised our reading skills!

RE - Learning about Christianity

Date: 10th May 2021 @ 4:08pm

We have been learning about Christianity in RE this half term and the old and new testament. We have learnt about the story Noah and his Ark, we have also thought about people in our lives who we look up to and should follow. We had to work as a team for this task to match the words and their definitions. 

Turning Negatives to Positives!

Date: 5th May 2021 @ 7:14pm

We have been busy over the past few weeks thinking about Healthy lifestyles. During DT day, we learned about making a healthy tortilla pin wheel using different ingredients; we learned about eating food in moderation and having lots of fruit and vegetables for the vitamins and minerals they give our bodies! 

We also talked about having a healthy balance of work and play for our mental health, doing exercise and some mindfulness, having positive self-talk and resilience. We talked about turning the negatives into positives and how we can make sure that we appreciate and know what we are good at. For example

Samba Rhythms

Date: 4th May 2021 @ 4:35pm

Today we practised using the Samba instruments to create rhythms and played them together. We needed to keep the tempo the same and listen to each other to perform well. We then swapped instruments and played a different beat. Although the dynamics of the room were loud, the beat and tempo were consistent and we worked well as a team. 

Fabulous Food - Tortilla Pin Wheels

Date: 28th Apr 2021 @ 4:12pm

Today we learnt about healthy eating and having a balanced diet in moderation. We created our own Vegetarian Tortilla Pinwheels which could be used for the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony party. First we looked at lots of different images and designs to find out what the pinwheels needed to be like - their shape, colour and ingredients. Then we taste tested the ingredients to find out which we liked and disliked. We designed our pinwheels and thought about how we need a variety of foods to be healthy from a range of food groups. Then we carefully and hygienically prepared the ingredients in the kitchen before we constructed our pinwheels. Finally we evaluated them to see if they were tasty and if we had been successful! 

Recording the Results of our Plant Investigation

Date: 26th Apr 2021 @ 4:11pm

This week we looked closely at our plants and discovered what they actually need to grow. We put one in the cupboard so it had no light, one in the fridge so it had a low temperature and one plant didn't give any water to. It was clear to see that the plant that suffered most had had no water. We discovered that it was most important to give plants water because the plants can survive for a while without heat or light. 

We also observed how seeds germinated with just water and warm in the cups - the mustard seeds and broad beans started to sprout and grow! 

Challenge 100 for Captain Tom

Date: 26th Apr 2021 @ 8:24am

This week we remembered Captain Sir Tom Moore and how much he fundraised for the NHS by completing 100 laps of his garden. He was inspirational and embodied the British Values and fighting spirit throughout the Covid Pandemic. We completed our own Challenge 100, by doing 100 of anything. 

In Forest school some people collected 100 flowers or pinecones, did 100 star jumps, built their own tower and completed 100 leaps! Some people even made 100 sparks! 

Keeping Active

Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 8:35pm

In PE we are focusing on our under and over arm throwing skills before we do some rounders games! We have also been practising our gymnastic skills - rolls, travels, balances and jumps with control. Everyday we have also been trying to contribute to the Road to Tokyo and complete the Boundary Mile at break and lunch time to make sure we are keeping fit and active. We're working as a team to make sure we get to the Olympics!

No Pencil but lots of fun!

Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 3:07pm

Today we had no pen day at school! 

For Maths, we cut our whole piece of paper into different fractions, including

Fabulous Forest School!

Date: 15th Apr 2021 @ 7:23pm

This week we had our first Forest School session and it was brilliant! The sun was shining and we had all remembered our outdoor clothes. We saw some tadpoles in the ponds, which we also filled up with water. We ate pineapple and we did some natural painting with berries. Some of us dug some holes and some of us started to make sparks to light small fires. 

BLT Summer 1 2021

Date: 14th Apr 2021 @ 4:36pm

Topic Overview Summer 1 2021

Date: 14th Apr 2021 @ 4:35pm

Parts of the Plant!

Date: 12th Apr 2021 @ 4:52pm

We started this half term by learning about the different parts of the plant. We went outside and dissected some carnations and dandelions to find the stem, leaves, root and flower and talked about the different jobs that each of them did. 

PacMan PE session with Mr. Williams

Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 1:59pm

Mr Williams came to school and we enjoyed a sunny morning of outdoor sports. We increased our heart rates and got warm doing lots of running, including 'everybody's on tig' and 'Pacman' which included people tigging each other by throwing a bib, then making a bridge with our body. All of this exercise contributed to our 'Road to Tokyo' goal for Boundary!

We have also been doing the Boundary Mile everyday to get us closer to the Olympics in Tokyo!

Houses through History

Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 1:56pm

We have been learning about how houses have changed throughout history from the Anglo Saxon period to the Modern Day. We talked about the changes in the use of materials and how the Great Fire of London affected the building rules. We discussed how in the olden days, toilets were outside, but in modern times we have them inside our hosue. We have looked a range of sources and pictures to investigate changes over times, including maps which showed the changing layouts of the towns. 

The Dot inspired Art

Date: 29th Mar 2021 @ 7:02pm

We watched this video called the Dot. 


Then we used our painting skills from Autumn term to create different colours and textures for our dotty abstract art. We used warm and cool colours to design different sized dots using different tools and technicues. Then we constructed our group artwork!

Fruits in French

Date: 22nd Mar 2021 @ 7:13pm

This half term we have been learning the names of different fruits in French. We have been combining this with the phrase 'I like' and 'I don't like' in French which is J'aime and Je n'aime pas. We have been practising our speaking and listening each week and learning some of the spellings.

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

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Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust