Reception: Blog items
Date: 25th Feb 2020 @ 2:10pm
Hurray for Pancake Day! The children were busy today and very excited because they were going to the kitchen to make pancakes! Here's how to make them :
"First you need to get the eggs, flour and milk" Connor
"Put them in the bowl" Lucas
"Mix them" Hanasa
"Put it in the frying pan to cook it" Elsie
"Mrs McAllister flipped it! " Lexiann
"Then it's ready to eat!" Rosalie
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 12:07pm
Reception have been busy exploring in the garden looking for signs of Spring. The children noticed how the garden was changing and new plants, flowers and leaves were beginning to grow.
"Look! I can see a yellow flower...I think it's called a daffodil". Jaz.
"These are growing too... these are smaller pink and purple flowers" Alexander.
Date: 13th Feb 2020 @ 9:59am
Holly class had a great time learning how to balance on a bike. They learnt about being safe, the parts of a bike and how to stop, go and park their bike.
Reception enjoying the climbing frames!
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 11:55am
Reception have enjoyed using the climbing frames during PE. The children demonstrated good co-ordination and control whilst climbing on the equipment, placing their feet on the bars to climb and holding some balances for some time. The children were able to jump off the equipments safetly, bending their needs to land.
Topic Overview Spring 2 2019/2020
Date: 26th Feb 2020 @ 3:50pm
Balance Bike Bonanza Willow Class!
Date: 29th Jan 2020 @ 12:01pm
This half term the children have enjoyed using the balance bikes. The children talked about the importance of wearing a helmet to keep them safe and identify and name the different parts of a bike. The instructors focused on teaching the children how to stop and start on a bike as well as them developing good balance and co-ordination whilst riding the bike. What great fun they had!
Year Group Newsletter Spring 2 2019/2020
Date: 25th Feb 2020 @ 7:44am
Date: 27th Jan 2020 @ 2:28pm
This week we have been talking about Chinese New Year. We have been discussing it's similarities and differences to festivals we celebrate. We enjoyed making Chinese lanterns and dragons, preparing our home corner for the new year by cleaning and decorating it, role playing in our Chinese restaurant, dragon dancing in the garden as well as completing lots of Chinese theme maths activities. What a great week we have had!
Date: 16th Dec 2019 @ 9:04pm
Today the children enjoyed having Christmas dinner. They took part in the Christmas traditions of pulling crackers, wearing festive jumpers, eating turkey and having fun with their friends. What a fabulous time everyone had!
Date: 13th Jan 2020 @ 8:50pm
This week the children in Holly Class had some icy surprises! The challenge was to get the objets out of the blocks of ice as quickly as possible but what would melt the ice the fastest? They used washing up liquid, sand paper, salt and warm water. We made our predictions and then set to work! We discovered that warm water melted the ice the quickest, correctly predicted by Hanasa, and sand paper and washing up liquid took the longest. The salt melted the ice almost as quickly as the warm water. Connor said, after predicting the salt would be the quickest, " I knew it was fast but warm water was quicker because it's warm".
"The ice is wet because it's melting" Kiera.
"When water is very cold it turns to ice" Lucas.
"The sun is warm and will melt ice" Mia
"The water in the tray is because the ice has melted" Rosalie.
Date: 10th Jan 2020 @ 8:32pm
Welcome back and look at our Winter Wonderland! Reception have been very busy learning about Winter, weather, snowmen and snowflakes- all through construction, art and design. We read Wintery stories and even wrote about what clothes would keep us warm in Winter, after sorting them into Summer and Winter clothes. Take a look at what we got up to...
Holly Class Forest School Fun!
Date: 18th Dec 2019 @ 8:19pm
It was a chilly afternoon but Holly Class need not worry- we made a fire to keep ourselves warm! How super exciting! We learnt about how to stay safe around a fire and were then able to toast marshmallows over it- we all agreed they tasted delicious, especially Mrs McAllister! Not only did we light a fire but we got to climb on planks over the mud and carry huge branches to make a den. It was a great way to end the half term before the Christmas holidays!
Christmas Parents Stay and Play!
Date: 19th Dec 2019 @ 8:11pm
Once again, the Reception parents and carers were invited in to school to look at all the fabulous learning the children had been doing over the last half term. The children were very excited to show their parents how they learn in class and had lots of fun teaching them how we learn hand writing, numbers and make Christmas crafts.
Christmas Parent Stay and Play
Date: 18th Dec 2019 @ 4:03pm
Once again, the Reception parent's were invited in to look at the children's fabulous learning. The children enjoyed showing off their work and teaching their parent's what they do at school.
Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 9:16am
Spring 1 Topic Overview 2019/2020
Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 9:14am
Date: 17th Dec 2019 @ 2:44pm
On Tuesday this week Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 performed their Nativity play in front of parents and carers. Reception performed 'The Wriggly Nativity' and Year 1 and Year 2 performed 'Miracle in Town'. Congratulations to our incredibly talented, confident and enthusiastic children who entertained us all with their singing, dancing and acting.
Everyone is different...but everyone is special!
Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 8:10pm
Today the children in reception celebrated odd socks day by wearing odd sock to school. We talked about how the children are similar and different and the children made some fantastic comments. We used mirrors to look at our faces and discussed our likes and dislikes. Here are some of the comments that the children made.
"Ihave brown hair but Jazmine's is yellow. It's different to mine"
"Some people have glasses to see but I don't need them"
"Mrs Farley is taller than Mrs Clark"
"Some people have brown skin but they are still my friend because they like batman like me"
"If your different it doesn't matter. If we looked the same you wouldn't know who we was"
The children then enjoyed collaging and painting their very own odd socks!
If you go down to the woods today...
Date: 25th Nov 2019 @ 11:50am may find Holly and Willow Class! On Tuesday and Wednesday, we travelled to Salisbury Woods to see what they looked like in Autumn. We noticed "lots of leaves everywhere" and they were "all different, yellow, brown and red".
It was a bit chilly but luckily there had been no rain so the leaves were dry and crispy and "crunched" under our feet- some were even falling from the trees as we walked! "The leaves have died and are falling off the trees!" said Lucas. We collected leaves to bring back to school to make leaf rattles and leaf printing.
There's no such thing as a Gruffalo!
Date: 18th Nov 2019 @ 11:41am
Or is there? The children in Reception have been reading the Gruffalo story and learning about what he looks like.They have been singing the Gruffalo song, making play dough models, painting pictures and role playing in the Gruffalo cafe. They also wrote lists of food the Gruffalo may like to eat.
"Orange eyes and a green wart at the end of his nose" Jaz.
"Purple prickles down his back" Kyril
"A black tongue and terrible teeth and terrible toes" Rose
"Knobbly knees" Tobias.
Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 8:07pm
It was a blustery day but the whole school remembered the fallen during a special Remembrance Service held outside the school, next to Boundary's Remembrance Garden. Prior to the service, Reception had been busy learning about why we wear poppies and had been involved in painting poppies, creating transient art poppies, collaging poppies and making poppy pictures on a light box. We had also taken part in the whole school art activity, attaching all our poppy art to the silhouette of a soldier which was then displayed in the hall.
Here are some photos of us planting poppies in the Boundary Remembrance Garden, creating a field of poppies on a light box and our display of artwork on our soldiers.
"We wear poppies to remember the soldiers who died" Rosalie.
Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 7:17pm
The children have been busy making fireworks using play dough, creating transient art pictures, collaging rockets and even doing firework maths! They were so excited and could not wait to tell us about their fun filled night watching fireworks, using sparklers and eating hotdogs with their friends and families!
"I saw a rocket shoot up in the air and then it went whoosh!" Mia.
"I held my sparkler safely" Elsie.
"I watched them with my mummy, daddy, Isaac and Finley" Lucas.
Date: 5th Nov 2019 @ 7:54pm
This week in Reception our classroom has been transformed! The home corner became a haunted house where we could dress up as our favourite characters and create our own spooky narratives. In the maths area we have been counting different halloween objects including pumpkins, ghosts, spiders, bats and skeletons and ordering number correctly up to 20. We have also been carving pumpkins and talking about different ways we have celebrated halloween with our family and friends. At the creative table we have been using our knowledge of collage to make our very own spiders. At the phonics table we have been scooping different objects our of the silly soup cauldron and writing the words out using our phonic knowledge. What a busy week we have had! Come and have a look at our learning!
Date: 28th Oct 2019 @ 1:57pm
Autumn 2 Topic Overview 2019/20
Date: 28th Oct 2019 @ 1:55pm