Reception: Blog items
Date: 24th Jan 2022 @ 8:48pm
The children have been busy exploring ice in the outside area. The ice was simply placed on a tray and left for the children to make their own observations, use new vocabulary they had learned that week and show collaboration.
"It feels wet...cold...slippy" Alicja.
"It's melting...look there is water...the sun is melting it" Mercedes.
"When it is cold water freezes" Charlie
Reception Who will escape the quickest?
Date: 18th Jan 2022 @ 6:08pm
Today Recpetion took part in the whole school No Pen Day! Recpetion were faced with a bit of a challenge. Marshmellow the snow monster had used his magic powers to freeze Elsa, Ana, Kristoff and Sven. We have to work together to see which meduim would help them escape the quickest. We discussed which meduims we could use including washing up liquid, salt, warm water and a scrubby brushy. As a class we made and prediction and talk about why we thought that. The children had some fantastic discussions and made some superb observations about what was happening. They even learnt some new scientific words including melting, freezing, liquid, solid and temperature.
"The ice is melting becuase my hand are hot" Evelyn
"You need something warm to melt it like the sun" Isaac
"It doesn't melt in the freezer because the temperature is cold" Isobelle
"The ice is turning into water when it melts" James
"When it is cold water freezes" Maja
Date: 13th Jan 2022 @ 8:15pm
This week in school we launch the WOW Walk to School Campaugn where the children learnt about how walking to school can benefit their health and wellbeing. We also discussed how less cars on the road can have a positive effect on the environment. Back in the classroom we discussed the importance of keep ourselves safe whilst crossing the road. We were visited by our School Crossing Officier Zoe who gave us some top safety tips.
Always stop, look and listen
Find a safe place to cross e.g. a pedestrian crossing or a Zebra crossing
Always hold an adults hand
Don't run incase you fall over.
Never cross between parked cars
After our visit we made a road outside in the garden and put her advise into action.
Reception Walking in a Winter Wonderland
Date: 11th Jan 2022 @ 9:19am
This week we have been learning all about the season of winter. We have been talking about how the temperature is colder and the days are much shorter. We have been observing the changes in our outdoor area and discussing ourobservations with our friends.
"The temperature is cold" I need to wear my hat and gloves" Marleigh.
"All the leaves have fallen off. The trees are bare" Isobelle
"It is very dark in the morning" Evelyn.
Our classroom has also been transformed into a winter wonderland where we have been reading wintery stories, solving winter maths problems and doing some fantastic winter themed writing in the writng areas.
Reception Now Press Play...The Christmas Story
Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 12:02pm
The children of Reception have been learning about why Christians celebrate Christmas and this week we listened to the Christmas Story using the headphones. They followed the instructions and went on an exciting journey to Bethlehem where baby Jesus was born.
Take a look at pur photos!
Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 11:55am
We had a very special visitor to our Reception Christmas Party this week- Father Christmas! The children were so excited! After dancing and singing and playing games, such as pass the parcel, they heard sleigh bells ringing and just like that- he appeared at our door!
He listened to what each child wanted for Christmas and then gave them all a present!
Merry Christmas to you all!
Date: 13th Dec 2021 @ 9:05pm
Reception have been very busy over the last few weeks rehearsing for our annual Nativity production. Through songs, acting, story telling, art and crafts, Reception have been learning why Christians celebrate Christmas.
"Jesus was born" Ariella
"Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem on a donkey" Charlie
"There was nowhere to stay" Isaac.
"There was a bright star" Isabelle
"The three kings visited baby Jesus" Marleigh
"They brought gold, frankincense and myrrh" Loui.
Date: 7th Dec 2021 @ 8:55pm
You can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man!
Yes- you've guessed it! Reception have been enjoying the story of The Gingerbread Man. We have been sequencing the story and discussing the different characters, designing our own gingerbread men and even had an outdoor bakery! However, the most exciting part was that we were able to practice our handwriting outside on our new blackboards that Mrs McAllister installed.
Take a look at what we've been doing.
Date: 7th Dec 2021 @ 8:19pm
This week have have been getting into the Christmas spirit by celebrating at our 'Sparkle and Shine' disco and enjoying a delicious Christmas dinner. We came in to school wearing our christmas jumpers and ready to enjoy our dinner includung turkey, roast potatoes, stuffing, vegetables and even pigs in blankets. We pulled our crackers, wore our party hats and enjoyed a festive feast!
At the school disco we enjoyed wearing our party clothes, dancing with our friends, playing pass the parcel and even enjoyed a lovely hot dog and juice.
Date: 30th Nov 2021 @ 8:17pm
Reception have been learning the beginnings of gymnastics in PE. They have been using their bodies to make different shapes. This develops strength, fitness, confidence and flexibility. It is also a lot of fun!
Take a look at how we are doing!
Date: 30th Nov 2021 @ 8:02pm
This week Reception Christmas has arrived. We have been busy writing letters to Santa, designing and building toys in Santa's workshop and learning about the story of the first Christmas. We have been reading the story 'The Gingerbread Man'. We have been making story maps and asding labels and simple sentences using our phonic knowledge. We have also been busy ordering gingerbread numbers 1-10, subtising using a dice by playing roll the gingerbred man, retelling the story at the storytelling table, painting gingerbread men and collaging them at the creative table. What a busy week.
Date: 30th Nov 2021 @ 6:15pm
The children in Reception have been working super hard on their basis number skills. We have been learning to subtise small quantities up to six by looking patterns and arrangements of number. We have been arranging autumnal objects in diffferent ways during continuous provision. We have also be learning the importance on counting carefully and understanding a quantities cardinal value. We have been learning to order our number up to 10 and exploring the composition of thiese numbers using tens frames and part part whole models. Have a look at our super learning.
There's no such thing as a Gruffalo...
Date: 23rd Nov 2021 @ 9:55pm
...or is there? Reception have certainly had lots of fun listening to the story of The Gruffalo! We then painted and collaged him and wrote a list of the food we thought he might like to eat . Also, describing the features of the Gruffalo, through the Gruffalo Song, really helped us remember what he looked like- just in case we ever came across one ourselves!
"Purple prickles down his back" Isaac
"A black tongue, orange eyes and claws" Charlie
"He had horns" Mercedes.
"Green wart at the end of his nose" Evelyn.
Date: 18th Nov 2021 @ 10:56am
This week Reception were visiting by Police Community Support Officers Ally and Clare. They came in to talk to use about their role in the community and how they help to keep us safe. We talked about how we they were a special uniform so we can recognise them when they are out in the community. They explained how they help lots of different people in our local area including elderly people and young teenagers. We also talked about Stranger Danger and what do do if we lost our parents or carers whilst we are out. We learnt the phrase Run,Yell, Tell and even practiced shouting for help with our loudest voices. We talked about the importance of rules and why we need to follow them both in school and in our community.
Date: 14th Nov 2021 @ 10:13pm
This week Reception have been making poppies for our Remembrance Garden, creating our own to wear and painting poppies as part of a whole school art week.
"We wear poppies on Remembrance Day" Evelyn.
"We wear poppies to remember the soldiers who died" Charlie.
Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 12:16pm
Reception have been learning about Bonfire Night and keeping safe around fireworks and sparklers.
We have made some super Bonfire Night pictures- take a look!
"Don't light the firework- get an adult to do it" Charlie
"Stay away from the fire and fireworks - you could get burnt" Oscar.
Why are there so many leaves on the ground in Autumn?
Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 12:10pm
Holly went on a woodland walk to Salisbury Woods to find the answer to this question!
In the woods we saw lots of leaves on the ground, all different colours, and some were even falling to the ground as we walked along. We collected leaves, looked at their shape, size and colour and learnt that some leaves in Autumn die, change colour and then fall off the trees. We also learnt that some trees are evergreen and don't loose their leaves in Autumn but stay green all year".
We also had fun climbing trees, listening to the sound the leaves made as we ran through them, created leaf angels, played Pooh sticks and spotted some woodland animals, such as a Robin and a squirrel.
"This is a big is brown and oval shape". Mercedes.
"The leaves make a crunchy sound!" Oscar.
"I see orange, brown, yellow and red leaves everywhere!" Jaxon.
"The leaves have died and fallen off the trees." Charlie
If you go down to the woods today..!
Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 11:20am
This week the children in Willow class enjoyed a trip to Salisbury Woods where we were observing seasonal change and collecting lots of autumnal objects like leaves, pine cones, acrons and conkers. The children had a great time exploring the outdoors and were even lucky enough to spot some woodland animals. When we returned to school we produced some lovely writing about the things we saw, made autumn sun catchers using the things we had collected and did some leave printing.
Date: 8th Nov 2021 @ 8:21pm
The children in Reception have been busy learning about Diwali the festival of light. As part of our learning the children and teachers in Reception held a Diwali Celebration Day where the children were invited to dress in bright colours. Throughout the day we learnt about different Sikh and Hindu Diwali trandtions including making our own Rangoli Patterns to welcome people, making and decorating salt dough diva lamps to put in our houses, learning a Sikh dancel and preparing a sikh desert 'a ladoo'. We also looked at some tradition clothing and had the opportunity to ty them on. We designed and made Diwali card which we sent to our friends and family. At the end of the day we had a Diwali celebration in the dance studio where we preformed our dance to Miss Ashton and Miss Moyes. To close the day we sat in a circle and lit our diva lamps together. We reflectied on our learning and thought carefully about the importance of being kind to others ensuring good overcomes evil. What a fabulous day of learning. Have a look at some of our pictures!
Date: 3rd Nov 2021 @ 9:28am
This week our classrooms were transformed for Halloween. We enjoyed making potions, carving pumpkins, role playing in our haunted house, painting spooky pictures, labelling spooky characters and playing halloween games. Have a look at our super learning.
Date: 1st Nov 2021 @ 9:26pm
In Reception, it's not only our teachers who help us- there are lots of other people at school who help us too.
Mrs Bunday, Deputy Head Teacher, Mrs Jones- Boast, School Business Manager and Mr Galloway and Mr Harding, the Premises Team all visited us and explained what their role was within school. At the end of the week, we went to the dance studio and took part in the activity 'Now Press Play' all about 'People Who Help Us'. Here, we listened to a story, using head phones, followed the instructions to act out a narrative- such good fun!
Take a look at some of our memories from the week.
Date: 12th Oct 2021 @ 9:57pm
This week in Reception have been lucky enough to be visited by SMJ Falconry who brought 4 different owls to visit us; JD, Midge, Bobby and Titch. We found out lots of interesting facts about the owls including what they like to eat, what they look like, where they live and different features on their bodies including their sharp talons (claws). We disccused how some owls are nocturnal, which means they sleep in the day and wake up at night. The children throught of some excellent quesions to ask including;
What do owls eat? Isaac
Do they just make noises at night? Marleigh
How do owls hear? Do they have ears? Indi-Anna
When we returned to class we read the story Owl Babies. We then enjoyed using the props at the storytelling table to help us retell the story,
In maths we, played the owl game and practised recognising numbers 1-6 and subtising using a dice. We also used the owl number cards to put numbers in the correct order from 1-10.
The children also drew pictures from the story and labelled them with the initial sound.
In the creative area we enjoyed collaging owls using a range of different materials and painting the owl babies ising sponges.
Have a look at some of our amazing learning!
Date: 12th Oct 2021 @ 5:01pm
Over the last few weeks, Reception have been collecting food for the Harvest Festival.
This year was a bumper year with a huge selection of food such as, pasta, rice, soup and tinned fruit and vegatables.
A great big thank you to all our parents and carers who donated food this year!
Date: 6th Oct 2021 @ 3:54pm
Today, Year 2 explored their Science topic of Animals and their habitats further. We were aliens from another planet searching for another habitat and we had lost our co-pilot Shift. Whilst exploring the different habitats we encountered a variety of animals that would be found in that habitat. As we strolled through the rainforest a monkey helped us swing between trees and we grew feathers to keep warm in the Arctic. Miss Hooson and Miss Duckworth were impressed with the everyone's listening skills.
Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 7:01pm
After reading the story 'Little Red Hen', Reception decided to bake their own bread but, unlike the story, they all helped each other to do it. Once it had baked in the oven, they all sat down and enjoyed eating their bread together.
They talked about the different ingredients in bread and why they were using a recipe. They discussed how the wheat grew and was then cut and ground at the mill where it turned into flour. All children mixed and kneaded the dough and, after sharing the bread to eat, many of them wanted another piece!
'It tastes warm" Mercedes.
"It is the best bread ever- so crunchy and then soft!" Charlie
'It's yummy!" Amelia