Nursery: Blog items

Nursery Exploring Farms

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 4:03pm

Nursery have been exploring farms this week and we have had so much fun! We've sheered sheep, made pigs, cows and chickens, counted farm animals and made milkshakes. The children have been developing their finger muscles by using tweezers to put wool on sheep and building pens for the animals out of playdough. 

Nursery Visit the Farm

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 3:38pm

Nursery had a super time when the mobile farm visited school. They found out about the animals and what they like to eat and drink and really enjoyed grooming the sheep, goats and donkey. We talked about what happens on a farm, where the animals sleep and how we get milk from a cow and wool from a sheep. 

Nursery Explore Outside

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 12:07pm

Our outdoor classroom provides lots of wonderful opportunities for our children to develop their own ideas and learning. This week they have been exploring the water area and making picnics and delicious cups of tea. They loved looking for strawberries on our strawberry plants and built an ice cream shop using bricks. These ideas all came from the children as they used the avalible resources in their own way. 

Nursery and the Bumble Bear

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 11:51am

This week we have been enjoying a great story called Bumble Bear all about a bear who loves honey so much he decides to join bee school! We have been exploring the striped pattern of the bumble bee, learning how bees make honey and making our own bees out of playdough. The children have also been following a step by step guide to draw a bee - great for learning how to follow instructions! Its been a very buzzzzzy week! 

Nursery Exploring Number

Date: 11th May 2023 @ 3:07pm

Nursery have been working hard developing their number skills this week. During our Bug in a Jar activity, the children rolled a dice and used their subitisng skills to say how many spots were on the dice. They then had to count out the matching number of bugs to go in the bug jar. 

Nursery Superworm is Super Strong!

Date: 11th May 2023 @ 2:55pm

This week we have read the story "Superworm" about a worm with super strength. The chidlren have been busy exploring length by making longer and shorter worms and adding colours to worms to create a repeating pattern. In the story, Wizard Lizard has a magic flower, the children have been busy trying to create their own magical flowers! 

Nursery Find Some Snail Slime

Date: 4th May 2023 @ 10:43am

Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell left us a gift of some slime! The chilldren had a great time exploring the slime and it initiated some wonderful converstaions with the children. They used some great words to describe the slime such as "stretchy, sticky, boingy and bouncy". They were fascinated watching the slime stretch and talked about how long their slime was and whose was longer. The slime also provided a super work out for the childrens fingers with all the pulling, stretching, poking a rolling. 

Nursery Meet Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell

Date: 4th May 2023 @ 10:29am

We have been reading a brilliant story called Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell. Norman is a happy little slug until he sees some snails and thinks their shells are amazing! Norman then goes on a mission to find himself a shell and ends up with a doughnut shell! We have been exploring the wonderful sprial patterns  you find on a snails shell. We have made sprials using playdough, drawn spirals and traced over spiral patterns - its a wonder we haven't got dizzy! 

Nursery Plant Some Cress

Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 11:35am

Continuing with our Growth and Change theme, we have experimented with growing some cress seeds, Instead of planting the seeds in soil, we have used wet cotton wool! If you want to try at home, all you need are some cress seeds, cotton wool, a pot and some water. Put your cotton wool in the water and give it a squeeze (you don't want it to be too wet!) then put the cotton wool in the pot. Finally, sprinkle the cress seeds on top and wait for the magic to happen! 

Nursery Explore Planting Seeds

Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 11:28am

Nursery have been exploring growth and change and this week we have been learning about planting seeds. We read the story "Jasper's Beanstalk" about a cat who finds a bean and plants it in his garden. We planted our own beans and we really hope they grow in to giant beanstalks! We talked about how to look after our beans and that they need soil, water and sunlight to help them grow. Our planting didn't stop there! We have been very busy planting sunflowers in our outdoor classroom. We also used different construction toys to see who could build the tallest beanstalk - we had some whoopers! We explored shape by making our own Jasper using triangles and circles. 

Nursery Retelling Stories

Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 8:44pm

Reading stories is an important part of the chidlren's learning in nursery and each week we will read an engaging story that the children become familair with over the week. Throughout the week they begin to join in with familiar parts of the story, then begin to retell parts and answer questions about the story. There are always story props avaliable so the children can retell the story. All of this is a great way to develop the chidlren's communication and langauge skills. 

Nursery The Hungry Very Caterpillar

Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 8:31pm

We have throughly enjoyed reading the classic story by Eric Carle "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". Through the story the chidlren have learnt about the life cycle of a butterfly, looked at the symmetry of butterfly wings, counted the food the caterpillar ate each day and used the light box to explore the red and green colours of the caterpillar. 

Nursery Easter Treats

Date: 6th Apr 2023 @ 2:34pm

Nursery finished off a fab half term with some Easter fun! The Easter Bunny paid us a special visit and hid a golden egg in the school. The children had to follow the Easter clues to find the Golden Egg. The children were delighted to find that the Golden Egg was full of delicious chocolate! The chocolate fun didn't stop there. To finish off the week we made some tasty Easter nests! 

Nursery Easter Stay and Play

Date: 6th Apr 2023 @ 2:25pm

Nursery had a super stay and play with our parents. There were lots of fun Easter crafts to do and it was lovely to see so many parents coming to play with their children. They made Easter Bunny bookmarks, iced some Easter biscuits and did some Easter egg printing. 

Nursery Explore Building

Date: 2nd Apr 2023 @ 3:28pm

It's wonderful when a certain activity really engages children and you can see their skills developing. One of our nursery superstars has really enjoyed exploring the constructuion area recently and has been working really hard to develop his skills. He has gone from building simple towers, to adding features to his towers and is now able to build with a purpose in mind - this week he has made a train! Amazing work! 

Nursery Hop To It!

Date: 2nd Apr 2023 @ 3:19pm

Nursery began their Easter celebrations with lots of fun activites. The chlldren loved exploring the Easter sensory tray and have been building their fine motor muscles by putting small chicks in eggs, using tweezers to pick uo Easter pom poms and putting pegs on numbered Easter Bunnies. There have been lots of fun Easter crafts and an Easter themed maths table - we've had en eggcellent time! 

Whole School Art Day 2023

Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 11:21am

On Thursday all the children fully embraced a whole school art day. From Nursery to Year 6 you could hear the sound of paper being ripped and cut as the children created collages of different things you can find in their home town of Blackpool. From transport in Year 3 to famous landmarks in Year 5, from trees and flowers in Year 1 to collaged signs in Year 6. The children have created some superb pieces of artwork and these are all going to be displayed together to create a whole school mural.

Nursery Art Day

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 4:44pm

Nursery enjoyed taking part in the whole school Art Day. Our first task was to make the backgrounds for the display that is going to be created from all the art work. The children used sponges, rolllers, tights filled with rice and washing up brushes to create some grass, sky and a road. The rest of the school were using collage to create their art work so we joined in with this by making some collage bugs. 

Nursery Learn about Shapes

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 4:35pm

This week we have been learning all about shapes in nursery. We have been identifying a square, rectangle, triangle and circle and have started to learn the properties of each shape. The children have explored shape through printing, buildling, sorting and by finding shapes in everyday objects. We have also been looking at how we can arrange shapes to make pictures and have created a rocket and a house using shapes. 

Nursery Find Some Poo in the Zoo

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 11:37am

It's not everyday you go to school and are allowed to talk about poo but that's exactly what happened this week in nursery! We read the story "Poo in the Zoo" all about a zoo keeper who is always cleaning up the animals poop. That is until one day when an Iguana eats some fireflies and ends up doing an amazing glowing poo! The zoo keeper sells the magical poo to Hector Gloop who collects poo (yuk!) and buys himself a Robot Pooper Scooper with the money! The children really enjoyed the story and made their own magical poos, counted poos, and painted some tiger stripes. We talked about herbivores and carniviores and added leafs to the playdough to create herbivore poo. For health and safety puproses, no real poo was used the process! 

Nursery Explore Space

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 11:24am

Nursery took part in science day by exploring space through art, maths and music. They created a wonderful piece of collaborative art work showing a super outer space scene. They then created their own space pictures. Using shapes, the children then made some 3D rockets. They thought carefully about the shapes they would need and where to put them. To end the day, the children enjoyed a space themed music session. They sang "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom" and sent planets soaring in to the air using the parachute! 

Nursery - Dear Zoo

Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 9:26am

We have been readig the story "Dear Zoo" and have enjoyed exploring all the animals from the story. The children have investigated farm animals and zoo animals and sorted them in to two groups and they have made up stories about zoo animals using the zoo small world. The children have painted some wonderful pictures of zoo animals and made some swirly snakes. Outside they built cages for animals using magnetic shapes, made playdough zoo animals and created some food for the animals. 

Nursery - Developing our Mark Making Skills

Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 9:09am

The children are working really hard developing their mark making skills. At this stage there are alot of skills for the children to develop. They have to develop their fine and gross motor skills so their muscles are strong enough to support their pencil grip, they have lots of opportunities to practise drawing lines and circles which goes on to support letter formation and once they have made marks on paper or begun to copy some letter shapes, the children give meaning to the marks they have made on the paper. This week we have been reading "Dear Zoo" and the children practsied their writing and mark making by writing labels for the zoo animal and writing to the zoo to tell them which pet they would like. 

Nursery World Book Day

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 10:15pm

We had some visitors in Nursery today. Woody from Toy Story came for a snack, The Grufflo explored the maths area, we had a visit from Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs, Little Red Riding Hood built a tower and Peter Rabbit hopped by! Then Dorethy came by with Toto the dog, Alice in Wonderland did some drawing and a Cheerleader shook her pom poms! Later they all sat together to make a bookmark. If only everyday could be like World Book Day! 

Nursery are Superheroes!

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 8:49pm

Nursery have been undertaking their superhero training this week. They had to complete a superhero obstacle course being careful not to fall in the river of crocodiles and making their way carefully down the slide of snakes! They designed and made their own superhero cuff that gave them superpowers and made their own masks. There were lots of superhero activities including measuring superheroes, rescuing the superheroes who had been captured by the baddies and making up stories using the small world figures. We also read a fab story called "There's A Superhero In Your Book" by Tom Fletcher. It has been a super week! 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

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01253 287250:

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust