Reception: Blog items
One potato, two potato, three potato, four...
Date: 17th May 2021 @ 4:56pm
This week we have been planting potatoes in our outdoor area. We worked together, sharing the tools and helping each other dig the holes. It was a rainy day and we were very dirty when we had finished! In a few months time, with some sunshine and (more) rain, they should be ready for digging up and eating- we can't wait!
Releasing our butterflies in to the wild!
Date: 9th May 2021 @ 5:20pm
Over the past 3 week Reception have been closely observing our classroom caterpillars. We have be watching how they have grown and changed and talking about the lifecycle of the butterfly. When the caterpillars first arrived they were tiny, so small we had to use our magnifying glasses to look at them. Each day they have grown bigger and bigger because they have been eating the caterpillar food. Last week the caterpillars hung upside down and made a chrysalis around their body. At this point we carefully transferred them into out butterfly net and waited patiently for the butterflies to emerge. Finally on Thursday morning we watched as a butterflies emerged from their chrysalis. It was amazing! Their wings were very wet so we had to wait for them to dry. The we put some orange segments in the net for the butterflies to feed on. On Friday afternoon we talked about the importance of the butterflies being free so we let them go in the garden. They were very friendly and they enjoyed perching on the children's hands before flying off. Have a look at some of the amazing pictures of the children holding them.
Date: 4th May 2021 @ 3:39pm
The children in Reception have been busy preparing our raised bed in our garden for planting. We pulled out daffodil bulbs and dug over the soil to make sure it is ready for planting. We then planted our peas that we have in growing inside as well some pumpkin seeds, sunflowers and potatoes.
We talked about what we need to do take care of them.
DT Day- Reception make fruit jelly pots!
Date: 27th Apr 2021 @ 4:59pm
Today in Reception the children have been designing and making their own fruit jelly pots ready for our whole school Olympics opening ceremony buffet. As a class we started off by looking at a range of different fruits. We described what they looked like, how they felt and were even lucky enough to taste them.
Date: 27th Apr 2021 @ 2:59pm
In Reception we have been reading the story
Date: 26th Apr 2021 @ 5:11pm
The children in Reception have started doing daily challenges! Each day the whole class are set a challenge which they have to carry out on their own in order to receive a Challenge Medal! This is to encourage independent learning- they can do it whenever they want but it must be completed by lunchtime! They were very excited to take control of their own learning and very proud to wear a medal. Take a look at some of our photos.
Reception learn about Vaisakhi and Sikhism
Date: 23rd Apr 2021 @ 8:49pm
This week Reception have been learning about Vaisakhi, a very important Sikh festival which a celebrated everyday year in April. The festival celebrates Sikh new year and the founding of the Sikh community in 1699. Miss Kaur brought in come special items from home to share with us and talked to use about how she and her family celebrate this festival together.
We found out the Sikhism originates in India, which is a very long way away. We were lucky enough to look at Miss Kaur's Granth, her special holy book, which includes scriptures and holy stories related to the Sikh religion. We also looked at
Year Group Newsletter Summer 1 2021
Date: 14th Apr 2021 @ 3:52pm
Fee, Fie, Foe, Fum! There's a lot of planting to be done!
Date: 13th Apr 2021 @ 5:12pm
Today in Recepetion a mystery letter delivered to the classroom. The children were so excited to see who it was from. The giant in the sky had sent us some magical beans and set us an important task of growing a beanstalk, just like the one in Jack's garden. As a group we talked about the different things a plant needs to grow big and healthy including; water, sunlight and nutrients from the soil.
Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 2:10pm
Today we have been talking about how we celebrate Easter. The children enjoyed chatting with one another explaining all the lovely things they do with their families and why we celebrate Easter with our families.
"I go on a Easter egg hunt in my garden" Harley-May
"The Easter Bunny comes to my house and bring me chocolate eggs" Arthur
"Jesus dies on the cross and came back to life" Lyra-Rose
"I decorate all my house with my mummy" Ella-Rose.
The children then enjoyed making their own Easter cards at the creative table and writing their own messages to their family and friends. Have a look at our super writing
Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 11:11am
This week in Reception the children have been busy practicing counting on and back using a number line. They children have been using number cards to create their own calculations. They then used the number line to help them work out how answers. The children then recorded their work on a white.
"If your adding the number gets bigger" Mia
"Taking away means it's getting less" Arthur
There Was A Green Hill Far Away.
Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 4:51pm
This week Reception have been learning about why Christians celebrate Easter. We created a picture of the cross on the hill that Jesus was crucified on. We then placed it in our Celebrations box.
"Jesus died on the cross" Toby.
"Jesus was crucified" Leyton.
Date: 22nd Mar 2021 @ 8:07pm
As a class we have been talking about the different changes we have noticed over the past few weeks. These have included; new plants growing, buds on trees, daffodils in our garden, blossom on trees and new life. This afternoon the children paired up and went outside with their clip boards to complete their spring checklist in the forest school area. The children enjoyed looking around the forest school area to find different signs of spring.
"Look Mrs Clark, a bird has made a nest in the tree. The birds are going to lay their eggs" Elliott
"The blossom is growing on the trees" Ellie-Mae
"The trees have buds on them. The leaves are going to grow" Harley-May
"The temperature is warmer today" Ella-Rose
Making animal habitats at Forest School
Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 10:10am
This week at Forest School the children enjoyed learning about animals and their habitats. We talked about different habitas and what animals need to survive. The children then worked together to collect sticks, leaves, grass and stones in their buckets and used them to create their own animal homes.
"I'm putting leaves in mine to keep the animals warm" Ellie-Mae
"We are sticking the sticking in the ground to make a wall" Arthur.
Then we explored the Forest School area and looked for different animal footprints in the mud.
Afterwards we were made a fire to boil the water ready for our warm vimto drink. We talked about how to keep ourselves safe whilst making a fire. The we discussed the three different elements we need to make a fire; heat, wood and air.
"Lisa wears a special fire glove so she doesn't burn her hand' Lyra-Rose
"Never go in the middle of the circle beacuse you might get burnt" Oscar.
At the end of the session we enjoyed a lovely drink of warm vimto and sang some songs around the fire.
Date: 17th Mar 2021 @ 5:25pm
This week we have been continuing our animal topic by looking at animal patterns, making animal and repeating patterns, sorting animals (by the number of legs, climate, patterns) and reading the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? by Eric Carle.
We still continued to look for signs of Spring and drew pictures, wrote words, captions and sentences to capture these experiences.
Date: 14th Mar 2021 @ 2:00pm
What a great first week back we have had in Reception. The children have settled back into school and are eager to learn. This week we have introduced our new topic 'Let's Go Wild' and the children have enjoyed learning about different animals, what they need to survive and the different habitats they live in. We have also been busy in continuous provison making animals, practicing our reading, writing sentences, comparing and ordering numbers and role playing animal stories with our friends. Have a look at some of our amazing work!
Holly Class Forest School Fun!
Date: 11th Mar 2021 @ 8:47pm
It was a very breezy day but Holly Class wrapped up warm and ventured out to take part in Forest School.
First, we warmed up by playing running games and hide a seek and then we used our beady eyes to look for circles in the environment. We found them everywhere, on a bench, on logs and canes, at the bird stop, in plant pots and even in the pond (which had lots of frog spawn!). We then went exploring, trampiing through the soggy grass, raking the mud to plant grass seeds and building towers and seats to sit on using the logs. Alfie even found a frog! The children worked together, helping each other to lift, build, carry and explore.
By the time it was time to go, we were all very muddy and and very hungry. Before we went to lunch, Mrs McAllister hosed all the children down which was to their absolute delight!
Date: 8th Mar 2021 @ 9:51pm
What a wonderful day we had today! Everyone settled back into our class routines so smoothly- lining up in the payground this morning, listening and sitting sensibly during assembly and sharing their lockdown stories with their friends.
We had fun learning about our new topic 'Let's Go Wild!' and even had an animal treasure hunt outiside in the afternoon. Take a look at some of the activites we did today, including reading and writiing, ordering numbers and matching quantities and creating animal patterns.
Date: 8th Mar 2021 @ 8:26pm
What a fantastic day Willow Class have had back at school. The children came in smiling eager to get learning. They lined up beautifully outside and enjoyed sharing their lockdown stories with their teacher and friends over breakfast. The children had a great time finding out all about our new topic 'Let's Go Wild' and even enjoyed an animal treasure hunt in the garden in the afternoon. They enjoyed working in the different areas of the classroom; practicing our reading, writing words and captions at the phonics table, exploring the spring table, painting, ordering numbers and counting out the correct quantity. What a great start everyone!
Date: 17th Jan 2021 @ 5:06pm
Star of the Week goes to Elliott this week for showing commitment and dedication to his home learning, going above and beyond in all areas. Elliott has completed all the home learning tasks as well as completing additional reading and writing activities with his mum. A huge well done! Keep up the hard work, we are very proud of you!
Holly Class Star of the Week- Toby!
Date: 15th Jan 2021 @ 2:02pm
Star of the Week goes to Toby this week for working hard every day. He is completing all of his home learning and uploading super videos of himself reading and talking and we love seeing the photos of his writing and art. Well done!
Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 8:00pm
Each day the children in Willow class have logged onto SeeSaw and completed their daily tasks. They have completed a range of different tasks including number, shape, phonics, art and science. Once I have received each child's work I have ben able to give them feedback by asking additional questions or suggesting next steps. The children and parent have responded extremely well to this. It has been lovely to see how well all the children have adapted and taking home learning in their stride.
You are making me very proud. Keep it up everyone!
Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 7:48pm
The children in Willow Class have been very busy completing their daily home learning tasks over the past two weeks. They have shown great dedication and I am very proud of them all.
In addition their daily tasks the some children have done extra tasks including science experiments, extra phonics practice, ordering objects by length and exercising regularly. I have loved seeing all your pictures and watching your videos. Keep them coming.
Keep up the hard work Willow Class.
Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 7:37pm
Since schools in England shut after Christmas, Willow class have been busy getting to grips with their online learning at home.
They have done so well continuing their reading, writing and numbers and then uploading their work so I can look at it and help them further, offering ideas for their next steps.
Therefore, each week someone from Willow Class will be chosen as ‘Star of the Week’ for their outstanding learning they have done at home.
Well done, Jasmine!