Nursery: Blog items

Nursery Explore Elephant Poo

Date: 27th Mar 2025 @ 3:06pm

This week we have been reading the story "Poo in the Zoo". The chidlren came to school to discover a big lump of elephant poo in the tuff tray! "Ewww! What's that?" they said. We discussed what it looked like and how it might of got there. We remembered that Miss Walsh had been to the zoo on Tuesday and maybe she had trodden in it or an elephant did a poo in her bag! The children explored the poo (wearing safety googles of course) and pulled bits out using tweezers. They found bits of food and a few stones! It was a great discussion point and encouraged lots of conversation. 

(Disclaimer - it wasn't real elephant poo!)

Nursery Make a Shepherd's Pie

Date: 27th Mar 2025 @ 2:57pm

This week Mrs Welch was treated to a delicious Shepherd's Pie made in the mud kitchen. One child led the play and started off cutting the carrots to go in the pie. He then added mud and sand and another child said "I will go and get you some water". They came back with a jug of water which they added to the pie. This was then mixed together. The children showed the pie to Mrs Welch but she was firmly told "Don't eat it yet! It's hot!". When it had cooled down, the pie was given to Mrs Welch to enjoy. She ate every last bit and said it was the best Shepherd's Pie she had ever tasted. 

Nursery Meet a Gorilla called Thomas

Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 8:04pm

Nursery joined in with Science and Geography day. Teachrex came to school a brought a very freindly gorilla called Thomas. The children learnt all about Thomas and where he lives and even got to have a little cuddle They also met a baby sloth! We had a wonderful day and really enjoyed learnig about all the animals. 

Nursery and the Wonder of Water Play

Date: 19th Mar 2025 @ 8:51pm

The children absolutely love water play and it is wonderful watching them lead their own play, make decisons and work together. Water play provides opportunities for physical development, both fine and gross motor, as the chidlren pour and fill different size containers and move pipes. They also work together, discuss ideas and negotiate which supports PSED and communication and language development. There are also opportunties to learn about capacity. The children can honestly spend hours exploring and learning the water tray! 

Nursery Explore Colour Mixing

Date: 19th Mar 2025 @ 8:33pm

The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the life of a frog and we're hoping to see some tadpoles emerging from the frogspawn soon! Learning about frogs led us on nicley to exploring colour mixing and how to make green to paint our frogs. The children learnt that yellow and blue make green and how you can make different shades of green by adding more yellow or blue to the mixture. 

Nursery and the Frogs

Date: 12th Mar 2025 @ 4:52pm

We were so excited to find a frog in our garden a few days ago! We got it safely back to the pond area only to find it had returned a few days later - he must like us! With the children so excited, we took the opportunity to learn about the life cycle of a frog. We carefully collect some frogspawn from the pond and the children are fasinated watching all the little changes that take place. Fingers crossed we will get to see some tadpoles emerging from the frogspawn soon! 

Nursery and World Book Day

Date: 11th Mar 2025 @ 10:17pm

Nursery made a superb effort for World Book Day! We had Willy Wonka, but he forgot to bring his chocolate, Dorothy who had lost her way from the yellow brick road and Zog who was taking a break from his dragon training! We had a wonderful day sharing our favourite stoires, drawing book characters and making book marks. 

Nursery Make Pancakes

Date: 4th Mar 2025 @ 5:18pm

Nursery celebrated Pancake day with a stack of delicious pancakes! We read the story "Mr Wolf's Pancakes" and talked about the ingredients you need to make the pancake batter. We talked a little bit about why we celebrate Shrove Tuesday before the children helped to mix the pancake batter. They children watched patiently as Mrs Welch cooked the pancakes and even managed to successfully toss a few! It was all worth the wait as the chidlren thought the pancakes were delicious!

Nursery get in to Bubbly Troubly!

Date: 4th Mar 2025 @ 5:10pm

We have really enjoyed reading another Supertato adventure - Supertato Bubbly Troubly! This time the Evil Pea cause chaos by swapping normal bubbles for bubbles that cause trouble! The children created their own bubbly trouble by seeing who could blow the biggest bubble mountain and then making a picture! They did this by using a mixture of water, food colouring annd washing up liquid and then creating a print from the bubble on paper. It was a lot of bubbly fun! 

Nursery Try to Capture the Evil Pea!

Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 2:42pm

We have been reading the story "Supertato" and came to school to find that the Evil Pea had captured all the veggies and then disappeared! We decided we needed to find the Evil Pea so we made some Wanted Posters. The children drew a picture of the Evil Pea and then wrote P for pea. Let's hope it helps to capture the Evil Pea! 

Nursery Visit the Library

Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 2:33pm

Nursery had a visit from Zoe who works for the library service. We were very excitied to show her our school Library and Zoe was equally excited to see it! While she was here, Zoe read us a Supertato story and then we were given a Bookstart pack to take home with some lovely stories to share at home. 

Nursery and the Balance Bikes

Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 4:41pm

Nursery had a brilliant time on the Balance Bikes. They learnt all about taking care of the bikes and how to check the tyres. They then crusied their way aroind the hall balancing perfectly on the bikes!

Nursery and the 100th Day

Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 4:30pm

Nursery celebrated the 100th day in school with some super maths activities. We listened to the story "How Many Jelly Beans" and then counted out 100 jelly beans together - it took a long time! The children were given some jelly beans and had to find out how many they had. They then had to represent the number of jelly beans they had by drawing marks on paper. The children were also given 100 plastic cups and had to see how many different towers they could build with the cups there were some amazing creations!

Nursery Invite you to Tea

Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 2:59pm

The children cooked up a real treat in the mud kithen this week! If apples, carrots, flowers and a dash of mud are your cup of tea then head over to the Nursery Mud Kitchen! The children worked hard chopping and mixing. It was wonderful to see them working together and sharing cutlery. There was a great discussion about the inside of an apple as they discovered a star shape where the pips had been and how we can grow apple trees from the pips. 

Nursery Explore Cloud Dough

Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 2:47pm

The children had a bit of a shock this week when what they thought was playdough turned out to be cloud dough! Cloud dough has a differernt texture and consistancy to playdough but is still great for developing those fine motor muslces and is a great discussion point. Through exploring the dough, the children discovered that it is very crumbly but when you squeeze it tightly in to a ball it will all stick together. They also discovered how messy it is as there was flour all over them and the the floor! 

Nursery Hunt for Treasure

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 10:16pm

Nursery have been having lots of fun being pirates this week and to end things off they went on a Treasure Hunt! We discovered a treasure map and the children were very good at identifying all the familair features on the map to find the treasure. They were very excited to discover a treasure chest full of gold coins, gems and most importantly - chocolate! 

Nursery Create Story Maps

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 9:47pm

In Nursery we have a focus story that we base our learning around for 1 - 2 weeks.The children become familair with the story and are able to retell it using probs and pictures. To support this, we have started to create story maps where the children place pictures in the correct order to retell the story. The chidlren are becoming familair with the vocabulary of first, next, then and finally, 


Nursery and the Pirates

Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 2:47pm

This week nursery were lucky enough to listen to a story told my the author Dan Worsley. The story had a pirate theme and the chidlren were hooked! When we got back to nursery, we decdied to carry on the Pirate theme and raided our Pirate box! The chidlren made up their own stories using small world figures and then made a pirate ship out of wooden blocks.We had such a wonderful time that we decided to carry on the pirate theme next week! 

Nursery Paint the Ice

Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 2:41pm

Nursery explored a different way to paint when they were provided with blocks of ice, paint and paint brushes. We talked about the texture of the ice, how it was hard to paint on it because the ice was slippy and obserevd how the ice began to melt the more we painted on it. The children also enjoyed discovering what happened to the colours as they mixed together and water was added. 

Dan Worsley's Storytelling Assembly

Date: 21st Jan 2025 @ 8:03pm

Today the children in EYFS and Key Stage one participated in a special storytelling assembly led by one of our school's favourite author's Dan Worsley.  During the assembly, Dan put on the superpowered storytelling waistcoat and used a variety of props to perform one of his weird and wacky ‘Impossible Tales’.  The children were engrossed while Dan took them on an adventure meeting the 'Boss Pirate' and enjoyed thoroughly enjoyed participating at different of the story .  All the children listened carefully and were an absolute credit to Boundary.

Nursery and the Story Maps

Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 4:38pm

This week we introduced story mapping to the nursery children. Using our focus story, the children were given four pictures and together we placed then in the correct order using the vocabulary of "first, next, then and last". Once we had practised together, the children then had a go on their own and did amazingly well! 

Nursery and the Snowmen

Date: 16th Jan 2025 @ 4:31pm

Nursery have been learnig all about Winter and as part of our topic the chidlren made 3D snowmen. They had to manipulate the dough to create balls, then attach them together and then add some special features to to make the snowmen their own!

Nursery Make the Most of the Snow

Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 2:44pm

Nursery had a wondeful time exploring the snow this week! We made sure we wrapped up warm and then went out to make snow angels and build mini snowmen. The children also had a great time sliding down the very slippery slide. Some of the snow began to melt and we talked about why it was starting to melt. 

Nursery Build a Snowman

Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 2:35pm

Nursery have been practising counting by building snowmen using cotton wool pads. They had to count out three cotton wool pads, two eyes and one nose. We talked about stopping when we had reached the given number and used vocabulary including too many and too few to describe different amounts. 

Nursery and the Hot Chocolate Station

Date: 18th Dec 2024 @ 1:11pm

Nursery had a wonderful time making Hot Chocolate at the tuff tray. They had to share and take turns, carefully scoop the ingreidents in to cups and talk to each other about what they were doing. 

We then had a special treat of a real Hot Chocolate with cream and marshmallows! 

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Boundary Primary School

Dinmore Ave, Blackpool FY3 7RW

School Office

01253 287250:

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please contact the school office and we can provide this, free of charge.

Proud to be part of the Synergy Trust