Year 2: Blog items
Date: 28th Mar 2025 @ 10:30am
Today we held our second Spelling Bee of the school year. 4 children were chosen from each group to represent their house and were given 3 spellings each. They have been learning these words over the last few weeks and we could all tell. The children did brilliantly and did themselves (and their house) proud. We are already looking forward to the final Spelling Bee in the Summer term.
Date: 25th Mar 2025 @ 3:32pm
Today we enjoyed our final Forest school session of the year. We explored the areas, built some dens, looked at the frog spawn and continued emptying the pond. Finally, we used the firefighters to create some sparks so we could toast marshmallows and make smores.
Year 2- Science and Geography Day!
Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 4:10pm
When Science and Geography come together…
Wow, what an amazing day we have had at Boundary today as we had a very special visit from Thomas, the Gorilla, and some of his rainforest friends. We started the day meeting Thomas and learning all about his habitat in the rainforest. We were shocked to hear about the impact human behaviour has on our world and Thomas’ home.
The morning was filled with utter excitement as we got the opportunity to meet an adorable baby Sloth and Cherokee and we learnt about how they adapt to their environments and the problems that they overcome.
We then focused on the rainforest, looking at the animals that live there and the plants that grow. We worked in teams to research different aspects of the rainforest and then used our oracy skills to present to the class, teaching them about our focus area.
Date: 17th Mar 2025 @ 2:45pm
Today, we enjoyed having our parents come and join us in the classroom. We embedded our knowledge of riddles by answering some riddles that gave us the locations to the jigsaw pieces that we needed to accurately put together the world map to recap our Geography knowledge from our continents and oceans unit. Once we had successfully completed the puzzle, we accurately labelled the continents and oceans. Thank you to the parents who came, it was great to share our learning with you!
Date: 11th Mar 2025 @ 8:09am
Today, Year Two enjoyed a fantastic visit to the zoo. We looked at the different animals enclosures for what things they have to meet their needs of survival as well as exploring their habitats for adaptations to help them. We were lucky enough to see some baby animals including the Orangutans and looked at how they differed from their adult. We also loved watching the sea lion show and watching all of their amazing tricks. We had a fabulous time!
Date: 11th Mar 2025 @ 8:05am
Today, we had the pleasure of Noor Fatima bringing in her prayer mat and prayer beads to show the class. It was such a lovely addition to our lessons! We have been learning all about Islam, and Noor was eager to share her faith with her classmates. She explained the significance of each item, and it really opened up an important discussion about different cultural practices.
Not only that, but she also crafted a model of the Kaaba, the cubed structure in Mecca that holds great significance for Muslims. It was impressive to see her creativity and effort! The children were thoroughly engaged and curious, asking questions and sharing their thoughts.
What a wonderful experience for her to share her beliefs and values with everyone! It truly enriched our understanding and appreciation of different cultures and religions. Thank you, Noor Fatima, for such a meaningful contribution!
Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 7:33am
Yesterday, we enjoyed our second Forest school session. We began by looking around the area for blackthorn trees so we knew where to be careful before we used the equipment to build some dens. Some of us helped clear out the pond area and helped to dig some of it out to try and make it deeper so the frogs will have a better habitat.
Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 1:57pm
How incredible do we all look?! What a turn out for World Book Day 2025. Today we all dressed as our favourite book characters. We used our oracy skills to talk about who we were and why we picked our character. We then solved some book themed riddles and wrote our own riddle about our character.
Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 6:00pm
Today, Eshal was so excited to share her religion with the class! Since we’ve been learning about Islam in R.E., she brought in some special items she uses during her prayer ceremonies. Eshal unveiled her beautiful prayer mat, showed us her prayer beads, explaining their significance and shared the Kida that she reads daily. She even demonstrated how she performs her prayers, inviting us to ask questions throughout. It was lovely to see her enthusiasm as she described the importance of her faith and the way she connects with it daily. The whole class really enjoyed her sharing her religion and can’t wait to learn more about it over the next few weeks!
Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 8:10am
Yesterday, we had our first forest school session of the Spring term. Whilst in the forest school area, we went searching for worms in the area as well as other bugs that were out there and discussed how the conditions were right for their survival.
Year 2- Exploring Moving Vehicles
Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 8:10am
This week we started our new Design Technology unit of Moving Vehicles. To begin any unit we explore products that are already out there so we looked at different moving vehicles and explored how they move. We learnt they have wheels and axles to allow them to move and will use this knowledge in future lessons to help us when making our own.
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 4:43pm
Today, Year Two celebrated safer internet day. After an assembly, where we learnt about what a scam is we put our knowledge to the test in class. We discussed the ways we use the internet and who is actually in charge of putting things on the internet. When we realised anyone can put anything on the internet we found it a lot less trustworthy. We focused on what information we should never share online and what to do if something make us feel uncomfortable online. Lastly, we thought about who our trusted adults are and the signs to look out for.
Date: 10th Feb 2025 @ 3:58pm
To celebrate the 100th day at school, we listened to the story, ‘How many jelly beans’ in assembly.
In class we used jelly beans to represent a number in 4 different ways, each coloured jelly bean represented a different value. We had a great time making our number in lots of different ways represented by jelly beans.
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 4:28pm
This week is RSE week. Our theme for RSE in Year 2 is differences. We started the journey by looking looking at differences between us and the people around us. We then looked at stereotypes and thought about whether gender really matters when it comes down to our likes and dislikes. We then moved on to looking at differences when it comes to male and female body parts. We learnt the scientific names for body parts and dicussed why it is important to know these. Finally, we look at the differences between male and female animals and how baby animals are fed.
Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 3:40pm
This half term, Year Two have completed the Yoga unit 'I am super'. We have thought about how our body feels during certain movements and how to feel strong and powerful. We concentrated on improving our balance during the different poses and being as still as possible whilst breathing steadily.
Year 1 and Year 2 Colouring Club
Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 3:39pm
This half term, some children from Year 1 and Year 2 have enjoyed coming to colouring club. We have completed lots of different colouring tasks, including mindfulness colouring and colouring to music.
Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 4:06pm
We have been learning about Hindu Dharma this half term in Year 2, and today Birch Class had the absolute pleasure of welcoming a member of our class who shared her religious traditions as a Hindu. She brought in some beautiful Murtis from her home shrine to help explain who she worships at home. It was so fascinating to hear about her beliefs and the significance of the Murtis in her family’s practices. The children had a fantastic morning filled with cultural exchange!
Date: 28th Jan 2025 @ 4:17pm
Today, we used our knowledge of simple circuits to predict whether a light bulb will light thinking about what was included in the circuit and the role they had.
Date: 28th Jan 2025 @ 8:15am
This week we went up to the library, we read a story as a class before we all chose a book to bring back to class and enjoy.
Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 2:43pm
Today we were lucky enough to start the day off with a fantastic performance from Travelling by Tuba. They took us on a journey around the world, showing us instruments from around the world and explaining the history of instruments and how theyhave developed into what we have today.
We then attended a workshop with Travelling by Tuba where we were all given an instrument to learn how to play. We all learnt our set rhythm and came together as an ensemble to perform our piece. We had a fantastic day linking Music, History and Geography!
Dan Worsley's Storytelling Assembly
Date: 21st Jan 2025 @ 8:03pm
Today the children in EYFS and Key Stage one participated in a special storytelling assembly led by one of our school's favourite author's Dan Worsley. During the assembly, Dan put on the superpowered storytelling waistcoat and used a variety of props to perform one of his weird and wacky ‘Impossible Tales’. The children were engrossed while Dan took them on an adventure meeting the 'Boss Pirate' and enjoyed thoroughly enjoyed participating at different of the story . All the children listened carefully and were an absolute credit to Boundary.
Year 2- A visit from Dan Worsley
Date: 21st Jan 2025 @ 4:17pm
Today, after a story telling assembly, we were joined in class by author Dan Worsley who worked with us with our descriptive writing. We came up with our own penguin character, taking inspiration from 'And Tango Makes Three' and used adjectives and similes to describe it. Some of us even got to put on Dan's special story telling jacket and share our ideas with the class.
Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 9:01am
Today, we used lots of different things we would find in nature such as leaves, flowers and rocks to create our own patterns. We thought carefully about lines we wanted to create and different shapes we could make by pulling things apart and changing them.
Date: 13th Jan 2025 @ 3:55pm
Today, we continued our Maths unit of shape by using our knowledge of the sides and vertices on 2D shapes to draw them accurately. We used the geoboards to help us make the shapes as regular as we could before drawing them in our books.
Year 2- Where in the world am I?
Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 9:20am
This week, we began our new Geography unit 'Continents and Oceans'. We started by recapping our learning from Year 1 focusing on the United Kingdom before looking at Google Earth at where we are in the world. We started really small with us at school and kept zooming out to explore: which town we live in, the closest city to us, the county we live in, the country we live in, the continent we are in and finally which hemisphere of the globe. We loved looking at Google Earth and learning about our place in the world.